UN talks on a treaty to end global plastic pollution open in Paris

  • last year

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00:00 "What do we want?
00:01 Global plastic free."
00:02 "When do we want it?"
00:03 "Now!"
00:04 Protesters got their message across outside UNESCO headquarters in Paris to say "choose
00:08 people over polluters" - raising concerns about the influence of industry lobbies on
00:14 discussions.
00:16 Inside the UN Environment Programme, hosting talks released a blueprint to reduce plastic
00:21 waste by 80% by 2040 - and warned against halfway measures.
00:27 "Only elimination, reduction, a full life cycle approach, transparency and a just transition
00:36 only those can bring success because the truth is that we cannot recycle our way out of this
00:42 mess."
00:43 The stakes are high in finalising a global treaty on plastic pollution.
00:47 One million plastic bottles are purchased every minute worldwide.
00:51 Up to five trillion plastic bags are used each year.
00:54 And half of all the plastic we use is designed for single use only.
00:59 "Plastic pollution is everywhere."
01:01 Countries are divided.
01:03 Around 50 nations are in a coalition to reduce use and production, with others such as the
01:08 US and China.
01:10 Insisting better waste management is the answer.
01:13 "On one hand, we have the High Ambition Coalition.
01:19 It's a group of states committed to a strong ambition, including the European Union, Canada
01:24 and Mexico.
01:25 And on the other hand, we have the United States, China, Saudi Arabia and Russia, who
01:31 are less ambitious and prefer to have voluntary measures on end-of-life waste."
01:37 Key issues include methods for financing policies, as well as how they'd be implemented and reported
01:43 on.
01:44 The goal is to get an agreement next year for a treaty, in mid-2025.
