• last year
00:00 Today I'm going to be doing something slightly different. I've never done a tea haul before.
00:04 That's because I actually don't buy a lot of tea. What I do is I buy in bulk,
00:09 not bulk, but I buy a lot of packages and then
00:12 they usually last me for like six to eight months depending on how much I get. So I don't do these too often,
00:18 don't think I'm buying all this kind of tea all the time.
00:21 But this time around I went for tea pigs and
00:24 the reason I did that is because I ran out of my favorite tea ever.
00:29 Yes, my favorite tea ever and I'm going to show you.
00:32 So I ran out of this and I was living without it for a couple of days and I just thought I can't
00:37 live without this much longer. So I made an online order and while I was like getting this one
00:41 I was like, right, I kind of like the sounds of that, like the sounds of that, I'll get that one.
00:46 So I ended up with a few boxes of tea in the mail and but anyways as I'm rambling already
00:51 let me just start with the one that
00:54 you know spurred on this whole order. So this is, oh sorry about this messy tape here.
00:59 Okay, okay. Well, there you go. That didn't make things much better. Just stick that to the bottom.
01:06 This is the Tea Pigs licorice and peppermint tea and as you can see I got a huge box of it.
01:11 I don't know how many bags it has in here. 50 biodegradable tea temples.
01:17 So I got a huge ass box of this because I was like, I know I go through it.
01:22 I probably have at least at least two cups of this a day at least and that's
01:27 that's being modest. I have I probably have about four to five. Okay, I drink a lot of tea. Don't judge me.
01:34 But this one is really actually cool and I recommend it to everyone. If you don't even think you like licorice
01:40 you might like this. It has a very specific taste so it's not for everyone, but it's just like a regular tea.
01:47 You don't put any sugar, don't put any milk in there. Well, I don't anyway. And when you drink it, it tastes good.
01:52 But then after it hits you on the back of your tongue like this
01:55 surge of sweetness like after dinner and you don't want to like mow down on ice cream or something. This can
02:00 sometimes, not all the time, but it can sometimes help curb that craving.
02:04 I really like Tea Pigs because their tea comes in these like little temples, I guess they're called.
02:10 So they're like triangular things in this mesh bag and you know, it's the little things. It really is.
02:16 I also really like green tea, but I've got lots of regular green tea and I saw this one.
02:20 It's green tea with mint. It's really good. Actually, I know Starbucks has a certain type of, I think it might be like the Taz O tea,
02:28 has green tea and mint and I always really like that one. So I thought I would go for this myself.
02:32 I love it. When I want a cup of tea that's not super sweet like the licorice and peppermint,
02:37 this one is really good because it's quite plain tasting but it still has that minty-ness which makes it really really nice.
02:43 This one is called Tang Ting Oolong Tea.
02:46 And I was just reading on the website because it goes into like specific detail of what each tea is and it really caught my eye.
02:52 So I'm just gonna read what they have on the back of the box.
02:55 It says, "What's special about this tea? Tang Ting tea is named after the mountainous Taiwanese region where it grows.
03:01 Oolong tea is a part fermented tea with the strength of a black tea, but the aromatic flavor of green tea."
03:08 So it really does, you can really taste like the black tea and the green tea in there. So that's quite cool.
03:14 It says, "These teas sell in Taiwan for hundreds of dollars, slightly more pricey than your average cuppa, but worth every penny."
03:19 So I don't know if I would be paying hundreds of dollars for this.
03:23 But it does taste really good and it just basically is something different than your average cup of like regular tea.
03:30 I really wanted to make iced tea because I'm trying to wean myself off sugary juices and just kind of go for something more
03:37 plain, more just just just basically less sugar.
03:42 So this is the super fruit tea and this one is like dark dark purpley red when you brew it.
03:49 It says, "We can't get enough of our blueberries and cranberries since we found out they're full of superpowers. For an antioxidant boost,
03:55 try this blend of real berry pieces which deliver a unique punchy taste."
03:59 These have little pieces of actual fruit in the tea bags.
04:04 This was my first time trying a fruit tea and I was really pleasantly surprised because I don't normally like, I love eating fruit
04:11 but I never really like drinking fruit teas.
04:13 But I don't know how I would know that because I've never had it.
04:16 But you know how in your mind you just don't think you'd like something?
04:19 Well, I like this a lot more than I thought. It's not very sweet. That's the other thing that kind of surprised me.
04:24 I expected it to be sweet.
04:25 I'm not sure why because it's tea, but I was kind of expecting the same sort of thing as the licorice and peppermint one, that same feeling.
04:31 But I didn't but ooh, maybe it would be good to mix this with licorice and peppermint. Is that sick? Do people mix teas?
04:37 Is that a thing?
04:39 But it's great on its own and it's really good as iced tea as well.
04:43 You can add a little bit of sweetener in there if you really want to.
04:45 I'm not gonna lie, I had to Google how to say "Rayboss" because I always thought it was "Rooboss"
04:52 but it's "Rayboss" according to the internet. But this is the "Rooboss" or is it "Rayboss"? What did I just say?
04:59 It's "Rayboss". So this is "Rayboss Cream Caramel Tea"
05:04 And I bought this for Aslan actually because he really likes this "Rayboss" kind of tea. Me, not so much.
05:09 It's really one of the last teas that I would go for and actually this might shock you. I hate chai tea.
05:16 Well, hate is a very strong word, but I have never tried a chai tea that I really like.
05:20 So this is the same sort of thing. I would never really go for "Rayboss" tea,
05:24 but it says, "This tea has it all. Rayboss is rich in antioxidants and nutrients making it a very healthy cup.
05:30 The chunks of caramel make it a sweet, rich, comforting drink to rival any scrumptious dessert." Now, Aslan tried this,
05:37 he said that it didn't taste sweet to him at all. So, a bit of a fail on that one,
05:40 but he still likes it, but he was disappointed that it wasn't very sweet. When I tried it,
05:44 I thought it tasted very caramelly. So, guess it just depends on your taste buds.
05:48 This is "Popcorn Tea" and this is so intriguing to me.
05:52 And it was really cool when I saw the little tea bag because it has pieces of popcorn right in there,
05:58 which is quite good. I didn't know what to expect when I made this the other night.
06:02 I didn't really think I was gonna like it. I like the idea,
06:05 but I didn't think I was gonna like how it actually tasted.
06:07 It doesn't really taste like popcorn in the sense of like a bowl of popcorn,
06:12 but it does sort of have a nutty, I love to say things are nutty, but it does have a nutty
06:17 taste to it and
06:20 everyone likes to drink a cup of nuts. Am I right, ladies and gentlemen?
06:23 Let's just poke my eye out with this nut bag. Oops, what? So, yes,
06:26 it is nice to drink this like while watching a movie if you just don't want to have popcorn,
06:31 which when does that ever happen? It's kind of a conversation starter type of tea,
06:36 so it's quite cool if you have friends over. Like cool,
06:38 I mean like cool when you're a grandma like me and you're offering people tea, like seriously.
06:41 Most people like probably have friends around they're like, "Do you want a beer?" I'm just like, "Do you want a cup of tea?"
06:47 I have two more things to show you and the first one you may have seen if you follow me on Instagram,
06:52 which by the way a little plug is @essie_button,
06:54 but it is my new clear teapot and when this came with the rest of my order, I was so
07:01 disappointed because I thought this was a full-size teapot when I saw it on the website
07:05 because I don't have a big teapot. My other one broke, so I wanted a new teapot. I was like, "What the hell?
07:10 I don't need a personal teapot." And I was like, "Oh, I'll just keep it because I like it. It's clear.
07:15 I've always wanted a clear teapot." I use this every single freaking day. No lie.
07:21 I'm obsessed with this. I don't even drink tea without this teapot anymore.
07:25 So basically if you have loose leaf tea, you can put loose leaves in there and brew it and it's got a little strainer here.
07:30 But I usually just put one of the bags in here and brew it and then have a little cup. There you go.
07:35 And you know, you guys know how teapots work, but you'd never thought I would love a personal size teapot, but it is
07:41 amazing. So if I'm like sitting at my desk and I'm studying or I'm doing work or something like that,
07:46 I'll just brew a little teapot worth of tea and I'll drink one cup and I don't have to go up and make another cup.
07:53 It's just still right there. It's enough for two cups and it's like, you know, it doesn't get much better, does it?
07:58 And the very last thing is actually a gift. So I'm just turning it around.
08:01 I'm just trying to be very like sly about what's inside it.
08:04 But it's a gift from my mom because I occasionally send her a little care package and she'll send me one as well.
08:09 But I just thought this was different than the normal things I send her and I think that this is such a cool idea.
08:14 I forget how much this was, but I think it was around 10 pounds.
08:19 But basically you just get these mini boxes of little trial sizes of tea.
08:25 Miniature anything is great. I mean, it's just like, first of all, it's satisfying to look at it.
08:32 Like when I got pulled this out of the box,
08:34 I just stared at it for like four hours and I was like, I don't know why I like looking at this so much,
08:39 but it's so satisfying. The good thing about this is you can actually choose the types of tea you want.
08:43 So I went through it and I was like, I'm gonna get my mom an everyday brew.
08:47 So it has two little tea bags of everyday brew.
08:52 I got her two packs of Earl Grey because she really likes Earl Grey. I got her green tea.
08:57 You know, I just got her just a few different sample sizes and I think it's like a nice gift. It's light.
09:02 It's easy to mail and
09:04 anyway,
09:05 I can tell everybody's gonna be getting one of these for me for Christmas because it's just so freaking cute.
09:10 So well done, Tea Pigs. That was an excellent idea and the cuteness factor is there.
09:15 So that was it for my Tea Pigs haul. I have enough tea to last me a bloody lifetime.
09:19 So let me know what your favorite brands of tea are so I can get on trying that when I have more space in my cupboards.
09:25 And let me know if you've ever tried any of these. Like seriously, this green tea with mint, simple yet amazing.
09:31 I'm gonna wrap this up now. I hope you guys liked hearing me talk about tea. If you liked this video,
09:37 I'd love if you would give it a thumbs up so I know to do more tea hauls in the future.
09:41 Not the near future, but at some point I could possibly do another one. So yeah, that's it for me.
09:46 I will see you in the next video. Bye!
