Jaclyn Hill ♥ Emerald Smokey Eye & Double Wing Liner Makeup Tutorial Makeup

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hey guys, so today I'm going to be doing this makeup look.
00:22 Every single intro is always the exact same thing.
00:26 - Hey guys, I'm gonna be doing a makeup tutorial
00:27 on the look that I'm wearing right here.
00:29 - Anyways, today I'm going to finally be doing
00:31 this makeup tutorial.
00:32 I mentioned that I was super pumped to film
00:34 a makeup tutorial like a month ago
00:36 and this was the look that I was referring to.
00:38 I have been so excited to film this look
00:41 because I have to be honest,
00:42 I think this is my favorite look,
00:44 at least my favorite smokey eye
00:45 that I've ever done here on YouTube.
00:47 Like I love this look and my favorite thing about it
00:50 is that it's gonna look good on everybody.
00:52 Any skin color, any eye color,
00:53 this is gonna compliment absolutely everyone.
00:55 Like it's got warmth in there,
00:57 we get like, George, he likes it too.
01:01 What I love about this look is it has some warmth in there
01:03 but we also have like a really fun color
01:05 but the color is such an awesome wearable color
01:08 for a smokey eye, you know what I'm saying?
01:09 Like if you're going to do a color with a smokey eye,
01:12 I definitely think this is wearable
01:13 and it's just so fun and it's different.
01:15 So I hope that you guys enjoy it.
01:17 I did add a double wing liner to this look.
01:19 You do not have to do that, you don't have to do any liner,
01:22 you can do a wing liner,
01:23 you can do just a regular black liner,
01:25 you don't have to do anything special.
01:26 Like I just wanted to do this
01:27 because the night that I came up with this look,
01:30 later that night I was in bed
01:31 and I came across old photos of myself
01:32 from when I first started working at MAC
01:34 and I used to do the double wing liner all the time
01:37 and I would do like a stripe in between it,
01:39 I would put like a white stripe
01:41 or like a yellow stripe in between the double wing
01:43 and I was looking at that and I was like,
01:44 oh my gosh, it's so cool.
01:46 Like I haven't done that in years.
01:47 So I thought I would just incorporate it into this look
01:49 to make it even more fun.
01:50 So I hope that you guys enjoy this video.
01:52 I'm gonna stop rambling.
01:53 I know I'm talking so much but that's because I miss you.
01:55 I haven't been here in a while.
01:56 The past week has been so busy
01:58 and the next week is also insanely busy.
02:00 I have so many family, friends, business associates
02:04 all coming into town.
02:04 I've had four meetings in the past week
02:06 and it's just been a lot.
02:07 So starting February 5th,
02:10 everything's gonna finally go back to normal
02:11 and calm down a little bit
02:12 but this like two week gap
02:14 is like the busiest two weeks of my year pretty much.
02:17 So I am trying to be active on Twitter and Instagram though
02:20 and like kind of keep talking to you guys
02:22 so that you don't feel like I'm gone for too long.
02:23 So yeah, I love you guys.
02:25 Thank you so much for watching this video
02:26 and I'll talk to you guys soon.
02:28 Bye.
02:29 All right, let's do this.
02:30 The first thing we're gonna do today
02:31 is go in with Makeup Geek Creme Brulee
02:33 and Peach Smoothie Eyeshadow.
02:35 I'm gonna mix those two together
02:36 and then apply them in my upper crease area
02:38 going all the way back and forth
02:40 from my inner corner to my outer corner
02:42 working in circular windshield wiper motions.
02:45 It is super important to lay down a light base
02:47 as a transition color in that upper crease
02:49 because it'll make everything else that you put on later
02:52 blend seamlessly with no harsh lines.
02:54 I'm going in with an E25
02:56 which is just a little bit of a denser brush
02:57 just to make that color a little bit darker
02:59 in that upper crease area.
03:01 Then I'm gonna go in with Makeup Geek Cocoa Bear.
03:03 This is one of my favorite shadows of all time
03:06 and I realized I have not used it in quite a while
03:08 in one of my videos so it's about that time again.
03:10 I'm gonna take an E25 again
03:12 and put that in the entire upper crease.
03:14 Now I'm gonna go in with a dark brown shade.
03:17 I honestly would not recommend this particular one.
03:19 This is Ground Brown from MAC.
03:21 I would use whatever dark brown shade
03:22 you have for yourself at home
03:24 'cause this one was kinda choppy and difficult to blend
03:27 so I just wouldn't go with this one
03:28 if you got something else.
03:29 Using a pencil brush from Makeup Geek
03:31 which I absolutely love this brush,
03:34 I'm going to pack that on the inner corner of my eye
03:36 right by my tear duct and I'm also going to pack it
03:39 on the outer corner of my eye as well
03:41 leaving a blank space right in between
03:43 kind of like a sandwich.
03:44 If you get this all over your lid, don't worry
03:46 because we're gonna go in and cover a lot of it up anyways.
03:48 I always make sure to go back after every single step though
03:51 and just blend everything out
03:52 'cause that's really the key to no harsh lines
03:54 is continuously going back and blending.
03:56 Now I'm gonna go in with the star of the show
03:58 and this is Makeup Geek Foiled Eyeshadow
04:00 in the shade Houdini.
04:02 Look at the beauty, just take a moment.
04:04 Oh my gosh, these shadows are so gorgeous
04:06 and I am using a MAC 242 brush to apply this.
04:09 This is a flat synthetic brush
04:11 which is just like my favorite brush ever
04:12 to apply anything that's creamy or super shimmery
04:15 or glittery 'cause it really holds the product
04:17 very beautifully and lays it on the eyes beautifully as well.
04:21 So I'm just going to put this all over the entire lid
04:24 from inner corner to outer corner
04:25 and once I'm in that crease and it's time to blend it
04:28 into that Cocoa Bear, that warm reddish brown,
04:31 I'm going to go back with another blending brush
04:32 and just go back and forth.
04:34 Take your time, do this for a few seconds
04:36 and go in windshield wiper motions
04:37 and really make sure that those two kind of meet together
04:40 beautifully and seamlessly so you don't have harsh lines.
04:43 Because I completely covered up that dark brown,
04:45 I'm just gonna go back really quickly
04:46 and pack a little bit more on the inner corner
04:49 and the outer corner.
04:50 You could do this with like black as well
04:52 to make it even more intense but I wanted to do brown
04:54 'cause I just kind of like that brownish, bluish
04:57 kind of warm reddish brown all together.
04:59 I think they're very complimentary
05:00 and they just tie together beautifully.
05:02 And then once again, I will go back in
05:04 with the same blending brush and just make sure
05:06 that all of that is blended out
05:08 because I always blend every single step out.
05:11 Then I'm gonna take a Q-tip and a little bit of eye cream
05:13 or any moisturizers, makeup remover, whatever you have
05:16 and I'm just going to gently kind of wipe away that excess
05:19 'cause sometimes you can get a little sloppy
05:20 and this is a nice little trick to kind of sharpen up
05:23 that outer corner, make it look nice and edgy
05:25 so that it's not sloppy or you don't have fallout
05:27 all over the place.
05:28 Then I'm going to go in and do my liner.
05:30 I'm using Maybelline gel liner in the shade
05:32 Blackest Black, as always, and an angled brush.
05:35 Today I'm only going to do a little bit of liner
05:38 on the outer corner.
05:39 I'm not gonna bring this liner all the way in
05:41 across the lash line because I don't want to cover up
05:43 this gorgeous shadow that I have going on.
05:46 So because of that, I'm just gonna do a half wing
05:48 and just kind of flick it on the very edge
05:49 and then we'll be done with that.
05:51 I'm gonna go in with a MAC Pro eyeshadow
05:53 and this is in the shade Kelly.
05:55 I just wanted to add a little extra pop
05:57 and as you can see, it's really not that big of a difference
05:59 and not really that necessary, but you know,
06:01 I'm having fun, I'm doing my thing
06:03 and so I wanted to add a little bit of this in the center
06:05 just for giggles.
06:06 This is a MAC Pro item so you can purchase it online
06:09 or in MAC Pro stores.
06:10 It's not available at regular counters or regular stores.
06:13 Now I am applying Velour lashes
06:16 in the style Lash in the City.
06:18 These have a little wing, like a flick on the end
06:20 of the false lashes which really compliments
06:23 the winged liner look that we have.
06:24 As you can see right here, the difference between both eyes
06:27 but I did feel like the wing on the end
06:29 did kind of slightly cover up my double wing liner
06:32 so that's just a tip for you.
06:34 I am going to be priming my face
06:35 with Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Water
06:37 and oh my gosh, you guys, can we say obsession?
06:40 This is like my new baby so I'm gonna douse myself
06:43 in this primer water, let it get a little dry,
06:46 of course dry off the lashes, we don't need those things
06:48 to be sitting there wet on the face
06:49 and then I'm gonna go in with my foundation.
06:51 I'm using Makeup Forever HD Foundation
06:53 and I am a number 123.
06:55 As you can see, my neck is number 123
06:57 and my face is like a negative zero.
06:58 So I am going to be matching my neck as always.
07:01 I'm using a Sigma Flat Top F80 Kabuki Brush
07:04 and I do miss it with a little bit of Fix Plus from MAC
07:07 just because I like how it sheers out my foundation
07:10 a little bit and it has glycerin in it
07:11 so it helps just to kind of make everything stay together
07:13 like glue for me.
07:15 Some people can have reactions to Fix Plus though
07:17 if you're super sensitive
07:18 so just be on the lookout for that.
07:21 So I'm just going to blend this all over the face.
07:23 As always, nothing too special
07:24 and I know that sometimes I can look a little yellow
07:27 when this is going on but listen, I'm matching my neck
07:29 and that is what's important.
07:30 It will all tie together in the end, I promise.
07:33 I'm going to of course conceal.
07:35 As always, I'm using MAC Prolongwear Concealer,
07:37 my favorite concealer of life and a damp beauty blender
07:40 which is my favorite way to blend out my concealer ever.
07:43 So I take this down the side of my nose
07:44 and I go up towards my temple
07:46 in this very big upside down triangle motion
07:49 and I blend all that out
07:50 and then I dab some on the center of my nose,
07:52 the center of my forehead.
07:53 I always put a little bit on my chin
07:55 and my upper lip on my Cupid's bow as well
07:57 just to even out that highlight
07:58 so that we do not have stark white under eyes
08:00 and everything else is tan.
08:01 We want everything to be nice and even.
08:04 Now I'm going to be going in and doing contour
08:06 and I am using the Chanel Soleil de Tan.
08:09 Okay, wow, we're just moving on.
08:11 I'm using this cream bronzer from Chanel
08:13 and I am using an F80 again from Sigma to do this.
08:17 I do prefer the F86 which is angled but that was dirty
08:20 so we're working with what we got right now.
08:22 So I'm going to put this all over the cheekbones
08:24 and also the temples and the top of the forehead
08:27 right by my hairline
08:28 and then we're going to go in
08:29 and sculpt this out a little bit.
08:31 I do intend on doing a full cream contour
08:35 and highlight video very soon.
08:37 It's been very highly requested
08:38 so I'm going to skip through this pretty quickly for you guys
08:41 and not go into too much detail
08:42 but I am using the Smashbox contour sticks
08:45 to do this process that I am working with right now
08:47 and I'm using a damp beauty blender
08:49 to blend everything out.
08:51 Now a harsh contour like this on day to day basis
08:54 might not be so ideal
08:55 and might not be ideal for any of you
08:57 but I like a really intense striking contour
08:59 when you're working with smoky eyes
09:01 and a very dramatic look.
09:02 So I of course as always
09:04 I'm going to set my under eye concealer
09:06 and then I'm going to move on to my under eye area.
09:08 So I am using an angled brush.
09:10 This one is by Morphe
09:11 and I'm going back with that original color
09:13 from Makeup Geek in the shade Creme Brulee
09:15 and I'm going to just lightly
09:17 kind of carve out that lower double wing
09:20 that we're going to be doing.
09:21 I do want my double wing to be kind of smoky
09:23 so that's why I'm starting off with a shadow
09:25 and not just immediately going in
09:26 with a black intense liner
09:28 but I will go in and continue
09:30 to make it a little bit more intense with liner
09:33 but as you can see
09:33 all I'm gonna do is go from that lower lash line
09:36 and just run it parallel to that wing liner
09:38 that we already have on the top lid.
09:40 This when you look at it
09:41 looks like oh that's too complicated,
09:43 that's too much for me
09:44 but if you really try it on your own eye
09:45 you'll probably be very quickly surprised
09:48 how easy this actually is to do on yourself.
09:51 So going back with a little itty bitty teeny blending brush
09:53 I'm just going to blend all that out
09:55 because I do want it to be a little bit smokier than normal.
09:58 Then with a little bit of concealer and a definer brush
10:00 I'm going to put that in between those two wings
10:03 so that it kind of stands out
10:04 and it's a little bit more defined.
10:06 Can we just talk about how crazy it is
10:07 that I didn't bring that blue down on my lower lash line?
10:10 I always bring the color down my lower lash line
10:12 and today I didn't and it's like what?
10:14 Who am I?
10:15 But I really really like this.
10:17 I think that it just makes it look a little bit different
10:18 than something that I would normally wear.
10:20 So I am just going back with that black gel liner
10:22 and making it more intense.
10:24 I did just fill in my brows by the way.
10:25 I felt like it was unnecessary to put that on camera
10:27 since I recently did an updated brow tutorial.
10:30 I am going to highlight my inner corner of my eye.
10:32 I'm using MAC Nylon which is a very intense highlight.
10:37 I absolutely love it.
10:38 I use it for brow highlight, cheekbone highlight,
10:40 any highlight you need.
10:41 Nylon is a very intense shimmery yellow based highlight
10:44 and it's very beautiful on tons of different skin tones.
10:48 So now I'm gonna go in
10:48 and I'm going to line my lower waterline.
10:51 I am using Ardency Inn Eyeliner
10:53 in the blackest color that they have.
10:55 It is the creamiest of all time.
10:57 And then I'm going to go in and coat my lower lashes
11:00 with MAC Gigablack Mascara.
11:02 Now I'm going to be highlighting my cheekbones
11:04 and I am using the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette,
11:07 the center shade.
11:07 I'm not sure what it's called right now
11:09 but look at how gorgeous this is.
11:11 It's like heavenly.
11:12 It's so beautiful.
11:13 I am using a Sigma tapered highlighting brush to do this
11:16 and then over top of that,
11:18 I'm gonna lay down Makeup Geek Spellbound Blush
11:20 which is a really beautiful kind of muted rosy pink
11:24 and I just think that it looks absolutely gorgeous
11:25 over top of this highlight.
11:26 It's like it's beaming through the blush.
11:29 I love it.
11:30 Now to finish everything off,
11:31 I'm going to be going in with this new Kat Von D Contour
11:33 and Highlight Kit and honestly you guys,
11:35 I am just using an excuse to use this
11:37 because I am so in love with this kit.
11:41 I am using the brush that you can buy along with it
11:43 just to kind of set all the contour that I did earlier
11:46 and sculpt out the jaw and the chin
11:47 and just make everything a little bit more precise and cut.
11:50 Then I'm gonna go in and finish off this look
11:52 by doing my lips and I am starting off
11:54 with the Urban Decay Liner in the shade Native.
11:57 I am not overdrawing my lips or anything like that.
11:59 I'm just using it as a base
12:00 and then I'm going to go in with Lime Crime Coquette
12:03 which is one of my favorite lipsticks ever.
12:05 It's a nice kind of peachy pink, kind of nudish shade.
12:09 I love Lime Crime lipsticks
12:10 'cause they last such a long time on my lips personally.
12:12 And then to finish everything off,
12:14 I'm gonna go in with my favorite makeup setting spray
12:16 and this is Urban Decay Chill Makeup Setting Spray.
12:18 You use whatever you want, you do you, boo.
12:21 That completes this look.
12:22 I hope that you guys enjoyed.
12:23 Thank you so much for watching.
12:24 I love you guys and I'll see you soon.
12:26 Bye.
12:27 (upbeat music)
12:30 (dog barking)
12:32 It does not matter how, what your.
12:35 (dog barking)
12:38 Hey.
12:43 Oh yes, you're the king of this castle, aren't you?
12:47 Yes, you are.
12:48 (dog whining)
12:50 (audience laughing)
