• last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Hipster and this episode, I've been wanting to do this kind of video for a really long time, but now I'm going to do one.
00:08 It is a makeup tutorial. Just for a simple day that you would have like, I don't know, in the summer.
00:17 I might do a different one for the fall. I probably am, but this is for the summer. Like a casual day in the summer.
00:25 So, what I'm going to do is... Wait, did I just mess up? I can't talk right now, I swear. Something is wrong with me.
00:37 So I have some concealer, some of this Almay Smart Shade stuff. It's like, it says liquid makeup. And some eyeshadow.
00:55 Some chapstick, lipstick, and lip shimmer. So, let's get started.
01:05 Okay, I'm not sure how to... Oh gosh. I'm not sure how to adjust the camera, but I'm going to leave it like that for now.
01:15 So first, what I'm going to do is I start with the basics. So I'm going to take some concealer and pat it all around my eye.
01:29 Because I get like, really bad dark circles around my eyes. So this seriously helps a lot.
01:37 I'm going to hurry up and do this really quickly. Because I don't want to waste your time just watching me put stuff on my face.
01:54 So, it looks like this so far. And also I like to put some like, right here. It just looks really good and gives off that natural color.
02:16 And I do have dark spots on my nose, so I am going to put some concealer on my nose. And right now, it looks terrible, but in a second I'm going to mix it in.
02:30 So I'm just going to put some of this right here. Then put it on the other side.
02:39 And sorry if this video is really long, because since I'm talking right now, it's going to be... I can't talk right now! It's going to have to be pretty long.
02:52 And I'm going to put it on like, the sides of my nose right here, because my nose gets really bad. So now I'm going to start mixing it in.
03:05 And this does take a while to get the concealer all blended in, but it is completely worth it.
03:24 And I'm not going to use mascara for this video, because... and my cat is scratching the door, so just if you hear her, then just ignore her.
03:38 So as I was saying, I'm not going to use mascara right now, because mascara on me, well at least the mascara I have, it like dries out and gets all crumply and it looks really bad, so I'm not going to use it.
03:58 But sometimes I do use it.
04:07 And I'm just taking a lot of this concealer and putting it like, on the sides of my face, on my cheeks, and just rubbing it completely everywhere.
04:27 I'm not a pro at this, but I am just doing what I usually do, everyday.
04:45 I'm going to take a little bit more concealer and pat it under my eyes.
04:58 As you have probably seen, for the last time that I put the first layer of concealer under my eyes, I put it like, I spray it all over my face, so that is what I usually do.
05:18 Okay.
05:36 So I'm just going to rub in like this more.
05:42 And I am done with my concealer.
05:46 And this is like, the most important thing for me, because I don't have that clear of a skin, so it does help me a lot.
05:57 And I did take a shower, that's why my hair is a mess and it's all wet.
06:02 And I'm trying to get a good angle of this.
06:11 So concealer really does help for me a lot.
06:18 Okay.
06:21 So, whenever there is like a really sunny day in the summer, I put this on, because it like, gets rid of redness on your face.
06:33 So I'm just going to add a little bit of that on my cheekbone, because that's where I usually get really red.
06:52 And you can put this like, anywhere on your face, but for now, I'm just putting it on my cheekbone, because I don't want this video to be like, super long.
07:08 I'm putting a little bit on my nose.
07:19 Okay.
07:22 So now, I'm going to darken my eyebrows and put my eyeshadow on.
07:32 So I'm using a light brown color for my eyebrows, just because I want my eyebrows to look pretty good, but still I don't want them to be like, super dark at the same time.
07:58 And now, for my eyeshadow, let me fix this, okay.
08:05 For my eyeshadow, I am going to take some of this light brown and put it really close to my eyelashes.
08:17 And this gives off a really nice and natural look.
08:31 Okay, so now I'm going to take a light tannish color and put it on the top of my eyelid.
08:42 I'm going to mix those two colors together.
08:54 And this seriously looks really good.
08:59 Can you guys see this right now?
09:01 I'm not sure if you can or not, but at the end of the video, I am going to get up and show you guys.
09:08 So, now, my lips get like, really chapped every single day, and this stuff helps me a lot.
09:17 So I'm just going to take this little part and dab it on my bottom lip. Mix it together.
09:34 And I'm going to let that dry for a second, then I'm going to get my lipstick and I'm just going to dab a little bit on, just for a nice little touch.
09:51 Okay, so that's my lipstick.
10:07 And I'm going to add a little bit of lip shimmer just because this gives it like, a nice touch that makes it look really pretty, but it doesn't overdo anything.
10:29 So I'm going to add a little bit of concealer to my eyes again.
10:49 And when you're rubbing your concealer in to the bottom of your eyes, don't rub too hard because that is going to make your eye bags, like, well, the dark circles under your eyes pop out even more.
11:10 So rub very, very lightly when you're covering it all up. And this looks amazing.
11:24 So let me just pat it all in, make sure it's all done and everything's mixed in.
11:37 Okay, so let me show you what it looks like.
11:47 And if you can tell that I have eyeshadow on, it looks really, really good. It has that natural tone to it, but it doesn't look like I just threw stuff on, which I did, but it still looks really, really good.
12:08 So this is my finishing look. Doesn't it look a lot better? Yeah, it does.
12:16 So, if I stand in front of the light, oh gosh, it's way too light.
12:22 Yeah, if I stand right here in front of my window, my face...
12:30 Oh my gosh. Okay.
12:33 So this is kind of too bright right now, but you can tell that standing in front of the window, it looks a lot, lot better.
12:47 So yeah, this is the finishing result.
12:52 Thank you all very much for watching. Give this video a thumbs up and please subscribe and become part of the Hipster Squad.
12:59 I love you all so, so much and I'll see you all later.
13:02 Bye!