22Peregrine Falcon vs Goshawk + Fossa vs Civet winner

  • last year
00:00 Birds have mastered an incredible ability - flight.
00:05 And these two raptors use this ability to its fullest, reaching amazing speeds and flying
00:12 through obstacles with extraordinary precision just to catch the prey.
00:17 Welcome to the 22nd episode of Animal Battle.
00:21 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to announce our two competitors.
00:26 The Peregrine Falcon versus the Ghost Hawk.
00:33 And don't forget that you are going to choose the winner at the end of the video and I am
00:37 going to announce the winner of the last Animal Battle between the Fossa and the African Cibet.
00:43 Let's do it.
00:44 I am Mario and this is YouTube's favorite show - Animal Battle.
00:55 In order to decide which of our two competitors is better, we are going to analyze them as
01:00 usually based on six different characteristics, which are agility, attack, defense, intelligence,
01:08 bone skill and survival.
01:10 But because the maximum agility of flying animals is way higher than that of land animals,
01:15 the agility stats in this video are going to be different from the ones from all the
01:19 previous Animal Battle episodes.
01:22 Having said that, we can go right to their stats.
01:26 And of course, the first one is agility.
01:30 Here we can see an important difference between Ghost Hawks and Peregrine Falcons.
01:34 Whilst the wings of Ghost Hawks are short and rounded, those of Peregrines are pointed.
01:40 Each of these designs has its own advantages.
01:43 Ghost Hawks can reach up to 214 km/h during dive attacks, which is quite impressive, but
01:49 they usually fly straight through dense forest vegetation.
01:53 Even so, they can fly at a speed of 61 km/h through tree branches and dirt without slowing
02:00 down.
02:01 For that, the Ghost Hawk uses its long tail, but it wouldn't be that impressive if not
02:06 for its amazing precision.
02:08 It can fly through very narrow gaps between trees and branches, even if the gap is horizontal
02:14 or vertical.
02:16 They can even squeeze through a tunnel and pull themselves with their feet not to lose
02:20 any speed.
02:22 How can the Peregrine Falcon be anywhere close to this?
02:25 While it is not that agile flying between branches, the Peregrine is adapted for speed.
02:31 In fact, it is the fastest animal on Earth, reaching over 320 km/h.
02:37 In order to reach such jaw-dropping speeds, they fly at a high altitude and perform their
02:43 characteristic stoop, which is basically a high-speed dive.
02:47 It starts to gain speed flapping with its pointed wings, which reduce the drag and then
02:52 brings its wings closer to its body to be more aerodynamic.
02:57 The fastest Peregrine Falcon recorded reached a speed of 389 km/h, which is faster than
03:04 the highest top speed of a Formula One car.
03:08 But reaching such speeds might be dangerous for the Peregrine, because its lungs would
03:12 explode due to the insanely high air pressure, if not for its small bony tubercles inside
03:18 its nostrils, which guide the airflow away from the nostrils.
03:23 With such an incredible design, the Peregrine Falcon can easily hold onto the title of the
03:28 fastest animal in the world.
03:30 If you enjoy this video so far, consider subscribing to this channel and maybe Spike will be happier.
03:36 Have you done it?
03:38 Now we can see their agility stats.
03:40 As expected, the Peregrine Falcon has maximum agility stats, being the fastest animal, but
03:50 the Ghost Hawk is not falling short due to its unmatchable maneuvers.
03:56 Next come bonus skills.
03:58 Both of these raptors have incredible eyesight, which is 8 times better than our own.
04:04 The Ghost Hawk has 600 million photoreceptors per square inch and, to protect its eyes from
04:10 the branches while flying, it has a bony ridge above the eye which makes it look very serious.
04:17 The Peregrine Falcon can spot its prey from more than 3 km away.
04:22 Also it has a glare-reducing black face and transparent furred eyelids to spread tears
04:28 and clear debris from their eyes while maintaining vision during their dives.
04:32 So let's see their bonus skill stats.
04:39 They are pretty good.
04:41 Of course, there's a reason as of why they have developed such bonus skills and incredible
04:46 agility, and we will talk about that in the attack and defense section.
04:51 Firstly, let's compare their size.
04:53 As in many raptors, female Peregrine Falcons are larger than males, reaching up to 58 cm
04:59 in length and 1.5 kg.
05:02 The same applies to Ghost Hawks.
05:05 Females reach up to 69 cm in length and 2.2 kg.
05:09 As you can see, Ghost Hawks are slightly larger than Peregrine Falcons.
05:13 Both of these raptors have long and sharp talons and a strong beak, but, despite their
05:19 similarities, their hunting strategies vary a lot.
05:23 Peregrines can feed on one-fifth of all the world's bird species.
05:27 To hunt, it flies up into the air, spots the prey with its incredible vision, and then
05:33 begins the stoop.
05:34 It starts gaining speed, and soon it is way faster than its prey.
05:40 Now precision is key.
05:42 Having reached an incredible speed, the peregrine strikes the prey with a clenched foot to kill
05:48 it and then catches it.
05:50 If the prey is too heavy, the peregrine lets it fall down.
05:54 The falcon can even kill birds way larger than itself like pelicans in this way.
05:59 While hunting in pairs, the male kills the prey and passes it to the female, which flies
06:05 upside down to catch it.
06:07 The Ghost Hawk has a different hunting technique for catching birds and small animals like
06:12 squirrels and rabbits.
06:14 When it spots the prey, the Ghost Hawk pursues it in silence.
06:18 It chases the prey flying through trees and branches and uses its incredible agility to
06:24 its fullest.
06:26 And after some agile turns, it catches the prey and stabs it with its talons.
06:33 The meal is served.
06:35 Still, the hunting success rate of both the peregrine falcon and the Ghost Hawk is about
06:40 20% because they don't always hit their target.
06:45 Also they need to be aware of larger owls and eagles because these are their main predators.
06:51 Now we shall see their stats.
06:57 Despite their smaller size, these raptors have very high attack stats due to their long
07:02 and sharp talons, powerful beak and incredible hunting techniques.
07:08 The Ghost Hawks might be slightly larger, but because they hunt very differently, it
07:13 is hard to say which one is actually stronger.
07:16 What's next?
07:17 Intelligence stats.
07:19 So these two birds are actually quite intelligent.
07:22 Just like other raptors, they need to be smart for hunting because it requires a higher level
07:28 of intelligence.
07:29 That being said, let's see their stats.
07:36 Very nice.
07:38 And last but not least, we need to talk about their survival stats.
07:43 And both of them are doing well here, being listed as a least concerned species.
07:48 There are about 1 to 500 thousand Peregrine falcons in the wild.
07:52 The estimated population of Ghost Hawks is about 1 to 2.5 million individuals.
07:59 Peregrines lay 3 to 4 eggs and the hatchlings will have a lifespan of up to 19 years in
08:04 the wild and 25 in captivity.
08:07 Ghost Hawks lay 2 or 3 eggs at once and their young will have a lifespan of about 11 years
08:12 in the wild and up to 27 in captivity.
08:16 So let's see their final stats.
08:22 As you can see Peregrine falcons are better at agility and Ghost Hawks at survival due
08:27 to their larger population.
08:29 But Spike is wondering who the winner is.
08:31 Well, it is up to you because you can vote the winner in the poll right there and leave
08:36 your opinions in the comments down below.
08:39 And why don't you subscribe to this channel for more amazing videos and help Spike achieve
08:43 his goal to beat both PewDiePie and T-Series.
08:49 Now is the time to announce the winner of the last animal battle between the Fossa and
08:53 the African Civet.
08:55 So after counting all the votes, the winner is

09:01 The Fossa!
09:02 It is an interesting and agile animal and deserves to compete further for the title
09:07 "The Best Animal in the World".
09:09 And if you wanted the African Civet to win, don't be upset because here on "I am from
09:14 Animals" we love and respect all animals.
09:17 So once again don't forget to vote the winner of this episode's battle in the top right
09:22 corner.
09:23 And if you like what I make consider supporting me on Patreon to fill up that Patreon list
09:28 with your name.
09:30 Respect Animals!
09:31 you
