23Great White Shark vs Saltwater Crocodile +Peregrine Falcon vs Goshawk winner

  • last year
00:00 A powerful bite, an incredible size, aggression and an instinct to kill.
00:07 These are the ingredients for a true apex predator.
00:12 And these two animals have them all.
00:14 Welcome to the twenty-first episode of Animal Battle, which is definitely going to be a
00:18 special one, because our two competitors are so different and yet very similar in many
00:24 ways.
00:25 Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to present to you our two competitors.
00:31 The Great White Shark versus the Saltwater Crocodile.
00:38 And at the end of the video, you are going to be the one who will choose the winner of
00:42 this battle, voting in a poll, and you will also find out who is the winner of the previous
00:47 Animal Battle between the Peregrine Falcon and the Ghost Hawk.
00:51 Let's do it!
00:52 I am Mario and this is YouTube's favorite show, Animal Battle.
01:04 These two animals seem to be completely different, since one is a cartilaginous fish while the
01:09 other is a reptile.
01:11 But worry not because we are going to compare them objectively based on the six sacred characteristics,
01:17 which are agility, attack, defense, intelligence, bonus skill, and survival.
01:24 Now I know that everybody wants to go directly to the attack stats, and even I can't wait
01:28 to talk about them, but before that we need to look at their agility and bonus skills,
01:34 which play a major role in hunting.
01:36 So let's go directly to agility.
01:38 These predators are really fast swimmers.
01:42 Saltwater crocodiles often swim in the ocean and are well adapted for that.
01:47 They can reach speeds of up to 24 to 29 km/h and can swim for very long distances.
01:53 But great whites are even faster, reaching up to 56 km/h.
01:59 Being so fast, both of them can jump out of water.
02:02 Great white sharks can jump to more than 3 meters, and for a second, their body is entirely
02:07 in the air.
02:09 But that's the most that they can get out of water, because even though they can reach
02:13 depths of up to 1.2 km, they can't go on land.
02:17 This is where the saltwater crocodile has an advantage, as it can go on land and can
02:22 run pretty fast too, although not as fast as in water.
02:26 If you are athletic enough, you could outrun a salty on land, but you'd have no chance
02:31 in water.
02:32 Let's see their agility stats.
02:35 They are quite impressive for such large animals, and it is hard to determine which one is better
02:42 here, because while the great white can swim faster, the crocodile has the ability to walk
02:47 on land.
02:48 Next, come bonus skills, and surprisingly, they are fairly good here too.
02:54 Saltwater crocodiles have salt glands, which allow them to swim in salty waters.
02:59 They also have very sensitive snouts with pressure receptors which can receive any slight
03:04 movement in the water.
03:05 The most important body parts are their eyes, which have transparent eyelids which act like
03:10 water goggles.
03:11 A reflective surface on their retina which makes their eyes shine and grants them night
03:15 vision.
03:16 And on top of all of that, they can retract their eyes to protect them.
03:21 All they need now is a good camouflage, having a dark green to gray skin and a white underbelly.
03:28 But great white sharks don't fall short here, because they also have great day and
03:32 night vision and can roll their eyes tailward for protection.
03:36 Their camouflage consists of a gray body and a white belly.
03:40 Also, great whites are warm-bodied, which is different from warm-blooded in that they
03:45 can raise their temperatures only by about 13 degrees Celsius, generating heat to their
03:50 muscles, which allows them to go into colder waters and make their muscles work better.
03:55 But great white sharks have an ace up their sleeves, an extra sense.
04:01 Using the ampullae of Lorenzini, they can detect the electromagnetic field emitted by
04:06 the movement of living animals.
04:08 At a close range, great whites can even detect the heartbeat of an animal if it stays still.
04:14 And yeah, they can also sometimes form small clans with a hierarchy similar to that of
04:20 wolf packs.
04:21 Now let's see their bonus skill stats.
04:27 They are fairly good, and white sharks are slightly better due to their extra sense which
04:32 is very useful.
04:34 Now that we have discussed their agility and bonus skills, let's see how they use these
04:38 abilities looking at their attack and defense.
04:41 Their sizes are really intimidating.
04:44 Great white sharks are the fourth largest shark species after whale sharks, basking
04:49 sharks and manta rays, but since those species only feed on very small organisms, great whites
04:56 are actually the largest predatory fish.
04:59 Small great white sharks are larger than males on average, reaching up to 4.9 meters in length
05:05 and 1110 kilograms.
05:08 The largest females though are even bigger, reaching up to 6.1 meters and more than 2
05:14 tons.
05:15 Saltwater crocodiles are also champions when it comes to size, being the largest reptiles.
05:21 Male salties are way larger than females, reaching up to 6 meters in length and weighing
05:27 up to 1000 kilograms.
05:29 The largest one recorded measured 6.3 meters in length, and their appetite is just as big.
05:36 Saltwater crocodiles have one of the strongest bite forces in the animal kingdom.
05:41 Their bite force can reach up to 3700 psi, which is much higher than that of a lion.
05:47 What is ironic is that their muscles are so specialized for a powerful bite that the muscles
05:53 that open their mouths are very weak, and you could hold their mouth if you dared to
05:58 approach them.
05:59 After running a simulation, the bite force of a great white is believed to be about 4000
06:04 psi, but it is just theoretical and it hasn't been measured yet.
06:09 Great white sharks can prey on fish, cetaceans like dolphins, seals and sea lions, sea turtles,
06:16 sea otters, and even sea birds.
06:19 They are some of the few sharks that raise their head above the water to look for prey.
06:24 When hunting seals, they can reach such high speeds that they jump out of water catching
06:29 the seal.
06:30 This is a spectacular attack and really shows the power of these sharks.
06:35 When the shark bites its prey, it shakes its head side to side, helping the teeth saw off
06:40 large chunks of flesh.
06:42 The saltwater crocodile has a different technique.
06:45 It ambushes most of its prey swimming close to it and then pounces upward striking suddenly.
06:52 Because its teeth are not made for chewing, small prey is eaten whole and large prey is
06:57 drowned and then torn into pieces using the death roll technique.
07:02 They are very aggressive and territorial and don't live in groups like other crocodiles.
07:07 And, unlike alligators or other crocodiles, they are known to occasionally hunt on land.
07:13 They can hunt a large variety of prey from fish, amphibians, crustaceans and molluscs
07:19 to wild boars, kangaroos, water buffalo, orangutans, tigers and even humans.
07:28 Alongside Nile crocodiles, salties account for most fatal and non-fatal attacks on humans
07:33 per year.
07:34 50% of attacks on humans are deadly everywhere except Australia where it is closer to 25%
07:41 because Australians are something else.
07:44 The novel Jaws and its film adaptation depicted great white sharks as ferocious man-eaters.
07:51 And while it is true that great whites are responsible for most attacks on humans, they
07:55 don't actually prefer eating humans.
07:57 And no, they don't mistake humans for seals as the myth goes, but just want to taste them.
08:03 Even so, only one person dies due to shark attacks in general per year and you have a
08:07 chance of one in 3.7 billion of being killed by any shark in your lifetime.
08:13 This is so small that you have a higher chance of being killed by a falling coconut.
08:18 So you'd better start worrying about coconuts, not sharks.
08:22 These predators don't have many predators of their own.
08:26 Saltwater crocodiles being killed by other large felids and great whites being preyed
08:30 upon by orcas.
08:32 This is because orcas are very intelligent and know what the weakness of great white
08:36 sharks is.
08:37 Orcas need to turn the great white upside down and keep it still for some time until
08:42 it suffocates.
08:43 This is because sharks need to move non-stop to breathe and this weakness can be exploited
08:47 by more intelligent animals.
08:50 Now let's see their stats.
08:55 They have very high attack and defense stats, which is not a surprise seeing how powerful
09:00 and ferocious they are.
09:02 There is not a lot to be said about their intelligence, because even though they are
09:06 predators, they can't be compared to mammal predators when it comes to intelligence.
09:11 Still, saltwater crocodiles are capable of learning difficult tasks with very little
09:16 conditioning.
09:17 Learning to track the migratory route of their prey as the seasons change.
09:21 That being said, let's see their stats.
09:27 These stats are not that impressive, but I guess you can't have everything.
09:32 And lastly, we will talk about survival stats, which are important because there is no point
09:36 in having high stats if a species is going extinct.
09:40 Great white sharks are listed as a vulnerable species, even though their exact population
09:44 is unknown.
09:45 A myth that great white sharks don't get cancer made people hunt them for their fins
09:49 to make shark fin soups.
09:51 But it is not true and great whites do actually get cancer, so there is really no point in
09:57 doing such a despicable thing.
09:59 Here I go busting myths again.
10:01 You are welcome.
10:02 Saltwater crocodiles are fortunately listed as a least concerned species.
10:06 The female usually lays 40 to 60 eggs and will guard them, carry the hatchlings to water,
10:12 and care for the young for several months.
10:15 Still, only 1% of them will usually survive to adulthood, but the ones who survive have
10:20 a life expectancy from 70 to 100 years.
10:24 Great white sharks are ovoviviparous, which means that the eggs develop and hatch inside
10:30 the female's body and then she will give birth to alive baby sharks.
10:34 The great whites also have a high life expectancy of over 70 years.
10:39 Now let's see their final stats.
10:45 These two predators are truly powerful, but the question remains who is the winner?
10:51 It is all up to you because you can vote the winner in the poll right there and leave your
10:55 opinions in the comments down below.
10:58 And why don't you subscribe to this channel for more amazing videos and help Spike achieve
11:02 his goal of beating both PewDiePie and T-Series.
11:08 Now is the time to announce the winner of the last animal battle between the Peregrine
11:12 Falcon and the Ghost Hawk.
11:14 So after counting all the votes, the winner is

11:20 The Peregrine Falcon!
11:22 The fastest animal in the world!
11:24 If you wanted the Ghost Hawk to win, don't be upset because here on M from Animals we
11:29 love and respect all animals.
11:32 So once again, don't forget to vote the winner of this episode's battle in the top
11:36 right corner.
11:37 And if you like what I make, consider supporting me on Patreon to fill up that Patreon list
11:42 with your name.
11:43 Respect animals!
