17Alligator vs Crocodile + Leopard Seal vs Steller Sea Lion winner

  • last year


00:00 They are aggressive,
00:02 ferocious,
00:06 and...
00:09 have an incredibly powerful bite.
00:12 Welcome to the 17th episode of Animal Battle,
00:17 which is going to be an interesting one.
00:19 Ladies and gentlemen,
00:21 it is my honor to present you our two competitors.
00:24 The American Alligator
00:28 versus the Nile Crocodile.
00:31 At the end of the video you are going to vote the winner of this battle,
00:34 and you will find out who is the winner of the last battle
00:37 between the Leopard Seal and the Stellar Sea Lion.
00:39 Let's do it!
00:41 I am Mario, and this is Animal Battle.
00:44 Before starting the Animal Battle,
00:53 I want to announce that I have made a Discord community server
00:56 for all my subscribers and animal lovers,
00:58 where you can talk with me and other people about animals,
01:01 pets, this YouTube channel and other topics.
01:04 Just click on the link in the description
01:06 and Spike will be happy to see you there.
01:08 So, in order to find out who is the winner of this Animal Battle,
01:12 we shall analyze our competitors
01:14 based on six different characteristics.
01:16 Agility, Attack, Defense,
01:19 Intelligence, Bone Skill and Survival.
01:22 But, firstly,
01:24 we need to be able to differentiate the alligator from the crocodile.
01:28 You might have heard that,
01:30 in order to differentiate an alligator from a crocodile,
01:33 you need to look at their fourth lower tooth,
01:35 which can be seen in crocodiles, but not in alligators.
01:38 But that is just a minor difference,
01:40 and it is way easier to tell them apart
01:42 looking at the shape of their snouts.
01:45 Crocodiles have a pointed and narrow V-shaped snout,
01:48 whilst alligators have a wide and round U-shaped snout.
01:52 And that is why, when alligators close their jaws,
01:55 you can't see their lower teeth,
01:57 and crocodiles cannot hide their bottom teeth
01:59 when they close their mouths.
02:01 Now, let's start with agility.
02:03 How fast are they?
02:05 And would you be able to escape from a crocodile or an alligator?
02:08 On land, Nile crocodiles can reach speeds of up to 14 km/h,
02:13 and American alligators are even faster,
02:15 reaching speeds of up to 18 km/h.
02:18 So you should be able to escape from them on land.
02:22 But you would have no chance in water,
02:24 because American alligators can swim with a speed of up to 32 km/h,
02:29 and Nile crocodiles can reach speeds of up to 35 km/h.
02:34 To swim so fast, they use their long and muscular tails.
02:38 So let's see their agility stats.
02:45 They have pretty high agility stats, especially for such large reptiles.
02:50 And now let's go to the most interesting part of the video,
02:53 the attack and defense stats.
02:55 And oh boy, are they large!
02:58 Male American alligators can reach up to 4.6 m in length
03:02 and weigh up to 450 kg.
03:05 The largest one recorded, though, was a 5.84 m, 1000 kg alligator,
03:11 but Nile crocodiles are even larger.
03:14 They can weigh up to 750 kg on average and reach 5 m in length.
03:20 And if that isn't scary enough,
03:22 the largest one recorded weighed 1090 kg and measured 6.45 m in length.
03:29 And it is not only their size that gives them their reputation.
03:33 American alligators and Nile crocodiles are also known for their powerful jaws.
03:38 American alligators have a bite force of about 3000 psi,
03:42 which is three times more powerful than the bite of a lion.
03:46 But that is still less than the bite force of a Nile crocodile,
03:50 which is the animal with the most powerful bite.
03:53 It has a bite force of about 5000 psi, which is just incredible.
03:58 But the irony is that they have jaws so specialized for a powerful crunch
04:03 that the muscles that open their mouths are very weak.
04:06 That is why you can hold the mouth of an alligator or a crocodile closed
04:10 if you dare to approach one.
04:12 American alligators are opportunistic hunters,
04:15 preying on a variety of animals from fish, birds, turtles, and snakes
04:20 to mammals like raccoons, deer, and even wild boars.
04:24 Nile crocodiles are the tarot of the animals from the African savannah.
04:29 They can eat fish, birds, and mammals like monkeys, zebras, and antelopes.
04:34 Both American alligators and Nile crocodiles are ambush hunters,
04:38 which means that they wait for the prey to get close to them, and then they attack.
04:43 In order to kill the prey, they drag it into water and drown it.
04:47 It is very hard to escape from their jaws,
04:50 especially when they use a technique called the death roll.
04:53 They roll to tear off large pieces of meat and then swallow those large pieces
04:58 because they can't chew the flesh.
05:00 And you are not safe even on land because they happen to hunt on land occasionally.
05:05 Nile crocodiles are more aggressive than American alligators.
05:08 In fact, Nile crocodiles, together with saltwater crocodiles,
05:13 kill more than 1,000 people a year.
05:15 Alligators are not as deadly.
05:17 28 humans died in the USA due to alligator attacks since 1970.
05:22 Being such ferocious predators, they don't really have natural predators.
05:27 Nile crocodiles can sometimes be killed by hippos,
05:30 and American alligators can be preyed upon by pythons or some big cats.
05:35 So let's see their stats.
05:37 They have really high attack and defense stats,
05:44 Nile crocodiles being slightly better due to their larger size and stronger bite.
05:49 What's next? Intelligence stats.
05:52 Well, they are not very intelligent like all reptiles.
05:56 I guess you can't have everything.
05:58 Still, American alligators have been observed balancing sticks and branches on their heads
06:03 to lure birds looking for nesting material.
06:06 When the bird approaches to take the stick, the alligator catches it.
06:10 But it is still not known whether they are really using tools or it is just a coincidence.
06:15 So their intelligence stats are…
06:18 Not that good.
06:24 But their bonus skill stats might be better.
06:26 Both of them have incredible eyes.
06:28 They have thick eyelids and a protective membrane used to see better underwater.
06:33 During the day their pupil is narrow, but at night it becomes very large.
06:38 They have a layer on the retina that reflects the light which makes their eyes shine.
06:43 This gives them a great night vision.
06:45 And to protect their eyes, they can actually draw their eyeballs back into the sockets during an attack.
06:51 Crocodiles and alligators also have salt glands for eliminating the salty water
06:56 and can live in large groups which would be a much greater bonus skill if they used coordinated attacks.
07:02 Also, American alligators are more tolerant to cold.
07:05 So let's see their bonus skill stats.
07:07 Pretty good.
07:13 And last, but not least, let's go over their survival stats.
07:17 Both are doing pretty good here.
07:19 Being listed as least concerned species.
07:22 There are about 5 million American alligators in USA,
07:26 which have a lifespan of 30 to 50 years and can lay 20 to 50 eggs at once.
07:31 Also, there are about 250,000 to 500,000 Nile crocodiles in the wild,
07:37 which have a lifespan of 70 to 100 years and can lay up to 90 eggs at once.
07:43 So it is time to see their final stats.
07:45 As you can see, Nile crocodiles are doing better at attack and defense,
07:53 while American alligators are better at survival due to their way larger population.
07:58 So who is the winner?
08:00 It is up to you because you can vote the winner in the poll right there
08:04 and leave your opinions in the comments down below.
08:06 Also tell your friends, parents and most importantly,
08:10 tell your babushka to smash that subscribe button because it would make Spike very happy
08:14 and we will not rest until we beat both PewDiePie and T-Series.
08:18 Alright, it is time to announce the winner of the last animal battle
08:24 between the Leopard Seal and the Stellar Sea Lion.
08:26 So, after counting all the votes, the winner is…
08:32 The Leopard Seal!
08:34 It is an agile, intelligent and powerful animal
08:37 and deserves to participate further for the title "The Best Animal in the World".
08:42 If you wanted the Stellar Sea Lion to win, you shouldn't be upset
08:45 because here on "M from Animals" we love and respect all animals.
08:50 So, once again, don't forget to vote the winner of this episode's battle in the top right corner
08:56 and if you like what I make, consider supporting me on Patreon
08:59 to fill up that Patreon list with your name.
09:02 Respect animals!
