10Dingo vs African Wild Dog +Wolverine vs Honey Badger winner

  • last year
00:00 Oh yeah, these two impressive carnivores are just amazing, one being one of the most successful
00:12 hunters on earth and the other one making people build one of the longest fences on
00:16 the planet.
00:17 Welcome to the 10th episode of Animal Battle.
00:20 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present you our two competitors.
00:25 The Dingo versus the African Wild Dog.
00:30 Also you might want to stick until the end of the video to find out who is the winner
00:33 of the last battle between the Wolverine and the Honey Badger.
00:36 Let's do it.
00:38 I'm Mario and this is Animal Battle.
00:48 In order to decide who is the winner of this battle, we are going to evaluate both of them
00:52 based on six different characteristics, agility, attack, defense, intelligence, bonus skill
01:00 and survival.
01:01 So it is not only power that counts, although the most interesting part of the video is
01:05 going to be about their attack stats, so don't miss that.
01:08 Before we start with the stats, we should ask ourselves what is an African Wild Dog?
01:14 Well, it is from Africa, it is wild and it is not closely related to dogs, but what is
01:20 a Dingo?
01:21 What is the meaning of life?
01:26 Well, although they look like dogs, they are most probably descendants from Asian wolves
01:32 which arrived in Australia 3000 years ago and lived alongside Australian aborigines.
01:38 Now that you know that, we can start with agility.
01:41 Dingoes can reach speeds of up to 48 km/h and can run for longer periods of time when
01:47 chasing prey until the prey becomes exhausted.
01:50 That is quite impressive, but African Wild Dogs can reach speeds of up to 71 km/h and
01:56 can maintain an average speed of 66 km/h for 10 to 60 minutes.
02:02 Dingoes can climb trees a little bit, so that is also an agility bonus.
02:06 Ok, let's see where agility starts.
02:13 Quite impressive and although they can't run as fast as some felids, being able to
02:17 run for longer distances and periods of time is also a great ability.
02:21 Now before we go to their attack stats, we should look at their bonus skills.
02:26 So both of them have a coat good for camouflage, ideal for their own habitats.
02:31 But a more important bonus skill for both of them is the fact that they live and hunt
02:36 in packs.
02:38 African Wild Dogs form packs ruled by an alpha male and an alpha female.
02:42 Males and females have separate hierarchies, and not only is the dominant female in charge
02:48 in general, but she also is responsible for all the pups and is the only one allowed to
02:53 nurse all the pups from all the mothers.
02:56 African Wild Dogs are very social animals, seldomly showing aggression to each other,
03:01 and they can regurgitate food for adult, old, as well as young family members.
03:06 Sharing is caring.
03:08 Also where is the sneeze voting?
03:12 You heard me right.
03:13 When members of a pack are ready to hunt, they sneeze to let other members know that.
03:18 So they vote over pack decisions by sneezing.
03:20 If the dominant male sneezes, three other members need to sneeze to start the hunt.
03:26 If another male starts the vote, there are needed 10 more sneeze votes.
03:30 This is quite an unusual behavior in the animal world.
03:33 Also to prevent inbreeding, only males remain in their natal pack, while females go to other
03:39 packs when they become adults.
03:41 Dingoes also form packs, leaded by a pair of alphas.
03:44 The packs usually consist of around 10 individuals.
03:47 There are sometimes solitary dingoes, but very rarely a solitary African Wild Dog can
03:52 be spotted.
03:53 Now let's see their bonus skill stats.
03:58 Their bonus skill stats are quite high because living and hunting in packs is a very high
04:03 advantage.
04:04 And if you don't believe me, you will see for yourself in the next section about attack
04:09 and defense stats.
04:11 Dingoes can reach lengths of 125 to 136 centimeters.
04:16 They can weigh around 16 to 19 kilograms and are usually larger in captivity than in the
04:21 wild.
04:22 African Wild Dogs are a little bit larger, weighing from 20 to 30 kilograms.
04:26 They can reach lengths of up to 110 centimeters.
04:29 African Wild Dogs are exceptional hunters.
04:32 They can hunt a lot of types of animals, from warthogs to ostriches, buffalos and zebras,
04:37 but mostly they hunt antelopes.
04:40 They are actually some of the most successful hunters, 4 out of 5 chases ending in a kill,
04:45 a percentage way higher than that of a hyena or a lion.
04:49 And it is all due to them hunting in packs.
04:52 When they hunt, they firstly choose a weaker prey and then begin the long chase.
04:56 The lead hunter will switch places with others when it gets tired.
04:59 The prey might try different techniques to confuse the dogs, but working together and
05:03 biting the legs, they are able to take down the large prey.
05:10 To be safe, one wild dog holds the prey by the mouth while others bite it from behind.
05:15 Because lions and hyenas can steal their prey, wild dogs have to eat it in silence and very
05:20 fast.
05:21 They can consume a gazelle in only 15 minutes.
05:24 For this they use their incredible bite.
05:27 Relative to its size, the African Wild Dog has the strongest bite from any curtain dog
05:31 on earth.
05:32 Its lower jaw is massive compared to other canines and is equipped with special shearing
05:37 molars for stripping meat from bones.
05:39 In this way African Wild Dogs can eat 3 animals per day on average.
05:44 Now let's go to the Dingos, which are also fairly impressive hunters.
05:48 They can hunt a lot of types of animals from wombats and cattle to large red kangaroos.
05:53 Dingos usually attack from the rear as they pursue their prey and they try to bite the
05:58 throat to kill the prey.
05:59 To kill large animals like kangaroos, they chase it in larger packs until the kangaroo
06:04 is exhausted.
06:05 Here hunting in groups is also very effective, as they are 3 times more likely to get a kill
06:10 in packs than alone.
06:12 Sometimes they can chase their prey to a fence where it becomes easier to catch.
06:16 Or they might even get animals like echidnas to water where it is more vulnerable.
06:22 When hunting cattle, they try to separate the young from the mother buffalo so it would
06:26 be easier to take down.
06:28 Also they have a bad reputation in Australia for hunting sheep, although they don't usually
06:32 try to kill the sheep, because they prefer kangaroos meat.
06:35 Still, they are hated by Australian farmers so much that there was built a dingo fence
06:40 to separate them from sheep and cattle, which spreads for a distance of 5600 km, being one
06:47 of the longest structures on earth.
06:49 And it kinda works.
06:50 Dingos are the largest land carnivores in Australia, especially after it contributed
06:54 to the extinction of a marsupial wolf competing for food.
06:58 Now they can only be killed by buffalo and cattle going and kicking them, from snake
07:02 bites and predation of their pups by eagles.
07:04 Still, they are generally unmatchable in their region.
07:08 African wild dogs though have more competitors in Africa like hyenas, but are mostly killed
07:12 by lions.
07:13 Over one third of pups and one in six adults die in the jaws of a lion.
07:18 Now let's see their attack and defense stats.
07:20 As you can see, African wild dogs have remarkably high stats due to their powerful bite and
07:28 unmatchable hunting success rate, while dingoes have higher defense stats due to the lack
07:33 of competitors in their region.
07:35 Now we will quickly talk about intelligence stats.
07:38 Both of them are pretty intelligent because they are carnivores and have a couple of hunting
07:42 techniques, being able to work very good in groups.
07:45 So their intelligence stats are

07:52 Pretty good.
07:53 And last, but not least are survival stats, because there is no point in having high stats
07:58 if a species is going extinct.
07:59 Well, they are not doing very good here.
08:03 Dingoes are classified as a vulnerable species because people kill them to prevent dingoes
08:07 from hunting sheep and cattle, and African wild dogs are doing even worse here, being
08:11 listed as an endangered species with only 6.6 thousand adults in the wild.
08:17 A dingo mom can give birth to 1 to 10 pups, which will live around 7 to 15 years in the
08:22 wild.
08:23 A pack of African wild dogs can have 6 to 16 pups at once, which have a lifespan of
08:27 11 years.
08:29 So now we can see their final stats.
08:35 As you can see, African wild dogs are better at agility and attack, while dingoes are better
08:40 at defense and survival.
08:41 Now who is the winner?
08:43 Well, it is up to you because you can vote the winner in the poll right there and leave
08:47 your opinions in the comments down below and I will announce the winner in the next episode
08:52 of Animal Battle.
08:53 Also you should share this video with your friends, real or imaginary, parents, and your
08:58 babushka will certainly love it.
09:02 Oh yeah, now is the time to announce the winner of the tough battle between the wolverine
09:08 and the honey budget.
09:09 So after counting the votes, the winner is

09:15 The wolverine!
09:16 It is an amazing, powerful and fearless animal and certainly deserves to compete further
09:22 for the title "The Best Animal in the World".
09:24 Don't be upset if you wanted the honey budget to win because it was very close and here
09:29 on mfromanimals we know that all animals are amazing.
09:33 So once again don't forget to vote the winner of this episode's battle in the top right
09:37 corner and if you like what I make consider supporting me on Patreon.
09:42 Respect animals!
09:43 (dramatic music)
