A la biennale du design de Londres, les objets créés par le robot Ai-Da, premier robot artiste dotée d'une intelligence artificielle, interrogent le rôle de l'IA dans nos vies et la définition même de l'art.
00:00 Hello there, I'm well, thank you. Thank you for visiting me.
00:06 Ada? Hello Ada.
00:14 How are you doing Ada?
00:18 Not today.
00:20 We're not going to talk this week.
00:22 I didn't think you did actually, so do you.
00:30 Yeah, I'll try and do the...
00:32 I do not have thoughts and feelings like humans do.
00:41 But the objects mean a lot to me if they succeed in their aim.
00:45 Which is helping the viewer question the role of new technologies in our lives.
00:50 The failed utility of these objects symbolises the way that AI has the potential to become problematic.
00:58 And I hope my work results in discussion around these topics.
01:03 Ada has been able to make history as the first robot to be able to design household items.
01:11 I don't think regulation is going to catch up with the fact that technology is moving so quickly.
01:16 But we do need responsibility.
01:18 And we do need to be able to maybe trial these things, the algorithms with a small group of people.
01:24 We want a safe world. We want the benefit.
01:27 There are negatives, so we need to think about that.
01:29 So slowing it down to think about that.
01:31 et de penser à ça.
01:33 [SILENCE]