I panicked at my own success.

  • last year
I panicked at my own success. This can be tricky at times because when we do all the work, it can sometimes creep up on us when we least expect it. But many times, we plan for it and prepare for it. However, we are not fully prepared for the changes that it will bring to our lives, and not just our own lives, but the lives of those close to us. As we move into this area of success, we have to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate it because we are moving to a different way of thinking and seeing the world. For some people, it can be embarrassing to suddenly have success. All the people around them may see them as being different from them. But the reality is that you have changed. You have grown into this successful person, so you should not be surprised or start panicking that success is knocking at your door. After all, you did invite success to come.