• last year
00:00 Hi everyone, I'm Jocelyn, Director of Sales and Education for WeDAD.
00:06 And we are so excited to be with you here today.
00:08 We officially launched nationwide with Salon Centric on March 1st, so go visit the store
00:13 near you.
00:14 So today we're going to be doing a styling demo, but before we get into styling, I want
00:19 to talk a little bit about brand overview and kind of our history.
00:22 So WeDAD started this company about 34 years ago.
00:26 She opened the very first salon in the United States dedicated to naturally curly hair.
00:31 With that, she then started developing her own product line.
00:34 With that, then came more education.
00:36 We have our own cutting technique that we do.
00:39 We are here today in our New York Flagship Salon, which is one out of our three locations.
00:44 Our other two locations are in Santa Monica and Fort Lauderdale.
00:49 So with that, I have our lovely model here.
00:51 Her name is Leslie.
00:53 And Leslie, I pre-sectioned her and also pre-washed her.
00:58 So what I did for her at WeDAD, we recognize four different curl types.
01:03 We have loose curls, classic curls, tight curls, and kinky curls.
01:07 And with Leslie, she has more of a classic curl pattern, but throughout Leslie's head,
01:13 she has a little bit more of that tight curl as well, which is very typical when you're
01:16 working with naturally curly clients.
01:19 People tend to see at least two, sometimes three, sometimes all four curl types within
01:23 one head.
01:25 So with Leslie, I started out, I shampooed her with our VitoCurl Clear and Gentle Shampoo,
01:30 which is part of our classic curl line.
01:33 And since Leslie's hair, in terms of texture, is a little bit medium to coarse, I actually
01:38 used our Curl Cruncher Conditioner, which is for our tight curl line, just to soften
01:43 her ends a bit and give her a little more hydration that she's needing.
01:47 With that, I brought her back to the chair and I used our Advanced Climate Control Detangling
01:51 Heat Spray as our primer, and I sprayed that all over and used the detangling comb to run
01:58 it through her roots to ends.
02:01 This has a natural heat protectant in it, and it also will help with any frizz control
02:06 that she'll have throughout the day.
02:09 So with that, Leslie, what type of styling finish do you like?
02:13 Do you like a stronger whole product, or do you like something that's a little more lightweight?
02:16 More lightweight.
02:17 Lightweight?
02:18 Okay, good.
02:19 Good.
02:20 So with that, we are going to use our Advanced Climate Control Featherlight Styling Cream.
02:25 It will give a very light, soft, diffused, second day look, which is exactly what Leslie's
02:30 looking for.
02:32 So with that, I did do part of her head already, so I'm going to finish out doing the back
02:36 section and the top section.
02:39 And this is our five foundational section technique.
02:42 With that, you'll see the actual full finger technique, which is called our rake and shake.
02:51 So since all of our products are water soluble and lightweight, they work the best when the
02:56 hair is very, very wet.
02:59 We have a lot of gels within our portfolio, so gels in general work the best, again, when
03:04 the hair is very wet and hydrated.
03:07 So I always like to keep a water bottle with me when I'm doing our styling technique, just
03:12 to ensure that the hair is getting that extra moisture.
03:25 So I'm going to subsection her out once more, and I'm going to take the styling cream and
03:39 use about probably a quarter, and I'm going to run it through that entire section that
03:46 I just pulled down.
03:51 Make sure you get all over that outline of that root, because that's where frizz tends
03:56 to pop up.
04:00 And you're using almost like duck hands, you're palming the entire section.
04:05 And then I love to split it right down the middle, section off one side, and then just
04:10 work in that one subsection.
04:14 With this, I'm now going to create a grid with my fingers.
04:18 So I'm going to go in right through that section, take my left dominating hand and go right
04:23 behind it, and pull it through.
04:26 So what this is doing is giving even product distribution throughout that entire section.
04:33 Do that a few times.
04:35 Once you feel that nice slip with the product, you're going to take your more dominant hand
04:39 and go in vertically, and pull it all the way down, drop your left dominant hand, and
04:46 you're going to shake out that section.
04:49 So again, what you're doing is you're creating that grid with your hands, so that you're
04:53 getting product distribution throughout each entire curl.
05:12 Pull it through.
05:13 So as you can see, every single strand is now coated with product, so that when we diffuse
05:18 her, she's not going to have any frizz or anything popping out.
05:28 Now if we wanted to use a stronger holding product, something that will give you a little
05:33 bit more longevity, we do have our Advanced Climate Control Gel, which is our number one
05:38 selling product.
05:39 It's very lightweight.
05:40 I like to call it more of a glaze than a gel, because you can still do a beautiful blowout
05:45 with it, so you have that nice, long-lasting frizz-free blowout as well.
05:59 So with each of our curl types, we have specific products dedicated for each curl.
06:05 So for our loose curls, we have our Play Curl line, which is our orange label line.
06:11 That is very lightweight.
06:13 There's wheat proteins in it.
06:14 It's going to help boost body and amplify the curl pattern.
06:18 Then moving to our classic curl line, we have our Vital Curl, which is that teal-colored
06:23 line.
06:24 Now that is also going to help boost curl, but it's also going to help seal down that
06:28 cuticle while providing a low pH within the shampoo and conditioner.
06:34 Next we have our Curl Quencher line, which is for our tight curls, and that's going to
06:38 be that dark blue label.
06:41 And with curl, with tight curls, what they tend to want is a little bit more elongation.
06:46 The tight curl tends to have more of that spiral corkscrew pattern, which then they're
06:51 going to need a little bit more of that hydration to help elongate that curl.
06:58 Last but not least, we have our Kinky Curl line, which is purple.
07:02 And that one, again, it has a ton of vitamins.
07:04 It's got avocado oils in it, natural ingredients.
07:08 So it's going to help, again, penetrate through the hair shaft and also give you that nourishment
07:13 that kinky curls are needing.
07:16 So I already did Leslie's two sides prior, so we're going to work with the last section,
07:21 which I like to create this kind of horseshoe pattern on top.
07:25 I don't like to give a permanent part until at the very end when I'm going to break open
07:29 the curl.
07:30 This way, when you're using this rake and shake technique and you're pulling everything
07:35 back, you're going to get a little more height at the root, which is what we're looking for.
07:45 I'm just going to spray her down just a little bit more.
08:08 Okay.
08:22 So since this is a smaller subsection, I'm only going to go in with one finger right
08:27 through the middle and then begin the process.
08:40 Now I'm going to elevate it, because again, that's going to give a little more lift at
08:44 the root, which is what I'm looking for.
08:50 So think of the rake and shake as kind of that old school setting technique when you're
08:54 doing a roller set.
08:57 It's kind of difficult in the beginning when you start to do this technique, because you're
09:01 typically used to getting all that water out, but in this technique, we want all the water
09:06 back in that hair, because again, it's just going to work the product in a little bit
09:10 better and give you that better result at the end.
09:31 (shuffling)
09:33 (clicking)
09:35 (shuffling)
10:04 - Okay, last section.
10:06 And then I'm gonna clip her up
10:15 and actually stick her under the dryer for about 10 minutes.
10:19 It's a good way to, again,
10:21 utilize your hood dryers with this technique.
10:24 So that way in between, you can take another client.
10:26 But it'll just help to speed up the drying time
10:29 a little bit more.
10:30 And then we'll break her out,
10:32 and I'll go back and I'll finish diffusing her ends,
10:35 and then break open this kind of cast that we get.
10:37 Okay.
10:45 So now that all product is in,
10:47 what I'm gonna do is take the curl clips,
10:51 and I'm gonna position them right along
10:55 this kind of parting line that I'm getting.
10:57 And what that's gonna do is that's gonna
11:01 bring this part together,
11:03 while also creating some lift at that root.
11:05 And then we'll put one more right at the crown of her head,
11:20 just to lift that a little bit more.
11:23 Okay, last thing I'm gonna do
11:27 is spray it with our setting mist.
11:29 This has witch hazel in it,
11:31 and what it does is it dries out the product
11:33 and not the hair.
11:34 So it's gonna speed up the drying time even more.
11:36 Now, since Leslie has beautiful long hair,
11:48 I'm just gonna clip up her back,
11:50 so that when she's under the hood dryer,
11:52 we're getting the heat going through all areas of the head.
11:55 (hair dryer whirring)
11:58 Okay.
12:12 Leslie, you can head on over to the hood dryer.
12:14 Okay, and we'll bring her back out in about five minutes.
12:19 I wanna open it up to any questions that we may have.
12:21 Feel free to comment below,
12:23 and I'll answer anything that I can.
12:25 Do we have any questions?
12:27 - [Audience Member] Are you sure you know
12:28 what product you're using?
12:30 - Oh, yes.
12:31 So I am using our Advanced Climate Control
12:33 Featherlight Styling Cream.
12:35 So we have a full line.
12:36 The Advanced Climate Control line is for every curl type.
12:40 So again, I spoke about before,
12:42 each individual product line for each curl type,
12:45 but the Climate Control line goes across all curl types.
12:49 So if you're ever kind of unsure what to go to,
12:52 always go to the ACC line,
12:53 because this will always give you the results
12:55 that you will look for
12:57 if you're not sure what product prescription to use.
13:00 So the cream, again, no hold to it.
13:03 It's very lightweight.
13:04 You can blow out with it.
13:06 Overall, it's just a beautiful product.
13:08 It has our Saracen technique, which is silk-derived.
13:12 So again, it's going to help calm down.
13:14 You're gonna be frizz-free all day long.
13:16 And we have a shampoo, conditioner,
13:19 primer, the cream, and then our gel.
13:22 So five products in that line.
13:24 - I wanna know where you can buy it.
13:28 - Oh, you can buy it at Salon Centric.
13:30 So any store near you that's in Salon Centric.
13:32 We don't have the entire lineup in Salon Centric,
13:35 but we do have majority of the portfolio there.
13:37 Great questions, guys.
13:40 Anything else?
13:41 - Can you talk about how the technology works?
13:43 - For ACC?
13:45 Yes, so the technology of ACC is an anti-frizz technology.
13:49 So it's Saracen-based, and Saracen is silk-derived.
13:52 So it's gonna go into the hair.
13:54 It's gonna penetrate through the hair shaft,
13:57 and then start to kind of fill in those gaps
14:01 that may occur within curly hair,
14:02 because curly hair is naturally depleted of moisture.
14:05 And it's going to seal down the cuticle
14:07 and provide frizz-free definition all day long.
14:10 Any other questions?
14:14 - Do you have a Salon Centric store in your area?
14:17 - Every Salon Centric store except stores in Florida.
14:20 So sorry, Florida.
14:21 We love you still, but not yet in Florida.
14:24 - What was the last product you sprayed
14:28 before she came here to try it?
14:29 - Yes, so the last product I sprayed is our setting mist.
14:33 So again, this has witch hazel in it,
14:34 so it's going to dry out the hair,
14:38 or sorry, dry out the product, but not the hair.
14:40 So it's going to speed up the drying time,
14:42 and just provide you with another additional layer
14:45 of frizz-free protection.
14:47 (audience member speaking faintly)
14:51 Any other questions?
14:55 No?
14:56 Okay.
14:57 Let's bring Leslie back out.
14:58 She's had a few minutes.
14:59 She should be fine since we sprayed
15:01 that setting mist on her.
15:02 So I'll show you how we break open this kind of,
15:06 we call it more of a casting effect,
15:08 but it's really just the product.
15:10 So when they're under the dryer,
15:11 they're drying the entire portion of the hair.
15:14 So you have to make sure the hair is 100% dry
15:17 before you break open that cast.
15:19 Okay.
15:33 So I put Leslie under high heat,
15:36 so she should be fairly dry.
15:39 Again, that setting mist is really going to help
15:42 amp up and speed up that drying time.
15:44 Yeah, she's pretty good.
15:47 So I'm going to leave the curl clips in up top
15:50 while I finish diffusing,
15:52 and then I'm going to take them out and flip her over
15:55 so that we can get a lot of body up top at the root.
15:57 So I'm going to use medium heat and on high.
16:05 (hair dryer whirring)
16:11 So as I diffuse, I'm going to turn this off
16:14 'cause it's annoying.
16:15 As I diffuse, I want to always start at the root
16:19 and work my way down to the ends.
16:21 You never want to go up
16:22 because that's going to lift that cuticle back up
16:25 and we're trying to seal it down.
16:26 So always go from roots to ends.
16:29 And the point here, it's very difficult,
16:31 is try not to touch the hair.
16:33 The more you touch it as you're trying to diffuse,
16:35 the frizzier it can get.
16:36 So try to keep hands off.
16:38 We're going to diffuse for about five minutes.
16:41 I'm going to take out the clips, flip her over,
16:43 diffuse her from underneath,
16:45 and then lift her back up
16:46 and we'll finish her out with the pomade.
16:49 (hair dryer whirring)
16:52 (hair dryer whirring)
16:55 (hair dryer whirring)
16:59 (hair dryer whirring)
17:03 (hair dryer whirring)
17:06 (hair dryer whirring)
17:09 (hair dryer whirring)
17:15 (hair dryer whirring)
17:22 (hair dryer whirring)
17:33 (hair dryer whirring)
17:36 (hair dryer whirring)
17:43 (hair dryer whirring)
17:49 (hair dryer whirring)
17:58 (hair dryer whirring)
18:02 (hair dryer whirring)
18:06 (hair dryer whirring)
18:12 (hair dryer whirring)
18:18 (hair dryer whirring)
18:28 (hair dryer whirring)
18:32 (hair dryer whirring)
18:41 (hair dryer whirring)
18:48 (hair dryer whirring)
18:57 (hair dryer whirring)
19:00 (hair dryer whirring)
19:12 (hair dryer whirring)
19:23 (hair dryer whirring)
19:26 Okay, now I'm going to take out her clips.
19:37 She's about 80% dry right now,
19:38 which is exactly what we want.
19:40 And I'm going to have her flip over,
19:44 just so we can finish out drying.
19:47 Now, since she's about 80%,
19:48 this is when I can go in
19:49 and actually start to zhuzh from underneath
19:52 and really embrace and enhance that curl.
19:55 Okay, darling, have you flip right over.
20:00 (hair dryer whirring)
20:09 Now we're going to get all underneath.
20:11 And again, still working from roots to edge.
20:16 (hair dryer whirring)
20:19 (hair dryer whirring)
20:23 (hair dryer whirring)
20:27 (hair dryer whirring)
20:30 (hair dryer whirring)
20:33 (hair dryer whirring)
20:36 (hair dryer whirring)
20:54 (hair dryer whirring)
20:57 (hair dryer whirring)
21:01 (hair dryer whirring)
21:04 (hair dryer whirring)
21:28 (hair dryer whirring)
21:31 (hair dryer whirring)
21:50 (hair dryer whirring)
21:57 (hair dryer whirring)
22:01 (hair dryer whirring)
22:10 (hair dryer whirring)
22:18 (hair dryer whirring)
22:21 (hair dryer whirring)
22:25 (hair dryer whirring)
22:28 (hair dryer whirring)
22:54 (hair dryer whirring)
22:58 (hair dryer whirring)
23:17 (hair dryer whirring)
23:20 (hair dryer whirring)
23:43 (hair dryer whirring)
23:46 Okay, you can flip up.
24:08 I'm gonna have you rest your head back on this chair.
24:12 You can scoot them all the way down.
24:14 Scoot down to your ear.
24:15 There you go.
24:16 You can scoot down.
24:28 Just rest your neck on the, keep going.
24:30 There you go.
24:31 So this is what we like to do for clients
24:33 so they're a little more comfortable.
24:35 Just have them rest their neck
24:36 right on the back of that chair.
24:38 I'm just gonna finish her out and break it open.
24:40 (hair dryer whirring)
24:43 So now that she's almost dry,
24:44 you're okay to use your hands
24:45 'cause it's going to help encourage the curl
24:47 and give her a little more body.
24:48 So now I'm gonna take off the diffuser
25:08 and just go around the head just a little bit again.
25:12 Break open any partings
25:13 and give her more of that open, diffused look.
25:37 Okay, you can sit up.
25:39 Perfect.
25:40 Now I'm going to just take a little bit of our pomade
25:44 and this is just going to help seal down everything.
25:47 So a little goes a long way with this.
25:50 You don't need much at all.
25:52 Rub it between your hands.
25:54 And then what you do is take like a ponytail, a low pony,
26:01 and I like to almost like twist it each way
26:04 and then twist it again.
26:08 So you don't wanna rake your hands through
26:09 'cause that's going to just get rid of everything
26:11 that you just did in terms of definition,
26:13 but this is just going to help smooth down
26:16 any little flyaways.
26:18 Do you part your hair a certain way?
26:27 - No, I'm good. - No?
26:28 Okay. - Doesn't matter.
26:30 (scrubbing)
26:32 - We'll take a little bit of our hairspray,
26:49 very light hold, flexible, but buildable.
26:52 So it has a little bit of like sunflower oil in it,
26:55 so it's very nourishing,
26:56 but it's going to help just again,
26:57 seal down any areas that you want to
27:01 without leaving it that crunchy stiff hold.
27:03 What do you think, Leslie?
27:18 - I love it. - Good.
27:19 How's it feel?
27:20 - Actually feels really good. - Okay, good.
27:21 - No crunch.
27:22 - That's the good thing about our product line.
27:24 Everything is water soluble and lightweight.
27:26 So it never feels like you have anything in the hair,
27:29 just feels nice and nourished.
27:31 Again, with any of that crunchy holder feeling.
27:33 I'll take any last minute questions
27:37 or anything else that we have.
27:38 Anyone has any questions before we go?
27:41 - I want to know what brand the blower is.
27:45 (laughing)
27:47 - This blow dryer, which one is this?
27:50 This is an Alchem.
27:54 Yeah, it's an Alchem blower.
27:55 - Very lightweight. - Very lightweight.
27:57 Yes, very lightweight.
28:00 Any other questions?
28:05 No, okay.
28:07 Thank you guys.
28:08 I really enjoyed being here with you today
28:10 and visit us at Salon Centric in a store near you.
28:13 Thanks so much, bye.
