How to Curl Long Hair with Curling Iron

  • last year
00:00 Hello, hello, good afternoon. I am so excited to be hanging out with y'all today. All right,
00:09 so here's the deal. We're going to do a hair tutorial, obviously, because hair is amazing.
00:18 Hello. So I wanted to go over a few things with you that we're going to be doing on this
00:21 live and that is a huge, huge giveaway. So I'm super excited about that because I partnered
00:28 up with this incredible company that you're all watching right now. So what they're going
00:33 to do is they're going to pick one winner every a hundred shares. Hey, hey, welcome.
00:38 So glad to see you here. So what I want you to do is that I want you to share this video,
00:43 this live. I want you to comment and I want you to like to be entered. So every hundred
00:50 shares are going to do a giveaway live, like right now. So what they're going to be giving
00:55 away is this on Julie wand on delay, sorry, on delay wand. And this is what I'm using
01:03 for my hair. And we'll go over, um, we'll go over all of that because I have super long
01:08 hair. So super excited, um, to get the products that I'm using and all their products. Actually,
01:14 they're having a huge sale for this live. Thank you so much, Shannon. Um, you can click
01:19 the link. So the link was just posted and you can get the deal on the special through
01:24 there. They have incredible sale right now. So let's talk hair, right? Okay. So I have
01:30 super long hair. As you can see, I have extensions in, um, and we're just going to get started
01:35 and I'll chat with you while we do that. But awesome. Look at all these people sharing.
01:44 I'm so excited. All right. So some of the things that I wanted to share with you while
01:49 we do this is, Oh, I love it. So awesome. Um, I have a lot of hair. Okay. So let's just
01:59 put that out there first and foremost. I have a lot of hair. So I have about 280 grams of
02:07 hair and I've used a lot of products, um, uh, in terms of tools and things like that
02:14 before and it takes me forever. Y'all, you can see how much hair I have. Do you see this?
02:20 I'm trying to put it all up. Oh my goodness. I love it. Right. So they're giving away the
02:24 32 millimeter wand. So it's going to be absolutely amazing. Okay. So I've used a lot of tools
02:33 before and the problem is that it takes me forever to curl my hair. So for those of you,
02:42 um, that are like, Oh my goodness. Like, is it going to take me forever to curl my hair?
02:50 Um, this wand is absolutely incredible because it usually takes me about two hours, um, to
02:58 get my hair done. And I like had a blow dried yesterday so I can do this today. And then
03:04 it only takes me like a few, well, it takes me only a few, um, minutes to get this done.
03:13 Oh my goodness. This is like, my hair's kind of going crazy right now. All right. So, so
03:24 I'm going to hold it for about 10 seconds to be honest with you because my hair is so
03:28 thick. It takes me a little bit. I already have their heat shield on because I want to
03:33 make sure that you protect your hair. Um, so I already have that on. I'm going to do
03:40 like beachy kind of waves today. As you can see, like this is so beautiful and it lasts
03:48 me, it lasts me so long. You can tell that I have extensions and you can see the little
03:54 hairs. You can always like go back and do those separately. Um, if you want that, but
04:02 I'm doing it from the bottom y'all right now because my hair's that have so much hair and
04:08 it's so heavy at the top, I'll go a little bit of a different direction, but because
04:13 my hair is so heavy and I have so much of it, if I don't do it like this, like my hands
04:17 will literally die. Okay. So there's two, let's talk about, um, cause I know that you
04:21 guys are going to have questions in terms of the barrels. There's two different barrels.
04:25 One is titanium. I love these curls. So one is titanium. The other one is ceramic. Right
04:31 now what I'm using is titanium. Titanium is for hair that doesn't hold a curl well. So
04:39 that's when you're going to use titanium. They have ceramics. Ceramic is for easier
04:45 to curl hair, which is not mine. As you can see, I did use, so Katie said, did you use
04:50 the heat shield? I did use a heat shield and I always want to do that because you want
04:56 to protect your hair. And I'm going to show you some other products that I use at the
04:59 end as well to get like, you know, the bounce that you want out of the curls. I love it.
05:06 Their products are incredible. The heat shield, y'all smells delicious. It smells like melon.
05:13 So I'm like, yes. Oh yeah. We got our first winner. I love it. Congratulations, Lori.
05:22 One. Oh yeah. All right. They also come with, um, the ones come with a glove, right? But
05:35 the problem is that it's so weird for me to use a glove. I don't know. Do y'all use a
05:39 glove? Let me know below if you use a glove because I don't know. Maybe I'll just need
05:44 to get used to it. Like, did it take you to use a glove and does it take you like a minute
05:48 to get used to it? Cause I legit, I cannot get used to a glove, but it comes with a glove
05:54 if you want it. The packaging is amazing. And I love, love high end products for low
06:07 cost. You know what I mean? Like I don't like paying retail pricing for stuff, especially
06:12 like if it works really well. I love it. So yes, the products smell amazing. I am literally
06:18 in love. So I'm reading over your comments, making sure that, Oh, that touched me. Hello.
06:27 Hello lady. All right. So we're almost done with the bottom part. So Amy said, I don't
06:36 use a glove because I can't get the feel for my hair. You know what? That is absolutely
06:42 part of the reason I don't. Um, I don't use a glove. I can't, I kind of feel it. So
06:48 I love it. Awesome. So I'm just reading your comments. You're saying that you love
06:56 the products and they smell so good and they're amazing. That's awesome.
06:59 So for me, to be honest with you, um, we homeschool five kids
07:08 and I honestly don't have the time to be spending like two hours on my hair,
07:14 especially cause I have so much of it and it's so long.
07:17 Also, let's talk for a minute about how long it lasts you. Okay. Um, because this is another
07:29 thing that I wanted to make sure, like when I did, I do my hair that it lasts me for a long time.
07:34 Right? So usually when I use any other tool, it's going to last me about a day and a half.
07:43 Like that's how heavy my hair is.
07:45 Love it. Okay. So it's going to last me for about a day and a half. Um, and then I'm going to get
07:56 like the beachy waves after, right? Like this is just a section and we have this,
08:02 so I'm trying to get it. Um, so y'all are not here all day.
08:05 So with this tool, it actually lasts me two to three days and then I get beachy waves,
08:15 which I was very pleasantly surprised. Like I've been using it for a while. I want to make sure to
08:19 test the product and I love the product. Um, so I've been using it for a while and I even went
08:25 to my hairdresser and she's like, what, what's going on with your hair? I was like, girl,
08:29 I am using this wand and it lasts forever. So I absolutely love that. This one, um,
08:35 they asked what size am I using? This is a 32 millimeter wand. So the, the 32 millimeter wand
08:43 is going to be, if you have longer hair, cause you're going to get the loose curls. Um, and then
08:49 the 25 millimeter wand they have as well. It's going to be for the tighter curls, right? So
08:54 the longer you leave it on, obviously, you know, the tighter is going to be, um, for the sake kind
09:01 of, of, of what we're doing right now, I'm leaving it on not for too long. So I, I do like 10,
09:08 10 seconds just to get it, um, to get it going. So let's see. I love it. So you guys are saying,
09:17 some of you are saying that you homeschool your children or you were homeschool. I love that.
09:21 Can you use a titanium with thin hair? Um, the titanium one is for hair that does not curl
09:31 very well. Um, the ceramic one though, is if you have, um, damage hair, so the, or, you know,
09:40 hair that curls easily, which would be thinner hair. So I would recommend the ceramic one
09:47 instead of the titanium if you have thinner hair. So can we talk about how gorgeous this blush
09:55 color is though? Oh, I love it. It's so beautiful. Oh, awesome. Laura, thank you for liking,
10:02 sharing, and commenting. So Melanie said, I live at the beach. Does curled hold in the humidity?
10:08 Actually, let's talk about that for a minute, right? I live in Florida. I live in Southwest
10:12 Florida, like literally a swamp. Right. So, um, it is so humid outside y'all. And this is why I fell
10:19 in love with this tool. Literally fell in love with the tool because like I said, I don't have
10:25 time to like, I can't redo this every single day and I don't have time to spend like three hours,
10:31 you know, trying to do this. So, um, it works amazingly and I've had a lot of high end tools.
10:39 Um, but this out like by far out performs all of them. So this is awesome. And just a tip,
10:48 if you're going to share it in the groups, not a problem at all, but just do one post per group.
10:52 Don't do different like posts per group, because if not, it's going to like flag Facebook. So you
10:57 don't want that to happen. So the problem with pointing the wand down, Katie said,
11:04 please point the wand down. The curls will just fall. The problem is that I have so much hair.
11:08 I'll do that at the top so you can see how that works. Um, but to be honest with you, like I have
11:13 so much hair that if I do that, I will not be able to move my hands by the end of the tutorial.
11:22 So I want to make sure that we are able, um, to get through it all without my hands falling apart.
11:29 Right. So like I said, I have like 280 grams of hair in my head. I have extensions in. So it's
11:41 really, really difficult to point the wand down when you have so much hair. It takes super long.
11:47 So I love it. So like I said before, make sure that you comment that you share and that you
11:56 like the video so you can enter. Let's do this so you can see it easier. So you can enter the
12:02 giveaway. They're going to pick for every hundred shares, one winner, and they're going to give you
12:08 this 32 millimeter wand, titanium wand. They have another one that's called the luster wand,
12:16 and that one ranges temperatures. So that one goes from like 170 to 450 degrees.
12:22 That one is kind of like all the bells and whistles that you can have. So, um, you can
12:29 do that one. That one has a cool tip as well, and an auto shut off. So that's awesome.
12:36 Oh, thank you. Nayeli. She said your hair is so long. I'm so jelly. You know, I might hear super
12:43 short, but I have extensions in. So I love that. I love that we can do like short hair and long
12:49 hair and all of that. Super awesome. But like I said, I'll point the wand down and the barrel up
12:55 when we're at the top so you can see the curls just fall. But sisters, when you have so much hair,
13:03 we have to just do what we can, right? We just, we got to just do it. Um, yeah. And someone said
13:11 I have a really hard time curling my hair, like for the curls to stay. And to be honest with you,
13:16 I had that. I had a really hard time as well because my hair is so heavy because I have so
13:22 much of it. Right. So my hair is so heavy that like I curl my hair within with any other tool
13:27 within like an hour. Sometimes like if it's really humid outside, my curls would be like
13:33 nowhere to be found. So, um, we want to make sure that they're long lasting, right? Especially if
13:39 you're spending all that time on your hair sister. All right. So something else I wanted to point out
13:45 is that, um, I already brushed my hair really good. So you want to make sure you do that before
13:54 you start curling. So that's why you don't see a brush. I wanted to save us the time.
13:58 Um, but I brush my hair really good. So there's no tangles. I love it. So Rachel said,
14:05 what kind of extensions do you have? Um, I have locks and bonds extensions in.
14:11 I absolutely love them. Awesome. So Michelle asks, what is your favorite product to use?
14:17 My favorite product to use honestly is a nourishing gloss. And I'm going to show it to you
14:21 what we do, what I'm going to do with it at the end is smells delicious. Like every other product
14:27 they have, it smells amazing. Um, so I'll show you that. And then I also use a dry shampoo.
14:36 So I'll show you what I do with a dry shampoo also at the end. Um, so you can have an idea,
14:44 especially when you're doing curls. I feel like the dry shampoo is really good to make it better.
14:50 All right. So let's go over, um, let me do this this way. Let's go over again, how you can enter
14:59 to win. So if you like sharing comment, um, you will be entered to win what I'm using right now,
15:04 um, which is a 32 millimeter wand and it is in rows. You can see it's blush color is so beautiful.
15:12 So some of the curls, I like doing it, um, a little bit tighter and some of them
15:19 lose. And then when we pull the whole look together at the end, I'll show you kind of what I do
15:23 with them. There we go. Trying to read the comments. Oh, I love it. Awesome. So someone
15:33 said they have the same, um, wand. I love it. I love that you are loving the wand. I'm honestly
15:40 too. And you can tell, like I do this so much. I just like curl and let's go.
15:47 So Crystal said, my hair has color. I don't want to damage it. Can you control the heat? So for
15:57 this one, you can't control the heat because 410 degrees, um, is kind of the ideal. The curls just
16:04 fall off. Um, so just so you know, and you'll see that when I do that at the top, um, but 410 degrees
16:12 is usually, it's usually the, like the perfect temperature to curl hair. Now I'll show you how
16:22 the curl falls off. Um, and a second, Oh, winner number four is Sandy. Congratulations, Sandy.
16:30 I love it. That is so awesome. So Sasha said, what is the best for split ends? My roots get
16:38 oily easy, but my ends are dry. So I think that this, um, nourishing gloss, it has a vitamin A
16:45 and vitamin C and coconut oil. Um, it would be really good for you. Thank you, Stephanie.
16:53 You're a doll. The root booster. I just, I have that too, and I have not, um, been able to use it,
17:00 but to be honest with you, if the root booster works like any of the other products that they
17:05 have work is going to be incredible. Kate said my hair won't straighten or curl.
17:14 Um, unless it's 425 degrees. So that you want like the, the luster wand, that's the one that
17:20 you can change the temperature. So if you're like, I don't want to use 410 degrees for whatever
17:25 reason, then I suggest you get the luster wand. Yes. Awesome.
17:31 It actually goes by a lot easier when we get to the top. Um, but as you can tell the curls
17:40 literally just fall off. Um, have you guys ever used, like, have you guys ever used, um,
17:48 a wand that, or a straightener that has happened for both and your hair stuck to it?
17:55 Like, I don't want to use that. You know what I'm saying? So.
18:05 I just did my hair again yesterday and I have to learn like where once you learn where all
18:10 your stickers are and you have to relearn those again. So Rachel said, what hairspray do you use?
18:17 So I've been using their dry shampoo. Honestly, I don't use hairspray on my hair, but I'm pretty
18:23 sure that they have some sort of hairspray that you can use. So we're almost like this is tiny
18:31 up here, so we're almost through the thickest part of the hair and then the top part goes really
18:36 quickly. Um, so make sure you're commenting. You can tell the extensions right there. Um,
18:42 make sure you're commenting and you are liking and sharing to enter to win. Super pumped.
18:50 All right. So let me show you right here, since we're getting kind of to
18:57 the easier part, right? That I can start holding it like this because if not, my arms would have
19:01 like fell apart by now people. So I'll show you how they just completely like fall off the wand,
19:10 which is amazing. I don't want stuff, you know, to stick. I am with you. So someone said, I hate it
19:17 when you can smell your hair while using cheap irons. Absolutely. I don't like that either. And
19:23 you know, you have to protect your hair. So we got to make sure that we do that.
19:27 All right. Check this out. Ready?
19:29 How awesome is that? It literally just falls off. There's no like sticking to, um, there's no
19:40 sticking to the iron or the wand, which is awesome for your hair, to be honest with you. Make sure
19:47 that whatever it is that you are using, that you use the heat, the heat, the heat, the heat,
19:52 the heat shield before you want to make sure you want to make sure that you protect your hair.
20:03 Right. So awesome. I'm reading through your comments. I love it.
20:16 So Katie said, I have all natural, long, thick hair. I need this wand. You do. Um, obviously
20:23 it's going to take a little bit longer to do my hair. Like when you're doing a live and you're
20:27 commenting, like you're making sure that you know, that you, you talk about the products that you've
20:32 been using because people ask questions. So it's going to take a little bit longer. So keep that
20:36 in mind. But when I do, um, when I do my hair at my home, it literally takes me like 30 minutes,
20:43 y'all and I'm done, which is absolutely amazing. Right. If you're busy, do I use a dry shampoo
20:50 right before your curl? No, I actually use a dry shampoo at the end and I'm going to show you what
20:54 I do with it. Um, so you can have an idea. Yes. Look at that. How beautiful. I love it.
21:01 So if you want to get a thinner section is going to curl,
21:10 you know, a little bit tighter than the thicker sections, but I'm getting, you know,
21:15 thicker sections to do kind of beachy waves. So for the sake, um, of the live. So we have a six
21:22 winner. Yes. Congratulations. The name when I'm by so far so fast, but congratulations. I love it.
21:28 So what I do with a heat shield, someone asked how much do you put on? What I do with a heat
21:34 shield is that I make sure that I section my hair off first and then I put it on by section.
21:47 So, cause when you do it and it's all, and I'm curling this hair back this side, I'm going to
21:54 curl it back and same with the other one. Um, but you want to make sure you section it and you use
21:59 the products like that, because when you have, especially if you have a lot of hair, you're not
22:03 going to be able to get everything like, you know, everything that you need, um, to spray.
22:07 So just section it. Welcome Kim. I love it. That's awesome.
22:15 So if I was doing this, to be honest with you, if I was doing this with a different tool,
22:32 um, we would be here for like three hours. Like I'm not kidding. I'm not exaggerating.
22:38 There's so much hair. So I'm so glad that I found this wand. So Stephanie said, just tuned in,
22:44 what size are you using? I'm using the 32 millimeter wand. So yes, that's what I'm using.
22:57 I love it. Laura said, I learned so much from all these lives. That's awesome. So you can tell
23:03 right here, it's like super, super cute. All right. So we're getting to the bottom
23:07 of it. The top is like thinner hair, not longer. So it's going to take less time to do.
23:15 So I'm going to curl to the back. And like I said, I'm going to do it, um, this way. So you guys can
23:24 see it. It's going to roll off the barrel anyway. Um, but awesome. Whitney said the curling irons
23:32 are so pretty. I know. I love the color. When I opened it, the packaging is gorgeous. So when I
23:38 opened it, I was like, Oh yes. Rose gold, everything, right? Yes. So Rachel said,
23:45 do you set your wand on a stand? I don't, um, set it on a stand. It just rolls off.
23:53 Love it. It's like butter. I don't use a stand for it. Um, I just use a little,
24:00 like you can use a little towel to put it on. Just make sure the barrel is not on
24:05 the towel. Okay. So when you put it on the towel, make sure the
24:12 rose gold part is on the towel and not the barrel. Winner number seven. Congratulations, Connie.
24:17 I love it. It does come with a gloves. Okay. Um, Kathy said, does it come with a glove?
24:22 It does come with a glove. Um, I am not sure to be honest with you, um, why I cannot get used to
24:33 the gloves. I don't know. It falls right off. I don't know. I got to like feel it. You know what
24:43 I mean? So it is, it's kind of odd for me when I'm doing my hair and I cannot feel it.
24:49 All right. So this side I'm going to do, you can see that I'm rolling it back. Um, and the other
24:58 side I did forward. You can also alternate forward and back. Um, so you have different
25:05 kinds of styles, waves going on in your hair. Oh, I love that. So a tip for one of the customers
25:14 told us is to cut off the tip of the index finger and thumb on the glove, um, to grip your hair.
25:20 So I love that tip. That's awesome. Yes. So, um, someone said, do you prefer to curl towards or
25:29 away from the face? I usually do away from the face. Um, it really depends on the look,
25:34 you know, that I'm going for, but usually away from the face.
25:40 I'm going to get a little bit of a thicker section here. And like I said, I brushed
25:49 my hair so long you have to like wrap it 10,000 times. Um, I brushed my hair before really good.
25:54 So there's no, um, knots on it. So I love it. So for those of you just joining, you asked,
26:01 how do you win? Make sure you share, you comment and you like, and we're going to pick every 100
26:08 shares. We're going to pick one winner up to a thousand shares and you're gonna win the
26:16 when the you're going to win this, uh, the one that I'm using, which is a 32 millimeter wand.
26:25 I am so, so loving this. Yes. I'm just making sure that I'm not missing anything
26:34 on camera that is in the back. Okay. So let's get to the easier part, which is the top
26:42 part. We got through the thickest part of the hair at the bottom.
26:46 So Bailey said, how long does it take you to curl it all? Um, so like I said, um, at the beginning,
26:57 I have about 280 grams of hair, if not more. So there's a lot of hair on my head. If I'm not doing
27:03 a live, right. And we're not going through like the products and answering questions and things
27:08 like that. Um, it usually takes me about 30 minutes to do my entire head. But when you're
27:15 in a live and you're kind of like doing a few things at a time, um, it's going to take you a
27:22 little bit longer, obviously. I love it. So Alexa said, when I click share, it only says right post,
27:35 does that count as a share? Right. So it doesn't matter. Like if you write something or you just
27:40 share it, um, it's going to, it's going to count because you shared it. So I love it.
27:45 This one is super easier to use. So someone said this one is so much easier to use than I thought
27:55 it would be. Um, it is honestly so easy to use and what I love the most about it is,
28:04 um, how long the curls last. So one day you can have tighter curls. Obviously when you have super
28:10 long hair like me, you're not going to get the tighter curls, um, that you want to just because
28:17 the hair is so heavy, but I'm going to get fabulous beachy waves, you know, curls that
28:26 are going to be absolutely amazing. Right. So sometimes the winners are also, um, they're also
28:33 picked from the commenting. So make sure that you comment. And then, um, the, if you click on the
28:39 link that they shared to shop, they have a huge sale for the live going on. It's going to be
28:44 live until the end of the month. So make sure that you go on there, um, and you pick the products
28:51 that you want and your wand, because why not get it on sale? Right. So super excited.
29:02 Also, when you do order, you're using your stuff, make sure that you comment below,
29:07 and let me know how you love it. Let me know how you're using it, how it's turning out.
29:12 Once you get used to it, it curls pretty fast. Um, and then you can do it like really quickly.
29:25 So, um, the more you do it, the more you get used to it.
29:30 Thank you, miss Liberty. Kelly said love beach waves, your makeup and hair always on point,
29:39 honey. Love, love, love. Aw, thank you, Kelly. I love you, sister.
29:52 You can tell, I mean, it just falls off the barrel and I cannot say enough about that and
29:57 how important that is, um, for your hair. You know, you're going to sacrifice your hair if
30:03 you want to get, you know, the cheaper tools that are out there, but hair is super important
30:10 because I can't grow it fast enough. So I want to make sure that we're using the best.
30:20 I'm reading through your comments as I do this. You have fabulous comments. We have a lot of
30:25 people that actually have used the products and love the products, love the smell. Um,
30:29 so Jillian said, do you know if there are also travel covers or travel size tools available?
30:35 Jillian, I don't know if they have, um, travel size tools, but they're on the live right now.
30:42 So they'll answer that for you so you can know my sister. Okay, so let's go to the other side.
30:49 So Alicia said, how do the wands work with short hair? Um, so for short hair,
30:55 you're going to want to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face,
31:04 but you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand because if you have shorter hair, that one's
31:08 going to give you the tighter curls. It's going to give you a long lasting curls. Um, as well,
31:12 if you have medium curls, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. So for short hair,
31:17 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
31:22 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
31:26 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
31:31 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
31:37 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
31:42 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
31:48 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
31:52 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
31:58 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
32:03 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
32:08 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
32:14 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
32:20 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
32:25 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
32:30 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
32:36 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
32:42 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
32:47 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
32:52 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
32:57 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
33:03 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
33:08 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
33:13 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
33:18 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
33:24 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
33:30 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
33:36 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
33:41 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
33:47 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
33:53 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
33:58 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
34:04 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
34:10 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
34:15 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
34:20 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're
34:26 going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have
34:32 shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
34:38 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
34:43 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
34:48 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
34:53 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're
35:00 going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have
35:06 shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
35:12 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away
35:17 from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
35:25 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
35:31 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
35:38 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're
35:44 going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have
35:51 shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
35:58 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away
36:04 from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
36:09 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
36:17 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
36:24 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
36:31 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
36:37 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away
36:43 from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
36:50 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
36:57 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
37:03 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
37:09 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
37:15 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away
37:21 from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
37:27 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
37:34 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
37:41 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
37:48 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
37:53 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away
37:59 from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
38:05 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
38:12 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
38:18 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
38:24 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
38:30 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away
38:35 from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again,
38:41 I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter
38:47 wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want
38:52 the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
38:59 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
39:03 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
39:09 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
39:14 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
39:20 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
39:26 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
39:32 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
39:38 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
39:45 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
39:49 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
39:55 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
40:01 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
40:06 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
40:12 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
40:18 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
40:24 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
40:29 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
40:34 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
40:40 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
40:46 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
40:52 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
40:57 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
41:03 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
41:08 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
41:14 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
41:19 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
41:24 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
41:28 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
41:34 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
41:39 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
41:44 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
41:49 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
41:54 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
42:00 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
42:06 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
42:12 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
42:18 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
42:23 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
42:29 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
42:33 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
42:39 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
42:44 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
42:49 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
42:55 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
42:59 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
43:05 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
43:10 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
43:16 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
43:22 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
43:27 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
43:33 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
43:39 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
43:44 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
43:49 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
43:54 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
44:00 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
44:05 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
44:10 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
44:15 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
44:21 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
44:27 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
44:33 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
44:38 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
44:43 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
44:49 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
44:55 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
45:01 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
45:05 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
45:11 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
45:17 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
45:23 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
45:28 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
45:34 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
45:39 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
45:44 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
45:49 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
45:55 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
46:00 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
46:05 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
46:10 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
46:15 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
46:21 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
46:26 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
46:32 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
46:38 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
46:44 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
46:49 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
46:55 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
46:59 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
47:04 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
47:09 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
47:15 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
47:20 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
47:25 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
47:30 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
47:35 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
47:41 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
47:46 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
47:51 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
47:56 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
48:02 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
48:07 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
48:12 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
48:17 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
48:22 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
48:27 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
48:32 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
48:38 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
48:44 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
48:48 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
48:53 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
48:59 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
49:04 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
49:10 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
49:15 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
49:20 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
49:25 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
49:30 away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand.
49:36 And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the
49:40 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face. So if you have shorter hair,
49:46 you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling away from the face.
49:51 So if you have shorter hair, you're going to want the 25 millimeter wand. And again, I'm curling
49:56 You love it, and we will chat soon, guys.
49:59 Have an amazing day.
