00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:07 (upbeat music)
00:35 - 1 Corinthians 4 verse 1.
00:38 Let a man so account of us as of ministers of Christ
00:42 and stewards of the mysteries of God.
00:46 Moreover, it is required,
00:49 it is required in stewards
00:53 that a man be found faithful.
00:55 Please be seated.
00:56 (coughing)
00:58 Slide number six.
01:07 The definition of the word mystery is mystery
01:12 in both Old and Testament.
01:14 It's basically a parable
01:16 that is a heavenly story with an earthly meaning.
01:20 A heavenly story with an earthly meaning.
01:22 So what picture, it's a visual for our eyes,
01:26 not as a building block,
01:30 but as an inspirational block
01:32 so that one can see and through the word picture
01:37 what the communicator's trying to get across.
01:40 And so a lot of times when we have word pictures
01:45 or parables, it's because the audience are not mature
01:49 in the things of God.
01:51 And so the Lord then enforces stories or parables
01:55 to be told.
01:56 Slide eight.
01:57 I believe it is.
02:00 There are several mysteries in the Bible.
02:10 The first one is the mystery of the kingdom of God,
02:12 the mystery of the kingdom, the mystery of the kingdom.
02:15 And the mystery of the kingdom of heaven
02:19 is an interchangeable terminology.
02:21 Number two, the mystery of Israel.
02:24 So the church of the Old Testament is the nation of Israel.
02:29 The church of the New Testament
02:31 are the chosen people of God that have been rejected.
02:34 So generally we watch what's happening in Israel,
02:39 the Israelis, Palestinians within Israel itself.
02:45 We're watching what's festering there
02:47 because that's like a time clock
02:49 to show us the return of Jesus.
02:51 We'll get to that in a minute or two.
02:54 Mystery number three, the mystery of iniquity.
02:56 We'll be spending time with that this morning.
02:59 Number four, the mystery of God,
03:01 his existence, his essence, his substance.
03:04 Number five, the mystery of godliness.
03:07 Number six, the mystery of God's will.
03:10 The mystery of God's will.
03:13 And there are seven mysteries of God's will.
03:16 The mystery of Christ, the manifestation of the God-man.
03:21 The mystery of Christ.
03:24 The manifestation of the God-man.
03:25 Number eight, the mystery of the gospel.
03:29 This is the vehicle to release the kingdom of God.
03:32 So not everybody that is preaching Jesus is authorized.
03:40 There are many that will say,
03:41 but Lord, we preached in your name.
03:43 We work miracles in your name.
03:45 Jesus will say, I didn't know you.
03:48 (audience laughing)
03:51 That was for Tinashe.
03:59 Number nine, the mystery of faith.
04:03 The mystery of faith, which is basically learning
04:08 how to work with the currency of the heavens.
04:12 The mystery of faith.
04:15 Number 10, the mystery of incarnation,
04:17 the glorious seed of God's word
04:20 that is lived in our lives daily,
04:24 but was also placed in the womb of Mary
04:26 to bring a spirit being into a physical world,
04:29 God among us.
04:32 And also, the mystery of God's word,
04:35 the seed to project in the future.
04:38 You can send a seed to the future prophetically.
04:40 Number 11, the mystery of the resurrection,
04:43 that is life in God eternal.
04:46 The mystery of the resurrection.
04:48 Number 12, the mystery of the indwelling Christ,
04:51 the mystery of the indwelling Christ.
04:53 It's Christ in you, the hope of glory.
04:56 Number 13, the mystery of the body of Christ,
04:59 knowing that the church is God's bride.
05:03 As Adam had Eve to wife,
05:06 the church is the body of Christ,
05:09 the church is the bride of Christ.
05:12 And we are expected to walk in anticipation
05:17 of being joined to the bridegroom.
05:19 Number 14, the mystery of Israel's blindness.
05:25 And this is Romans 11.
05:26 Basically, where Paul said,
05:29 I would, that I myself would be accursed
05:32 or go to hell so that Israel could be saved.
05:37 'Cause they rejected Jesus Christ.
05:40 They shouted in one accord,
05:41 being coerced and influenced by the powers to say,
05:45 we have no king but Caesar.
05:47 His blood be upon us and upon our children.
05:50 And so Israel is blind.
05:52 Their blindness in part, 1 Corinthians 13 says,
05:55 is so that the Gentiles could have a way
05:59 to discover the Lord Jesus Christ.
06:01 But in the future,
06:04 that the Jews will turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.
06:09 And what you have in Israel right now,
06:11 you have several expressions of Jewish religion and faith.
06:14 So Jewish Zionists,
06:17 many of them that are in political power
06:18 do not believe in God.
06:20 They, as Zionists, they believe in power and money.
06:25 And then you'll have the traditional Orthodox Jews.
06:28 You'll find many of them,
06:29 the elders standing at the wailing wall,
06:32 which is right by the Mosque of Omar,
06:35 where they pray every day,
06:36 praying for the return of the Messiah,
06:38 who will return, split the Eastern Gate.
06:42 So when you're standing on the Mount of Olives,
06:44 you can see the mosque, the Golden Dome.
06:46 There's a sealed gate there.
06:47 That's the Eastern Gate
06:49 that Jesus will enter in triumphantly
06:53 with the bride of Christ
06:55 and with the righteous
06:56 to take his rightful place as King of Kings.
06:59 Number 15, the mystery of the rapture,
07:04 that is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
07:06 and the translation of the saints.
07:09 Number 16, the mystery of the Antichrist.
07:13 We'll tie this with 16 and 17,
07:18 the mystery of Babylon the Great.
07:20 And then we'll start now with the mystery of iniquity,
07:26 the mystery of iniquity.
07:28 Please say the mystery of iniquity.
07:30 - The mystery of iniquity.
07:31 - Now this lesson you have to listen.
07:33 You have to listen.
07:36 And you have to really begin to ask God
07:39 to help you, your children, and your grandchildren.
07:42 Chapter number two and verse seven.
07:48 And we're talking about important resurrections here.
07:51 For the mystery of iniquity does already work.
07:56 This is already in like 60, 70 AD.
08:00 The apostle Paul is writing to the Thessalonians.
08:04 The mystery of iniquity does already work.
08:08 Only he who now lets will let
08:12 until he be taken out the way.
08:14 That means there is a preventer,
08:19 an agent that prevents a manifestation
08:27 of the mystery of iniquity.
08:28 It's working, but only he who lets,
08:31 that's the Holy Spirit.
08:33 The presence of the Holy Spirit
08:36 is keeping the full manifestation of the Antichrist.
08:41 Antichrist is an idea.
08:43 It is a movement that has existed
08:47 from when Adam came into the earth.
08:50 Antichrist simply means anti-anointing, anti-God,
08:55 anti-any manifestation of anything that has to do with God.
09:01 And so every person that is a believer on a single day,
09:05 you are fighting the spirit of Antichrist.
09:09 It happens all the time, every day.
09:13 But what is now gathering in the last century
09:17 and accelerating in the last number of decades
09:21 is a full manifestation of what the Bible calls
09:24 the man of sin,
09:27 where Satan will take on bodily form in the earth
09:31 and cause the whole world to follow him.
09:34 And we'll get to that here.
09:36 Verse number eight,
09:38 when he that's taken away,
09:40 that's when the function of the Holy Spirit
09:42 is removed from the earth
09:44 in terms of developing and growing and keeping the church.
09:48 When that happens, the jail doors are opened.
09:53 And then that wicked, that Satan, notice capital W,
09:58 be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume
10:01 with the spirit of his mouth
10:03 and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
10:07 Verse nine, even him whose coming,
10:10 whose coming is after the working of Satan,
10:13 with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10:16 with all deceivableness of unrighteousness,
10:19 in them that perish,
10:21 because they did not receive the love of the truth,
10:24 that they might be saved.
10:28 So the word antichrist then is mentioned four times
10:31 by the apostle John.
10:36 In first John two, verse 18, first John two, 22,
10:40 first John four, verse three, second John, verse seven.
10:44 It says in every spirit that does not confess
10:46 that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God.
10:50 And this spirit is of antichrist.
10:54 Wherefore, you have heard that it should come,
10:58 but I'm saying to you, it is already in the world.
11:03 It's already in the world.
11:05 Tell somebody say it's already in the world.
11:07 - It's already in the world.
11:08 - So the Latin word for the word iniquity is iniquitas.
11:13 It means unjust and harmful.
11:23 It also is the word aqueas,
11:26 which means equal the Greek word,
11:28 simply from the word mystery of iniquity
11:33 is masterion tes anomias,
11:37 which simply means mystery of lawlessness.
11:42 Mystery of lawlessness.
11:46 And so if we look at chapter number 24
11:51 of the book of St. Matthew, starting from verse one,
11:56 I know it's time to jump out and go into that scripture.
11:59 The disciples asked Jesus three questions.
12:02 They marveled at the magnificent construction
12:06 of the temple that took 46 years to build.
12:09 And they said, what a phenomenal building.
12:12 And Jesus said, there shall not be one stone left
12:15 on another, Matthew 24 and verse one.
12:18 There shall not be one stone left upon another.
12:21 Verse two.
12:23 I say unto you, there shall not be left here
12:28 one stone upon another, but it shall be thrown down.
12:32 Verse three, three questions.
12:35 As he sat on the Mount of Olives,
12:36 the disciples came to him privately saying,
12:38 tell us when shall these things be?
12:42 That's the stones.
12:43 Tell us when is the sign of your glory?
12:46 Number three, and the end of the world.
12:50 Go to verse four.
12:51 Verse four.
12:53 So he starts telling them what to look for.
12:57 Take heed that no man deceive you.
13:00 And so the first thing he's gonna say
13:02 as a sign of the end times is deception.
13:06 Deception is so powerful that the person
13:10 who is deceived is so deceived,
13:14 they don't even know that they are walking in deception.
13:17 And you may not fully understand the responsibility
13:22 I have standing here, and I'm not sure of the others
13:26 that get to stand here and minister,
13:28 but for me it's a frightful thing to stand here,
13:31 to think that I could be leading people
13:33 to a devil's hell.
13:34 Standing here with all sincerity, screaming,
13:37 shouting, sweating, jumping, spraying spit everywhere,
13:41 and spraying people to hell.
13:44 And so I'm constantly asking the Lord,
13:48 show me truth, am I walking in truth?
13:50 Reveal the truth to me.
13:52 Because the pain of leading people astray
13:57 is something else.
13:58 And so let's deal now, let's deal with this spirit.
14:04 Verse number four, verse number one of 1 Timothy four.
14:11 Now this spirit speaks expressly, clearly, urgently,
14:16 that in the latter times, some shall depart
14:22 from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits
14:25 and doctrines of devils, speaking lies and hypocrisy,
14:29 having their conscience burnt, seared with a hot iron,
14:33 forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from meats
14:36 which God has created to receive with thanksgiving
14:39 of them which believe and know the truth.
14:43 And so the signs of the end,
14:48 now there's always been deception.
14:50 In fact, the day that Jesus was crucified,
14:54 there was significant deception,
14:56 in that they said to the people that he's not Christ,
15:01 ask for Barabbas, he's not your king, he's not king.
15:06 And then after his resurrection,
15:08 they paid the Roman watch, a Roman watch considered
15:11 of 18 ruthless soldiers that carried as many as 30 weapons.
15:16 They were basically part of the presidential guard.
15:20 It would be impossible for an ordinary person,
15:23 let alone fishermen, who were so scared that they ran away.
15:28 So guys that ran away two days before,
15:31 how are they gonna get brave?
15:33 Peter had a little knife and he just chewed my damn ear.
15:38 Just chewed my damn ear with a small little knife.
15:40 So how is a man like that gonna round up troops
15:44 to fight against a Roman watch?
15:46 And so the fact, my point is that the fact here
15:52 is that the spirit of deception was working in those days,
15:59 is that the priest paid the Roman watch
16:06 to say that his disciples stole this body at night
16:09 while we were sleeping.
16:10 Well, again, that's a court martial offense.
16:13 And they paid them huge money and through the system,
16:17 everybody got a cut.
16:18 Sounds like 2023 in Harare, everybody gets a cut.
16:22 Amen, tell your neighbor you can cut.
16:24 And so deception has always been there.
16:33 Wunsa Eve in the very beginning, she was beguiled.
16:38 That word deception means she was conned,
16:42 she was beguiled, she was manipulated.
16:45 She was given a picture and was made to feel
16:50 that this deception is actually true.
16:53 And so, but what he's saying here,
16:56 the sign of the end time is that deception
16:59 is going to be at such a level,
17:01 such a very, very high level
17:04 that certain entities will deceive entire people groups,
17:08 entire nations, entire nations to believe a lie.
17:13 And so if you look at the different media outlets,
17:18 I'm talking about those that are watched globally.
17:21 I'm not sure about locally, but again,
17:25 the media here has an agenda as every media outlet does.
17:30 But if you look at the CNNs, the major American outlets,
17:34 Al Jazeera seems to be the most balanced and so on,
17:37 BBC has its days, you know, but generally,
17:42 generally there is an underlying message,
17:46 underlying message, and it's slowly conscientizing everybody.
17:51 We need a solution.
17:53 And so a huge test for the world
17:56 and a huge test for the church was 2020 with COVID-19.
18:01 Because when the whole world was basically shut down,
18:04 except a few countries that refused to be shut down,
18:09 basically, it seemed like most of the developing world
18:14 couldn't move.
18:18 You couldn't buy, you couldn't sell, you couldn't trade,
18:21 you couldn't go out, medicine was limited.
18:24 Millions of people lost their lives.
18:26 And so now when you arrive in Harare by air,
18:31 you have to produce a vaccination card.
18:34 And if you arrive without one,
18:38 you have to at least have a valid PCR test
18:42 that is within 48 hours.
18:46 One man was trying to explain in his language and so on.
18:50 They just explained to him in simple language,
18:52 the plane that you came on is waiting for you to take you.
18:55 And he tried to explain, he had contacts
18:57 and so on and so forth.
18:59 They said, you may have contacts,
19:00 hopefully they can bring you a vaccination card.
19:03 I don't know where the story ended.
19:05 But again, those simple things,
19:08 you're not allowed to go to a church service
19:11 without a vaccination card.
19:13 All of those things, they're testing the waters.
19:15 You can't go into the supermarket
19:17 without certain credentials.
19:19 You can't do this if you don't have that.
19:22 And so she and I were in San Antonio in February.
19:26 We had gone for our wedding anniversary.
19:30 And mom had to have some sort of medical attention there.
19:33 And so while I was waiting,
19:35 while she was being worked on,
19:37 one of the assistants there,
19:40 who was helping organize our room,
19:43 had just gone to Boston.
19:46 And he had gone to his bank,
19:50 and the bank had said to him,
19:51 we're moving in technology,
19:52 would you like to be part of an experimental program?
19:55 And they scanned his credit card
19:59 and details on his right hand.
20:01 On his right hand.
20:04 And so when he checked in, he just used his right hand.
20:07 Barcode was there, checked in.
20:09 Went into a store in Massachusetts, in Boston,
20:13 and just walked in, and you just buy goods.
20:17 And there's a little thing that says,
20:19 put your goods in your bag, check out.
20:21 So he scans the barcode into the bag,
20:25 scans the barcode into the bag.
20:27 Nobody there to help you.
20:28 If you have a card, you just tap it,
20:31 or you put it into your pin.
20:33 He didn't have to do any of that.
20:34 He just put his hand there,
20:35 acknowledged his name,
20:36 and said your account has been debited.
20:39 That's how far this has gone.
20:43 And so if you will see the kinds of technology
20:47 that there is now, TJ has
20:49 bought Cheech and I a little bit of a technological piece,
20:55 which is, it's like a location,
20:58 like find my phone piece.
21:00 And so it's find my luggage.
21:02 And so it's activated on my phone.
21:04 So you put this tag on the bag,
21:07 and at any given moment, anywhere in the world,
21:10 if your bag is missing, it can find your bag.
21:14 So I was sitting at the office last week,
21:16 and I didn't know where my bag was.
21:18 When I tapped find my phone,
21:20 it said, our address, 8 David Inn Close.
21:24 If they can do that, think of what they can really do.
21:29 So the mystery of iniquity is working right now.
21:33 You are being observed right now,
21:37 who you are voting for.
21:39 (audience laughing)
21:41 Oh yes, your conversations are being observed right now,
21:46 who your friends are.
21:47 When Cheech and I came out of the Bahamas,
21:50 in the Bahamas, the American immigration
21:53 is on the Bahamas side.
21:55 So they treat that flight as a domestic flight.
21:59 And as we came through Cheech, Cheech, Cheech first,
22:02 and then there was a person,
22:04 and generally they told us that per day,
22:07 they are between 4,000 to 5,000 people per day
22:10 coming in and out of Nassau.
22:12 That's maybe 8,000 to 10,000 suitcases
22:16 being handled in and out.
22:20 And so Cheech checked in,
22:21 and the person attending to me said,
22:24 "Wait a little, Mr. Bismarck," eventually got to me,
22:27 and then we walked through happily,
22:29 we got to the immigration stand.
22:31 And mom gave her passport, he looked at it,
22:34 "Is this your boarding pass?"
22:35 "Yes," he tapped her boarding pass,
22:38 and on his TV screen, her suitcase showed up.
22:42 He said, "Is this your suitcase?"
22:44 She said, "Yes," and he pressed a button.
22:47 And everything that was in that suitcase was visible.
22:50 He then said, "We don't stamp you in anymore
22:58 "in the United States because we know everything
23:00 "we need to know about you."
23:03 And then my suitcase, he hit my boarding pass,
23:08 and our suitcases, of course, were separated
23:11 because there's so many.
23:12 He hit my boarding pass, boom, there was my suitcase.
23:16 "Is this your suitcase, Mr. Bismarck?"
23:18 I said, "Yes," pressed a button,
23:21 and everything that was in that suitcase was seen.
23:25 He said, "This route is known for moving
23:29 "and trafficking a lot of money and drugs."
23:31 He said, "But this is a small part
23:33 "of what we can actually see and what we actually know."
23:38 And so this thing is working, it's working.
23:42 It's on the top of your phone in your house.
23:45 It's on your television while you're watching
23:48 Liverpool battle for fifth place.
23:50 It's on your sunglasses, it's in your tie.
23:55 It's probably in your shoe, it's a tracker in here.
23:59 It could be in your tooth
24:00 when they do something for your teeth.
24:03 Those things you see in James Bond
24:05 where they're calling each other on a watch,
24:08 that's old technology.
24:10 What they can really do and what they can really see
24:14 is pretty stunning.
24:15 And if you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ,
24:18 you are in serious, serious trouble.
24:22 And so as the years go by, Trish,
24:24 we are being sensitized to a one-world system,
24:27 to an organism that will control what we do,
24:32 how we do it, how we buy, how we trade.
24:35 And so Africa, with its 54, 55 countries,
24:39 we need each other.
24:41 Being independent is a great thing and an awesome thing,
24:46 but when you compare 13, 14 million Zimbabweans
24:50 trying to fight an entire world system besides the Chinese,
24:55 it's almost impossible for an economy
24:59 that has so much potential to survive
25:02 when you've got the big money guys
25:04 sitting wherever they are
25:05 that are just choking the life out of nations.
25:10 Ask the French with what they do with Francophone countries.
25:15 All of these are little experiments
25:17 because at some point when the next world crisis hits,
25:23 the 2020 experiment that worked in some places,
25:28 that will be rolled out on another level.
25:30 It's called the mystery of iniquity.
25:34 It's not sinfulness, it's the mystery of government
25:39 on the highest level.
25:41 And so let's go now and let's read Isaiah chapter number 14
25:47 and that's out of the presentation.
25:50 Let's go to Isaiah 14.
25:53 No, let's go to slide 20, Arnold.
25:55 Let's go to slide 20.
25:56 The mystery of iniquity does already work.
26:01 Verse number eight.
26:02 And he says, "Then that wicked be revealed
26:07 whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth."
26:10 So let's track antichrists, okay?
26:14 So we start off in the beginning.
26:17 Cain was not the first antichrist.
26:22 Cain was a prototype of a fallen man.
26:27 So when you see Adam, then you see his two sons.
26:32 Adam is the heavenly father.
26:34 He has two sons, Cain and Abel.
26:37 Cain is the Old Testament, Abel is the New Testament.
26:42 Cain is the natural man, Abel is the spiritual man.
26:48 Cain is the man rejected because of his works.
26:53 Abel is the man accepted because of his works, okay?
26:57 The first antichrist is seen in Acts chapter number nine,
27:03 I was in Genesis chapter number nine,
27:06 when Nimrod rises up.
27:10 Nimrod is both man, he's both priest and king
27:17 and he starts building a kingdom
27:19 and a tower to reach the heavens.
27:22 The whole world, the whole world,
27:26 every person in the world, everyone spoke the same language.
27:31 Everyone spoke the same language.
27:36 We're not sure what that language is.
27:40 We're getting a little bit of an idea
27:42 of what it could have been.
27:44 I would suggest it was English.
27:47 The reason I know that is because as was in the beginning,
27:52 so shall it be in the end.
27:55 And so the most common language right now is English.
27:59 And so the most organized people
28:04 received the most complex languages
28:07 when God divided the earth.
28:10 And so the most organized people
28:12 were the Africans and the Arabs,
28:14 which are the two most people groups
28:16 that are the most difficult languages to speak.
28:19 But the African languages,
28:21 there are so many thousands of languages and dialects
28:25 because it was the African people
28:27 that were on the top of the organization.
28:30 And so they had to be divided the most.
28:33 And isn't it amazing to me
28:35 that we are still the most divided?
28:38 We are still the most, if we ever, ever got together,
28:43 ever got together as one group of people
28:47 to speak the same language,
28:49 it's not likely that Shonas will learn Chichewa or Bemba
28:54 or Kakarakaranga or Rukirikibaka.
28:57 It's not likely.
28:59 But because of schools of higher learning,
29:01 because of computers,
29:03 it's easier and more likely and even more programistic
29:08 for the English language, French language,
29:11 and Spanish language to be the language of the Antichrist.
29:15 And so all of your children, all of your children,
29:18 who has children five years and under, raise your hand.
29:21 Children five years and under, raise your hand.
29:24 They all speak with American accents
29:27 because they're watching "Cocomelon."
29:29 I go to bed singing, "The wheels on the bus."
29:34 And so the other day is like when Idris came,
29:40 when I went to see the kids,
29:42 Idris was like, "Grandpa, how are you?"
29:45 (audience laughing)
29:48 And so what's happening is that they starting from small
29:59 and they programming our kids with gender neutral stuff
30:03 and spirit gender and whatever, whatever,
30:07 starting from here, from here.
30:10 And they telling our children what to do.
30:13 167 hours a week,
30:17 your children are being supervised by a screen.
30:20 And what's happening is that instead of good old discipline
30:24 and saying no,
30:25 the children are being given electronic implements
30:30 to keep them quiet and keep them busy.
30:32 So in the Bahamas,
30:33 there was a little boy by the name of Johnny
30:36 and there was a big, huge chess game.
30:39 It was about the size of this platform.
30:41 And the one youngster moved the pawn
30:45 and the other guy said, "I got you, move the horse."
30:47 And so I don't know what Johnny did.
30:49 He just came and he started kicking those pieces.
30:52 And so his father got up and said,
30:53 "Johnny, I'm taking away your iPad for an hour."
30:56 So Johnny kicked another one.
30:58 He says, "I'm taking away your iPad for one week."
31:00 Johnny kicked two more.
31:02 He says, "That's it.
31:03 "I'm taking your iPad for forever."
31:05 He says, "I'll just get mom to buy me another
31:07 "and kicks them all."
31:08 (audience laughing)
31:10 And so now we've got little iPads, phones.
31:13 Controlling, controlling.
31:16 These things can tell you what you like,
31:20 when you like it.
31:21 They'll flash you and say,
31:23 "Oh, this one's a Liverpool supporter."
31:25 And so I start getting the new kit.
31:26 I didn't ask for it, but now I'm getting the new kit.
31:29 I've already got Liverpool fixtures.
31:31 I know that Liverpool's first off-game season is Leicester.
31:34 I didn't ask for it.
31:36 It just hit it to me.
31:37 If you're buying shoes, head, diamonds, clothing, cars,
31:41 whatever you're buying, whatever you're watching,
31:43 if you're watching idols, The Masked Singer,
31:45 all of these things, they know whoever they are
31:48 and they're sending it to you.
31:49 Boom, boom, boom.
31:52 Turn to your neighbor and say they can see more
31:54 than you realize.
31:55 And so when a crisis hits, as it will, it's coming.
32:04 Earthquakes, pestilence, when that crisis hits,
32:09 it's going to look to individuals or power blocks
32:14 to solve the problems.
32:16 And so what's happening now in the world,
32:19 there's a sorting process amongst political figureheads.
32:23 I can see people being maneuvered and power shifted
32:27 as the right kind of people
32:29 for the mystery of iniquity to be in place.
32:32 I'm watching the religious blocks,
32:34 the change that are taking place in major religious blocks.
32:38 Last month and the month before,
32:41 we lost tremendous, tremendous leaders,
32:43 anchors of the gospel like Jack Hayford,
32:47 originators of content, originators of movement being moved.
32:51 Who's replacing said individuals?
32:55 There's power in the economic block
32:57 where multi-billionaires are no longer individuals
33:00 that spend time, decades earning money.
33:04 It's just an idea and overnight,
33:07 they are multi-millionaires and billionaires.
33:09 And they're throwing that money at all kinds of things.
33:13 This country was offered huge money in the previous regime
33:18 to push for same-sex marriage and abortion.
33:22 And our previous president refused to take that money.
33:25 And the attitude of the Secretary of State was like,
33:27 oh, oh, oh, oh, and refused to give that money.
33:32 But we better off without it than empty and produce rubbish.
33:37 But know this, it's coming.
33:40 That's why we as believers have to be strong in the Lord
33:45 and in the power of his might.
33:47 Don't you never say you have to be strong.
33:49 Say you have to be strong.
33:52 Slide number 20 again.
33:55 The spirit speaks expressly, clearly.
33:59 In the latter times, many shall depart from the faith.
34:03 Many shall depart from the faith,
34:06 giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
34:11 And so with the Council of African Apostles,
34:16 we have reviews every six months on what we believe,
34:21 on why we believe what we believe,
34:24 because there's stuff out there that's crazy.
34:27 Is that guy still going crazy in Kenya?
34:30 He's still going crazy.
34:31 He's been eating that one.
34:33 Yeah, he's eating, he's eating.
34:36 Yeah, yeah, starve 240 people and he's eating.
34:41 And then it's like, if you drink this Kool-Aid here,
34:46 you will see Jesus.
34:48 And then if you want a house, Pam, if you want a house,
34:54 just come line up here, make sure you got $1,000.
34:57 Don't put New Life Covenant Church,
34:58 they just put it there, it's the bishop's offering.
35:02 And so we have lines and lines of people
35:04 giving money for breakthroughs,
35:06 and lines and lines of people who are being said,
35:10 you are healed when they not.
35:13 And lines and lines of people who are conned
35:15 and all kinds of crazy things with false prophets
35:18 and false teaching and false doctrine.
35:20 And we see very educated people walking and eating grass,
35:25 eating leaves, drinking petrol.
35:27 These are very educated people, but it's a spirit.
35:32 It is a spirit, it is a demonic spirit of deception.
35:36 Amen, and we even have pastors and leaders for power,
35:41 for a big church, for money, who consult spirit mediums,
35:45 coaching young as in even in some reported cases
35:48 offer human sacrifice so their church can look good.
35:52 What kind of rubbish is that?
35:54 It's the last days.
35:55 And so the rise of the Antichrist is rising in every sector.
35:59 So the first projects from New Zealand
36:03 that went to Australia and now moving towards Canada,
36:07 Sweden, Norway, those experiments have been working,
36:11 gender neutral, so now the alignments,
36:16 all the alignments are coming together.
36:18 But in the midst of all of that,
36:21 when iniquity does abound, in the midst of all of that,
36:24 God has a church, God has a remnant of people
36:29 who are believing for the resurrection
36:32 of the Christ in the earth.
36:34 As satanic influence rises in the earth,
36:37 they are intercessors, they've been praying
36:40 every Tuesday for 20 years and more,
36:43 that are praying for the manifestation
36:45 of the Christ among us.
36:47 Africa, we are the last bastion of hope
36:51 as custodians of the gospel.
36:54 Let's concentrate on keeping the gospel strong.
36:58 Let's concentrate on keeping the message strong.
37:02 Let's make sure that we keep the Antichrist
37:05 and its spirit out of our world.
37:08 Somebody say amen three times.
37:10 - Amen, amen, amen.
37:13 - Now there are some things that are Antichrist
37:16 that have been introduced in the world
37:17 as demonic systems that we cannot live without.
37:21 The Bible says we are in the world,
37:23 but we are not of the world.
37:25 We are in it, we are not of it.
37:28 Love not the world, neither the things
37:30 that are in the world.
37:32 If any man loves the world,
37:34 the love of the Father is not in.
37:36 So the systems of this world,
37:39 four, six of Luke, four, six of Matthew,
37:42 the systems are satanic.
37:45 We are in it.
37:46 You can't buy and trade without using a dollar.
37:49 The symbol is demonic.
37:52 The months of the year are demonic,
37:54 their names at least.
37:56 And there are various products
37:58 that its origin is in a demonic system.
38:03 And so we can't live without it,
38:06 but we are not part of it.
38:09 What's it means?
38:10 We're not part of it.
38:12 And so what's happening now,
38:14 what's happening now is that we are so many people
38:18 for temporal pleasure in the system,
38:21 buying into the system.
38:24 It is quite startling that for political power
38:30 around the world, there are those that come
38:33 to high levels of political power,
38:36 wherever they are, and this is a broad brush,
38:38 not casting an accusation on any person,
38:41 but it is known in certain sectors,
38:44 if you are going to rise above this level
38:46 of political power, you have to be a Freemason.
38:49 You have to be part of some sort of lodge.
38:53 You have to be baptized or bathed in some river.
38:58 There has to be some sort of initiation
39:00 by a witch doctor, a witch, a warlock,
39:03 or something like that.
39:05 And it's working so powerfully right now
39:08 to wield and to work their good pleasure.
39:11 And in the midst of all of that,
39:13 in the midst of all of that,
39:15 we have a church or the church
39:18 that's getting weaker and weaker.
39:20 Don't wanna pray, wanna wear what they wanna wear,
39:25 look like you wanna look.
39:26 Half the saints are drinking weekends,
39:30 partying weekends, hiding under grace,
39:34 refusing holiness, saying that this is old-fashioned.
39:38 You got people living together, not married,
39:41 having kids together, and it's such a blessing
39:43 and it's wonderful, and all the standards
39:46 of what the scripture requires of us is waived out.
39:48 We're just human, God forgives and God understands.
39:52 We'll call you for that, because this year
39:54 is very clear, we are living in the last days.
39:58 As it was in the days of Noah,
40:01 so shall it be at the coming of the Lord,
40:04 where men will be marrying, giving in marriage.
40:06 It's crazy, ordaining homosexuals
40:10 and letting them preach the gospel.
40:12 And of course, there's gonna be backlash.
40:14 Of course, there's backlash, because that system is rising.
40:18 We're not doing that here.
40:19 It's not normal for that to happen.
40:23 We're not doing that here,
40:25 because the last days is very clear.
40:27 There is a remnant of those that want to be righteous.
40:30 Turn to your neighbor and ask them,
40:32 "Do you want to live right?"
40:34 There's a remnant of people that want to live right.
40:36 There's a remnant of people that want to be holy.
40:39 There are people that are watching
40:40 for the system of the antichrist,
40:42 saying, "They can have that, but I'm not doing that.
40:45 "I'm not doing that, I'm not going there."
40:48 There are TV programs I don't watch.
40:51 I don't watch, because it sensitizes you
40:54 to things that are creeping in so quickly.
40:58 And we'll wake up one morning and discover
41:00 we are so in it, we can't get out of it.
41:03 And so with the mystery of iniquity,
41:08 jump with me now to slide number 24.
41:13 Slide number 24.
41:16 This is Daniel.
41:19 I can do this.
41:21 Nebuchadnezzar sees Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach,
41:23 and Abednego, okay?
41:25 Nebuchadnezzar sees an image,
41:27 and Daniel interprets the image.
41:30 And that image he builds is 90 foot tall,
41:34 made of solid gold.
41:37 And he demands that every single person
41:39 from all the provinces, he says,
41:42 "When you hear the music,"
41:44 and there are seven instruments that they play,
41:46 "When you hear this music, you bow down and you worship.
41:51 "When you hear the music, you bow down and you worship.
41:56 "When you hear the music, you bow down and you worship."
42:01 And so what he's telling us here,
42:03 one of the tools of the last days is music.
42:08 Is music.
42:14 And so praise and worship, guys.
42:16 You guys do a great job.
42:18 But three chord songs with hallelujah over hallelujah.
42:22 Amen, hallelujah, amen, hallelujah, amen, hallelujah,
42:27 amen, hallelujah, amen, hallelujah, amen,
42:32 hallelujah, amen, hallelujah, amen, hallelujah, amen,
42:37 hallelujah, amen.
42:39 What did you just say, Jack?
42:42 Jesus wasn't mentioned?
42:44 The blood wasn't mentioned?
42:46 Devils weren't challenged?
42:49 Nothing happened in your life?
42:51 You were just shaking your Heineken
42:54 you're not supposed to drink?
42:56 Just shaking it for I don't know who, Anthea?
42:58 But the problem I'm saying to you here
43:01 is that there's nothing within you
43:04 to edify what you're saying.
43:06 Where's Jesus in all of this?
43:08 Where's power in the blood?
43:10 Where's power in the name of Jesus?
43:13 Where every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
43:17 that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God.
43:20 Down with the devil!
43:22 (speaking in foreign language)
43:24 My God, I feel the power of Jesus Christ
43:27 wanting to manifest in the earth.
43:29 And so the devil used music.
43:36 I'm not a music person.
43:38 My teacher kind of like watches these things and so on.
43:41 Is it Sam Smith?
43:42 Sam Smith at one of the awards,
43:45 apparently he said was so concerning
43:48 and so demonic and so occultish.
43:52 The Barcelona something they had, the Birmingham games.
43:56 The symbol of the bull they were using
44:00 and how people were worshiping that bull
44:03 and apparently Birmingham is the center
44:05 where the bull is the mascot and so on.
44:07 But it's pure bail worship if you look at it,
44:10 the way people were bowing down and worshiping.
44:13 And we're not being paranoid, we're being realistic
44:15 because it's creeping slowly on individuals.
44:18 Just slowly creeping, slowly creeping.
44:22 Can you see this here?
44:24 Can you see that, that bite in the apple?
44:26 Can you see that?
44:27 That's Eve's bite on the apple.
44:30 Yeah, that's Eve's bite on the apple.
44:32 It's sensitizing you, it's sensitizing you.
44:35 It's sensitizing you, amen.
44:38 I'll have an apple but I'm not biting on this one, amen.
44:41 And so all these signs are creeping slowly,
44:45 slowly, slowly, slowly.
44:47 So we wanna watch who's preaching what
44:49 and why they saying what, amen.
44:51 Be careful because false prophets are many,
44:54 they are cunning for many, amen.
44:56 But as for me and my house, we're gonna serve the Lord.
45:01 We're gonna fast and pray.
45:04 We're going to sacrifice.
45:06 We're gonna preach the name of Jesus.
45:08 We're gonna cast out devils.
45:10 We're not fellowshipping with devils.
45:13 We're gonna call sin, sin.
45:15 If you're a sinner, repent.
45:17 (speaking in foreign language)
45:19 Repent of your sins, live a holy and righteous life.
45:22 If that's you, clap your hands, say it's me.
45:25 (congregation applauding)
45:31 And so these three boys refused to bow down.
45:34 They refused to bow down, they refused.
45:38 And Nebuchadnezzar said, "Are you sure?"
45:40 They refused to bow down.
45:42 Every time they heard the music,
45:44 (imitating music)
45:46 these three refused to bow down.
45:49 Please, parents,
45:50 parents, please look at your children's devices.
45:57 Don't let them have full control of their devices.
46:00 (congregation applauding)
46:02 I can feel the modern parents pushing back.
46:05 It's better now for your children to not like you now
46:09 than for them to send you hate mail from jail.
46:12 (congregation applauding)
46:16 No private passwords, we want that password.
46:21 Amen, or else no phone, no iPad,
46:26 because we want to know who's speaking into our family.
46:30 We want to know who's sitting somewhere
46:33 that's controlling our kids and directing them
46:36 and telling them, "Oh, you're not a boy, you're a girl."
46:39 Or, "You're a girl, but you are, you know what?"
46:44 You know what?
46:45 You know what?
46:46 They need embark where teachers now.
46:49 Amen, amen, amen.
46:51 And so these boys refused to bow down
46:53 and there are so many images emerging in the world.
46:56 And we're watching this modern generation
46:58 slowly bowing down, slowly bowing down.
47:03 You ask Christian, "Who are your Christians?
47:05 "Who are your heroes?"
47:07 It's all musicians, actors, most of them immoral, sick.
47:12 Who's that one that was having sex with a serpent?
47:15 That little Nas X, little Nas X,
47:20 having sex with a serpent and people admiring this.
47:27 And you know what?
47:29 It starts with the music.
47:31 It's now in the images of movies.
47:33 You can't watch anything really decent, really.
47:36 It's in the movies.
47:37 It's programming you.
47:39 It's coming on the products.
47:40 It's coming on money.
47:42 It's coming on stuff that we use every day, amen.
47:46 And you could be in that system.
47:47 Just make sure that you are sanitized
47:49 by the blood of Jesus, amen.
47:52 Sanitized, sanitized by the prayer
47:56 and the worship of the saints.
47:57 Make sure that we don't forsake
47:59 the assembling of ourselves together
48:02 the more often as we see that day approaching.
48:06 Remember that even in this country and in every group,
48:09 there are satanic movements.
48:12 There may be even witches in the service,
48:15 fasting and praying to destroy your faith,
48:17 your marriage, your family, your money right here.
48:21 And if you are a true believer,
48:23 you should be worshiping in the spirit and in truth
48:25 and not succumbing to some witch
48:27 that's been blowing smoke to make sure you sleep in church.
48:31 I only have two hours to be in church with you.
48:34 I might as well show the best
48:35 and rule over, rule the spirit of Antichrist
48:39 and lift up the Christ.
48:40 Because if I lift up the Christ, he will draw all men.
48:44 (congregation laughing)
48:47 Amen, my time is just about up.
48:49 Let's now go to slide number...
48:54 (sighing)
48:56 Slide number 31.
48:58 There's never been a time that is so globally ready
49:06 for an Antichrist to manifest and show as he's now.
49:11 As he's now.
49:13 The G7 just met, whoever decides they are.
49:17 The G20 are meeting, whoever decides they are.
49:19 The EU, whoever they are.
49:22 The EU, the AU, whatever we are.
49:26 The Asian bloc, the Austro-Asian bloc.
49:31 The Chinese have a bloc in everything.
49:35 And so, where's the church bloc?
49:42 Where's the church bloc?
49:45 Where's the church bloc?
49:48 (congregation laughing)
49:52 And so, what this needs.
49:55 See, this spirit is vicious.
49:57 Say, "The spirit is vicious."
49:58 - Vicious.
49:59 - This spirit is so vicious, it killed Jesus.
50:04 When he stood against Antichrist,
50:07 the religious world, the political world,
50:10 the economic world, killed Jesus.
50:14 That's how vicious they are.
50:18 They'll take you out.
50:20 But it's time for the martyrs to stand up now.
50:25 You want your houses and you want a house.
50:29 You want a BMW, you want money in your bank.
50:32 You want clothes.
50:33 That's the kind of message the lay was seeing church once.
50:37 You know you're gonna have a wife, you're gonna have a baby.
50:39 You know your children are gonna speak American
50:41 and you'll be wearing a Sade glasses and what.
50:45 But you don't want to hear about being a martyr
50:47 and giving your life for your faith.
50:49 And there are those already in the world
50:51 that do that anyway.
50:53 The spirit of Antichrist is working right now.
50:55 But in the midst of that, Helen,
50:57 there is a remnant of people that are rising, rising.
51:02 We're rising to prominence.
51:04 Amen.
51:05 When we see this sign, then we rejoice
51:09 because we know that the return of our Lord is here.
51:14 Rejoice to know that Jesus is coming back sooner.
51:19 Rejoice because idols are being broken down
51:23 and Christ is being lifted.
51:24 Rejoice when you start hearing a handful of people
51:28 singing songs about the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus.
51:32 People actually preaching the word of the Lord.
51:34 Rejoice when you find people come to you and say,
51:37 "Oh Lord, we're so hungry for you."
51:40 It's a sign that he's coming back soon.
51:43 Clap your hands for the return of Jesus.
51:45 (congregation applauding)
51:49 Stand with me as we close with Revelation chapter number 13.
51:57 And I saw one of his heads, this is a beast,
52:06 wounded to death, deadly head, da da da da.
52:09 And they worshiped the dragon.
52:13 Which country uses the symbol of the dragon?
52:18 Don't say it too loud.
52:22 Which country uses the symbol of the dragon?
52:27 There's two.
52:29 One is China, the other one is the UK.
52:33 Where King George slew the dragon.
52:37 Two.
52:41 (congregation chattering)
52:45 This is dual, sisters and brothers.
52:58 This is dual.
53:01 See the, one of the heads was wounded,
53:07 but it rose again.
53:11 (congregation chattering)
53:15 Say this is Bishop speaking.
53:17 - This is Bishop speaking.
53:18 - Say this is Bishop speaking.
53:20 - This is Bishop speaking.
53:21 - This is by observation,
53:23 it's not by substantiation through the scriptures.
53:26 Watch out, I'm a British.
53:30 (congregation chattering)
53:34 Watch out for everything that's come out of that group
53:39 around the world.
53:40 The things that they have created in the earth.
53:43 The power blocks that they have created,
53:46 the banking system that they hold,
53:48 the language that they command.
53:51 Watch out for those systems.
53:53 Watch out for New York City.
53:56 Watch out, watch out, watch out.
53:58 Watch out for San Francisco, LA, Washington, DC.
54:03 Watch out for those groups, watch out.
54:06 Because they wield and they control.
54:10 And any church person that stands up to speak righteousness
54:15 becomes a target.
54:16 But the righteous in that day
54:20 will create a path into the future.
54:23 Amen, lift up your hand.
54:24 The Bible says, "And they worshiped the dragon
54:28 "which gave power to the beast."
54:30 I worship you, almighty God, say that.
54:37 - I worship you, almighty God.
54:39 - There is none like you.
54:40 - There is none like you.
54:42 - I worship you, oh, Prince of Peace.
54:44 - I worship you, oh, Prince of Peace.
54:45 - I worship you, Elion, most high God.
54:48 - I worship you, Elion, most high God.
54:51 - I worship you, El Shaddai, my provider.
54:54 - I worship you, El Shaddai, my provider.
54:56 - Jehovah Adonai, you are my Lord and my King.
54:59 - Jehovah Adonai, you are my Lord and my King.
55:02 - I serve you.
55:03 - I serve you.
55:05 - Any traits of antichrist in me.
55:08 - Any traits of antichrist in me.
55:10 - Let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn it out.
55:13 - Let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn it out.
55:15 - Cause me to live in newness of life.
55:18 - Cause me to live in newness of life.
55:20 - Looking for the Christ.
55:22 - Looking for the Christ.
55:24 - In the name of Jesus.
55:25 - In the name of Jesus.
55:26 - Amen.
55:27 (upbeat music)
55:30 (upbeat music)
55:32 (upbeat music)
55:35 (upbeat music)
55:37 (upbeat music)
55:40 (upbeat music)
55:43 (upbeat music)
55:45 (upbeat music)
55:48 (upbeat music)
55:50 (upbeat music)
55:53 (upbeat music)
55:56 (upbeat music)
55:58 (upbeat music)
56:01 (upbeat music)
56:03 (upbeat music)