My Hair Color Ombre Dye

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, this is Jen from From Head to Toe and today I wanted to talk about my hair.
00:05 I've been meaning to make this video for a while now because my hair has been ombre dyed for like a few weeks now.
00:11 But I never had the right lighting to really show what the color actually was so hopefully, fingers crossed, this will be pretty close.
00:19 I tried to record this once before and the light was just like so bright.
00:24 It gave a really not quite correct indication of what the hair actually looks like so hopefully today's lighting will work out.
00:33 Basically, I wanted something that would really brighten up my complexion and be a little bit of a change for spring and summer.
00:44 I'm not a big hair coloring person. I really haven't ever dyed my hair completely.
00:50 I usually kind of stick with my black hair and I'll get a little bit of brown highlights.
00:56 I really don't do anything this drastic. This is probably the most color I've ever done my hair.
01:00 So, I really wanted something that would be very low maintenance and not have a lot of upkeep needed because, like I said, I don't do a whole lot with my hair.
01:11 I really just take a shower at night and I wash it and I go to sleep with it wet and then I wake up and I just don't brush it so it's kind of wavy.
01:21 That's pretty much all I do with my hair. I'll do a hair care video in the future just sharing what I use on it, my conditioner, treatments that I do to it and all of that.
01:33 But for today, just to give you a back story, like I said, I'm very low maintenance.
01:39 What I did is I actually talked to my husband's sister, so my sister-in-law.
01:44 She's actually a hair stylist. I wasn't wanting to just do it on my own since black hair can be really, I don't know, it's tricky to dye black hair and not make it look orange when you're going lighter.
01:59 So I went to her and she did this for me. What she used is a product called Kaleido Colors, which is a professional hair system that uses a powder.
02:11 And I really wanted to achieve sort of like a caramel color and not go too brassy.
02:18 So I think she did a really great job.
02:21 Let me see if I can take a step back for you.
02:26 This is what it looks like.
02:29 As you can see, the hair at the bottom is quite a lot lighter than my hair on top of my head.
02:38 But an ombre dye, the trick is to go from the dark color and gradually go to the lighter color.
02:47 So it's very light here at the ends.
02:50 Like it's a nice brown.
02:53 And I love it!
02:56 I think it's really easy. I really can even wear it when I don't do anything to my hair like curling it.
03:04 When I do curl it, it looks really cute I think.
03:07 It really brings out the vibrancy of the curls.
03:11 She also wanted me to mention that when she chose the specific dye, that it was the beige toned one.
03:19 And that's really important when you have black hair. So again, so it doesn't turn that sort of weird orange-ish, reddish, unhealthy color.
03:27 In real life, it's really quite subtle.
03:30 I know sometimes in videos, it really kind of picks up a lot of the light and it looks a lot more intense than it actually is in real life.
03:38 But it is not crazy looking.
03:42 Let me show you from the back.
03:45 So yep, that's my ombre hair.
03:57 And again, I wouldn't recommend if you have black hair to do this at home unless you have a lot of experience in dyeing hair.
04:07 And making it sort of like a different intensity at the ends than the top.
04:11 I wouldn't know how to do that by myself.
04:14 So yeah, if you are interested in this kind of hair, I guess maybe you could talk to your hair stylist and ask them about Kaleido Colors, which is made by Klerol.
04:24 And it's a powder one with beige undertones.
04:27 I guess that's it!
04:29 I will definitely have a whole blog entry with a lot of pictures on it showing before and after and what it looks like not curled and what it looks like when it is curled.
04:39 So I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll add some pictures at the end here too.
04:44 I will talk to you guys soon.
04:47 And remember if you like my videos, then please subscribe up there and follow me on Twitter if you'd like to.
04:52 That's
04:54 My blog is
04:56 F-R-M-H-E-A-D-T-O-T-O-E.COM
04:59 This is Jen, and I'll talk to you later. Bye!
05:02 [no audio]
