Soul Land Episode 263 English subtitles | Indonesia sub - animelif

  • last year
00:27This animation is based on the novel Soul Land, written by Tangjia Sanshao.
00:30Those underaged may watch with a guardian's permission.
00:32All content is computer-animated, please do not imitate live.
00:36Tang San, your spirit is on the verge of shattering.
00:40Ascend with me to the divine realm immediately.
00:43Otherwise, you will perish completely.
00:46No, I can't leave yet.
00:49Everyone is suffering because of my death.
00:51The threat of the Spirit Empire still exists.
00:53Wu's life is in imminent danger.
00:56How can I leave alone?
00:58Honorable Asura God,
00:59I want to return to the human world.
01:03The God of the Ocean has already perished.
01:06Before dawn,
01:07if your spirit cannot reach the divine realm,
01:11it will also be extinguished.
01:14Is there really no way?
01:21The little monsters have depleted their soul power.
01:25Especially Xiao Ao and Rong Rong.
01:27Rong Rong.
01:28Her current body is probably weaker than an ordinary person's.
01:31It will take at least a month for her soul power to recover.
01:34As long as San can come back,
01:36it's not a problem.
01:40Why hasn't San woken up yet?
01:48The wounds have completely healed.
01:50The skin has regained warmth.
01:52It should have been successful.
01:56No, it hasn't been successful yet.
01:59Brother still doesn't have a heartbeat.
02:02The divine body has already recovered.
02:03But San still hasn't woken up.
02:06It means his spirit has likely been shattered by Bibi Dong.
02:10Unable to be revived.
02:24God of the Ocean, Tang San is dead,
02:27but you can live as the Asura God.
02:35What is the price to become the Asura God?
02:39Your past as Tang San will dissipate like smoke.
02:44Human emotions will no longer bind you.
02:49Only pure divinity will remain in your heart.
02:54This price is called annihilation of emotions.
03:04Annihilation of emotions?
03:19Brother, your hair is also disheveled.
03:39Brother, I have made up my mind.
03:42Wait for me in another world.
03:45We promised never to be apart again.
03:48Wherever you go,
03:50I will accompany you through life and death.
03:53Wu, are you thinking...
04:00Dawn is approaching.
04:03The future in the mirror will come true one by one.
04:19If I annihilate my emotions...
04:21I will lose all memories of Wu and everyone else.
04:36But if I don't annihilate my emotions...
04:38They will...
04:43The Tian Dou Empire will never bow down to its enemies.
04:48The time limit has expired.
04:49Marshal, let's go to battle.
04:53Your Majesty.
04:54I can be loyal to Tian Dou, loyal to you.
04:58As an old subject, I have no regrets in this life.
05:02Even if the other world is an endless void,
05:07I will follow your soul's guidance and find you,
05:10find you, live together, die together.
05:15Never be separated.
05:18Life and death, from beginning to end of love.
05:23Tang San, make your choice.
05:28I have always had only one choice.
05:44- My name is Wu. - Tang San.
05:45Tang San.
05:45- Big Brother San. - San.
05:47Please call me Big Sister Wu.
05:48- Big Brother San. - San.
05:49Big Brother San.
05:51- Big Brother San. - San.
07:54Exterminate Tian Dou and unify Soul Land.
08:00Tang San.
08:00Exterminate Tian Dou and unify Soul Land.
08:14It's San! San has been resurrected!
08:17The legend is true.
08:20A miracle has truly occurred.
08:22- We succeeded! - We actually succeeded!
08:24How is this possible?
08:26The shattered divine soul has actually reassembled.
08:28He... He didn't die.
08:30He has returned.
08:34Tang San has returned.
08:35I knew it. You wouldn't die so easily.
08:58San looks different.
09:03Although we don't know what San has experienced,
09:06he can tear through the boundary of life and death to return.
09:10He must have paid a price that is beyond our imagination.
09:15Give him some time.
09:23All of this doesn't matter.
09:26Brother has returned.
09:45Teacher was actually sent flying by Tang San.
09:48How is it possible?
09:50After being resurrected,
09:51San not only seems like a different person,
09:54but his abilities have also skyrocketed.
09:56Could it be that San can resurrect
09:58because he has inherited the Asura God?
10:01He is no longer the God of the Ocean Tang San from before.
10:04Young Master.
10:06What do you want to say?
10:08If this continues, the Spirit Empire will likely lose everything.
10:13If Bibi Dong can't deal with Tang San,
10:15I will take over the situation and kill Tang San.
10:18I'm certain I can defeat him.
10:21Bibi Dong is your mother.
10:23If she is killed by Tang San,
10:26can you bear it?
10:27How dare you!
10:28She is not my mother.
10:31At this point, I no longer conceal it.
10:34If you knew the reason why she despises your father,
10:37perhaps you would understand everything.
10:47No, this can't be. This is impossible.
10:53This past, whether for your mother or the Martial Soul Hall,
10:57is something we can't bear to look back on.
11:03Don't resent her.
11:05She fights for the Spirit Empire.
11:15Asura, endless shackles.
11:26His aura is elusive.
11:28Impossible to capture or defend against.
11:32He has already surpassed me by one realm.
11:45What's wrong with him?
11:48You're here, good.
11:52Because I have already seen his hidden weakness.
11:57I can't watch you lose the entire Spirit Empire.
12:00This time,
12:01we'll join forces again and definitely kill him.
12:05But remember, everything I do is not for you,
12:11but for the empire.
12:42The wait is over.
12:44Nether Rakshasa.
13:14Why does she also possess the power of Asura God?
13:20I will always stand by your side.
13:22Even if I have to wait another hundred thousand years,
13:25a million years.
13:27I'm willing to do it.
13:59My name is Wu meaning the dance.
14:01Can I not call you brother?
14:04I swear to never leave brother.
14:07Even in death, I won't leave.
14:09Brother, remember this.
14:11If you die, I will accompany you.
14:15If one day, many people want to kill me
14:20and those people are stronger than you, what would you do?
14:33Brother, come back.
14:52How can I bear to make you wait for me for a hundred thousand years?
14:55My Wu.
15:00So, this is the true purpose of the Asura Magic Sword choosing me.
15:04Brother's Asura God is not complete.
15:07Asura God wants me to become brother's sheath.
15:11Together, we will bear the icy chill of Asura God.
15:19The sharp edge of the Asura Magic Sword
15:21will be fully unleashed through us.
15:38How could humans unite with the gods?
15:42She completes the power of the Asura God?
15:44The fusion of two gods. How is this possible?
15:59Rakshasa God Bibi Dong, Angel God Qian Renxue.
16:03As gods,
16:04you have caused war and suffering.
16:09Now, accept your punishment.
16:26This is the Martial Soul Fusion Skill of Wu and me.
16:29- The coexistence of two gods. - The coexistence of two gods.
16:34Boiling like a behemoth, swallowing the sky and devouring the earth.
16:39Peacefully embracing the silent sky in its arms.
16:44Realm of the God of the Ocean.
18:08Didn't you want a fair fight?
18:11Let me show you what a fair fight means to me.
18:18Human suffering is a feast to me.
18:23Resentment turns into the scythe's gleam, tearing apart all beings.
18:28The prison of Rakshasa.
18:32The world's path is my path.
18:35With one sword, the decision is made, and the eternal light opens.
18:41The domain of the angels.
19:02Where are the angelic beings?
19:23Magical skill, Holy Flame Heavenly Punishment.
20:40Magical skill, Calamity Curse Annihilation.
20:51Magical skill.
20:56The vast ocean leaves no trace.
21:10The sharp edge returns to the sheath, calmly observing the truth and rules.
21:14The killing intent, like a blade, annihilates all illusions.
21:17- Realm of the Asura. - Realm of the Asura.
21:23Vulnerable to a single strike.
21:28In this domain,
21:29our abilities are completely suppressed.
21:44Magical skill.
22:19Magical skill.
22:25Shield of the Angel!
22:36Indeed, a person can only inherit one god.
22:39But Wu fused with San's soul through a sacrifice
22:44so when Wu voluntarily became the vessel for the Asura's Demon Sword,
22:47San could avoid conflicts between gods.
22:51By the traction of their souls, they can mobilize the power of both gods.
23:07It is precisely because of the perfect compatibility between San and Wu
23:10that this perfect Martial Soul Fusion Skill is produced.
23:13The miracle of coexistence of two gods.
23:51Your resistance is futile.
23:54Accept your fate of defeat.
24:12This is not the posture an Angel God should have.
24:15Spirit Empire's brilliance will endure!
24:40Xiao Xue.
25:05Tang San, you've won.
25:11We have won!
25:17Great! We have won.
25:27The territory of our nation, we won't yield an inch.
25:32Father, we did it!
25:35Lan Hao Wang!
25:49Mom, Da Ming, Er Ming.
25:53You can finally rest in peace now.
25:56You've always hated me.
25:58Why are you saving me now?
26:04It's what I owe you.
26:07Xiao Xue, you don't have to forgive me.
26:12I hope that in the future, you can let go of all this,
26:21live for yourself.
26:57The war has ended.
27:13Slow down, everyone.
27:15Let's go.
27:17[Shenhun Village]
27:20Grandpa Village Chief, why did our village change its name?
27:24Because a god appeared in our village.
27:41Hurry, faster.
27:44Is this still Shrek Academy?
27:46God of the Ocean.
27:47[VIP Reception] Food God, Nine-colored Goddess.
27:50Here to congratulate the newlyweds.
27:56Oh my, I actually see a main god.
28:02Asura God is here to congratulate.
28:11Why is it him again?
28:12What kind of wedding are we participating in?
28:16The ceremony is about to begin.
28:19Please welcome the groom and bride.
28:46Xiang Xiang, we're really getting married.
28:48I swear, I will always be good to you.
28:51I will make you the happiest and most joyful woman in the world.
28:56Actually, being able to love you
28:58is already the happiest thing.
29:57Wu, you look so beautiful.
30:00Brother, I finally become your wife.
30:07I love you, Wu.
30:10I love you too, forever and ever.
30:57[Since the decision to animate Soul Land on April 1, 2017]
31:00[In nearly 2,229 days, [263 episodes of the animation have aired]
31:01[Total duration of the main episodes: 3,911 minutes]
31:01[Total number of shots: 93,528] [Total number of special effects: 38,435]
31:03[Total planning of combat scenes: 17,681] [Total number of scene models: 828]
31:04[Total number of character models: 1,697] [Total number of prop models: 13,753]
31:05[Thanks to everyone for their support and love] [We will continue to work hard]
31:10[100 confession letters It's time to say goodbye. [The accompanied time will remain forever.]
31:13[Let's use letters as the confession [and express our love]
31:16[and passion to record all the past.]
31:18♪ I was once lost ♪
31:22♪ I anticipate a ray of light ♪
31:26♪ The wind brushes against my face ♪
31:29♪ Love and hate entangled in death ♪
31:33♪ I have so much to confide ♪
31:37♪ Waiting for a ray of light in the dark night ♪
31:40♪ I have been hurt, with tears and wound ♪
31:43♪ I have had my doubts and started anew ♪
31:47♪ I make a promise to fate ♪
31:51♪ I shed a tear but my gaze remains sharp ♪
31:54♪ I am going all out ♪
31:56♪ To protect this pulse ♪
32:04♪ Light the flame of destiny in silence ♪
32:09♪ A ringing promise for the souls ♪
32:15♪ To sum it up, be honest and speak no nonsense ♪
32:22♪ Free each other's soul ♪
32:46I hope we can meet again.
32:58Don't be nervous.
33:00I came this time with a big gift.
33:03Is the gift you gave me not enough?
33:05I'm going to explore the universe.
33:07I wonder if you're willing to take over my position.
33:12Join the Divine Realm Council.
33:14Tang San.
33:15I also have this plan.
33:17You can take control of the Divine Realm as the God of the Ocean and Asura.
33:37[Shenhun Village]
33:40[Ten thousand years later]
34:23[Supreme Tang's Clan] [Stay Tuned]
