Beauty Haul NYC [Sephora, Muji, Inglot]

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Coffee break with me, woo!
00:08 Does this cup make me look fat?
00:10 I asked Tater if I could borrow his mug
00:12 because I haven't done the dishes.
00:14 This is my 87th cup of coffee.
00:17 I shrank it in the washer.
00:19 How do you guys like my mug?
00:21 Okay, I couldn't resist.
00:23 So I'm already at the airport trying to come back home
00:28 and then I saw this and I said,
00:30 "You need to be in my life
00:31 "because it is the cutest, tiniest little mug of life."
00:35 I swear, I love miniature things.
00:37 You guys know that.
00:38 And when I saw it, I was like,
00:39 "Okay, well, I may need to make 96 cups of coffee,
00:43 "but it's cute, right?"
00:45 So I am here with the second part
00:49 of my New York City trip, haul,
00:52 whatever you wanna call it.
00:53 Yesterday, I posted my IMAX haul
00:56 and this is what I hauled in the city.
00:58 Now, like I told you guys in the other video,
01:02 I think I lost my mind.
01:03 I think I went into some kind of psychosis,
01:07 makeup psychosis, blackout mode
01:10 because when we were back at the hotel,
01:13 exhausted, albeit,
01:14 I don't remember picking a lot of the stuff that I did.
01:20 Well, in my defense, what happened was
01:24 my friend Tiffany would say,
01:25 "Hey, look at this, I think we need this."
01:27 And I'd be like, "Yeah, sure, give me one.
01:28 "Oh, look, Tiff, you need this.
01:30 "Oh, yeah, give me one."
01:31 So a lot of the things,
01:33 Tater says hi.
01:35 So a lot of the things we kind of picked up for each other.
01:38 So we trust each other so much
01:40 that if she said, "Hey, you need this."
01:42 I was like, "Okay, sure, just give me one.
01:43 "I don't know what it is.
01:44 "I could end up with a purple poodle in my basket
01:47 "and I would trust her."
01:48 So I think that's totally what happened.
01:51 So when we were in the city,
01:53 we basically only had Friday to shop
01:55 because Saturday was IMAX,
01:57 Saturday night was the Knicks party,
01:59 and then I was leaving first thing Sunday morning.
02:01 So we really didn't have that much time.
02:03 Considering how little time we had,
02:05 we did quite a bit of damage.
02:06 So I'm just gonna jump right in.
02:09 The first thing that I got was at Muji,
02:12 but if you guys follow Sam,
02:14 if you don't, you should,
02:15 my friend Samantha Riley,
02:18 if you're looking for her,
02:18 I think it's Sammy's Makeup Corner,
02:21 and she got the same exact thing.
02:23 We went to Muji.
02:24 We thought we were going to thrash Muji
02:26 and get a ton of stuff,
02:27 but they were basically all sold out
02:29 because they were having their 10% off
02:31 your entire purchase sale.
02:33 So we were like, "Ugh, walk to the other Muji?
02:35 "I don't think so.
02:36 "We'll just get whatever we find."
02:38 So I got this drawer set,
02:40 and this is a four-drawer acrylic case,
02:43 and I'm totally gonna open it for you guys.
02:45 I probably should've opened it already.
02:50 Should I edit this out?
02:51 I think it's more funny trying to watch me struggle
02:54 with a piece of plastic that's winning.
02:55 This is the four-drawer set,
02:58 and I think this is supposed to be
03:00 for your desk or sunglasses or glasses.
03:04 Basically what it is is it's a four-drawer.
03:07 You guys can see kind of in the lighting.
03:10 It opens like this,
03:12 and I have one that's exactly like this
03:14 except it's six drawers.
03:16 So each of these is split in half,
03:19 so there's six.
03:20 The cool thing about this is
03:21 I'm never gonna use it standing up.
03:23 Actually, I may be able to use it standing up like this,
03:26 maybe for my mascaras, my gel liners, whatever,
03:29 but you can also turn it this way
03:32 and slide the drawers in this other way,
03:35 and then stack it on top of your three drawers
03:37 or your five drawers or whatever.
03:39 So it's very versatile.
03:40 It's clear.
03:41 Always remember, if you store your makeup
03:43 in clear storage containers,
03:46 you'll go through it more often.
03:47 You won't kind of stash it away and then forget about it,
03:50 which is why all of my makeup is in clear containers.
03:53 If it's not in clear containers,
03:55 it's because I haven't reviewed it or something.
03:57 This is turning into my philosophy on organization.
04:00 But out of sight, out of mind.
04:03 It's totally true.
04:04 It's how the human brain works.
04:05 So keep your stuff out where you can see it,
04:08 and I promise you, you'll use it more often,
04:11 and your looks will start to be different.
04:12 You won't look the same, the same, the same
04:14 every time you do your makeup.
04:15 You'll kind of step out of your comfort zone,
04:17 which is always a plus.
04:19 The other thing that I got was at Inglot,
04:22 and we, funny story, we were like,
04:26 okay, Inglot at Imatte's is a mess.
04:29 The lines are long.
04:31 People rush you.
04:32 It's not even worth the discount.
04:34 I was talking to Laura about it.
04:35 I was talking to Sam.
04:36 I even talked to Stacey from Beauty Barkin's.
04:38 She loves a good deal, and for her to say,
04:41 I'll forego the good deal just so that
04:44 I don't have to wait in line is major.
04:46 Well, we go to an Inglot store.
04:48 We spend a lot of money, and at Imatte's,
04:51 the Inglot line wasn't existent.
04:53 There was basically no line.
04:55 There was no line because it was
04:57 Lime Crime and Sigma's first year,
05:00 so everyone was in that line,
05:01 and Inglot was like crickets.
05:03 No one was there, and it was,
05:05 I could've saved like $50, but I don't wanna get into it.
05:08 So we went to Inglot.
05:09 The good thing is we met two people that work there.
05:11 They were so super sweet, totally helpful, and awesome,
05:15 and hi guys, thank you so much.
05:17 They were the Inglot in Times Square.
05:20 Like that makes any sense to me
05:22 'cause I have no idea where I was most of the time,
05:25 but it was in Times Square 'cause there was a ton of lights,
05:27 and they gave us a cute little bag,
05:29 and I bought a ton of stuff there,
05:31 but I already put it in the Z palette
05:32 so it would be easier for me to show you,
05:34 and I got the Z palette at Imatte's,
05:36 which you saw in the haul from yesterday.
05:40 So these are the shadows that I got.
05:42 I do have to say I am very impressed
05:44 with the quality of Inglot shadows.
05:46 They're super silky and soft.
05:48 They kind of remind me of the texture of Lorac shadows,
05:51 the good Lorac shadows, not the crappy ones,
05:53 the ones that are like in the Pro palette
05:55 or in the Pro to Go.
05:56 They're silky like that.
05:57 So I got these three blushes,
05:59 and then I got these eyeshadows.
06:00 I would swatch them for you guys,
06:01 but it would take me like an hour,
06:03 but I do have to say that I am super excited
06:06 that I was finally able to get Inglot shadows,
06:08 but had I known all along that they're like $6 each,
06:13 I don't think I would have waited this long.
06:14 There is no Inglot here in Dallas, so I took advantage,
06:17 and this is the Pro size of the Z palette.
06:20 That's why it looks so big.
06:22 I wanted to save one eyeshadow without opening
06:25 just so that I could show you guys how they come.
06:27 They do come in a little black box, not a sleeve,
06:30 so if you need them shipped or you need to travel with them,
06:34 they are super safe and they're not going to crack.
06:36 When you open them, they come in a plastic,
06:41 like a plastic case, almost like if you were going
06:45 to pop a pill out, you know what I mean?
06:47 A thin black plastic on the back
06:50 so you guys can see when I'm opening it.
06:52 You open it like that, and you take the plastic off,
06:56 and then this is a hard plastic,
06:58 and then there is your eyeshadow.
06:59 Of course I had to get a mint color.
07:01 It's not like I don't have enough mint already,
07:03 but I saved this one to show you guys how it comes.
07:05 It's so awesome because I was so scared
07:08 that they were going to come in just those little
07:10 paper cardboards like the MAC ones.
07:12 I was like, "Oh, they're not going to arrive safely to Dallas,"
07:15 but they did, so all I did was I took it out,
07:18 and it just sticks into your Z palette.
07:21 The cool thing about Inglot shadows is,
07:24 I don't know if the magnet on Inglot shadows
07:28 or the metal on Inglot shadows is the good quality kind
07:31 or the Z palette has an amazing magnet itself
07:35 because I struggle a lot putting pans into my MAC palette.
07:39 I always have to reinforce it with an additional magnet,
07:42 and I haven't had that issue with the Inglot shadows
07:45 or it could be the Z palette.
07:47 I don't know.
07:47 Let me know in the comments section.
07:49 The last thing that I got at Inglot, of course,
07:51 I could not leave New York City
07:52 without getting Inglot 77 gel liner.
07:56 Apparently, this is the best gel liner.
07:59 Oh, it's sealed.
08:00 Should I open it?
08:01 I should totally open it to show you guys.
08:02 Well, it's not like it's going to make a difference.
08:04 This is apparently the best gel liner of life,
08:09 of the universe, of the world, whatever you want to call it.
08:13 It is the silkiest, softest, matte, black,
08:17 solid black gel liner.
08:19 I haven't used it, obviously.
08:21 I just opened it, but I trust my girl, Samantha,
08:23 and everyone else that raves about it.
08:25 What Samantha did tell me, though,
08:27 is once you put it on your face, it's not moving.
08:31 So you want to make sure that you've done gel liner before.
08:35 Otherwise, you for sure are going to end up looking
08:38 like a hybrid panda, raccoon, mix, combination.
08:43 You know what I mean?
08:44 (laughs)
08:45 Oh, you guys.
08:46 So let me tell you how my sick Sephora,
08:50 no, how my sick, pathetic, makeup hoarder mind,
08:55 or brain works.
08:57 So Friday, Friday was the 11th,
09:01 and I think the VIB sale ended on the 11th.
09:05 So the girls and I were like,
09:07 "Well, today's the last day for the Sephora sale,
09:10 "and we've never been to the Sephora in Times Square.
09:12 "Apparently, there's like three,
09:15 "so we definitely have to go just in case
09:17 "there's like Illamasqua or other brands
09:19 "that we can't find locally, whatever."
09:21 We justified our way into going to two Sephoras
09:26 in Times Square on Friday when we had just arrived
09:29 from a long trip of travel, or like a long day of traveling.
09:32 Yeah, the medium bag, the medium bag.
09:37 But you know what, I will tell you this.
09:38 There was one girl in front of me in line.
09:39 She got this bag that I have never seen in my life.
09:43 It looked like a tote bag.
09:45 It was full of stuff.
09:47 It was the paper bags, but it was humongous.
09:49 I kind of wanted to like jump her in an alley
09:51 and steal her stuff, but I resisted.
09:54 I was like, "What can someone buy at a Sephora
09:56 "that they need that bag?"
09:58 It was huge.
09:59 Anyway, I'm sidetracked.
10:01 So we went to two different Sephoras,
10:03 and of course I got a ton of stuff
10:04 that I don't know how ended up in my Sephora basket,
10:07 but I will have to say,
10:08 I am kind of happy with the stuff that I got.
10:10 So I'm gonna bring you guys in closer.
10:12 Welcome to my face.
10:14 This is my shameless Sephora,
10:16 I just hauled at Sephora, now I'm hauling again face.
10:19 The first thing that I got was, I couldn't resist.
10:22 I don't like lip glosses, but lately,
10:24 I told you guys, I'm on a lip gloss kick.
10:27 It's the Buxom Nudes and Bright
10:29 6 Mini Full-Bodied Lip Glosses.
10:32 I know in the packaging, they look like nothing.
10:35 Like, oh, you know, nothing special.
10:37 They are so amazing.
10:39 I don't know if,
10:43 I don't know if they're like,
10:44 whitening, lightening, dial a smile amazing,
10:47 'cause I've been loving those lately,
10:48 but they are pretty good.
10:51 It comes with three limited edition bright colors.
10:54 So these are permanent, these are limited edition.
10:56 So you know, when I see limited edition,
10:58 the siren in my brain goes off.
11:00 (imitates siren)
11:01 You need it, it's limited edition.
11:02 You'll never find it again in your life.
11:03 And when you do want it, it's gonna be on Amazon
11:05 for like three times the price.
11:06 So I got it.
11:08 Actually, me and Tiffany both got this.
11:10 So it's really cool.
11:12 I'll definitely be wearing this recent,
11:14 or in, you know, recent videos or whatever.
11:16 So you guys will be able to see those.
11:18 And then this purchase is Laura's fault.
11:20 Mrs. Lola Lynn, she basically said that,
11:24 what did she say?
11:25 (baby crying)
11:26 Tater says hi again.
11:29 She used the most hilarious expression.
11:33 I don't remember what she said.
11:34 Now I feel like I need to dig through my text messages.
11:37 She said that the Makeup Forever HD cream blushes,
11:40 the new Makeup Forever cream blushes,
11:42 will change your life in one of her videos.
11:44 So when I was at Sephora, I was like, okay,
11:46 maybe I'll try one.
11:47 I tried one, and I was like, wow, okay, I'm converted.
11:52 I'm officially converted.
11:54 The Gorgeous Cosmetics cream blush converted me.
11:57 This just sent me over the edge.
11:58 Sent me over the edge so much that I needed two.
12:01 I got the colors 410 and 210.
12:04 I don't know, I don't like number names.
12:08 I like name names, you know, like Pinchy Pink,
12:11 or Walk in the Sunset, whatever.
12:13 This is number 210, so you guys can see that.
12:18 It looks a little bit astonishingly bright,
12:21 but it's really not.
12:22 It's a cream product, so once you blend it out,
12:24 kinda diffuse it out a little bit, it's not as intense.
12:28 When you see this one, you're gonna be like, wow,
12:30 now that's intense.
12:31 So this is kind of like a pink one,
12:33 this is kind of like a peach one,
12:34 and again, it's a cream product,
12:36 so it looks a little bit more intense than it really is,
12:38 but they are so pretty.
12:40 Don't you guys hate that?
12:43 It's like, I get it, you're weather testing, or whatever.
12:46 Do you have to make that loud, obnoxious noise?
12:48 It's really obnoxious.
12:49 Poor Tater gets scared, too.
12:52 So two cream blushes, obviously they are way expensive
12:55 because they are Makeup Forever,
12:57 and of course, we get to IMATS,
12:59 and Makeup Forever is at IMATS.
13:01 I thought Makeup Forever was just gonna be doing
13:02 their makeup show where they do body paint
13:05 and all this craziness, but no, they had their products
13:09 there, I think 30% off, so it was a little womp womp.
13:12 The last three products, I'm trying to make this
13:14 as fast as possible.
13:15 I'm sick, you guys.
13:19 Remember my last Sephora haul with my mom,
13:21 how I basically just attacked a Bite Beauty display?
13:26 Well, I did it again.
13:28 I did it again thrice, three times over.
13:31 I got two high pigment pencils
13:33 in the colors Velvet and Bouquet.
13:37 And again, this purchase is Tiffany's fault
13:40 because we just love soft pinks.
13:43 We love really pretty, softy pinks,
13:45 and so we got these two crayons.
13:48 This is the color Velvet.
13:51 I mean, come on, how can you say no to that?
13:53 Look at that, isn't that adorable?
13:54 It's like a romantic pink.
13:56 Like, Mr. Man, let's go on a date.
13:58 I'll wear my Velvet lip crayon.
14:01 (laughs)
14:02 And then this one is in the color Bouquet.
14:04 I think this one's a little bit more of a nudey pink.
14:07 Right there, see that?
14:11 You can't tell the difference, can you?
14:12 Because I'm sick and I bought two colors
14:14 that look exactly the same.
14:15 This one's Velvet, this one is Bouquet.
14:18 Then, also from Bite, this I'm probably gonna give away
14:23 because I don't even know why I got this.
14:26 Tiffany loved it.
14:27 I don't know how it ended up in my basket.
14:29 It's not my color at all.
14:31 This is the Bite lipstick in Fig.
14:34 Actually, I think Stacey might have had a little bit
14:37 to do with this purchase.
14:38 But it's basically the same color as Bouquet.
14:43 You guys can see that?
14:45 But I prefer crayons over lipsticks
14:46 just because they're easier to put on.
14:49 So, I don't know.
14:50 I don't know how this, you can tell I'm speechless.
14:54 I don't know how I ended up with this.
14:57 And then, I also got what's on my lips.
15:00 And this is a Too Faced Melted Liquid Longwear Lipstick.
15:04 I was like, don't follow the hype.
15:06 These aren't even worth it.
15:07 They're basically like the Milani Lip Intense
15:09 because they really are.
15:11 Except for two big, giant, magnificent reasons,
15:16 they are not the same.
15:18 First things first, these don't bleed.
15:20 You don't need an anti-feathering pencil
15:22 like the Milani ones.
15:24 And it comes with a sponge at the tip.
15:28 So you squeeze and apply and you get this amazing color.
15:32 The other colors, I was like,
15:33 I'm probably not gonna use them as much.
15:35 They have a nude color, but it's more of a brown nude.
15:37 Then they have a red, a purple, and a hot pink.
15:40 So I got this color.
15:42 It's Melted Peony, which you can tell
15:45 it's kind of like a peachy pink.
15:47 But I could see this kind of changing colors
15:50 depending on your skin tone or the color of your lips.
15:53 I have really pigmented kind of pink lips,
15:55 so that's probably why it looks this color,
15:57 but it is amazing.
15:58 It's so easy to put on and it doesn't move.
16:01 It's creamy, but it doesn't move.
16:03 That is so hard to find nowadays
16:04 where you put something on and it doesn't end up
16:06 all over your face, hooker status, you know what I mean?
16:10 The last thing in my Sephora haul,
16:12 my camera's probably gonna cut me off,
16:14 is a Sephora Luster Matte Long Wear Lip Color,
16:19 Indie Color Lilac Luster.
16:23 I have never seen these before at my Sephora.
16:26 I don't know if it's because I just overlooked
16:28 the Sephora display, like the Sephora makeup display,
16:32 or if it's like a Times Square
16:36 or a big Sephora exclusive type product,
16:38 but it is so pretty, look at that.
16:41 It's exactly like the long-lasting
16:46 liquid lipsticks from Kat Von D,
16:47 you know, like a Lime Crime Velveteen.
16:51 This is what this is like, but look at the color, you guys.
16:54 Watch, are you ready for this?
16:57 Look at that, isn't that amazing?
17:00 It's like silky, it's soft, it's creamy, it's beautiful.
17:04 It is an exact dupe for the Kat Von D Armageddon color
17:09 that has been sold out for like a year.
17:12 It's never in stock, so I found this one
17:14 and I was like, hey, might as well give it a shot.
17:16 Plus, it's probably like half the price.
17:18 So that is it for my New York City haul,
17:21 crazy madness, out of my mind haul.
17:24 I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
17:26 I'm sorry I don't have more to say about these products
17:29 because I just got back.
17:31 I haven't had a chance to like test them out
17:33 and really tell you if I love them or not,
17:34 but I'll definitely be talking about them
17:36 in upcoming videos, you'll see me wearing them.
17:40 You know what I mean, you'll be able to tell
17:43 if I like it or not because my favorites are coming up
17:46 and all of that stuff.
17:47 I do wanna take the time to thank the four other girls
17:51 that spent their weekend with me.
17:53 It was so much fun.
17:54 You guys, it's so difficult to find genuine,
17:58 sweet, amazing women friends, grown women friends.
18:03 And it was just, it was like a match made in heaven.
18:06 We all clicked, we all vibed, it was an amazing trip.
18:09 I had such a blast.
18:11 I never thought that as a married and mom,
18:14 I would be doing a girls trip
18:16 because I never did it as a single woman.
18:19 So it was an amazing experience.
18:22 We're even discussing doing a maybe once a year
18:24 women's retreat just for the weekend.
18:26 So it was just a blast.
18:28 And what I'm gonna do is at the end,
18:30 I'm going to just insert a couple of pictures
18:32 that the girls and I took around the city, nothing major.
18:35 I mean, it was like Elmo and Times Square groping me
18:38 and me standing behind a taxi.
18:40 I mean, it wasn't like we went sightseeing or anything,
18:44 but I do wanna share a little bit of our fun with you guys,
18:46 including maybe the two or three cheeseburgers
18:50 that I ate at Shake Shack twice while I was there,
18:53 just for two days.
18:54 But anyway, I do love my food.
18:57 So if you guys are interested in seeing any maybe
19:00 more intense reviews on any of these products that I bought
19:03 or if you have any questions about them,
19:04 let me know in the comment section below.
19:07 And as always, if you guys found this video
19:09 useful or entertaining or learned something,
19:10 please give me a thumbs up
19:12 or subscribe if you haven't already.
19:13 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
19:16 Bye, guys!
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