• last year
00:00 Hey guys and welcome back to my channel.
00:11 So today's video is going to be how to get rid of pigmented dark lips.
00:18 Now this is good for female and male both.
00:23 Usually when we have dark lips it is because of either smoking or it's pigmentation or
00:30 it's because of lack of circulation in this mouth area.
00:36 So I'm going to be showing you on how to lighten your lips and make them naturally pink.
00:42 So the first thing you're going to do is you're going to exfoliate.
00:47 So this is an exfoliator from Lush.
00:51 What you can use is you can just use plain sugar and you can add some olive oil in it
00:56 and you want to exfoliate your lips.
01:10 Now you just want to wipe it off with a washcloth.
01:28 This is just sugar so it's not going to harm you.
01:52 So what this is going to do is it's going to exfoliate dead skin on your lips and it's
01:57 going to prepare your lips to apply other mixtures on top.
02:01 Now we're going to make the mixture.
02:02 It is very simple.
02:03 You're going to need a glass jar like this.
02:07 Now I recommend glass jars because it keeps well.
02:10 Then you're going to take some Vaseline.
02:12 I have some Vaseline in this jar because I don't like to dip my fingers in the big jar
02:18 so I just pour some out in here.
02:21 And you need a q-tip like that.
02:26 You're going to scoop some out from this jar.
02:38 And you're going to place it in this tiny jar here.
02:48 I'm just going to use a knife to do that but kids please don't use a knife.
02:53 Just use a q-tip it works well.
03:00 Okay so like that.
03:28 It's filled up.
03:32 I just have a mirror here.
03:35 It's just for myself so I can use it.
03:40 Next what you're going to do is you're going to take some sweet almond oil.
03:45 Let me focus this here.
03:50 Sweet almond oil.
03:59 And you're going to put about 5 drops in this Vaseline.
04:12 And you want to mix it around with this toothpick.
04:28 I'm just going to add a little bit more sweet almond oil.
04:31 Adding too much is not harmful.
04:33 Sweet almond oil is actually good for you.
04:35 I'm going to explain in a little while what sweet almond oil does.
04:39 So I'm just going to put some.
04:58 Mix it around.
05:21 Next what you're going to do is you're going to take some beetroot powder or you can use
05:26 the liquid from the actual beetroot.
05:30 So I have this one.
05:32 And you're going to take your knife.
05:43 It's red so I'm just going to take some out.
05:47 Like that.
05:51 And I'm going to put it in this jar.
06:06 And now you just want to stir it up with this toothpick.
06:34 It's a little bit of a messy job so you want to make sure that you have newspaper or something
06:39 on the table because this is going to stain.
06:45 If any of you have had beetroots before you know it stains your fingers and your hands
06:50 and it stains everything.
06:53 Now you can make it as pink as you like as per your liking.
06:58 So right now it looks like that.
07:01 I'm going to just add some more powder in it because I like it more pink.
07:26 So I add some more and I'm just going to mix that up.
07:33 So it's going to look like that from the inside.
07:36 So after you've exfoliated your lips with your sugar scrub you're going to apply this
07:43 mixture morning and night.
07:46 So you just want to take like that.
08:02 There you go.
08:04 This is extremely extremely hydrating as soon as you apply it on your lips you're actually
08:08 going to feel the hydration.
08:11 If you apply this morning and night what this is going to do is the sweet almond oil has
08:16 known properties to lighten the skin area.
08:19 Whether you apply it on your bare skin or you can apply it on your lips or anywhere
08:23 on the body it will bleach your skin.
08:27 I will leave some science facts down below in the description bar.
08:33 What Vaseline does it is a hydrating agent so what this is going to do is it's going
08:42 to take the hydration that's already in your lips and it's going to lock it in place.
08:48 So for you to have hydration in your lips it is very very important to drink a lot of
08:52 water because sometimes a lack of water can decrease the circulation in other parts of
08:57 your body for example your hair follicles, your under eyes, your lips and your skin on
09:02 the face because it takes a lot of water for it to go upwards and downwards in the whole
09:07 body for it to circulate.
09:10 And then what the beetroot is going to do is stain the lips pink depending on how much
09:15 you want it.
09:16 If you want it red, if you want it pink, if you want it light pink you can make it as
09:19 per your liking.
09:20 Like I said this is used for both females and males so there is no need to be shy to
09:27 use this even when you are going to work.
09:29 What you can do is you can apply this in the morning when you are getting ready for meals
09:34 while you are getting ready and changing and having your breakfast.
09:38 This is going to take a lot of hydration and it is going to put it in your lips along with
09:42 the stain and then if you feel like your lips look too glossy or you don't want to go like
09:48 this to work what you can do is you can pat it with a washcloth or with a paper towel
09:59 like that and your lips are still going to look plump and hydrated and they are going
10:05 to have a pink stain.
10:06 It is going to look natural, it is not going to look like you have lipstick because it
10:09 will be based on your liking and how dark you want it and how light you want it.
10:15 Like I said you want to apply it before going to bed and early in the morning and I can
10:19 assure you within 40 days you are going to see a difference in the colour of your lips.
10:24 As well you need to try to quit smoking because smoking causes your lips to get black and
10:31 not only your lips but it will also get your fingertips black from here and from here.
10:38 So smoking causes a lot of harm in general.
10:42 It is harmful for your lungs, it is harmful for your whole system, it is harmful for your
10:46 kidneys, it is harmful for your liver and you only have one liver so you want to take
10:50 care of it.
10:51 Drink a lot of water.
10:54 Water helps to flush out any toxins so if you are smoking and you are trying to quit
10:59 smoking you need to drink a lot of water to help neutralize the tobacco in your blood
11:03 and in your body.
11:08 And I just want to say that you guys have only one body, make sure you take care of
11:13 it, make sure you cherish it.
11:17 If you are careless with it, it is going to cost you more.
11:20 If you feel like these products are too expensive, they are actually not.
11:24 Sweet almond oil you can get from any store, you can just get a small bottle like that,
11:28 you don't have to get this big one.
11:30 I use a big one because I use it on my skin as well.
11:35 Beetroot you don't have to get this powder, I got it for $10 from Marshall but you can
11:38 just get the real beetroot and you can boil it and you can eat the beetroot as well as
11:43 use the water for your lip mask.
11:48 And Vaseline you can get from any store between $4-$5, it is very cheap, you don't have to
11:53 get a big container, you can even get these little tiny ones.
11:57 So I hope you guys learned some things from this video.
12:01 Please, please do comment below and let me know if you guys have tried it, if it has
12:06 been helpful for you or not.
12:09 And I hope you guys do use this and I hope you guys do share with other people.
12:13 Don't forget to subscribe before you leave and hit the thumbs up button.
12:18 And I'll see you in the next video.
12:20 Thank you for watching, keep smiling, it's contagious!
12:23 Bye!
