• last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Copyrighted with me.
00:03 Woo, hi guys.
00:05 Welcome back to my channel.
00:06 How are you today?
00:07 This is gonna be one of those videos
00:10 with a long introduction.
00:12 So I'm going to annotate where you need to skip to
00:15 if you just wanna see the haul.
00:17 My face looks a little different
00:18 because I hauled a bunch of stuff
00:20 and I wanna first impression it.
00:23 First impressionify it for you guys on camera.
00:27 But before I get into it,
00:29 I wanted to tell you guys,
00:32 I really,
00:33 really miss uploading five days a week.
00:38 It is so strange for me not to.
00:41 A little bit of part of me,
00:44 like a tiny little bit of part of me
00:46 feels like you'll forget me Mondays and Thursdays,
00:49 you know, just uploading twice a week.
00:51 I just, I miss it.
00:53 I miss, I feel like I,
00:56 I feel like I don't need that much breathing room, you know?
01:00 So I just wanted to tell you guys I miss you
01:02 and I really like to have a schedule.
01:07 I really like to be predictable.
01:09 I like for you guys to go Monday at seven central
01:12 and Thursday at seven central
01:14 and know there's video from me.
01:16 But at the same time,
01:18 I also would like to push out more videos when I can.
01:23 So I need you guys to make me a promise
01:27 that you'll check your YouTube feed
01:32 in the mornings in case I upload a video.
01:36 Is that selfish?
01:38 I just wanna make sure you guys expect me.
01:41 I'm so weird.
01:44 I'm so like, I'm mushy.
01:45 I'm mushy and I'm corny and I'm mushy.
01:48 I don't want you guys to miss a video is what I'm saying.
01:50 And although I said I would do Mondays and Thursdays,
01:53 I'm kinda changing my mind a little bit
01:55 and I wanna post more often,
01:58 but I don't wanna bite off more than I can chew.
02:01 So I just want my pandas to be panda power
02:04 and say, okay, Dani, we'll check my subscription feed
02:09 and I'll make sure you posted a video.
02:12 If not, I will still obviously notify you guys
02:15 on my other avenues of social media
02:17 like Instagram and Twitter and that's it
02:20 'cause that's all I have.
02:21 So let's go ahead and get started with this haul.
02:23 So, you guys know how social media hype starts.
02:28 One person loves something, another person loves it
02:35 and it just catches on like wildfire.
02:37 So I had heard for a really long time
02:40 about Charlotte Tilbury and her magic cream.
02:44 Charlotte Tilbury is a makeup artist,
02:47 like a makeup artist.
02:49 Like she's had her hands on Kim Kardashian
02:52 and Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell, makeup artists.
02:55 So she has this magic face cream that she uses
02:59 that's supposed to basically make you supermodel status.
03:03 And so I've always wanted to try it,
03:05 but it wasn't shipping to the US.
03:07 Recently, they started this whole Instagram hype.
03:13 Like she's coming, she's coming in seven days,
03:15 she's coming in six days, five days, four days, three days
03:18 and she, they made this hysteria around it
03:21 that I was already in the know of when the magic cream
03:25 was going to come to the US
03:26 because I really wanted to try it.
03:28 But I didn't know how excited I would get
03:33 from everyone else getting excited.
03:36 And she came to most retailers, like high-end retailers.
03:41 I know Beautylish was promoting her,
03:44 but I got my stuff from Nordstrom
03:47 and I think they carry her at other retailers as well.
03:50 So I'm going to, like always, link all the products
03:54 that I use or that I mention in the description box below.
03:57 So if you miss something, it's gonna be there
04:00 with the price and the store and everything,
04:02 like it always is.
04:03 So let's get started with my haul.
04:06 The first thing that I got was of course the magic cream.
04:09 I didn't think that this thing would come
04:12 this luxuriously packaged.
04:15 This stuff is legit, fancy, high-end, like lux products.
04:20 Like you feel like you're using luxury.
04:26 I mean, let's be real.
04:27 But the thing that I was the most excited about,
04:30 the magic cream, is the one thing that I haven't used.
04:35 Really, Dani, really?
04:36 So this is going to be the one product
04:41 that I don't use for you guys on camera
04:43 because I already did most of my face,
04:45 but anyway, I did want to show you guys how amazing it is.
04:48 I kind of hate that you can't tell.
04:52 Do you guys see how the packaging opens?
04:54 So it has like two sleeves.
04:55 One pops out like that,
04:57 and then the other one pops out like that.
05:00 And it's so super cute.
05:03 Everything is like a blush color and rose gold.
05:07 Look at this.
05:11 Could you just have this sitting on your vanity
05:15 or on your sink wherever you get ready?
05:18 You feel like a princess.
05:20 It is the moisturizer.
05:22 It does have SPF of 15, which is not very much.
05:27 It's not enough to really consider wearing an SPF.
05:30 I would still use something additional to it.
05:33 But having used it, I did put a little on my hand,
05:38 but this reminds me of,
05:41 did you guys ever have,
05:43 Tater says hi.
05:44 Did you guys ever have like a grandma
05:46 that was all about her thick nighttime,
05:50 what is that called, cold cream routine?
05:54 Where like my grandma would put cold cream
05:56 from like the top of her forehead
05:57 all the way down to her neck, her decollete,
06:00 and like her shoulders and her hands.
06:02 I mean, she had this giant jar of Ponds cold cream
06:06 on her dresser that she would put on
06:08 and it was just her routine.
06:10 I'm pretty sure she still does it actually.
06:13 This smells just like that.
06:15 (laughs)
06:16 So for me, it's nostalgic and I get excited,
06:20 but at the same time,
06:21 I think, did I just pay $100 for cold cream?
06:26 Did I?
06:28 Do you guys?
06:28 If you're familiar with ingredients,
06:30 I know I have a lot of microbiologists that watch me
06:33 and really smart, beautiful pandas.
06:35 You need to verify this for me
06:37 because it smells like cold cream.
06:40 And I don't mean cold cream all smells the same,
06:42 but like my grandma's cold cream smelled like roses
06:44 a little bit and that's what it reminds me of.
06:46 So maybe that's a horrible example,
06:49 but it smells, I mean, it smells like my grandma.
06:51 (laughs)
06:52 So that was the first thing that I got.
06:53 Next thing that I got is something
06:55 that I'm super excited to use
06:56 and this is the Filmstar Bronze and Glow
07:00 Face Sculpt and Highlight.
07:02 Look at this packaging.
07:04 See?
07:05 She is so fancy.
07:07 Oh, not to mention, she reminds me of like Jerry Halliwell,
07:10 you know, the Spice Girl, the redhead
07:12 that's like super sultry and sexy
07:13 and like cute and beautiful.
07:16 And oh, there he is.
07:17 Baby.
07:18 Hi, baby.
07:20 Hi, baby.
07:23 Can you say hi?
07:24 (speaks in foreign language)
07:27 This product I was particularly excited about
07:30 because it's one of those products
07:32 that's supposed to demystify
07:34 and simplify the use of a contour powder
07:38 and a highlight powder.
07:40 This is a bronzing powder,
07:43 but it's specifically for contouring.
07:46 So it's a face sculpting powder.
07:49 A lot of times we use bronzer for it
07:52 and it may be the totally wrong bronzer
07:54 and we end up looking like a hot mess.
07:56 This one is supposed to make it easy for us.
07:58 Look at this.
07:59 Are you serious?
08:01 Can you see how beautiful that is?
08:03 And then it has a big giant mirror
08:05 and these are the two powders.
08:06 Do you see how light it is?
08:08 It's almost like this is the highlight
08:10 and then this one here is the sculpting powder.
08:13 It's basically like a medium cool tone brown.
08:16 So it's supposed to give you the shadow look.
08:19 I don't know, I'm really excited to use it.
08:21 I need to stop talking
08:22 and I need to just put it all over my face.
08:24 I am really hot in here.
08:25 Let me turn on the fan.
08:26 Oh my gosh, you guys, I am so hot.
08:32 I haven't filmed in three weeks.
08:37 Now that I'm only doing the twice a week,
08:40 I sit down and I film six videos at once
08:42 and then I don't have to film for the rest of the month.
08:44 It's kind of sad, I miss it.
08:46 So I'm just taking my Real Techniques multi-task brush
08:50 and putting it in the sculpting powder.
08:51 Keep in mind, I haven't even swatched these.
08:53 I haven't used it, I haven't swatched it,
08:55 I haven't done anything.
08:57 So we're kind of doing this first time together.
09:01 Oh my goodness.
09:05 Do you guys see that?
09:09 Can you see it?
09:10 Am I washed out?
09:12 Wow, wow, that is amazing.
09:14 It's like, it feels like rice flour, super soft.
09:19 Oh man, I'm gonna really like this.
09:23 You guys know that I have a problem with bronzer
09:26 and going to town with it
09:28 and then I end up looking like a pig that rolled in the mud.
09:30 Or a brownie pan, that's my favorite example.
09:32 You guys like that one.
09:34 So I end up looking like I rolled around in a brownie pan.
09:37 Dani, there's nothing wrong
09:39 with rolling around in a brownie pan.
09:41 I love that comment.
09:42 But this one seems like one of those
09:45 where you could really,
09:48 you really can't overdo it too much.
09:51 That is so beautiful, I almost don't wanna wear blush.
09:54 That is super pretty.
09:56 Let me put some on my forehead.
09:58 I should've put my hair back.
10:03 Dani, put the brush down and step away from the bronzer.
10:06 I'm getting there really fast.
10:09 So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna wait
10:11 on using the highlight.
10:12 I will use that after I apply the blush,
10:14 which is the next thing that I hauled.
10:16 This is called the Cheek to Chic Swish and Pop Blusher.
10:21 Look at this, how amazing is that?
10:26 So it says to swish around the outer shade
10:29 and then pop the center color
10:34 onto the apples of your cheeks.
10:35 Okay, that's cool.
10:36 I didn't even see that it had instructions on the back,
10:38 so that's brilliant.
10:39 This is what the compact looks like.
10:40 Again, it's like a deep oxblood, almost like maroon color,
10:44 and then all the accents are rose gold.
10:47 I got it in the color Love is the Drug,
10:50 and it's a lot more bright in person.
10:52 I think my lights are washing it out a little bit.
10:54 It's a lot more bright in person.
10:56 So what you're supposed to do is you're supposed
10:58 to take your brush and swish it around the outer rim
11:01 or the perimeter and then pop the center color
11:04 on just the apples of your cheek.
11:06 I am not a fan of being so precise
11:11 with my blush application.
11:14 You guys know I have a problem with,
11:16 I have a problem with cheek products.
11:19 That's the truth.
11:20 Blush, highlight, and bronzing powders, I have an issue.
11:23 So I'm just gonna kind of tap around it.
11:27 I just don't wanna get too much of that pink
11:29 'cause that pink is, I mean, that pink is pink.
11:32 Let's see how this looks.
11:34 See how pink it is?
11:35 And I'm barely even, I'm just barely touching.
11:38 Oh my God.
11:44 You know, I kind of had this fear
11:48 that I was going to try these products,
11:51 these super luxurious high-end products,
11:53 and that I was going to be disappointed
11:55 because a lot of times, the majority of the times
11:59 when I haul really expensive products like Chanel, Dior, YSL,
12:04 I end up being let down, and not let down
12:06 because they're bad, but because they're not as good
12:10 as the price dictates.
12:13 So it's like a huge price tag, and I'm not impressed.
12:16 I am so impressed with the quality of this.
12:20 I'm really excited.
12:21 Well, you can tell how excited I am, but oh my goodness.
12:24 It feels like it's just so easy.
12:27 You see how much I have on there?
12:29 It looks like a lot,
12:30 but it's only because the bristles are dark.
12:32 And I'm starting here at the apples of my cheeks,
12:34 and then just bringing it, swiping it back.
12:37 I'm so, so, so satisfied, happy.
12:44 It's like, it feels silky soft.
12:47 Have you guys ever felt like cornstarch or rice flour?
12:51 That's how soft it feels.
12:53 But it also, like if you guys were to see a closeup
12:56 of my skin, it looks like it's part of your skin.
13:01 It doesn't feel like it's on top.
13:05 It doesn't feel like it's fake.
13:07 It feels like it's just on top of your skin.
13:09 I'm so excited.
13:11 I hope I'm doing a good job applying it.
13:13 But this is, again, love is the drug.
13:16 Cheek Pop Blusher, blusher.
13:19 See, I'm so English.
13:20 It's a blusher.
13:21 I can't stop, I can't stop.
13:24 Okay, stop.
13:26 Now I'm gonna go back to the Sculpting Palette,
13:29 and I'm going to take that highlight.
13:31 This is what I'm the most excited about.
13:32 You guys know how I feel about highlight.
13:34 Okay, most important, on my nose.
13:36 Yes, I intentionally put it on the tip of my nose.
13:40 I love how it looks.
13:41 Now I'm going to take it on the high points
13:43 of my cheekbones.
13:44 This highlight is very subtle.
13:46 It reminds me of Candle Light from Kevin Aucoin.
13:51 Same exact thing.
13:53 It's almost like you're glowing from the inside,
13:56 but you're not gonna get that stark, shimmery,
14:00 glossiness or shimmeriness on your face.
14:02 Now what we're gonna do is we're going to do
14:04 two lip products.
14:05 These are the last two products that I hauled.
14:08 You guys, this is like more than $200,
14:11 and I've shown you like four things.
14:15 This is the Lip Cheat Reshape and Resize Lip Liner,
14:20 and I got it in the color Pillow Talk.
14:25 This is supposed to be like that Kim Kardashian nude color.
14:28 - Mommy.
14:31 - Mande.
14:32 Que quieres?
14:35 It's just supposed to be a really beautiful
14:43 My Lips But Better pinky nude,
14:45 and I'm going to line my lips.
14:47 Butter, butter pencil.
14:55 It's a butter pencil.
14:56 Look at that.
14:57 Oh, Lord.
14:59 So there's that color.
15:03 Right?
15:05 Right!
15:06 It's like creamy, it's silky, it's buttery.
15:08 I didn't fill in my entire lip.
15:11 I did most of it, the outer rim,
15:13 and then almost towards the center,
15:15 but I do want to try the lipstick as well.
15:17 I got one lipstick.
15:18 It's called the K-I-S-S-I-N-G,
15:21 Fallen From The Lipstick Tree,
15:24 and I got it in the color Bitch Please.
15:27 Yes, a lot of her names are very unique
15:30 or have like sexual innuendos to them,
15:34 but look at this color.
15:35 Right?
15:38 Okay, let's just do this.
15:39 Let's just do this.
15:40 Let's just finish falling in love with the brand.
15:43 Okay.
15:45 Are you in love yet?
15:46 I'm in love.
15:47 Look at the packaging.
15:48 This reminds me of old school,
15:51 elegant, chic, classic Estee Lauder.
15:54 Like when I was growing up
15:56 and my mom had her one Estee lipstick,
15:59 we didn't have very much money,
16:00 so my mom would save, save, save, save, save
16:02 her like crazy, her mad wife money
16:05 or whatever it's called,
16:06 and she would like splurge on one lipstick,
16:09 and this is exactly what they looked like,
16:10 except this one is rose gold.
16:13 I know it looks a little gold,
16:13 but it's rose gold, and it's just so beautiful.
16:17 I love when makeup reminds me
16:19 of like a really nice memory.
16:22 So that's it, you guys.
16:23 What do you think?
16:24 There's the bronzer, the blush, the highlight,
16:27 the lip liner and lipstick.
16:29 That is it for my Charlotte Tilbury haul.
16:31 I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
16:33 I don't think I've ever done a haul try-on
16:37 at the same time,
16:38 so it's a little bit different for me,
16:40 but I thought that I would kind of show you
16:42 my first impressions on camera.
16:45 It is a luxury brand.
16:47 It is a high-end brand.
16:48 It was a super treat for me,
16:50 but let me give you a little secret.
16:52 In my description box below,
16:54 I have a link for Ebates,
16:56 and usually I shop online, I go through Ebates.
16:59 So I was thinking about doing my Charlotte Tilbury haul
17:02 on beautylish.com,
17:04 but when my friend Samantha and I
17:06 were talking about hauling products,
17:09 she's like, "Let's check Ebates."
17:11 So we ended up checking Ebates,
17:12 and Nordstrom was 10% cash back.
17:16 So it's almost like I got 10% off my purchase.
17:19 So it's something to keep in mind,
17:21 especially if you tend to have a little bit
17:24 of a more luxe palette like me,
17:26 and you like to treat yourself to nice products.
17:29 It's a good way of getting the products that you like
17:32 and still saving a little bit of money where you can.
17:35 So I'm gonna leave that link down below
17:36 in case you guys haven't signed up for Ebates already.
17:39 It's totally free,
17:41 and I mean, every retailer you can think of
17:44 is on there, Target, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens.
17:47 Even when I develop pictures at Walgreens,
17:50 I'll go there first,
17:51 and then I'll just go pick up my pictures,
17:53 and I always get like 50 cents back, a dollar back.
17:56 So if you are a young mom like me
17:58 where you have pictures of your child all over the house,
18:02 it's a good thing to use.
18:03 (laughs)
18:04 So I really hope you guys enjoyed this haul.
18:06 Please let me know your thoughts
18:08 in the comments section below,
18:09 and as always, if you guys found this video useful,
18:11 entertaining, or learned something,
18:12 please give me a thumbs up or subscribe
18:14 if you haven't already,
18:15 and until next time,
18:16 guess copy break is over.
18:17 Bye guys.
