Антикризис в индустрии красоты. Как развить свой бизнес. Иван Новинский.

  • last year
00:00 We are starting our Anti-Crisis 2.0
00:03 And the most interesting thing is that a year ago we were doing the first version of Anti-Crisis
00:08 It was in Moscow
00:10 We were doing video-broadcasts in Moscow too
00:12 The only thing was a small nuance
00:14 The nuance was that we were doing web-cameras
00:17 We grew up over the year
00:20 And now we can make professional videos
00:22 Professional streams on several cameras
00:25 Everything is cool
00:26 Two people here
00:28 Three people, one periscope
00:30 One person is monitoring the comments
00:33 And one person is switching it all
00:37 Good evening everyone, my name is Ivan Novinsky
00:40 And we are probably already familiar with each other
00:42 I will not say anything about myself today
00:45 People write that they hear well, but the music on the background is disturbing
00:49 No, there is no music
00:52 The only thing I say right away
00:54 There is a slight delay between the fact that I speak and you hear me
00:57 The delay may vary depending on how good your Internet is
01:05 The difference may be between the fact that I speak and you hear me
01:08 Approximately up to two minutes
01:10 Someone has 30 seconds, someone has 20 seconds, someone has 2 minutes
01:13 Therefore, everything is in the power of your Internet
01:16 How do you like the quality of the broadcast?
01:19 If we will conduct webinars in this way
01:22 As it was before, in front of the monitor screen
01:25 When you can see only one head
01:27 Let's all
01:29 We are gathered
01:31 Because we don't have so many people today
01:33 I see that the live online broadcast is a little more than 150 people
01:37 Moreover, we are now seen in different publics
01:41 We are fixed, thanks to our partners
01:44 Such as Cynical Makeup Artist
01:46 I'm a hairdresser
01:48 I'm a makeup artist
01:50 I'm a makeup artist
01:52 I'm a makeup artist
01:54 Thank you guys for supporting
01:57 In the beauty industry, as we see, there is a crisis
02:01 And today we will talk about it
02:04 Let's start
02:07 The first thing I want to start with
02:10 If you feel that your clients are less registered to you
02:17 Or they began to complain about the amount of your services
02:22 Or even the word "complain" is bad
02:24 And replace it
02:26 Let's say, they began to buy less, to save more
02:29 Then, please, you feel the crisis
02:31 Why does this crisis occur?
02:33 What is the crisis?
02:35 Crisis occurs for one simple reason
02:41 The fact is that people all over the world measure their work in terms of sales
02:47 Most of you measure your work in terms of quality of services
02:56 This is why the crisis occurs
02:59 For example, imagine building a factory
03:03 Which produces cosmetics, materials, potatoes
03:10 Repeat
03:11 Let's try with sound
03:13 I turned it off
03:15 Let's try again
03:17 One second
03:19 It's already turned off
03:21 Yes, it should be turned off
03:23 I have red
03:25 There is green, everything should be fine
03:31 I wanted to start with a faster pace
03:34 No, everything is fine
03:36 Yes, it's not a problem
03:38 Now, too
03:40 Calmly
03:42 One, two, three
03:44 Now you are shaking
03:46 It's okay
03:48 Let's put it deeper
03:50 Let's put it deeper
03:52 Is it better?
03:54 No
03:55 Not?
03:56 No
03:57 Still, repeat
03:58 I should do it in a way that the hose does not get tangled
04:01 Let's try something else
04:04 One, two, three
04:10 Let's do it like this
04:12 It's written in the periscope, I can hear it well
04:15 Yes, in the periscope everything is fine, there are no questions
04:18 But in the periscope the picture is different
04:20 Yes, in the periscope the picture is different
04:22 Of course
04:23 Everything is fine
04:25 So, in the whole world the crisis always comes
04:29 Oh, I even have a monitor screen
04:31 Cool
04:32 Really cool
04:34 In the whole world the success of any enterprise
04:40 Be it a master, be it a business, is measured in sales
04:43 You measure your services in quality
04:46 That's why the crisis comes
04:48 Why?
04:49 Because if you thought about how to sell your services to the maximum number of people
04:54 Or if you thought about how to sell your services to a certain group of people
04:58 Then you will not have a crisis
05:00 Because you are concerned with the sale
05:04 As soon as you increase the quality of services, do not think about sales
05:08 Then the next thing happens
05:10 That you are a cool professional, you have cool services
05:13 They are beautiful
05:15 People say, "Great, well done"
05:17 But they do not buy
05:19 Yes, my understanding of the crisis
05:23 Not only mine, but probably speaking for the sake of the whole academy
05:28 Despite the fact that this is the first side of the crisis
05:31 The second side of the crisis is when you can not grow
05:35 The impossibility of growth today is as follows
05:40 For example
05:41 What are we talking about now?
05:42 Suppose
05:46 When you think about how to promote your services
05:49 You face the following feature
05:51 There is such a concept as channel promotion of services
05:54 Channel promotion of services
05:56 It can be someone who promotes their services through VK
05:59 Someone promotes their services through Instagram
06:02 Someone promotes through, I do not know, Periscope
06:05 Someone promotes their services through Odnoklassniki
06:09 Someone promotes their services through phone conversations
06:12 Yes, you are constantly on the phone
06:14 Someone promotes their services through, I do not know, ads on the pillars
06:18 And the problem is the following
06:21 The more money you spend on your promotion
06:25 The less money you have for advertising
06:28 What?
06:34 She is filming you
06:37 You are a little distracting me
06:40 Let's do it this way
06:41 Please
06:42 We can be your viewers
06:44 You can be my viewers
06:46 And the first difficulty arises
06:50 You do not have money to invest in advertising
06:53 What do you do?
06:54 Nothing
06:55 The more you increase the qualification, the less money you will invest
07:00 This is an obvious thing
07:02 Very trivial
07:03 Today I will talk about trivialities
07:05 Then by the middle, closer to the end of our seminar
07:09 I will show you advanced things
07:11 I will show you slides
07:13 I will show you what we were doing until January
07:17 We recently presented the topic
07:19 We went to one conference in St. Petersburg
07:22 We had a topic on how to protect beauty salon or beauty school
07:26 And make all the masters attract clients together
07:30 So, what am I talking about?
07:33 When you start to promote through some social network
07:36 Or through any channel of consumption
07:38 You do it not only from it
07:40 Every master in your city
07:42 Every salon in your city is also advertised in some way
07:46 For example, I want to tell you an interesting thing
07:48 In 2008, a project called Groupon started in America
07:54 These are discount sites
07:56 Now there are different variations of these discount sites
07:58 Discounts
08:00 They have a lot of names
08:02 But the point is one
08:03 When they call you and say "I'm calling"
08:05 How to say it correctly?
08:06 Call or call?
08:07 Call
08:08 They call you
08:10 And say "Let's make a promotion, we will place it on our site and we will attract clients"
08:15 It was very popular in 2011, 2010, 2012
08:22 Today I went to the official site of Groupon
08:26 And decided to see how it works
08:27 And in Ukraine Groupon closed
08:29 Imagine, a huge global network
08:32 Where their goal is to attract clients
08:35 They closed
08:36 These are the people who said
08:38 "We attract clients and you earn on it"
08:41 This is why the crisis came to them
08:44 From several figures that I want to say
08:46 For example, the number of unemployed people in Russia has increased to 22 million
08:50 That is, 22 million people in Russia are unemployed today
08:53 I think that by the end of 2016 this figure will increase by another million
08:57 By 6-7 million
08:59 And if you live in a big city
09:01 Be it Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg
09:04 You think that maybe it will not affect you
09:06 Although it will affect in any case
09:09 I will return to this topic, I just want to talk a little about the facts
09:14 There is another interesting thing
09:18 For example, you can take a picture
09:20 I say myself right now
09:21 Selfie, go and do it with any exchange rate
09:24 The exchange rate will fall
09:26 That is, the ruble relative to the dollar, relative to the euro
09:29 It will fall much further
09:31 According to the forecasts of various critics and non-critics
09:35 People who work in the stock market
09:37 They say that on average 120, maybe 150 rubles per dollar
09:43 That is, about twice more
09:45 And the biggest problem in all this is the following
09:49 When we started, we said
09:51 Guys, 100 thousand rubles
09:54 For the industry of beauty, the master earns well enough
09:59 Now I say that this figure is unrealistically small
10:01 Because if the exchange rate is 80
10:03 It's a little more than a thousand dollars
10:08 A little more than a thousand dollars for a life in big cities is extremely small
10:13 What to do with it all?
10:16 I am very unfamiliar with this
10:21 I want more communication
10:24 It has always happened
10:26 And so you say from yourself
10:27 I'll read a little comment, I'll speed up a little
10:29 Guys, I'm sorry, I'm really a little nervous now
10:32 I'm nervous because I don't see feedback
10:36 When the comment is sent instantly, then you understand that everything is fine
10:40 When the comment does not come instantly, then a little excitement begins
10:44 Does he hear me, is everything normal, is everything clear?
10:48 A bunch of different wires
10:50 Everything is fine, write, continue
10:53 Yes, easy
10:55 So, the first goal of our meeting today
11:02 My task is to show you how to get beyond the plan of 100 thousand
11:06 What we will talk about
11:07 What to do when you start to promote in social networks
11:11 A lot of masters are promoted
11:13 The idea is that as soon as you go deeper, for example, into VK
11:18 Your Instagram is falling
11:20 As soon as you start to promote more on Instagram, you have a drop in Periscope
11:25 Or YouTube, or classmates
11:27 You do not have enough physical time
11:29 And on the one hand, you need to serve customers
11:31 On the other hand, you need to advertise and promote yourself
11:35 The crisis has also come to the point that the cost of advertising
11:40 I'm slowing down
11:45 Advertising on the market is now starting to grow
11:49 It costs more
11:51 The number of customers from this advertising has become even less
11:54 For example, discount sites have officially died
11:57 If it closed in a group, the next step is tomorrow, the day after tomorrow
12:01 Other discount sites will die within a year
12:04 The question is, how to attract customers now, what to do with it
12:07 And the biggest problem is this
12:10 Oh, the webinar is already going
12:13 I ran to watch
12:15 Well, come on, run
12:20 The solution to all these problems lies in outsourcing
12:28 What is outsourcing?
12:30 All over the world, people switched to the outsourcing model when ...
12:34 What is it?
12:35 This is when you give part of your work to other people
12:38 Who do it at your own cost
12:42 For example, how is this related to the beauty industry
12:44 Today in my salon, I found out
12:47 We started using the services of the guys who just take our towels from the salon
12:52 They wash and bring them back to us
12:54 The cost of a kilogram of such washed things is 13 hryvnias
12:59 13 hryvnias is cheaper to pay for a kilogram than to maintain a washing machine
13:08 Pay for the light, for its place
13:10 We constantly have fights because it needs to be dried
13:14 It creates a lot of problems
13:15 It is cheaper to pay 13 hryvnias for a kilogram
13:18 Where guys come to the salon, take it all and bring it clean
13:22 Outsourcing will now spread to every sphere
13:26 For example, so that you understand
13:30 Large companies have long come to this
13:33 Finally, the Russian-Ukrainian market, Belarus
13:37 We also start moving there
13:40 What does it mean?
13:42 It means that now you will never be the owner
13:47 The model of development of what you say that I am a master, I am cool
13:56 Come to me for services, it becomes less and less effective
14:00 The model of when there is one owner in the salon
14:03 It also goes to zero
14:05 Let's go by the facts
14:07 What does it mean?
14:08 We will analyze the school in detail
14:10 We will analyze each master in detail
14:12 By the way, there is not enough paper
14:14 You can stock up on anything except paper
14:18 Let's start with ordinary masters
14:21 If before the master promoted himself
14:26 Now there will be a producer
14:29 More and more producers
14:31 These are the people who will promote your services
14:33 They will provide you with clients
14:35 And they will take part of the money from your earnings
14:39 2016-2017 gives a new opportunity
14:44 People will appear, they already exist
14:46 There are few of them
14:47 When they take you, you start to physically spin
14:50 And earn from what you work with your hands
14:52 This is the first step
14:54 This is related to the masters
14:56 I don't know how to call it
14:59 You will have a person who will train you
15:02 Producer
15:04 The next thing is the survival model
15:13 For example, so that you understand
15:15 To understand advertising, promotion methods
15:19 Sales, social messages, contacts
15:22 You spend a lot of time on phone calls
15:24 And you can't be a cool specialist in all this
15:27 Either you sell well, or you promote well
15:31 Or you serve well
15:33 It is almost impossible to combine many professions
15:38 So now the masters will have producers
15:41 Beauty salons are dying out in the understanding that they have now
15:46 For example, the beauty salon used to be the following model
15:50 If before there was a certain owner in the salon
15:55 Who said that he would collect masters around him
15:58 Where everyone works
16:00 Now it is pointless
16:02 If you count now, where is it cheaper to rent a salon
16:06 Than to hire a master
16:09 Because when you rent a salon
16:11 You get guaranteed monthly money
16:14 When you hire a master for yourself
16:18 You yourself are responsible for the number of clients
16:21 For the master's income, for the sale
16:23 You constantly increase his qualification
16:25 You play with him, the masters leave
16:27 Take away the client base
16:29 Therefore, salons will now flourish more than two types
16:33 The first type of salon
16:35 More precisely, three
16:37 The first type of salon will flourish
16:39 This is the salon that will go through itself
16:42 Will step over and will still rent places
16:45 But again, as soon as there are many salons with places for rent
16:49 They will also have problems
16:51 Because the master will choose contacts
16:53 On the house, they will disappear
16:55 Now there is no point in working at home
16:57 Where is it cheaper to come to the salon
16:59 Rent your room, two rooms, several places
17:02 And actually promote your service
17:04 On the house, thank God, many salons will say
17:07 They will become fewer
17:09 But the salon will either go to the rent
17:11 Or it will be some kind of co-working
17:17 And actually, co-working is closer to the masters
17:20 If before they said
17:22 Guys, create a team
17:24 Hire them
17:26 Now there is no point in this
17:28 Now it's easier to say
17:30 Guys, gather a team
17:32 Let this team pay you money
17:34 For working with you on one square meter
17:36 Yes, in the salon
17:38 Be it a salon, a studio
17:40 And due to this you earn
17:42 A completely different model
17:44 You do not hire people
17:46 You allow people to work with you
17:48 If the masters develop a lot
17:50 If you can't hire staff, you don't need it
17:52 It will be enough for you to promote
17:54 I will go and I will pick it up
17:56 So we went further
17:58 What are we going to do next?
18:00 For example, we made VK
18:02 You can immediately see what the client buys
18:04 Here is an example of what we sell
18:06 We have a client
18:08 We have a client
18:10 Here is an example of what we sold
18:12 As you can see
18:14 There is a handle in VK
18:16 In which I see what the person was interested in
18:18 At what stage he was interested
18:20 He set the person's account
18:22 What he paid
18:24 That is, you can now see
18:26 Absolutely all the purchases
18:28 Which the person made
18:30 By your services or services of your salon
18:32 Right without leaving VK
18:34 Cool?
18:36 Thus you can
18:38 Look at the person
18:40 Communicating with him
18:42 Without going into the correspondence at all
18:44 You see the person
18:46 You see what he wrote about
18:48 You can see what exactly he bought from you
18:50 Fire?
18:52 Go ahead
18:54 Really convenient
18:56 Why is coworking cheaper than at home?
18:58 Because look
19:00 People have a certain association
19:02 With the person
19:04 With the person
19:06 People have a certain association
19:08 With the fact that if at home, then cheap
19:10 This is one
19:12 Secondly, at home
19:14 Not always convenient
19:16 Not all services can be provided well at home
19:18 If you are a mosaic artist, there are no questions
19:20 Good
19:22 If you are a nail service, you can equip yourself
19:24 A separate table with good light and sit independently
19:26 But you
19:28 The housekeepers have a limit of 200,000
19:30 That is, the maximum
19:32 Housekeepers with whom I normally communicated
19:34 So productive
19:36 They earned up to 200,000
19:38 This is the ceiling of the housekeeper
19:40 But they work from morning to evening
19:42 To earn
19:44 For example, in the nail industry
19:46 200,000 at home
19:48 They start their work early in the morning
19:50 End their work late at night
19:52 That is, they have a problem
19:54 That there are many clients and no time to live
19:56 Therefore
20:00 I just do not recommend
20:02 What is the point of this?
20:04 On the pages of such masters
20:14 Only advertising, portfolio
20:16 Or personal information
20:18 No, personal information
20:20 Page
20:22 I would say that this is a duplicate of the page
20:24 For example, I believe that the task of the master
20:26 If you have a personal page
20:28 VKontakte, then on the personal page
20:30 If he works with you
20:32 And the second page
20:34 Should be
20:36 Which he promotes services
20:38 But he promotes services while working with you
20:40 And of course
20:42 If the master leaves you
20:44 His page remains in the salon
20:46 This is the property of the salon
20:48 School or your business
20:50 That's the beauty
20:58 Go ahead
21:00 Good question
21:02 Is it enough for the master to talk to the client once
21:04 Take him to his rank
21:06 How to deal with it?
21:08 You have to go for this
21:16 First, and second, to deal with it
21:18 Physically no way
21:20 Because there is a contact
21:22 For example, if you have a master in shugaring
21:24 Shugaring is a delicate topic
21:26 And you can't switch to different masters
21:28 It is enough
21:30 Find one and a permanent
21:32 If this is a master in shugaring
21:34 It doesn't make any sense
21:36 Create a platform
21:38 In which it doesn't make sense
21:40 In my opinion, this is a salon for a good rent
21:42 Or coworking
21:44 Where people just come and work for hours
21:46 Work for days, someone shoots for months
21:48 And the masters constantly change
21:50 When the client comes to the party
21:52 Party format
21:54 It's not a trend
21:56 It's a new opportunity
21:58 Get out of the crisis
22:00 So you don't feel
22:02 So you don't think about where to take your money
22:04 How to attract advertising
22:06 When you work all together
22:08 For example, the inner kitchen
22:12 Where does all this come from
22:14 We have introduced a system
22:16 Showing our figures
22:18 You don't need them
22:20 But I just spit on this
22:22 It's very uncomfortable
22:24 It's called Amacy RM
22:26 I would be happy to turn it off
22:28 We have already quarreled several times with tech support
22:30 It works disgustingly
22:32 For example
22:34 We see clients in this way
22:36 Yes, I showed interest in the service
22:38 Received an application for a service
22:40 The bill is set
22:42 This is when the client comes to you
22:44 And pays him
22:46 There is such a concept as partially paid
22:48 If the service, for example, has several phases
22:50 Or several times
22:52 A person should come to you
22:54 To serve you
22:56 He is partially paid
22:58 For example, the service is not completed
23:00 You agreed that today they do one
23:02 And tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
23:04 They come with a continuation of this service
23:06 Yes, the bill is paid
23:08 This is the number of people who paid you
23:10 Your services and the money you have in the cashier
23:12 And for example
23:14 For each transaction
23:16 You can clearly see what happened to the client
23:18 We record a complete phone conversation
23:20 About who talked to whom
23:22 For example
23:24 If you make a call to your client
23:26 Now it is all taken into account
23:28 Every step of your administrator is taken into account
23:30 Interaction
23:32 Both on social networks and on the Internet
23:34 Here we physically see
23:36 I can listen
23:38 What did Alesya Kovalev say
23:40 Or Alexei Alvatar called the client
23:42 I see the whole story
23:44 What happened to him
23:46 Who talked to him
23:48 How did he work
23:50 I see the whole correspondence on VK
23:52 Everything is interconnected
23:54 We went a little further
23:56 Now we take into account
24:02 Where the client came from
24:04 If the client came from the Internet
24:08 We learned to track everything
24:10 How many people came to what page
24:12 How many people paid from which page
24:14 What kind of client did the master bring
24:16 How much money was spent on advertising
24:18 What percentage of sales does each master
24:20 How much revenue from each master
24:22 And everything else
24:24 We have a complete analytics
24:26 Here is an example of a good outsource
24:28 We outsourced
24:30 And now we have all this data
24:32 Now we decided to introduce this data into you
24:34 This is how we see the anti-crisis
24:36 My name is Alexey
24:38 I have no social network
24:40 I have no social network
24:42 My name is Alexey
24:44 I have no goal to sell you anything
24:46 We have a goal today
24:48 To test
24:50 To test
24:52 To test
24:54 And show
24:56 How we fight the anti-crisis
24:58 A year ago I could not show you
25:00 Because we did not have it
25:02 Today
25:04 Now you can fully introduce it
25:06 To each participant
25:08 This is what we will do now
25:10 We will introduce it to people
25:12 Because it allows you to go beyond the competition
25:14 Basically, the crisis occurs
25:16 From the word "poverty"
25:18 When people do not count
25:20 You do not count the number of people
25:22 Who come to you on the page
25:24 You do not count the number of dialogues
25:26 Which you had in contact
25:28 You do not count the number of phone calls
25:30 You do not listen to what you say
25:32 Or your administrator says
25:34 You do not count the amount of money
25:36 Which you have earned from each master
25:38 In a particular salon
25:40 In a particular month
25:42 In a particular day
25:44 In the past, it was better to have it on paper
25:46 In advanced systems it was in Excel
25:48 In more advanced systems it was in C-Ray
25:50 But you do not have all the analytics
25:52 You do not see what is happening
25:54 To allow people to survive the crisis
25:56 There is only one possibility
25:58 When you take into account absolutely everything
26:00 This is impossible to learn in training
26:02 It is impossible to introduce
26:04 One program
26:06 It will show you everything
26:08 No, it will never be
26:10 Because it is important for you to monitor
26:12 For a certain service
26:14 Or a certain group of people
26:16 Thus, now you can monitor
26:18 For each client
26:20 Why did he leave
26:22 How much time does he spend in your salon
26:24 I mean, he came once
26:26 At what stage
26:28 He returns for the second time
26:30 He returns for the second time
26:32 On his own initiative
26:34 Or just because he saw your portfolio
26:36 In social networks
26:38 Or because the administrator called
26:40 And if the administrator called, what was the conversation about
26:42 Or what did the master write to the client
26:44 That the client decided to come again
26:46 Having full analytics
26:48 You can easily grow and develop
26:50 But this is already called outsource
26:52 This is not a software solution
26:54 This is not just manual labor
26:56 There is a lot of things here
26:58 Now let's talk
27:02 Now let me answer your question
27:04 Do you need to duplicate the information
27:10 On all pages or should it be different
27:12 As for
27:14 The information should be different everywhere
27:16 But the most important thing
27:18 Just come to the marathon
27:20 From 11 to 13
27:22 We will tell a lot about the contact
27:24 Contact has new rules
27:26 For example, it is now forbidden to place a portfolio
27:28 On a personal page
27:30 But it is a small example
27:32 Let's see what we have here
27:36 Messages
27:38 So
27:48 Let's talk
27:50 This is our own vision
27:54 Of getting out of the crisis
27:56 When you start to count everything
27:58 And see everything
28:00 When you start to control it
28:02 Without control growth is impossible
28:04 If everyone comes to your management
28:10 What is it about
28:12 On pumping
28:14 If you think
28:16 What is it about pumping
28:18 How to make more money
28:20 We physically switched from the format
28:22 That we are just a training center
28:24 Where we are a community
28:26 Where we help
28:28 Tell how to make money
28:30 On personal examples
28:32 For example, other participants
28:34 Now we go to the fact that we
28:36 In addition to telling
28:38 Explaining logic
28:40 Why it is necessary
28:42 And we accompany you in the training format
28:44 We also give technical support
28:46 One without the other it does not work
28:50 It is pointless
28:52 What is the point of having
28:54 A laptop
28:56 And not being able to work with it
28:58 Therefore
29:02 2016 is fully dedicated to us
29:04 And training and manual work
29:06 We will do many things for you
29:08 We will digitize you
29:10 We will show the indicators of your work
29:12 Clearly in numbers
29:14 Without liking or disliking
29:16 But on specific clear data indicators
29:18 And this is the goal of our work
29:20 How much time is it
29:22 Progression for these days
29:24 For what days
29:26 I do not understand what you mean
29:28 How to make a sub-rent
29:30 You will pay taxes
29:32 And there will be no difference
29:34 Depends where you are
29:36 More details
29:38 On the page of the VK portfolio
29:40 Alexander about bans
29:42 And all in contact
29:44 We will have a marathon
29:46 Three days from November 11
29:48 To 13
29:50 There is a lot of contact
29:52 Today's topic is anti-crisis
29:54 Not contact
29:56 Therefore, on each topic
29:58 We will tell what is relevant
30:00 More important questions
30:02 How are you in Periscope
30:16 Where can I watch the broadcast
30:18 For those who are late
30:20 Repeat
30:22 Do not bend
30:24 Broadcast in Periscope
30:26 You can watch those who are late
30:28 On our channel on YouTube
30:30 International community
30:32 International Academy of Development
30:34 Industry of Beauty
30:36 Not YouTube
30:38 Or write Ivan Novinsky
30:40 YouTube search
30:42 There is everything
30:44 I do not understand you
30:46 You speak like a fish
30:48 I talk to you
30:50 It gives me cognitive signs
30:52 So
30:54 More questions
30:56 We will soon round up
30:58 Answering questions
31:00 I will leave
31:02 I understand
31:04 That the promotion
31:06 Now we are starting to pump
31:08 Look
31:10 We have, for example, soon
31:12 More precisely soon
31:14 We decided on the 8th of February
31:16 Move to 15
31:18 There will be our training called 2x
31:20 And before
31:22 The goal of this training is to earn
31:24 Guaranteed 100 thousand rubles
31:26 Now we have a bar
31:28 Will grow more than 100 thousand rubles
31:30 We have not yet talked about it
31:32 And now we are going to the training
31:34 Connect the guys who will
31:36 Someone will produce someone
31:38 There will be captains
31:40 And
31:42 Guys who will help you
31:44 Attract customers
31:46 Our task is at any cost
31:48 You will get your 100 thousand
31:50 If you do 100 thousand, do 200
31:52 A huge job
31:54 Just done to make it possible
31:56 How much does it cost to rent a salon
31:58 If I want to provide only one service
32:00 It costs to go to the salon
32:02 I just want to provide one service
32:04 Depending on the service
32:06 Which you do
32:08 You can post
32:10 Let the sales department
32:12 Write to me
32:14 I can not get to you
32:16 Zhenya
32:18 Yes, I saw that you wrote to me
32:20 I will answer you
32:22 Most likely tomorrow
32:24 If you rent a salon
32:26 And then give up the place to the masters
32:28 How to document
32:30 Specifically taxes
32:32 Specifically taxes are issued
32:34 Entrepreneurs rent a place to entrepreneurs
32:36 If you just give up
32:38 Places in pieces
32:40 This is normal practice
32:42 When you give up
32:44 Sub-rent places
32:46 On the topic of outsourcing
32:52 If the master is a beginner
32:54 There is no point in starting work at home
32:56 Are there special people who teach
32:58 You can trust the list of clients
33:00 In order to
33:02 Work on rent
33:04 I will try to catch the thought
33:06 If the master is a beginner
33:08 There is no point in starting work at home
33:10 Is there a point in special people
33:12 Who teach
33:14 Yes, there is
33:16 The cost of labor and space
33:18 Has increased more than twice
33:20 The cost of
33:22 We will analyze these questions
33:24 Now we will analyze
33:26 The cost of labor
33:28 Yes, the cost of space
33:30 Has increased more than twice
33:32 The cost of space
33:34 Has increased more than twice
33:36 The cost of space
33:38 Has increased more than twice
33:40 The cost of space
33:42 Has increased more than twice
33:44 The cost of space
33:46 Has increased more than twice
33:48 The cost of space
33:50 Has increased more than twice
33:52 The cost of space
33:54 Has increased more than twice
33:56 The cost of space
33:58 Has increased more than twice
34:00 The cost of space
34:02 Has increased more than twice
34:04 The cost of space
34:06 Has increased more than twice
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34:10 Has increased more than twice
34:12 The cost of space
34:14 Has increased more than twice
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34:18 Has increased more than twice
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34:22 Has increased more than twice
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34:26 Has increased more than twice
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34:30 Has increased more than twice
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34:34 Has increased more than twice
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34:38 Has increased more than twice
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34:50 Has increased more than twice
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