HUGE LUSH HAUL Lush Cosmetics

  • last year
00:00 Coffee break with me.
00:03 Hi guys.
00:04 Welcome back to my channel.
00:05 Today I'm here with something a little out of the ordinary.
00:11 If you guys have watched my, I think, skin care and hair care body favorites, I do mention
00:20 that I'm not a big fan of taking baths.
00:23 But I do have to say that now that the colder season or colder weather is here, my body
00:30 has been acting its age.
00:34 Let's just face it.
00:35 My back hurts.
00:36 I'm tired.
00:37 It might have something to do with the fact that I have an almost three year old that
00:41 has an extreme amount of energy.
00:44 But the other day I was telling Mr. Man, I said, "Oh, babe, I'm so tired.
00:49 Sometimes I wish I could just lay in the bathtub and just lie comatose for like two hours after
00:55 he falls asleep."
00:56 And he's like, "Why don't we go to Lush and buy some stuff?"
01:00 And at that same time I had just seen a Lush haul from Jamie Page Beauty and I really like
01:05 her channel.
01:06 She had seen her haul and I was like, "Okay, maybe I'll get the courage to go."
01:10 And I don't know if this happens to you guys, but FYI, this is a long intro.
01:14 Long intro.
01:15 I don't know if this happens to you guys, but I walk into Lush and I get attacked.
01:20 I feel like I'm covered in peanut butter and bird seed and I just get attacked by 400 birds.
01:28 That's what I feel like every time I walk into Lush.
01:30 And every single time I walk out discouraged, overwhelmed, extremely oily, and I don't buy
01:37 anything.
01:38 So this time when I was telling my husband, I was like, "Oh, I wish I could just lay there
01:42 for an hour in a bathtub."
01:43 He's like, "Well, let's go to Lush."
01:44 And I was like, "Okay, I'm going to walk indetermined to come out with a purchase.
01:51 Any purchase is a purchase.
01:52 I need to, for beauty vlogger experience and for coffee break research, I need to walk
01:59 out with something."
02:07 Let's just say that when I make a goal, I reach it.
02:14 I don't know.
02:15 Sometimes I don't know what's wrong with me, but look, I made these purchases maybe a week
02:23 or two ago and I've been hesitant to film it because they don't label their stuff.
02:29 And so I'm like, "What am I going to do?
02:30 Just show my pandas?"
02:31 And this is a ball and this is a foamy ball and this is a bubble ball.
02:36 I don't know the names.
02:38 So I had to sit down.
02:39 I literally had to sit down and almost take notes about what I'm going to talk to you
02:44 guys about in case you're like me and you walk into Lush and you're like, "What the
02:48 heck, man?
02:49 I want to buy something, but I don't know what to get."
02:52 So I had to take notes.
02:54 Here's the evidence.
02:55 I had to take notes for you guys.
02:56 So let me make some space so that I could show you what I got.
03:00 Basically, my purpose was to walk in and be able to walk out with stuff that's going to
03:06 make me relax, smell good, and make my bathtub fancy.
03:11 So I walked out with a ton of bath bombs, bubble bars, and a couple of bath melts.
03:20 But before I show you those guys, because they're a little noisy, I did get two products,
03:25 one for me and one for my son.
03:28 My husband and my son both have sensitive skin, so I have to be really careful with
03:31 the stuff that I purchase.
03:33 I could literally just ... I could douse myself in gasoline and my skin would be fine.
03:38 But my son and my husband, they really need unscented, gentle, hypoallergenic, paraben-free,
03:45 all that special stuff because their skin is so, so delicate.
03:49 And so for my son, I actually bought the Dream Wash, and this is a shower smoothie.
03:55 When the girl was trying to sell me on the smoothie, I thought it was going to be one
03:58 of those body conditioners.
04:01 I don't get that.
04:02 Do you know what I'm talking about?
04:03 Like the rose argan oil conditioner?
04:07 If you know about that and you like it, let me know in the comments because that doesn't
04:10 ... that's just a little weird to me.
04:13 I feel like I'm just washing it down the drain.
04:15 And so when she was selling me on the smoothie, I didn't know that it was a sudsy product.
04:20 If I'm washing my body, I want suds.
04:23 So I got the Dream Wash for my son, and not only does it smell really good, but it's supposed
04:29 to help relax him, which I need on a good day.
04:34 And it's really good for sensitive skin.
04:36 In fact, the founder of Lush made this for her son that had eczema.
04:43 So I was like, "Okay."
04:44 Once I heard that part of the story, I was like, "I'm sold."
04:47 So I got this for my son.
04:48 He really, really likes it.
04:49 It smells really good.
04:50 It does smell a little bit like aloe, lavender, calamine lotion.
04:56 So afterwards, he's just like ... he's kind of chill, chill and relaxed.
05:00 Then for myself, I got this bar.
05:05 I think it's an exfoliating bar.
05:06 Let me get my notes so I can tell you what it's actually called.
05:10 This is the Buffy Bar, and this is a bar that's supposed to buff away all the dead skin.
05:18 And that's the number one reason why I'm so itchy in the winter is because I have such
05:23 dry skin, and it's really hard to remove.
05:25 So this Buffy Bar really helps kind of remove that top layer of really dry, flaky skin.
05:31 And afterwards, you can moisturize and your skin is just completely radiant.
05:37 Or you don't really have to because this in itself is pretty hydrating already.
05:41 So I like that.
05:42 The only thing with this one is it will literally melt away.
05:46 So you have to be really careful with how you use it because you could use up this $12
05:52 product in one bath.
05:53 So you have to be really careful.
05:54 Now let's get into bubble bars and melt bars?
06:01 Bar melts?
06:02 Bath melts?
06:03 Melt-a-ways?
06:04 Okay, basically, a melt is something that you put in the bath, it melts away, it doesn't
06:12 have suds, and it just fills it with creamy goodness and moisturization that's awesome
06:17 for the body.
06:18 So I separated my two purchases so I would be ready for this video.
06:22 This one has the bubble bars and the melt bars, the bath melts.
06:27 So let me show you the first one.
06:30 The first one is a bubble bar and look at how beautiful this is.
06:35 I don't even know the names, you guys, so I'm sorry.
06:37 I think this is called French Kiss, I think.
06:41 I wish they labeled them.
06:42 Lush, if you see this video, I'm not complaining, but label them, please.
06:47 It's just basically like an explosion of lavender and it's a bubble bar, so it's going to do
06:51 bubbles.
06:52 This one is another bubble bar that I got and I want to say this one is a holiday one,
06:58 like a limited edition because it's covered in glitter and it smells like pumpkin.
07:02 I really, really like this one.
07:04 I was very nervous to pick up anything that's covered in glitter because when you see, look
07:09 at my fingers, and when you see the water, it is covered in glitter, but it doesn't actually
07:15 stick to the skin.
07:16 It is so weird.
07:17 It's like magic glitter.
07:18 I don't know about you, but I want glitter to stick to my skin.
07:22 No, I'm just kidding.
07:23 This is another bubble bar and this one's really pretty.
07:26 This is one of their classic ones.
07:29 Let's see.
07:30 I think this one is called Pop in the Bath.
07:33 It's hard to describe.
07:35 When I was trying to order Lush online, I couldn't decide because everything sounds
07:40 very like hippie, dippy, 70s, very patchouli-like, and so when you're reading the description,
07:46 you're like, "I don't want to smell like that," but when you actually smell the products,
07:50 you're like, "I want to smell like that."
07:52 Let's see.
07:53 Here are two other bubble bars.
07:54 This one is, I think it's called, oh my God, you guys are going to kill me because I'm
08:01 sure there's people that are Lush fanatics watching me right now that are like, "What
08:05 is wrong with this girl?"
08:07 This one's for the holidays, I believe.
08:08 A night before Christmas?
08:09 I don't know.
08:10 It's a moon.
08:11 You see the moon?
08:12 This is a bubble bar.
08:13 I really like it.
08:14 The other cool thing is even though they're a little overpriced, I think each of these
08:19 products is like $7.
08:21 You can break them apart and only use a portion of it.
08:24 Here is another bubble bar similar to the one I showed you.
08:29 How beautiful is this one?
08:31 This is a Christmas one, I believe.
08:33 I honestly think I won't go back to Lush in a year with how much stuff I bought, but I
08:38 really wanted to get a good feel.
08:40 These products last.
08:41 I think bubble bars, melts, and bath bombs last up to two years?
08:46 One to two years.
08:47 It says in this book, my cheat sheet book, it says in there how long they'll last.
08:51 This is one of the really big bubble bars.
08:55 This is called the Comforter.
08:56 You can get four or five uses out of this.
08:59 Sometimes I wish Lush would just make a room freshener or deodorizer.
09:03 My whole house would smell like a Lush store.
09:06 I think that's how they get you.
09:07 Then I have a bath melt.
09:10 These are both melts called Saredwind's Cauldron.
09:15 I think you just put it in like this with the whole gauze and everything in the water.
09:21 It probably has some awesome stuff inside.
09:23 It says, "Soothe and soften your skin with this mystic sandalwood oil and wildflower
09:29 melt.
09:30 It's calming."
09:31 The bath melts are supposed to be hydrating and calming.
09:34 Here's another one that is also a bath melt.
09:37 This one is called Melting Marshmallow.
09:40 You guys, rub all this stuff all over me.
09:46 In the melts and the bubble bars, I also got some stuff for my son, like this Christmas
09:50 penguin.
09:51 He really liked that.
09:52 We put this in one of his baths.
09:53 We put half of one in one of his baths.
09:56 I also put this little robot that I'm going to show you.
10:01 They're both safe for kids.
10:03 He's really excited and it makes him calm down and it makes him smell really good.
10:07 Here's another bath melt that I got.
10:09 This one's just like that penguin that I showed you guys, the Melting Marshmallow.
10:14 I think this one's called Floating Island.
10:16 Yeah, this is Floating Island.
10:19 Let me show you the bath bombs.
10:21 This is sickening.
10:22 There's so many of them.
10:24 You know what?
10:25 I actually tried Lush for the very first time with my husband.
10:30 When we were dating, he bought me a present at Lush.
10:35 I was like, "What is this?"
10:37 This was what the present was.
10:41 Every time I see this bath bomb, I have to get it.
10:45 I have to get it because it reminds me of that time in our life when we were dating.
10:49 The smell is completely nostalgic because he got a little tower of these bath bombs,
10:54 these pink ones, the little flowers, just a tower full of these same ones.
10:59 Every time I smell it, I just remember that point in our life when you're dating someone
11:04 and you're just completely crazy about them.
11:06 All you want to do is spend time with them.
11:09 The scent is just incredible.
11:11 I don't know if it actually smells that good or if it just makes me happy to remember that
11:15 time.
11:16 The name of this one is called Pink.
11:19 How appropriate.
11:20 Then, remember I told you guys I got some for Tater?
11:22 This is a little robot.
11:25 It's supposed to have chamomile or lavender.
11:28 Yeah, lavender and chamomile oils for baby to get a good night's sleep.
11:32 Isn't that adorable?
11:33 This is a bath bomb, so it's really exciting for them because they see the "pssh" in the
11:37 water.
11:38 Then, look at how pretty this one is.
11:39 This one's called Sex Bomb.
11:40 It's a little broken because I may have dropped it already a couple times, but it's one of
11:45 the bigger ones.
11:46 I think it's like six bucks.
11:50 You can break it apart and use it several times.
11:53 Then, I got this one.
11:56 This is the holiday one.
11:58 It's a teddy bear.
11:59 I got this one for Tater, of course.
12:00 It's a little teddy bear with a little nose.
12:05 Here's another one.
12:07 I got this one specifically to relax and to unwind and just soothe my skin.
12:14 This one's called Honey Bee, I think.
12:17 Honey Bee, Honey Pot, Honey Combs, something like that.
12:21 Sometimes, I think you guys watch me just for entertainment.
12:23 What is this crazy lady saying now?
12:27 Then, there's this one.
12:28 I think this one's called Twilight.
12:31 I think this one's Twilight.
12:32 It has stars and moons and stuff on it.
12:35 It smells really good.
12:37 Another one of the big ones.
12:38 Then, the last one is the Santa Claus one.
12:42 I don't know why I got this one.
12:44 It's just like a giant Santa face.
12:46 It doesn't smell that much, actually.
12:50 I probably got it for Tater, then.
12:51 He calls Santa Panda, so I got him a panda for his bath.
12:55 I really hope you guys enjoyed this Lush haul with a majorly long, crazy introduction.
13:01 I really want to know if you experienced that, too, when you walk into Lush.
13:05 I swear, I think the reason I got all this stuff is so that I don't have to go again
13:10 for another year.
13:11 I don't like to walk out greasy and completely overwhelmed.
13:15 I think I'm set for a year.
13:17 My son and I are both set for a year.
13:19 I think that's it, guys.
13:20 Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
13:21 As always, if you guys found this video useful and you can't wait to learn something, please
13:26 give me a thumbs up or subscribe if you haven't already.
13:29 Until next time, this coffee break is over.
13:32 Bye, guys.
