Top 5 Series Eye Extras - Lashes, Glitter, Adhesive

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:01 Copyright, with me.
00:02 Woo, hi guys.
00:04 Welcome back to my channel.
00:05 Look at my mug.
00:06 Do you see that?
00:08 That's a unicorn inside my mug,
00:10 in case you're wondering.
00:11 And it says, "You are magical."
00:14 You want my mug, don't you?
00:17 This is a Target mug.
00:18 I think it was like $3 or $4.
00:21 But sadly, it's not available anymore.
00:23 So you guys are seeing this video
00:25 on Thursday, September 10th.
00:27 And I'm actually filming it on Wednesday, September 9th
00:32 at, what time is it?
00:35 Maybe at 30 p.m.
00:37 Procrastination at its best.
00:40 You know what?
00:41 This weekend was a great weekend.
00:42 And I was like, you know what?
00:43 I'm not gonna film.
00:44 YOLO, thug life.
00:46 This has been a thug-a-rific week.
00:47 Have you guys noticed?
00:49 Anyway, today we are back with a top five favorite video.
00:53 And if you're new to my channel, welcome.
00:54 But I am doing,
00:56 I'm in the midst of doing,
00:57 I don't even know how many episodes
00:59 or videos we've done for this series.
01:02 My best friend Samantha and I,
01:03 she also has a YouTube channel,
01:04 we're doing a collaboration series
01:06 where we talk about our top five favorite blanks.
01:08 And we've done blushes and eyeshadow palettes
01:11 and mascaras and all the good stuff.
01:13 We're gonna have a playlist link for you
01:15 in the description box below.
01:16 But today we decided to come up with a video
01:19 on top five favorite extras or eye extras.
01:22 Where would you classify your favorite lash glue
01:25 or your favorite eyelashes
01:27 or other products that just are extra
01:31 when it comes to eyes?
01:34 You know, extra stuff.
01:35 Stuff that's important that doesn't really get talked about.
01:38 And I don't know what we're gonna title this video,
01:41 but I'm gonna have a long night of editing and uploading.
01:44 So, I hope you guys are doing well.
01:47 This is barely pre-recorded.
01:49 I should have just done a live top five
01:51 in my pajamas tomorrow at 7 a.m. (laughs)
01:54 Anyway, so what I thought I would do
01:56 is use some of this stuff in front of you
01:59 since it only makes sense to see it in action, right?
02:02 But before we get started,
02:03 I wanna remind you that Sam's video and her channel
02:06 will be linked in the description box below.
02:07 So I really hope you guys will go and check her out.
02:10 She is cool toned, she is fair, and she has oily skin.
02:14 So you might find some products that are awesome
02:17 and work for you on her channel.
02:20 But please, watch my video first.
02:23 The very first product that I wanna share with you
02:24 is a little odd,
02:26 and some of you might find it completely irrelevant,
02:28 others might find it extremely helpful.
02:31 If you are someone that is prone to red eyes, I know I am,
02:35 but the only time that I get red eyes is when I'm tired.
02:38 And being a mom of two, they're basically always red.
02:42 So now that I'm filming my videos at night,
02:44 I'm extremely tired and my eyes just totally give it away.
02:48 So I was like, what am I gonna do
02:50 to make sure that my eyes aren't red?
02:52 And believe it or not, the Target brand,
02:55 Red Eye Relief Drops, have saved my life.
02:58 I have, I don't have sensitive eyes.
03:01 I don't have sensitive anything on my body,
03:04 but when it comes to applying a lot of eye makeup
03:08 or using loose products, or using a new eyeliner,
03:12 like in my waterline or stuff like that,
03:13 anything new or excessive amount, my eyes get red.
03:17 And they don't get permanently red,
03:19 but they do stay red for a little while.
03:21 And since I need my eyes to look white,
03:23 for the camera especially, these have actually saved my butt.
03:27 So if you have eyes that are very reactive to eye products,
03:32 the Up and Up brand of Red Eye Relief Drops are really good.
03:36 Like it actually works.
03:37 Within two to, I don't know, two to three seconds,
03:40 your eyes aren't red anymore.
03:42 I actually used them before I started filming today.
03:44 Now here is a tip.
03:46 If you apply eyeliner to your waterline or your tightline,
03:50 do not use this first.
03:53 So my suggestion would be,
03:55 if you're a pro at using eye drops,
03:57 which means you don't pour it in
03:59 and it just runs down the side of your face,
04:01 if you're an expert at using eye drops,
04:03 do your eye makeup first and then do this.
04:06 Because if you try to apply any type of eyeliner
04:10 to your tightline or waterline, this will reject it.
04:13 So when you use these drops
04:15 and then you go in with an eyeliner, it's not gonna stick.
04:17 It won't stick anywhere, it's not going to work.
04:20 Just believe me, I tried it and it just,
04:23 it was a losing battle.
04:24 My next product favorite or recommendation
04:27 is a really good eyelid primer.
04:29 And I was using MAC Paint Pot in Soft Ochre
04:32 for ever and ever and ever and ever,
04:34 but then this guy recently came out from Benefit
04:37 and this is Air Patrol.
04:39 And I am thoroughly impressed.
04:42 This came out several weeks ago
04:43 and the selling point or what it is
04:46 is a BB cream for your eyelids.
04:48 And I don't know if you guys know this,
04:50 but your eyelid skin is the thinnest skin on your body,
04:54 so you wanna make sure that it's protected.
04:56 So not only is this marketed as a BB cream for the eyelids,
04:59 it also has SPF 20.
05:01 It is a tinted or neutralizing base color.
05:06 So it is going to give you a little bit of coverage,
05:11 but it also makes your eyeshadow
05:13 or your whatever you apply to your eyes waterproof.
05:18 I don't mean like go jump in the deep end of a pool swim
05:22 and your eyeshadow's gonna look intact.
05:25 I mean, if you have greasy eyelids, oily eyelids,
05:29 you tend to get a little sweaty
05:31 or you work in a place that's kind of hot,
05:33 it makes sure that your eyeshadow stays
05:35 exactly the same the whole time,
05:39 like the entire time, it's crazy.
05:40 I didn't wanna believe it because I was like,
05:43 those are a lot of claims.
05:45 But surprisingly, my eyeshadow looked the same
05:50 from 5 a.m. in the morning,
05:52 and this is the first time that I used it
05:53 when I was like super skeptical.
05:55 I was like, yeah, right, you're not gonna work.
05:57 Shut up, you know? (laughs)
05:59 My eyeshadow looked the same from 5 a.m. in the morning
06:01 when I first applied my eyeshadow to about,
06:04 I would say 11.30 p.m.
06:07 when I was washing my face to go to bed.
06:09 I was looking in the mirror like a ratchety hot mess,
06:12 like super tired, and my eyeshadow was still like,
06:14 bam, where we going, girl?
06:16 Another product recommendation,
06:17 or brush recommendation rather, is an angled brush.
06:21 I know a lot of times we really wanna do the cat eye
06:24 or the wing liner, but we're like,
06:26 oh, that's too hard, I don't know how to do it,
06:28 it makes me nervous.
06:30 Get yourself an angled brush like this one.
06:32 This was actually a gift from my friend Samantha.
06:35 This is the Sigma E65.
06:37 It's a really small angled brush,
06:40 and all you have to do is dip this into eyeshadow
06:44 or a creamy eyeliner, and you see how the angle is?
06:48 You just go in sideways, boom,
06:50 and give yourself a little swipe, and there's your wing.
06:53 And then you come in the other way and connect the dots.
06:56 Perfect wing liner.
06:59 I mean, it may not be perfectly symmetrical
07:00 because that takes time,
07:02 but if you really wanna try a wing liner,
07:04 just take the angle, do the line,
07:07 and then connect it towards the middle of your eyeliner,
07:10 and you've got the perfect wing.
07:12 It's incredible.
07:13 It's an angled brush.
07:15 Like, if you really want help,
07:17 and you don't know how to do it,
07:18 and you wanna learn or practice,
07:20 take an angled brush and it will save you.
07:23 Trust me, girlfriend.
07:24 Now let's talk about adding the extra like pizazz
07:26 to your face.
07:27 I was very scared to use glitter at first
07:31 when I started doing makeup.
07:32 In fact, I still don't use it very often,
07:34 but I really love the look that a little bit of glitter
07:38 on the eyelid or the lower lash line can give.
07:41 Now, when I reach for glitters,
07:42 or when I'm gonna use glitter,
07:43 I tend to use the ones from Violet Voss,
07:47 and Violet Voss has every single color
07:50 imaginable for glitter.
07:52 I actually discovered Violet Voss at a beauty convention.
07:56 I think it was IMAX,
07:57 and they literally have every single type
08:00 of glitter imaginable.
08:02 One of their favorites or their best sellers
08:04 or one of the ones that people love the most
08:07 is the shade Copperella.
08:09 I don't know if you guys can see
08:10 how beautiful that color is.
08:12 It is such a beautiful color,
08:13 and it's surprisingly neutral,
08:15 even though it's a really, really, really
08:17 in your face copper, it's surprisingly neutral.
08:21 I really, really like it,
08:23 but it was really hard for me
08:24 to be comfortable applying glitter
08:27 because I didn't have the proper adhesive.
08:32 It's really hard to find a really good adhesive
08:34 that's gonna make sure your glitter doesn't go anywhere,
08:37 but then my friend Samantha came in to save the day.
08:40 If you guys watch Samantha,
08:41 you know she is the glitter pro.
08:44 She could put glitter on her sandwich and make it look good.
08:47 She just loves glitter.
08:49 She turned me on,
08:50 and this is another product that I'm mentioning.
08:52 She turned me on to the Lit Clearly Liquid Glitter Base.
08:57 Look at how cute the bottle is.
08:59 Lit is actually sold at Sephora's,
09:01 but it's also one of those big beauty convention brands.
09:06 All you do is you take a little bit of that glitter base
09:09 and whatever glitter you want or pigment
09:11 and mix it together and apply it,
09:12 and it's just the beautiful, most perfect combination,
09:16 and it makes you feel a lot more confident
09:18 about using glitter on the eyes.
09:21 I'm going to apply a little bit
09:22 and show you guys how it looks,
09:24 and you're gonna see what difference it makes.
09:26 Just take a little bit of that glitter base
09:28 on a little tiny brush,
09:30 and you're gonna mix it with some of the glitter.
09:34 Then just pack it on the lid.
09:40 (lid clicks)
09:42 You see that?
09:50 I barely put any on.
09:52 I kind of want to put more.
09:54 Let's just pretend.
09:55 Let's just pretend we're putting on more.
09:57 This isn't a place of rules or judgment.
10:00 We're just gonna go in with more glitter,
10:05 'cause it wouldn't make sense not to, right?
10:09 What do you guys think?
10:11 Glitter?
10:12 No glitter.
10:12 Happy?
10:13 Sad?
10:15 Right?
10:16 Okay, let me do the other eye.
10:17 Enough of these shenanigans.
10:18 So if you're looking to kind of zhuzh up your eye game
10:22 and you want to try something a little bit more fun
10:24 and bright and happy and unicorn-ish,
10:27 I definitely suggest getting yourself
10:30 the Lit Glitter Base.
10:32 There are so many glitter bases out there
10:33 that feel like Elmer's glue,
10:35 so if you really want one that's gonna feel professional,
10:38 non-sticky, dries fast, and is safe,
10:42 I would say try the Lit one first.
10:44 And Lit also has a ton of different glitters.
10:47 I know Sam really loves that brand.
10:49 I haven't tried any of their glitters,
10:50 but I do love the Violet Voss glitters.
10:53 I mean, look at that.
10:54 Copperella.
10:55 Isn't that beautiful?
10:56 I'm gonna list some of my favorite colors
10:59 from Violet Voss in the description box below.
11:01 So I'll list Copperella,
11:02 but then I'll also put three or four
11:04 of my other really, really, really,
11:06 really awesome favorites from this brand.
11:08 And no eye extra video would be complete
11:11 without the mentioning of my favorite eyelash glue
11:13 or eyelashes.
11:14 And if you guys are longtime followers of my channel,
11:16 you know that the only eyelashes that I use
11:18 are from Esquito.
11:20 My favorite style is the Voila Lash.
11:24 That's this one right here.
11:25 It's really like, really, really, really natural volume.
11:29 No, no, no, I take that back.
11:31 It's a lot of volume,
11:33 but in the most natural way possible.
11:36 If false lashes could ever look that natural.
11:40 So anyway, Voila Lash is my favorite style,
11:43 but they recently came out with a new style
11:45 that I actually wanna try for you guys on camera,
11:47 and that's this one right here.
11:49 I think I should bring you guys in closer
11:51 so you can get a better look.
11:52 Welcome to my face.
11:54 I was just looking for an excuse
11:55 so that I could say that in this video.
11:57 So look at that.
11:59 Isn't that beautiful?
12:00 This is one of their new styles,
12:03 so it has that crisscross pattern,
12:05 which is supposed to make your lashes look more voluminous
12:09 with less product and more full.
12:13 I can't stop looking at that glitter.
12:15 Look at that.
12:16 Isn't that stunning?
12:17 So I actually haven't tried these,
12:19 so I'm gonna trim them and apply them,
12:21 and then bat my eyelashes at you guys very seductively.
12:25 I'll be right back.
12:26 Well, excuse me while I feel nice and fabulous
12:30 now that I'm wearing false lashes.
12:32 I don't know what it is about applying just a simple,
12:36 never simple.
12:38 I don't know what it is about applying a basic pair,
12:41 never basic.
12:43 Okay, let's try this again.
12:44 I don't know what it is about applying false lashes
12:47 that just makes me feel like, mm-hmm, yes, girl.
12:51 Look at my eyes.
12:52 You know what I mean?
12:52 Like, it just, it makes you feel so glamorous.
12:55 It's just something about false eyelashes.
12:57 You could just do simple wing liner
12:59 and throw on a pair of lashes,
13:00 and you're like, glamorous to the max, right?
13:04 Am I alone here?
13:05 Please tell me I'm not alone.
13:07 And my favorite eyelash glue is actually from Mosquito 2.
13:10 They just recently came out with it.
13:12 It's a brand new product.
13:13 It's latex-free, and I never thought
13:15 that I would replace my Revlon Lash Precision.
13:18 You've heard me talk about it a million times over,
13:21 and I never thought that I would replace it,
13:23 but this one is so awesome,
13:27 one, because it comes in a really convenient packaging.
13:29 It comes with, it has more product,
13:32 and it holds the lashes on in a way
13:37 where you feel confident, like it's not gonna fall
13:42 on the middle of your steak on your hot date,
13:45 but it's also not going to rip out all your lashes
13:48 at the end of the night
13:49 when you're too lazy to wash your face.
13:51 Not that that ever happens to me, just saying.
13:55 In case you were to rip off your lashes,
13:58 it's not going to rip off all your lashes
14:00 like that damn Revlon glue. (laughs)
14:03 And since I like to reuse my lashes,
14:05 and by reuse, I mean use them like 30 times at least over,
14:09 I keep them in a little case like this,
14:10 and I actually got this from Violet Voss as well.
14:14 So I keep my Esquito, (laughs)
14:17 my little Esquito spiders, or brothers and sisters,
14:20 in this little container, and it's really convenient
14:22 because I can see them, I know which style I wanna wear,
14:26 I kinda make a little annotation at the top,
14:28 I know which style I wanna wear,
14:30 and once they start to get a little ratchet and old
14:32 and a little, you know, beat up looking,
14:35 then I just toss them, and I make room for a new style.
14:37 So I'm gonna have to make room for this style
14:40 because I'm kinda loving it.
14:42 Did I even tell you guys what it's called?
14:44 This new style is called Lash Name Desire.
14:48 Look at that.
14:50 It kinda matches my wing.
14:52 They're really voluminous and like winged out at the edge,
14:55 so it kind of makes your eyes look,
14:58 you know what I'm saying?
14:59 It makes them look like this. (laughs)
15:02 So that is it for this top five video.
15:04 I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
15:06 Obviously I'm a little delirious, I'm a little tired,
15:08 and now I have to go sit on my computer and edit this video
15:11 because I can't let you guys down, I never do.
15:14 Anyway, all these products will be listed
15:16 in the description box below.
15:18 Please remember to check out Sam's video.
15:21 She's probably gonna have a lot more interesting products
15:23 than me because eyes are like her thing.
15:27 First of all, her eyeball color is amazing.
15:30 She has the most beautiful eyes,
15:32 but she's just like the queen of glitter and false lashes.
15:36 She'll put on colored false lashes
15:38 and they look amazing on her.
15:40 So I really hope that you guys will check her out.
15:42 Subscribe to her if you haven't already.
15:44 And I think that's it, guys.
15:45 Please let us know your thoughts
15:46 in the comment section below.
15:47 And as always, if you found this video useful,
15:49 entertaining, or learn something,
15:51 please give me a thumbs up
15:52 or subscribe if you haven't already.
15:54 And until next time, this coffee break is over.
15:56 Bye, guys!
15:57 (upbeat music)
