• 2 years ago
En dag i slutningen af 1800-tallet bliver 14-årige Lises liv forandret for altid. Hun er den ældste af sine søskende, den første i sin familie, der går i skole og fuld af håb og tillid til livet. Men da hendes mor går i fødsel, viser det sig hurtigt, at der er noget galt. Som natten falder på, og veerne skrider frem, begynder Lise at forstå, at en dag, der begyndte i barndommen, kan ende med, at hun bliver husets kvinde.

One day at the end of the 1800s, 14-year-old Lise’s life is changed forever. She is the eldest of her siblings, the first in her family to go to school and full of hope and confidence in life. But when her mother goes into labour, it quickly appears that something is wrong. As night falls and the labour progresses, Lise begins to understand that a day that began in childhood might end with her becoming the woman of the house.