Path of Exile 2 Aggorat Gameplay Teaser Trailer

  • l’année dernière
Check out another gameplay clip for Path of Exile 2 this time showcased during the PC Gamer Showcase 2023.

At ExileCon, we will reveal everything there is to know about Path of Exile 2 - including its beta launch date! We'll also be showcasing Path of Exile: Mobile and the 3.22 expansion for Path of Exile 1 at this event.


00:00 Si ce Ziri pouvait voir ça maintenant...
00:04 Ugh, dégueulasse.
00:06 Tu créatures !
00:10 Tu es mon !
00:20 Vile abomination !
00:23 (Bruits de combat)
00:31 La stenche...
00:32 C'est en train de se faire pire.
00:34 (Bruits de combat)
00:39 (Bruits de combat)
00:42 (Musique)
