My Routine for BRIGHT White Teeth

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:05 Coffee break with me.
00:07 Woo, hi guys.
00:09 So today I am back with a very, very, very
00:13 important video because so many of you ask me,
00:16 "Dani, if you drink so much coffee,
00:18 "why are your teeth so white?
00:19 "What's your secret? Please share."
00:20 So if you guys are new to my channel, welcome,
00:23 but I will preface this video by saying
00:25 that most of my videos that are about my routine
00:28 or things that I do every single day
00:30 have a pretty long introduction
00:32 because I like to share backstories
00:33 of where I got to where I am today,
00:36 why I've selected these items,
00:38 why these are important to me,
00:39 how I found them, whatever.
00:40 So it just makes so much more sense
00:42 if you have a story to tie to whatever I'm talking about.
00:46 It's something that I learned as a teacher
00:48 and it's just, it's part of my personality.
00:51 I love to share stories
00:53 to just give you a better understanding.
00:55 So growing up, I always had a severe overbite.
00:58 I'm talking severe, like the kids at school would say
01:02 that if I leaned forward,
01:04 my teeth would scratch the pavement.
01:06 So I had a really, really, really, really bad overbite.
01:09 Trying to fix that, I had to get special equipment
01:10 in my mouth, two different retainers, top and bottom,
01:13 and they kind of locked into place.
01:15 So it would force me to move my jaw out
01:20 and then move the top one in.
01:21 So it was almost like a,
01:26 it was orthodontics for your mouth,
01:28 but it made me move or retrain my jaw
01:33 so that my top teeth wouldn't stick out as much.
01:38 So I got retainers and then I had braces or whatever.
01:41 And after I got my braces off,
01:43 my dentist told me that I had to whiten my teeth
01:46 if I wanted to make my teeth look as good as possible.
01:51 And I tried several different whitening systems.
01:53 None of them worked.
01:54 They were really, really painful for me.
01:56 And I just, I kind of quit.
01:59 I quit trying to find a chemical whitening system
02:04 that worked for me.
02:04 And of course, you start getting a little older
02:07 with class and everything, you get into coffee,
02:09 you need to stay awake.
02:10 I was working two jobs.
02:12 I was a full-time student.
02:13 So I just, Starbucks was very popular.
02:16 You were cool if you were holding a Starbucks cup.
02:19 So again, my teeth, they weren't yellow.
02:22 My teeth have never been yellow,
02:24 but I've always wanted the Hollywood glam teeth.
02:27 You know what I mean?
02:28 Like the veneer looking mouth.
02:30 Because I had such issues with my mouth growing up,
02:33 I wanted the perfect mouth.
02:36 I wasn't going to have a semi-standard mouth.
02:38 I wanted the perfect mouth.
02:39 If I already went through all the trouble
02:41 with the retainers and the braces and all that stuff,
02:43 I needed my mouth to be on point.
02:45 You know what I mean?
02:46 After talking to my mom, she's like,
02:47 "Well, I've always used baking soda.
02:48 "That's always helped me.
02:50 "It's always been great, whatever."
02:52 So I started to do baking soda,
02:53 consciously knowing of the harmful side effects
02:58 that baking soda has on your teeth enamel.
03:01 Baking soda is like a sand, almost.
03:03 And it does make your teeth white.
03:05 But if you do it too often,
03:06 you're just wearing down the enamel,
03:08 and then eventually you'll have really bad teeth.
03:10 So I did use baking soda.
03:12 Sometimes I still do, maybe once a week, whatever,
03:15 when I'm feeling it.
03:16 I'll just put a little baking soda on my wet toothbrush
03:18 and run it over my teeth.
03:20 It's definitely not the best.
03:22 So eventually, I would say three years ago,
03:27 I went to see my new dentist here in Dallas.
03:32 You know, I moved, so I didn't have a dentist.
03:34 Finally, I got a dentist that I liked.
03:35 And he recommended a specific whitening system,
03:41 and it actually worked.
03:43 So I fell in love with it.
03:44 That's all I use now.
03:46 Recently, I did venture out
03:47 into a really popular whitening system here on YouTube,
03:50 and it just really didn't work out for me.
03:51 I tried the two different ones that they have,
03:54 and they just didn't help.
03:56 And that's the thing about whitening products
03:59 is so many of you ask me to share my secret.
04:02 And although I have no problem sharing my life
04:06 with you guys, to an extent, Mr. Man and Tater Tot,
04:09 I also don't wanna set you up for failure.
04:11 I have the pickiest whitening system mouth.
04:16 A lot of them hurt.
04:17 A lot of them don't work.
04:19 A lot of them are yucky.
04:21 So I have gone through a ton through dentists
04:24 and through just trials at Target, experimenting,
04:28 and this is the only one that has given me
04:32 100% fantastic results every single time.
04:37 Now, I do believe that having a white smile
04:41 isn't just what chemical you can splash on your teeth
04:45 and leave it on for 20 minutes.
04:47 It is a combination of many, many things.
04:49 What you eat, what you drink, toothpaste,
04:52 your oral hygiene, if you floss, mouthwash, all that stuff.
04:56 I do have to confess, I do have a major confession
04:59 for you guys, though.
05:00 I don't like flossing and I don't like mouthwash.
05:02 I just do not, I can't stand doing either one.
05:05 I do floss because I have to,
05:07 but it's just, it's so uncomfortable for me.
05:10 I guess I have sensitive teeth.
05:12 And mouthwash, I just won't do it.
05:14 I won't do mouthwash, I can't do it.
05:15 If I'm gonna put alcohol in my mouth,
05:17 it's gonna be whiskey or beer,
05:18 but I am not doing mouthwash, I hate it.
05:21 I think it goes hand in hand with the whole minty thing.
05:24 You guys know how I hate minty lip glosses.
05:26 I think it's the same thing.
05:27 So, the items that I'm going to share with you guys
05:31 I think are the perfect combination for my white smile.
05:35 Again, not everything works for everybody,
05:38 so here goes nothing.
05:40 The first product that I used
05:41 is Colgate Optic White Toothpaste.
05:44 This is my favorite toothpaste.
05:46 It does have an aftertaste, which is very bizarre,
05:49 but I can easily overlook it
05:51 because it does give me results.
05:52 I use this twice a day.
05:55 And usually I get sparkling mint.
05:57 I think there's three different flavors.
05:59 Sparkling mint is the one that has the most pleasant flavor.
06:04 It's not like minty in your face,
06:06 it's more of like a sweet mint.
06:07 So, it's a little bit more tolerable for me
06:09 that I don't really enjoy minty things too much.
06:12 So, that's the toothpaste I use.
06:14 I use this toothpaste on my Philips Sonicare,
06:18 and this is an electric toothbrush.
06:21 I did not know what brushing your teeth was
06:26 until I got an electric toothbrush.
06:28 I always saw the electric toothbrushes
06:31 on like Sex and the City, and I was like,
06:34 well, why are you gonna get a fancy toothbrush
06:36 when you can just go get a $1 one at like Target or Walmart?
06:40 Oh my Lord, these are amazing!
06:43 So, basically, you don't have to do anything.
06:46 You just put it in your mouth
06:48 and kind of move it along slowly,
06:50 and your teeth, okay, your teeth have never been clean
06:55 until you get an electric toothbrush.
06:57 No joke.
06:58 I always thought my teeth were amazing
07:00 because I'm one of those toothbrushers
07:04 that take like 20 minutes just to brush my teeth
07:07 because I make sure I get in every little single nook
07:10 and cranny of my mouth.
07:12 I did not know what clean teeth felt like
07:15 until I had one of these.
07:16 I get this at, I got it at Kohl's.
07:19 I've seen it at Target.
07:21 It's basically a very common electric toothbrush.
07:23 Again, it's the Philips Sonicare,
07:25 and I'm gonna link all these products down below
07:27 so that you guys can see kind of like prices
07:30 and stuff like that.
07:31 I get the replacement heads.
07:33 These heads up here, you replace them every time,
07:36 I don't know, every time they get janky,
07:38 which is pretty quickly,
07:39 but I get a big box of them of like 10
07:42 at Costco or Sam's Club.
07:44 So it's not a big investment.
07:46 If you get this at Kohl's,
07:48 you can get it with coupons and Kohl's Cash
07:50 and all that stuff, but it's not a big investment,
07:52 and your mouth will definitely appreciate it.
07:55 Now for the good part, the whitening system.
07:57 What do I use?
07:58 I discovered this whitening system through my dentist
08:01 maybe three years ago, and when I first did it,
08:06 I thought it was too expensive.
08:09 I went in for just my annual, it was a new dentist,
08:14 we had our new healthcare here in Texas,
08:16 so we were still kind of getting used to things,
08:18 and I think the whole thing cost me about $300,
08:21 and I'm kind of frugal.
08:23 I love to splurge on fancy things and makeup,
08:26 but on certain things, I don't like to feel
08:30 like I'm wasting money when it's something
08:32 that I don't necessarily need.
08:34 So when my dentist said it was gonna be about $300
08:36 for this whitening system, I was like, oh heck no.
08:39 But I did find a loophole, and that's why I'm sharing it
08:42 with you guys, because you don't have to spend
08:44 the extra $300.
08:45 So basically, he made me a mouthpiece.
08:50 It is like a mold of my top and bottom teeth,
08:53 and you put the whitening solution into the mouthpieces,
08:58 and then you just pop 'em in, leave 'em in for 20 minutes,
09:01 30 minutes, I don't know, don't do like an hour,
09:04 and then rinse out your mouth, and girl, your teeth,
09:07 or boy, your teeth will be a banging white,
09:10 like glow-in-the-dark status white.
09:13 The whitening solution that I use is by Philips.
09:15 Again, you guys, this video needs to be sponsored
09:17 by Philips.
09:18 You guys, tag them on Twitter, send them this video,
09:21 because they need to sponsor my smile.
09:25 This is a 22% carbamide peroxide whitening system.
09:31 It is called Zoom.
09:34 I don't know if you guys have heard that.
09:35 It was very popular for a really long time,
09:38 but it was very expensive, and I get mine on Amazon.
09:42 I get three syringes for I think 50 or 60 bucks,
09:46 and they last me a very long time.
09:48 The syringe itself has little marks on it, little nicks,
09:53 so you know exactly how much product to use
09:55 so that you don't eat more than you need to,
09:58 and I just put it in my mouthpieces, put them in,
10:01 and leave them on for 20, sometimes 30 minutes,
10:03 although I know I'm not supposed to.
10:05 I just have amazing results.
10:09 I mean, I use it about twice a week,
10:12 and I mean, see my teeth?
10:15 They're pretty white.
10:15 I mean, imagine if I didn't drink coffee or Coke.
10:18 I love Coca-Cola, not Pepsi.
10:21 I love Coca-Cola, and I love coffee,
10:23 so imagine how white my teeth could be.
10:26 So this is definitely what really helps.
10:28 Now, you don't have those $300.
10:30 You don't wanna get a custom-made mouthpiece
10:32 from your dentist.
10:34 Get a mouthguard from like Walmart or Target
10:37 and make your own.
10:39 They sell these mouthpieces for sports
10:41 that you can shape to your mouth.
10:43 So basically, you buy the piece,
10:45 you boil it at your house,
10:47 and then you put it in your mouth and like chew on it,
10:50 like you close your teeth down on it,
10:54 and it makes an impression of your mouth,
10:58 and that way, you just put it in your little paste,
11:01 throw it in your mouth, and you have white teeth.
11:03 These mouthguards cost like anywhere from $1 to $3.
11:07 They're very affordable,
11:08 and if you get this pack of syringes off Amazon,
11:11 it's like what, 50 or 60 bucks?
11:13 So you can get a white smile for around $65
11:16 as opposed to $300 at the dentist.
11:19 And the last trick for my white smile, of course,
11:23 are my whitening, lightening lip glosses.
11:26 I had to do that like cheesy used car salesman smile.
11:30 I know it sounds like a total ad, but it's really not.
11:34 In fact, I have noticed that certain lipsticks
11:36 that I use make my teeth look yellow,
11:38 certain ones that I do don't.
11:40 So now what I do as a cheat is if I don't know
11:45 if that lip product is going to make my teeth look yellow,
11:48 I take one of the lighter shades of these lip glosses,
11:52 like the one I'm wearing today is Salmon.
11:55 Should hold it like this.
11:56 The one that I'm wearing today is Salmon,
11:58 and I'm just wearing it naked on its own.
12:00 And all of these lip glosses from Whitening, Lightening
12:03 are blue-based.
12:04 They're blue-based lip glosses,
12:06 so they make your teeth look whiter than they actually are.
12:10 They bring out the white in your teeth.
12:12 So when I wanna wear a color that I really, really like,
12:15 if I'm not sure that it's gonna make my teeth
12:17 look yellow or white, I throw on one of the sheer colors
12:21 like Salmon or Nude, I throw that on top just a little bit,
12:26 and I know for a fact it's going to make my teeth
12:29 look whiter than they actually are.
12:31 So it's kind of a way to cheat, if you will,
12:33 to make your teeth look a lot whiter
12:35 than they may be that day.
12:38 So these are my tricks for a white smile.
12:40 I really hope you learned something.
12:41 Always keep in mind that what you put in your mouth
12:44 is always going to stain your teeth.
12:46 If you eat too much citrus, it's going to thin out
12:51 the enamel on your teeth, which means you'll be more prone
12:54 to stains.
12:55 If you drink dark beverages like Coke, Dr. Pepper,
12:58 tea, coffee, all of those things will make your teeth
