• last year
00:00 so you don't see me, you intimidate me
00:02 or leave me alone and go up
00:04 [Music]
00:13 Hi, how are you today? I'm Yuya
00:15 I hope you are super good
00:17 and in today's video I'm going to teach you how to do a makeup
00:19 that will get you out of trouble for life
00:21 for all events, for all social things
00:23 I sometimes have to go to events
00:25 or I have to go to places where I have to produce a little
00:28 and the truth is that sometimes I'm always in a hurry, you know?
00:30 like go here and here and here
00:32 so what I super recommend is that if you are not very skilled for this makeup
00:37 have a basic makeup, you know?
00:39 that is a little more complicated
00:41 in a time where you have nothing to do
00:43 take out your makeup, put on makeup
00:45 and have makeup that always gets you out of trouble, you know?
00:47 that you already know what steps to follow
00:49 so don't experiment things at the mere hour
00:52 I for example, it's this one and I wanted to share it with you
00:54 because many ... what is the cat doing?
00:56 I for example, I have this one, you know?
00:58 which is the one I always wear
01:00 and in fact I'm going to do it because you always ask me how I do my makeup
01:03 because then I take pictures
01:05 and that's the makeup I usually have
01:07 nothing more like suddenly I put a red one
01:09 or a lighter one
01:11 so there you can experiment with what you like the most
01:13 and what works best for you
01:15 the truth is that I'm a little bad with my throat
01:17 if you hear me a little like this
01:19 it's because of that, but everything is fine
01:21 let's start with the tutorial
01:23 the first thing I do is use concealer
01:25 on my pimple, well on my pimple
01:27 because right now I have a pimple here
01:29 and in my dark circles, which are like genetics
01:31 I don't know, I always have dark circles
01:33 or is it that I also sleep a little?
01:35 when you touch the part of your dark circles
01:37 use this finger, you know?
01:39 because this finger, I don't know if you know
01:41 but it's the one that has the least strength
01:43 so if you do this violently
01:45 as I do, in a few years
01:47 you will have wrinkles of life
01:49 so if you want to prevent, use this finger
01:51 to put on makeup
01:53 I've always said that the less liquid makeup
01:55 and these things you put on, the better
01:57 I, for example, hate to feel
01:59 a lot, a lot, a lot
02:01 of creamy makeup and those things
02:03 so I try to put as little as possible
02:05 here I have a pimple
02:11 I mean, why do pimples come out
02:13 on my nose?
02:15 this is the most uncomfortable
02:17 oh, the pimple, it has a pimple
02:19 right here, that makes my nose look like this
02:21 but well, the point is
02:23 to cover the pimples with the concealer
02:25 oh, and another tip is that you don't put
02:27 for example, if your concealer is like this
02:29 and you have to apply it directly
02:31 don't be super dirty like me
02:33 and put the concealer like this
02:35 I mean, this is what you don't have to do
02:37 what I always do is that
02:39 I put on the concealer before the foundation
02:41 do you know why? because later
02:43 if we put on a lot of foundation trying to cover
02:45 any imperfection and then we put on the concealer
02:47 I feel like it's too much and it doesn't look cool
02:49 so I recommend you
02:51 first use your concealer where you have a pimple
02:53 or where you have the little holes
02:55 and then you put on a super little foundation
02:57 and we don't abuse the matter
02:59 I do use foundation
03:01 but not a lot, you know? I use
03:03 super, super little and I never find
03:05 the tone that suits me
03:07 and I always look more white or I look
03:09 very dark, so what I do
03:11 is use a light one and a dark one
03:13 and I mix them very well
03:15 and I put on super little
03:17 and for example, I'm going to give you another super cool tip
03:19 if you feel that your makeup base
03:21 is too much or too heavy
03:23 that always happens to me
03:25 you know what happens to me? that later I put on makeup
03:27 and it looks like I have a stain here or orange
03:29 because it doesn't blend very well
03:31 my skin is half dry, well, the point is
03:33 to make it lighter, use a little
03:35 of your moisturizing cream
03:37 and mix it with your makeup base
03:39 this will make it not heavy at all
03:41 and it slides and covers
03:43 and I love it
03:45 as we mix our base
03:55 with a little cream, it may be that this
03:57 is half, I don't know how to explain it
03:59 like moist or greasy
04:01 so what I recommend you to make it last
04:03 a lot longer is to put a little
04:05 powder to seal it perfectly
04:07 well
04:09 and another thing, the truth is that there are people who start
04:11 putting on makeup on their eyes
04:13 or who start putting on makeup on their face
04:15 I recommend you that if you are not very
04:17 skilled with this of putting on makeup on your eyes
04:19 first you put on makeup
04:21 and then you go for the face
04:23 in case you drop a little dark pigment
04:25 and everything previous is ruined
04:27 then do it as you are comfortable
04:29 you feel more comfortable with one thing
04:31 well, experiment like this
04:33 so you don't worry
04:35 I have this eyeliner that is like
04:37 brown, pretty but has glitters
04:39 I don't know how to explain it, this is my favorite
04:41 of favorites and what I do is put it
04:43 on the eyelid, super close to the eyelashes
04:45 and what I do now is blur it
04:55 with this brush, although you can really do it
04:57 with your fingers, this makeup
04:59 is perfect for girls who don't get
05:01 like the right thing and the cat's line
05:03 and I don't know what things, this is perfect
05:05 for you because you don't have to follow
05:07 an order, blur it very very well
05:09 when you use products in cream
05:19 that is, you put on eyeliner in cream
05:21 it is super important
05:23 then seal them with a little shadow powder
05:25 so that this lasts a lot longer
05:27 now I wet this brush a little
05:29 or the brush that is close, the truth is
05:31 that I am not very demanding, I just
05:33 get comfortable with what I find
05:35 out there and with the wet brush I take
05:37 this color that is like brown
05:39 with this one, I mix them very well
05:41 and I put it where we put the eyeliner
05:43 now I take a little of this
05:45 that this is bronzer that I'm going to put
05:47 at the end and what I'm going to do
05:49 is that with a little fat brush
05:51 which is to blur, I take a little
05:53 and I put it on the chin
05:55 it's called chin, it's a very strange name
05:57 and I don't get used to it, but this is called
05:59 chin, I put it on the chin
06:01 and I don't get used to it, but this is called
06:03 chin, which is right where our eye is
06:05 in this part
06:07 this is like a tanned color
06:09 and putting it there will make it not look
06:11 as exaggerated the makeup
06:13 as it looks tanned, you know?
06:15 it doesn't have to be perfect
06:17 or it doesn't have to be perfect at all
06:19 what we are going to do is
06:21 use a little black eyeliner
06:23 and if you don't have eyeliner
06:25 don't worry, use a little
06:27 black shadow, in fact what we are going to use
06:29 is a little, and we are going to put it
06:31 right next to the eyelashes
06:33 but only on the corner
06:35 and blur it, if it's too much
06:37 blur it, what we want is that
06:39 the makeup doesn't look too dramatic
06:41 you know what you can do too?
06:43 use a little of what you have left of the black
06:45 and put it on the bottom part
06:47 next to the eyelashes, just on the corner
06:49 so that our eyes are marked
06:51 and our eyelashes look
06:53 a little longer, and to finish
06:55 I'm going to use this color
06:57 which is like a copper brown
06:59 and I'm going to put it on the part
07:01 of the tear duct, this is going to make
07:03 as we have a little darker the previous one
07:05 it's going to make it not look so
07:07 dramatic, you know? we are not going to add
07:09 more black because I feel that it's too much
07:11 if you want to use the makeup
07:13 to use it as a guide, well
07:15 put a little on the bottom part
07:17 as we want our eyes to stand out
07:19 I highly recommend you
07:21 to curl your eyelashes and put
07:23 several layers of mascara
07:25 if that makes a complete difference
07:27 something that I've noticed
07:29 that works super cool
07:31 is to mix two different mascaras
07:33 you know? from different brands
07:35 but if they look super cute
07:37 if you try it, you'll see that you'll love it
07:39 I don't know if you know, but
07:45 eyebrows are the frame of the face
07:47 you know? so we are going to try
07:49 to always have our eyebrows in order
07:51 at least, I think that I always do
07:53 to fill them up because I have them very big
07:55 and if I don't take care of them, well if I don't
07:57 I look crazy
07:59 if you have a little hole, you can fill it up
08:01 try not to exaggerate or make it look like
08:03 you've super painted it
08:05 if it's not necessary, don't do it
08:07 I honestly think
08:11 that contouring our face
08:13 in the day is an exaggeration
08:15 besides, I think it's cool, more
08:17 natural, what I'm telling you is that
08:19 in this part of the face, I like to put
08:21 a little bit of bronzer
08:23 because if not, I feel very uncomfortable
08:25 and more in the day, if you want to put a little bit of color
08:27 take a little bit of bronzer or some powder
08:29 that is darker than the color of your skin
08:31 you do like a fish, as if you were a fish
08:33 and you're going to put it right here
08:35 but super little, try not to exaggerate at all
08:37 take a blush that is light, you know?
08:39 don't exaggerate and put
08:41 the red, or something like that, very intense
08:43 so I recommend you to use a light one
08:45 smile, and where if they make us
08:47 the little balls, apply a little bit
08:49 nothing more, so that we have a little bit of color
08:51 and that we don't look so brown, brown here
08:53 brown there and brown everywhere
08:55 if you don't have thousands of lipsticks
08:57 and lipsticks of all colors and those things
08:59 don't worry, with that you have a little bit
09:01 and you know how to mix them, you're going to have
09:03 some super cute colors
09:05 I'm going to combine this one that is super light
09:07 and this orange
09:09 and I put super, super little
09:11 the idea is to give us a little bit of color
09:13 in the day, if I go to some event
09:15 or something like that, where I know I'm going to eat
09:17 I try not to put lipstick
09:19 because I'm a disaster and if I don't
09:21 I'm going to leave it muddy or
09:23 I'm going to bring the red lipstick
09:25 so I always try to put
09:27 super light colors and very little
09:29 This is all for today's video, I hope you liked it
09:37 a lot, that you're going to get out of trouble
09:39 that you put it in practice, that
09:41 I want to make a very indecorous proposal
09:43 I was thinking that maybe it was a good idea
09:45 that of ...
09:47 I think an animal is killed
09:49 Oh no, I want to eat it
09:51 I wanted to make a very indecorous proposal
09:53 I was thinking the other day that maybe it was a good idea
09:55 upload once a month
09:57 a video of my favorites of the month
09:59 I think I've never done it
10:01 where I tell you what was
10:03 the song that I didn't stop listening to that month
10:05 what was my favorite book of that month
10:07 what movie was my favorite, I think it's a super cool idea
10:09 that several youtubers
10:11 do it, but I've never done it
10:13 I don't know if you would like me to do
10:15 these videos soon, so if you want
10:17 put little hands up and write in the comments
10:19 do whatever you want, chucha
10:21 do whatever you want, chucha
10:23 then I'll know if you want to see it and I'll do it very soon
10:25 on the other hand, you know that my Fridays
10:27 are not going to be complete, if I don't send you many
10:29 crushing kisses, little, little, little
10:31 and all my love letters
10:37 and I apologize from the bottom of my heart if you see me like this
10:41 like, ahhh, yours is
10:43 very down, but I'm fine, it's just that
10:45 I haven't been sick for a long time and I've had a cough
10:47 the flu, the temperature
10:49 the cold and those things, but everything
10:51 is fine, I just wanted to comment on them so that
10:53 you don't think I have something serious
10:55 and the dark circles and that, I'm also very strong
10:57 don't think I'm like that, bye
10:59 today I want to tell you something super personal
11:01 something I had never talked about
11:03 and I hope you take it in the best way
11:05 many people ask me how I do
11:07 to feel good, to be good
11:09 to be everything, the truth is that I was surprised
11:11 literally, I thought it was going to take
11:13 a little longer, but it's the fastest
11:15 and easiest thing in the world, so I
11:17 super recommend it if you're not very good at this
11:19 disguise
11:21 I love you a lot
11:23 yes, I love you a lot
11:25 everything good?
11:27 yes
11:29 I'm shy
11:31 (laughing)
