Top 5 Animals That Can Defeat a Lion King - Animal Fighting ATP Earth

  • last year
00:03 Dubbed the lord of all species, lions
00:15 are very confident in their abilities.
00:17 However, with larger animals, lions
00:20 will often hunt in groups to ensure victory.
00:23 And when solo 1v1, it is unknown who will win.
00:28 And what other animals that can make a lion a little shy
00:31 when confronted directly?
00:33 Follow us to discover it in this video.
00:37 Five animals that can make lions panic if they fight solo.
00:42 Number one, the lion and the buffalo.
00:46 Buffaloes in the world are divided
00:48 into two groups, the African wild buffalo
00:51 and the Asian buffalo.
00:54 Asian buffalo makes up 95% of the total buffalo
00:57 population in the world.
00:59 And the African buffalo is considered
01:01 a very fierce and violent animal,
01:04 able to run at speeds of 50 to 60 kilometers per hour.
01:08 Powerful weapon that is the horns on the head.
01:11 These buffaloes are eating grass in the field.
01:19 One buffalo in the herd is caught by a lion.
01:24 It will quickly become the lion's meal
01:26 if there is no timely presence of another buffalo in the herd.
01:31 Lion was thrown into the air.
01:33 And this is not the only time the buffalo can defeat the lion.
01:37 In another grassland, one buffalo is slowly eating grass.
01:42 And he didn't notice in a corner, lurking in the grass,
01:46 has sharp eyes, eager to observe the buffalo's every move.
01:51 As if sensing a sound behind, the buffalo
01:53 perked up its ears to listen.
01:56 And one second later, two lions rushed from nowhere
02:00 and jumped on the buffalo.
02:03 Still, the familiar maneuvers when hunting,
02:06 the lion tries to press the prey to the ground.
02:08 Surprised, but not passive, the buffalo
02:11 used its large body to chase away the two predators.
02:15 After a while of fighting and dealing with each other,
02:18 the buffalo was stolen at peace by a lion.
02:21 And so the remaining lion also attacked.
02:25 But refusing to surrender to fate,
02:27 the buffalo struggled and used the advantage of its body
02:31 and horns to ram the lion.
02:34 Amazingly, being from an offensive position,
02:37 the lion had to switch to defense due to being injured.
02:42 And seeing this, the buffalo ran away from the fearsome lions
02:46 as quickly as possible.
02:48 The two lions looked at the buffalo's shadow with regret.
02:51 Number 2.
02:58 Crocodiles are the most superior of all reptiles.
03:01 Adaptable to many environmental conditions,
03:04 they like to swim in the water and bask in the sun on land.
03:09 Despite their slow appearance, crocodiles
03:11 are excellent predators in their environment.
03:14 And some species of crocodiles have
03:16 been seen to attack and kill large undulates, sharks,
03:20 and even lions.
03:22 So when confronting a creature with hunting skills
03:24 like a lion, what will the crocodile do?
03:28 On the riverbank, lions are enjoying a sumptuous feast
03:32 from the carcass of an elephant.
03:34 Where does a crocodile come from?
03:37 It is approaching the area of the lion's swarm.
03:40 Very quickly, a crocodile and a lion encounter takes place.
03:45 The lion snarled at the crocodile,
03:47 but it seemed that it could not compete
03:49 with this thirsty crocodile, seeing
03:51 that the other lions ran out or rushed to bite the crocodile.
03:56 But this is also not an easy thing.
03:59 The crocodile is equipped with too thick a skin,
04:02 and the sharp teeth of the lion cannot do anything
04:05 to the crocodile.
04:06 And after a while of struggling, the lions
04:09 gave up and back to his party.
04:12 There are many other times, by his recklessness,
04:16 that the lion dares to cross the swamps,
04:18 where the crocodiles are always waiting for the opportunity
04:21 to hunt.
04:22 Many lions have succeeded in crossing through the other
04:24 shore, and many lions also paid with their lives.
04:28 Number three, the lion and the tiger.
04:38 From the time immemorial, in our minds, tigers and lions
04:42 are both animals with terrible predatory powers
04:46 and the fear of all animals, including humans.
04:50 So when put on the comparison scale,
04:52 which species has a superior strength?
04:55 The answer is still a big question mark.
04:58 So let's watch the next video together.
05:01 In the video is a melee scene of a tiger and a lion.
05:05 Without probing or wary of the opponent,
05:09 the two rushed at each other.
05:11 And they constantly scratch, bite, and show off
05:14 the blows that are considered to be their advantage.
05:18 Both are animals of the cat family, with similar habitats.
05:22 But in terms of behavior and the hunting,
05:25 each has its own unique characteristics.
05:28 Tigers have been shown to have an average bite force stronger
05:31 than that of a lion, with tigers measured
05:34 at an index of 127, while that of lions is only 112.
05:41 On the other hand, the strength of molars
05:43 is only a part of the lion's weapon.
05:46 Tiger is also an animal with four limbs
05:49 with tremendous strength and sharp claws.
05:52 Tigers can kill their prey with just a slap or a scratch
05:55 in a dangerous place.
05:58 The sight of a lion is six times more sensitive to light
06:01 than a human's, giving it a significant advantage
06:05 when hunting at night.
06:07 Its claws can be easily retracted and extended,
06:11 allowing for great control over when they kill the prey.
06:15 After a while, how many superpowers
06:18 are actually happening?
06:20 Both of them retired, draining each other's strength.
06:24 However, the final result still cannot
06:26 provide the victory or the defeat of these two beasts.
06:30 Number four, the lion and the rhino.
06:38 Rhinos are known to roam alone and love water.
06:41 This very interesting animal is known
06:43 for its independent nature.
06:45 During the day, rhinos like to sleep in the shade,
06:49 and sometimes they take this time to take a mud bath.
06:53 Bathing in puddles is also one of the characteristics
06:56 of rhinos, and the rhino's mud bath habit
06:59 helps them to cover themselves with a layer of mud
07:02 to nourish their skin and avoiding
07:04 the sun's heat and a number of other skin diseases.
07:08 It will forage at night with mainly young shoots,
07:11 thorny shrubs, or fruits and leaves.
07:14 For some reason, this rhino got stuck in the mud
07:18 and still unable to get out.
07:20 When the rhinoceros was still busy trying to find its way out
07:23 of the mud, the nearby lions quickly tracked down their prey.
07:28 Three sly lions flocked in, hoping to find a full meal.
07:32 On a normal day, a lion would not
07:35 be foolish enough to attack a night-dog rhinoceros,
07:38 armed with sharp horns.
07:40 But seeing that the animal was at a disadvantage,
07:43 the hungry lions decided to take a risk.
07:46 And somehow, the rhino shook its body
07:49 and got out of the position of being stuck,
07:53 and proudly walking up to the shore
07:55 to confront these three lions.
07:57 It doesn't take much effort.
07:59 Just thrusting its sharp horn forward,
08:01 no lion will dare to approach the rhino anymore.
08:06 Realizing that there was no longer a chance to earn food
08:09 here, the lions had to quickly leave in anger.
08:12 Number five, the lion and the hedgehog.
08:19 After hunting larger animals, lions
08:22 switch to hunting small animals.
08:24 But small here is a small in size,
08:27 and not small in fighting power.
08:30 That is the hedgehog.
08:32 They have a thick and extremely sharp head, group of spines
08:36 that can be up to 30 centimeters long,
08:38 and are composed mainly of keratin, a material similar
08:42 to human hair and fingernails.
08:45 This is also an extremely effective defensive tool
08:48 for hedgehogs against other predators.
08:52 Due to its sharp nature, porcupine feathers
08:55 easily penetrate deep into the skin
08:57 and cause great injury to the enemy.
08:59 In the many battles between lions and hedgehogs,
09:13 the lion is almost a loser and suffers the most
09:16 stabs from the thorns.
09:19 Interestingly, despite being injured,
09:21 lions still like to attack hedgehogs.
09:24 Why is that?
09:25 A whole herd of lions is trying to attack this hedgehog.
09:29 And another interesting thing is that the young lions
09:32 hunt porcupines more often than the older ones.
09:36 But these same animals often suffer
09:38 the wounds left by hedgehogs.
09:41 And in addition, young lions like
09:43 to hunt alone and without the help of the other lions.
09:47 They are more susceptible to serious injury.
09:51 The lions kept clinging to the hedgehog
09:53 but did not dare to approach for the fear of being
09:56 injured by the special armor.
09:59 And as a result, through what is considered
10:02 the most patient period of these lions' lives,
10:05 they still get nothing.
10:09 Everything around us is constantly changing.
10:12 And what you need to do is to always try and be
10:15 able to survive and develop.
10:17 Hopefully, with the information shared today,
10:20 you will have more useful information
10:22 and expand your understanding of the world of all species.
10:26 There are many mysteries waiting for us to discover ahead.
10:29 So please like, share, and subscribe to the channel
10:32 to see more interesting videos.
10:34 And now, goodbye, and see you in the next video.
10:39 (electronic music)
