Star Wars Outlaws introduces the new character Kay Vess, played by actor Humberly González. She breaksdown the character and her role in the Star Wars universe.
00:00 Hi, my name is Umberley Gonzales and I play Kay Vess in Star Wars Outlaws.
00:05 Kay Vess is a thief. She's a scoundrel.
00:10 She's really good at sneaking around.
00:12 You know, she's charming and she'll talk to you, but she's already taking all your things.
00:16 She isn't perfect at it, but she always seems to get away with it.
00:20 Kay really finds herself in a bit of a jam.
00:24 You know, she's got a bounty on her back and is trying to find work.
00:29 That's when she starts to really realize, "I kind of like this underworld business.
00:34 I kind of like this world." And she's trying to thrive on it.
00:38 She has to survive because nobody else will save her unless it's her.
00:42 The only person that she has is her companion, Nyx.
00:45 They're not even human, but that is the closest thing she has to feeling a part of something in the world.
00:51 I also think that Nyx, in a lot of ways, is kind of an extension of Kay,
00:56 both in a gameplay sense or a story sense.
00:59 In gameplay, she allows Kay to do things she never thought possible.
01:04 And in the story, it's also a way for Kay to sense when something's off
01:10 or see an opportunity or that kind of thing.
01:13 Really, they're completely connected.
01:15 I love that relationship. I'm so excited for people to meet Nyx
01:18 because they're going to fall in love with him too.
01:23 Outlaws takes place right between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
01:29 So it's the civil war between the Rebellion and the Empire.
01:34 That has actually created this pocket of opportunity for syndicates
01:39 and criminal organizations to rise up in that space.
01:42 We've got the Pykes, we've got the Hutts,
01:44 we've got a new syndicate that we've crafted for this game called the Ishiga Clan.
01:50 And one of the phrases we always held on to was this notion of
01:55 "You live and die by your reputation."
01:58 So it's really exciting for Kay and hopefully for players.
02:02 She's so fearless. You'll see her just go for it.
02:05 And there's no stopping her, even when there's danger involved.
02:09 Even when there's fear underneath it, she'll never let you see it. Not really.
02:13 For a scoundrel story, you really have to ask yourself, "When is enough enough?"
02:18 "How far is Kay willing to go to land that big score?"
02:22 Those are questions she's going to tackle through the whole story.
02:26 We worked with Lucasfilm every step of the way in crafting the story.
02:30 And they were an invaluable partner in helping us create and craft this thing.
02:35 They were really embracing us with open arms in terms of
02:38 "Hey, we want to focus on the Underworld. We want to focus on an Outlaw navigating through that space."
02:43 But we're sort of there to help guide and point out, "Hey, here's an opportunity you might not have looked at."
02:49 Or, "There's a character you might want to consider."
02:52 So really it was a partnership through and through.
02:55 I feel like this is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, franchise of our lifetime.
02:59 The themes, everything, it's just been a part of our world.
03:02 And for me, and for the world of Star Wars, I know that people are going to love this game.
03:08 Not just for how amazing the gameplay is, but the story itself.
03:12 To see a young girl become a woman and become an Outlaw.
03:16 "What? Are you worried?" "No."
03:18 Umberlee's energy, her humor, her wit, all of that really has kind of helped inform the character.
03:27 She has a way of jumping between that matinee action, high stakes tone,
03:35 to shifting to really intimate, really personal performances that make you connect to Kay.
03:42 Getting to bring my own heart and then mix it in with that confidence and her toughness,
03:47 and her charm and wit, it's really fun.
03:49 It makes her very endearing, even though she's a very tough person.
03:54 "You won't make a Doctor Shara alive."
03:57 "Maybe."
03:59 And yeah, it kind of feels like she was always meant to be Kay.
04:04 She informs it in every way.
04:06 I love bringing a character like this to life, and it's an honor, honestly, to be a part of this world.
04:13 It's definitely a dream come true, and I'm still doing it, so literally about to hop into a scene right now.
04:19 So it's all just exciting, and I feel now I'm really locked into the character.
04:24 The team is amazing, and I feel very supported.
04:28 And I'm happy that they found me, because I feel like I was meant to play this role.
04:32 [Music]
04:37 Make sure to catch me alongside with some developers and cast members at Comic-Con International this July in San Diego.
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