Simple Buns New Years Eve & Holiday Hairstyles

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, my name is Alex and I create hair tutorials here on YouTube and today I want
00:16 to share with you three easy bun looks that are perfect for special occasions.
00:20 It's the time of year again, it's holiday party season which means a lot of us want
00:25 to try something special and different with our hair which is why I think buns are perfect.
00:30 They're pretty, they're classy and they're super easy to create.
00:34 So today I am going to be using Lexi's 220 gram ash blonde set of hair extensions.
00:41 These are my absolute favorite because these are the thickest hair extensions that Lexi
00:45 offers.
00:46 I just love the volume and the thickness that they add to my hairstyles but don't worry
00:51 if you don't have hair extensions you can still recreate the hairstyles without them.
00:55 So let's go ahead and get started.
00:57 So this first bun is very sophisticated and polished.
01:02 So I'm just going to use a soft bristled brush to smooth down my hair and I'm just going
01:07 to create a very low tight ponytail.
01:11 Now to help create that big voluminous bun I'm taking one four clip weft and I'm just
01:16 clipping it around my entire ponytail starting at the top.
01:21 And feel free to add additional extensions on top if you're looking to add more length.
01:30 Now secure all of this hair together into another ponytail but when you've reached that
01:35 very last loop of your hair elastic just make sure the cross is at the top and then gently
01:41 pull your hair about a quarter of the way through to create a bun.
01:46 And feel free to make your bun as large or as small as you want.
01:51 Next grab onto your ends and you'll want to gently wrap them up and around your ponytail
01:55 and this will also hide those extensions.
01:57 Try not to wrap them too tightly because you want this part of your bun to be very voluminous
02:03 and full.
02:04 Take your time with this and as you're wrapping just make sure that your hair is still nice
02:09 and smooth.
02:10 And once you've done one full wrap if your ends are still left out like mine just tuck
02:16 them underneath to hide them.
02:21 How easy was that?
02:22 Now just take some bobby pins and hook small sections of hair and begin pinning down your
02:28 ends until everything is completely secure.
02:31 And that's it!
02:44 This second bun is unique and fancy and has this awesome rope braid detailing.
02:49 So begin by grabbing a one inch size section of hair at your part.
02:53 Now I'm leaving my bangs down but feel free to begin your section right at your face.
02:57 I'm going to clip in a one clip weft underneath this section ensuring there's enough hair
03:02 on top of my section to hide the weft and I'm just going to join it into that top section.
03:08 Now grab another one inch size section just below our previous one and again I'm going
03:14 to add in a one clip weft and adding the extensions is going to help create thicker sections that
03:20 way the twists are nice and voluminous from the top all the way down which will make this
03:25 hairstyle stand out even more.
03:27 Now to create that rope braid bring that bottom section up and over that top section and bring
03:33 that top section down.
03:35 Now this time we want to add hair so grab another one inch size section just below our
03:39 previous one and join it into that bottom section.
03:44 Once joined in again bring that bottom section up and over that top section and bring that
03:50 top section down.
03:51 So again grab a one inch size section, join it into that bottom section and then just
03:57 bring it up and over that top section.
04:00 And then remember bring that bottom section down and those are the steps to create a French
04:05 rope braid.
04:06 So keep continuing this pattern grabbing one inch size sections from your hairline and
04:11 as you're braiding try to direct your braid diagonally downwards towards your left ear
04:16 so you have a really nice gradual slant.
04:20 And although I'm grabbing roughly one inch size sections you can experiment with smaller
04:24 sections for a more detailed look or larger sections for more effortless casual appearance.
04:29 Now once you've reached the left side of your neck you just want to create a tight
04:58 ponytail.
05:00 Now using my index finger and thumb I'm just gently pulling on the outside of each twist
05:05 and as you can see this just helps to give them a thicker appearance and really stand
05:09 out.
05:20 And once I'm happy with the twists I'm going to pull on small sections of hair around the
05:25 crown of my head.
05:26 This just helps add additional volume without having to tease your hair.
05:30 Now the bun.
05:31 You can create any type of bun you want but I think continuing the twist looks so pretty
05:36 so just divide your ponytail into two equal sized pieces.
05:40 Then tightly wrap these sections counterclockwise around one another making sure to keep it
05:45 nice and tight at the base and just continue wrapping until you reach the very bottom of
05:49 your hair.
06:00 Now I like to secure my ends with a clear hair elastic and create a small bun.
06:04 This just helps the hairstyle last all night long.
06:08 Now hold on to your ponytail and begin wrapping the twist counterclockwise around your ponytail
06:14 and once it's completely wrapped you just want to ensure that your ends are tucked underneath.
06:21 And then go ahead and gently pull on your twist to help create a more full and softer
06:26 looking bun.
06:29 Once you're happy with it begin securing the outside of your bun with some bobby pins.
06:33 Just slide them underneath the bun so that they are hidden and I find crossing two bobby
06:38 pins over one another to create an X really helps to hold them in place.
06:43 And then that's it!
06:56 This third bun is elegant and chic and surprisingly simple to do.
07:01 I'm starting off by sectioning off my hair just above my ears and then I'm clipping in
07:05 a three clip weft because it's the perfect width that it will remain hidden and still
07:10 help add thickness to my bun.
07:13 Now that my extensions are clipped in I'm going to begin French braiding my hair to
07:16 help add some detail to this hairstyle and I'll quickly show you how to do it.
07:21 Gather all the hair above your temples and divide it into three equal sections.
07:26 Now bring that right section over the middle section and you just want to bring that left
07:30 section over the middle section.
07:33 Now this time we're going to add in some more hair.
07:36 So grab all the hair that's above your ears on the right side, leaving out the extensions
07:41 for now and just join them into your right section.
07:46 And then bring that right section up and over that middle section.
07:52 Now gather all the hair above your ears on the left side and join it into that left section
07:59 and then bring it up and over your middle section.
08:03 And then repeat these same steps one more time with all of the remaining hair including
08:08 your extensions.
08:20 Once you're done braiding tie your hair off into a low ponytail or wherever you want your
08:25 bun to sit.
08:27 Now I'm just gently pulling on the sides of my braid.
08:30 This is going to help give the hairstyle some more dimension, especially if you have darker
08:34 hair, this will help your braid stand out.
08:37 Now to create this simple bun, just pinch your ponytail with your index finger and thumb
08:41 and with the other hand, begin wrapping your ponytail counterclockwise one full circle
08:46 around your ponytail.
08:48 Once you've wrapped your hair around once, use your index finger and thumb to pull your
08:53 ends partially through the center as if you were tying a knot, just don't pull them through
08:58 completely.
09:00 Now take any remaining ends, twist them tightly together and tuck them underneath your bun
09:05 so that they are hidden.
09:09 And then bobby pin your bun into place.
09:12 So just hook small pieces of hair and slide your bobby pins underneath your bun towards
09:17 the center, working all the way around.
09:21 And there you have it.
09:29 There we have it you guys, I really hope you enjoyed this video and found it helpful.
09:33 I really hope it inspired you to try something different with your hair for the holidays.
09:37 I would love if you guys recreated these hairstyles at home and if you do, don't forget to tag
09:42 Lexi and use the hashtag #LexiHair, that way we can all see them.
09:47 But thank you guys so much for watching.
09:49 I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you guys soon.
09:53 Bye!
09:53 [music]
