• 2 years ago
00:00 Hey guys, this is Jen from From Head to Toe and I wanted to do my April Favorites video.
00:05 I have a couple of things that are like medium and then the other things that I want to talk
00:09 about I actually really really like this month so just for warning I don't have a lot of
00:14 like hatred products.
00:16 Okay, so to recap on the powder that I reviewed last time, this is the Cargo Press Powder.
00:21 I couldn't really give it a proper review last time just because I switched the colors
00:25 around.
00:26 I actually got the actual 20 and I did try it and it matches my skin quite well and I
00:32 was really happy with the color match and also with the finish.
00:35 Unfortunately, my skin is a little bit on the oily side especially since the weather
00:40 is warming up and I find that it'll last a good maybe like three hours and then after
00:48 that I feel like I have to go back and blot if I use it on top of a BB cream.
00:56 If I use BB cream by itself obviously I'm going to get shiny quicker anyway so this
01:02 will help a little bit but not a whole lot.
01:04 I find it works better if I just do concealer and powder.
01:08 It lasts better on my plain skin than it works over BB cream so that's the first thing.
01:14 So the next thing I tried I was actually sent these Revlon customized palettes.
01:19 Like I got four of them from the company and it looks like this.
01:25 And actually I've tried a few Revlon Colorstay eyeshadows that I really liked in the past.
01:32 If you look at some of my older videos I talk about the Copper Spice palette quite often
01:36 because I really love that.
01:37 I love all the colors in it so I thought I would try these out and unfortunately I found
01:42 them to be really powdery.
01:45 It's just not quite as pigmented as I would like it to be.
01:48 So it doesn't really last very well throughout the day which is sad because they came, some
01:53 of the colors in the different palettes were pretty nice but if you even look at the cap
01:57 I don't know if you can see it but there's a whole lot of powder fall out and that unfortunately
02:02 does also happen on your face so I can't say I recommend the Revlon customized palette.
02:07 And this is in the color number 10 Sweet Innocence.
02:10 Moving on to some products that I do like a little bit more.
02:14 This is something that I have been using and I really love it because as some of you know
02:20 if you've seen any of my skincare videos you'll know that I used to have really really horrible
02:25 acne and I was on prescription medications for quite a long time and I'm sort of trying
02:30 to wean myself off.
02:32 I was using a product called Duac which is a clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide.
02:39 It's a topical product.
02:41 Since it has antibiotics in it I just kind of wanted to see if I could go without using
02:45 it.
02:46 I'm still going to use the Differin because that's a retinoid and that can pretty much
02:49 be used for the rest of my life.
02:51 But the product with antibiotics I just didn't want to have that change anything about my
02:56 skin for you know like permanently I don't want to have any resistance or something.
03:02 So I've been using this.
03:04 This is the Mario Badescu drying lotion.
03:09 I heard Christine of Temptalia talking about this so I decided to try it out.
03:14 I actually got this from Hot Look when they had a sale on there which I think that's like
03:20 quite a lot cheaper than it is on the retail price.
03:24 And what you do is well it looks kind of muddy because I've been tossing it around but it's
03:29 usually like a yellowish clear liquid up here and then down here in the pink part is a calamine.
03:36 Calamine?
03:37 I said that wrong.
03:39 It's calamine at the bottom.
03:40 I don't know if any of you had a bottle of calamine lotion when you were little.
03:45 My mom would take it, take a q-tip in there and then put it on bug bites to make it stop
03:49 itching.
03:50 It's the same kind of stuff.
03:52 It basically helps to reduce sort of like redness and inflammation.
03:57 So this top part has salicylic acid in it and alcohol and stuff.
04:04 So up here is like the acne fighting stuff and then down here is the irritation reducing
04:09 stuff.
04:10 So what you do is you take a q-tip and you dip it in here through the yellow medicine
04:15 part down to the calamine lotion part and then the q-tip will be wet and it has pink
04:21 at the tip and you just put that on your acne spots before you go to sleep at night and
04:27 in the morning they're greatly reduced and less red than they were the day before.
04:32 And I'm gonna say I swear by this.
04:36 It actually works for me.
04:37 A lot of products in the past that were salicylic acid didn't used to work very well on my skin
04:43 so I don't know if it's just because my skin changed and I got older but you know so I
04:47 don't know if it'll work for everybody but I would say especially if I catch the acne
04:53 early on it usually tends to help reduce it before it becomes a big problem.
04:59 I don't think it works quite as well on like cystic acne but like the little ones where
05:04 you know it's going to like get bigger.
05:08 I usually like just plan on doing the bigger ones and then I see all these tiny little
05:13 ones all over my face and then so by the end of the night I kind of look like I have a
05:20 bunch of pink spots all over my face like I have chicken pox.
05:23 And one day I forgot I put that on my face and maintenance came in and they didn't say
05:27 a word to me.
05:28 I didn't realize until they left that I had calamine freckles all over my face.
05:33 Probably thought I was like diseased or something.
05:37 Oh well, regardless I do recommend this.
05:42 Another product that I bought at the same time as that lotion is this.
05:46 It's called Vitamin C Serum.
05:48 It's also by Mari Badescu.
05:51 This one you open it up and it just has a dropper and it has some yellowish clear liquid
05:57 in it.
05:58 So what I do is I take about three or four drops of this at night.
06:04 I don't use it every night.
06:05 I use it maybe every other night if I remember.
06:08 I'll just like drop it into my hand and then you know dab it and cover this part of my
06:11 face and that part of my face and then my forehead.
06:15 And what this does is it is supposed to be filled with antioxidants and vitamin C which
06:20 is supposed to really I guess improve the condition of your skin.
06:24 And I find that when I wake up in the morning after using this my skin is very soft and
06:30 it feels nice and supple and I do feel like it makes a difference.
06:35 It just like seems a little bit brighter.
06:38 Which I was also shocked about but again I bought this because I saw other people recommending
