• last year


00:00 Referring to the African jungle is referring to the dangerous wild animals such as lions,
00:14 hyenas and crocodiles.
00:17 And of course, it is impossible not to mention the leopard, as this animal is also one of
00:26 the true hunters thanks to its speed and agility, as they are also known for their skilled hunting
00:32 skills and able to kill their victims in a flash.
00:38 There are 7 moments when leopards attack animals.
00:50 Unlike the carnivores of the same family as the lion, although most of them live in the
00:55 vast forests of Africa, the leopard is a widely distributed species in all the continents
01:02 of the world, from Asia to Eastern Europe, and in India, due to the shrinking habitat,
01:09 leopards often stray into residential areas, and therefore, livestock of households around
01:15 the area is also one of their food sources.
01:23 Usually living in an urban environment, this cow had probably did not expect that one day
01:28 she would be eaten by a leopard, as it happened on a deserted street, as the bull was bitten
01:36 on the neck by a leopard and had tried to drag it across a divider across the street.
01:42 Struggling to stand for a long time, the bull had finally died of suffocation, and the leopard
01:52 had gently carried the bull back to its territory.
01:58 Although a skilled hunter, to save energy, they often avoid larger and more difficult
02:03 prey as much as possible, as the leopards generally prefer to hunt medium-sized prey
02:15 ranging from 10 to 40 kilograms, as this wildebeest is trying to teach its pup to learn to swim.
02:22 And the more worrying thing is that the leopard is right next to the mother and daughter,
02:37 as it waits for the wildebeest to move away from its position just for a while, as it
02:42 attacks the calf and completes its foraging for the day.
02:52 The leopard is endowed with a huge skull and a powerful jaw muscle, so it can catch larger
02:57 prey with ease, but for larger prey, instead of suffocation, they often bite the neck or
03:04 choke them to death.
03:07 This leopard is observing the prey at a nearby range, and after aligning it, it ran up and
03:15 overpowered a warthog, and in terms of size, the warthog is larger than the leopard, but
03:22 moreover, the strength of this animal is quite formidable.
03:27 Even if you can bite into the neck of the warthog, it is not easy to die immediately,
03:32 as it also has enough strength to make the leopard stand up, move around and force the
03:39 leopard to change its attacking position, as the warthog had eventually died, but just
03:53 to be careful, the leopard lay there, biting the victim's neck for a while longer.
04:00 Gentle, agile and responsive, that is the common advantage of all species of the cat
04:09 family.
04:10 Combined with the leopard's keen hearing, it was a deadly attacking tool, as this animal
04:17 often stalks its prey persistently while trying to shorten the distance to the prey as close
04:23 as possible, and following their usual routine, the impalas were leisurely enjoying the great
04:30 grass.
04:31 Sniffing the prey, the leopard quietly approached, as it was not in a hurry, but every few steps,
04:39 it raised its ears to carefully listen to the situation.
04:43 Obscured from view, the impalas did not know that they were about to become the target
04:48 of an attack, and when the distance between it and the impala became extremely convenient,
04:54 the leopard had jumped up and grabbed the prey and threw it to the ground, making the
04:59 impala unable to react, even if it wanted to.
05:08 There are also a few times when the leopard's hiding is limited due to the sparse forest
05:13 terrain, so these circumstances force them to use their strong legs and extraordinary
05:20 speeds, as this baboon was targeted by the leopard, and despite the leopard attacking
05:28 from a great distance and the baboons running away, the leopard also successfully captured
05:34 the baby baboon as his trophy, as the running ability of the leopard has long been appreciated
05:41 at 58 km/h in normal conditions and can go up to a maximum of 90 km/h in favorable conditions,
05:51 but apparently in this situation, the baboon couldn't run away, even if it wanted to.
05:59 Unlike lions that usually hunt mammals or ungulates, the leopard's target are diverse
06:05 and can hunt more types of prey than any other big cat.
06:11 Observing that there was a bird's nest near it, and it seemed that the mother bird was
06:16 flying in the search of food, as the leopard did not hesitate to miss this opportunity,
06:21 as it stuck its head into the nest and with a little difficulty had pulled out a young
06:26 bird residing in the nest, so you can have a quick meal without much difficulty or effort.
06:35 The natural world is dangerous, but not always the struggle for survival between the hunter
06:41 and the hunted that is full of wild fierceness.
06:45 But sometimes the world also contains warm things that seem impossible to happen, and
06:51 that make us suddenly say that nature still has many surprises that humans have not been
06:57 able to discover.
06:59 A fledgling baboon had apparently just fallen from the carcass of the mother baboon that
07:07 was killed by a leopard, as I thought it would be convenient to kill the baby baboon, but
07:12 no, the leopard had gently sniffed a few times and then lay down, rubbing against the baby
07:19 baboon, as it is not clear whether the leopard's curiosity or compassion arose, but the baby
07:25 baboon was not killed.
07:28 But what's more, a leopard keeps the baboon safe when all around, night has fallen, and
07:39 the perfect time for unexpected dangers.
07:42 With a supple body, patience and flexibility, the silent hunter leopard still makes the
07:48 victim shiver as they struggle hopelessly in the final moments of their lives, as this
07:54 leopard along with its strength has helped them become one of the carnivores at the top
07:59 of the food chain in Africa.
08:20 (gentle music)
