Close-up 4 Mother Animals Grieving Their Dead Babies - Wild Animals ATP Earth

  • last year
00:00 But, when the cubs are often very mischievous and playful, but it is not understood that
00:06 in these seemingly peaceful lakes there are always many dangers, including crocodiles,
00:11 hungry worms that will not refuse any bait, even if it is a fish, a lion who might become
00:18 very mighty in the future.
00:20 The young lion constantly struggled to go to the lake to play, but the mother did not
00:25 stop it, because it knew it would not be able to do anything if a crocodile suddenly attacked.
00:32 An animal scene where a mother is very sad and mourns for her baby when she dies.
00:40 Of the lion, many praise and many of them die when they are still young.
00:45 Just like humans, animals also have emotions, but because of the pressure of survival, we
00:51 rarely see them show their sadness when they lose their children.
00:55 If they have a peaceful life, they will lose their lives, and losing a child is a great
01:00 mourning for them.
01:02 Just like the monkey in this video is grieving for the loss of his child.
01:06 But not only monkeys, an animal that most closely resembles humans, grieving the loss
01:11 of their child in nature.
01:13 There are countless other species that also know how to grieve when they lose their children.
01:20 And today we will bring you scenes of animals showing their feelings when they lose a child.
01:26 Let's start feeling it.
01:29 A grieving mother elephant stand next to her baby's corpse, only bones left.
01:37 Elephants are large animals, but don't be mistaken by their size for the lack of affection
01:42 and emotions.
01:43 They always have the most special affection for their children, and it will be painful
01:48 if they lose their biological born child.
01:56 Elephants are mammals of the family Elephant Pintea, and are the largest terrestrial herbivores
02:02 today with three main species.
02:06 The African grassland elephants, African forest elephants, and the Asian elephants, that adapted
02:12 to a variety of habitats, such as grasslands, plains, forests, deserts, and swamps.
02:20 African elephants have large ears and concave backs, while the Asian elephants have smaller
02:26 ears and a convex or horizontal back.
02:29 Distinctive features of all elephants, including long trunks, large pairs of tusks, and larger
02:35 ear flaps, or large forelegs and thick but sensitive skin.
02:42 The young are the center of attention in the household.
02:45 When the cubs are born, they are protected by other elephants, and have to be dependent
02:50 on their mother for three years, when they are strong enough and able to move reliably.
02:57 Elephants are considered key species due to their significant impact on the environment
03:02 and the landscape around them.
03:05 Other animals often keep their distance from elephants, with the exception of predators
03:10 such as lions, tigers, hyenas, and wild dogs.
03:15 They often stalk to attack younger elephants.
03:18 The intelligence of elephants is comparable to that of primates and whales.
03:24 They seem to have self-awareness and show empathy for their dying of dead members.
03:31 Elephants are very emotional creatures.
03:34 Especially their affection for their children is extremely great.
03:39 The video shows a mother elephant standing alone protecting the carcass of her cubs,
03:44 so as not to let scavengers get close.
03:48 The image was recorded at Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa.
03:52 A female elephant was standing alone beside the remains of her young.
03:58 The young was said to have been keen trapped in the waterhole all night, then attacked
04:04 and killed.
04:06 Knowing that the child is really gone, the elephant mother are still standing there,
04:11 dumbfounded and unable to accept the truth, and not wanting to move and not wanting to
04:17 go on.
04:19 With herd behavior and the bond with the young from birth to adulthood that is strong enough,
04:25 so the loss of the baby is unacceptable for the mother elephant.
04:30 Possibly, the mother elephant will spend the next nine years guarding next to her baby's
04:35 carcass.
04:36 A mother's love is a sacred feeling.
04:39 It is most precious on this earth.
04:43 Another member, seeing the pain of a mother who lost her child, quietly approaches.
04:49 The elephant seems to understand the mother's mood and it moves carefully, very gently.
04:55 The grieving mother monkey refused to give up her baby's body.
05:00 Besides elephants, monkeys are also one of the animals that give their children boundless
05:05 love.
05:06 The monkey is one of the four-legged animals belonging to the mammal class, the primate
05:12 order with three larger groups, the new world monkeys, the old world monkeys and the tailless
05:18 monkeys.
05:19 The number of species of monkey groups is not the same as it is concentrated in areas
05:26 such as Africa, Asia, Central America and South America.
05:31 Of the total groups of monkeys, 264 species have become extinct.
05:38 Monkeys are omnivores and they can eat a variety of foods such as fruits, nuts, flowers and
05:44 even some human and insect foods.
05:48 Structurally, the monkey's body is relatively similar to that of humans.
05:53 The faces of the monkeys are not the same but they have some look very pretty but some
05:58 look very fierce.
06:00 They know how to express emotions and have many gestures and actions similar to humans.
06:07 All monkeys live in a separate family group with many members.
06:12 They always show their love to their fellow humans.
06:15 On a cold night, they act close to each other to keep warm as they often catch lice and
06:21 lice in the brush of each other's hair.
06:25 The female monkeys are often attached to their young when giving birth.
06:30 Baby monkeys cling to their mothers to feed or learn to survive while participating in
06:35 activities with the herd.
06:38 From the age of three, baby monkeys will often separate from their mothers when they have
06:42 learned how to mingle with other members of the herd and have acquired skills in foraging
06:48 and dealing with predators.
06:50 However, even though the child is an adult, she is still her mother's child and the mother
06:56 always watches over the child even when that child is no longer there.
07:01 In the next video is an extremely emotional scene recorded in Ramthanathipore National
07:07 Park in India.
07:10 How sad it is to witness the image of a mother monkey sitting on a tree holding her baby's
07:15 body with both hands for hours after the baby monkey died.
07:21 The mother monkey kept holding her baby in her arms, trying to breastfeed the baby but
07:26 to no avail.
07:28 Another monkey in the group climbed a tree and touched the baby monkey's face but did
07:32 not see any response.
07:35 The monkey then gently hugged the mother monkey as if to comfort, giving the mother who had
07:41 lost her child some warmth.
07:44 The mother monkey sat with her back, hugging her baby tightly to her lap to ensure that
07:49 the baby was warm with the hope that the baby would wake up.
07:53 However, no miracle happened and the mother collapsed on the branch looking helpless.
08:00 The mother knows that the baby monkey is dead but it seems that it still does not want to
08:05 believe, that it is not ready to accept it.
08:09 It is true that there are no greater pain or loss than the loss of a loved one and the
08:15 most cruel thing for a mother is to lose her child.
08:19 The mother penguin hugs her baby's body to keep warm.
08:24 Penguins belong to the order Svenskenkyvormes and a family of Svenskenkyvormes are a group
08:30 of flightless waterfowl, concentrated mainly in the cold climates of Antarctica with some
08:36 intemperate regions.
08:39 Most penguins eat molluscs, fish, squid or other forms of marine life that they catch
08:45 while swimming underwater.
08:48 Penguins can swim and dive in the water at a speed of 6 to 12 km/h.
08:53 They can waddle on two legs or slide on their bellies along the snow, a motion called skating,
09:01 which allows them to conserve energy while still being able to move relatively quickly.
09:06 Very good hearing plus vision adapted to underwater vision have helped the penguins succeed in
09:12 locating prey and hiding from predators.
09:16 However, when on land their eyes seem to be near-sighted and aren't able to see very
09:22 well as unlike underwater.
09:26 Penguins are very loyal, following the principle of monogamy.
09:30 They create a small brood and both parents will take care of a young together.
09:35 After the egg hatched about 65 days later, the mother bird continues to warm the chick.
09:42 One of the most baffling penguin behaviors occurs when the mother bird loses her young.
09:47 The mother bird at this time will take an extreme action such as stealing other people's
09:52 babies.
09:54 This act is said to reduce grief and help forget the pain of losing a child.
10:00 As you can see in this video, before the cold, snowy and arctic weather, a flock of penguins
10:06 stood close together to warm their chicks.
10:09 Unfortunately, one young penguin was frozen to death.
10:14 Although the body of the young bird is hard, the mother penguin constantly touches the
10:19 baby with her beak in the hope that the baby is still alive.
10:23 Finally, the mother bird pulled the baby's body back into her lap, warming it up.
10:29 Losing a small child, the penguin mother seems to have lost a part of her body, helpless
10:35 and dumbfounded without changing anything.
10:39 The dolphin holding baby carcass pushed to the surface in despair.
10:45 Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales.
10:48 The dolphin is a lion with a large body size of 1.2 to 9.5 meters long, weighing from 40
10:56 kilograms to 10 tons.
10:59 The body rumbles, tapering down to the tail.
11:02 Dolphins do not have external ears, and the head and the skull are quite small, with a
11:07 long and pointed snout reaching to the ears and conical teeth that are extremely sharp,
11:14 helping fish to hunt easily.
11:18 Dolphins are a line of fish that evolved from terrestrial mammals, so they breathe through
11:22 their lungs.
11:24 This is a line of fish with extremely sensitive senses, with extraordinary eyesight.
11:30 Dolphins have very sensitive sound frequencies.
11:34 Dolphins are also a reproductive line in the form of a calving and location.
11:39 Each spawning, the fish can only give birth to one fish, and the gestation period is about
11:44 one year.
11:46 After giving birth, dolphins will suckle milk through nipples, nursing for 11 months and
11:51 then separating.
11:52 Therefore, the love between a mother and a dolphin is extremely close.
11:58 Think about how if you lost your baby, how would the dolphin feel?
12:03 The image in this video is the answer.
12:06 In one word, despair.
12:09 A mother dolphin is trying to push her baby's carcass to the surface, pushing up and then
12:14 sinking again.
12:16 The mother fish did not hesitate to dive immediately to continue her work.
12:21 A baby cub swims beside her to help a mother if the dead brother's baby sinks too long.
12:27 Unfortunately, the child did not survive, and the poor mother struggled to push her
12:33 baby's body out of the water with a glimmer of hope that she could keep her baby alive.
12:39 In the end, the miracle didn't happen.
12:43 With the beautiful but extremely sad images of motherhood in these videos above, we further
12:49 affirm that the behaviors and emotions in animals have many similarities with us humans.
12:56 They also know sadness, and they are also afraid of being hurt.
13:01 So we should cherish and protect every creature born on this earth, and it is extremely precious.
13:07 Hopefully, with the information provided by this channel, you would have more useful information
13:13 about the world of all species.
13:15 There are many mysteries and interesting things waiting for us to discover in the future.
13:21 See you in the next video.
