• 2 years ago
Though Filipino queerness dates back as early as pre-colonial times, the portrayal of drag was limited until shows like Drag Den became mainstream. This acceptance led to Butterboy cafe in #Manila, where brunch includes delicious food and drag.

Today, as more people are celebrating drag as an art form, Butterboy has become the place for Saturday drag brunches. Their performers gloat about the caring staff, intimate environment, and incredibly supportive brunch-goers. In fact, they say they feel more appreciated at Butterboy than they do in night light–and are even treated like celebrities.

Co-owners of Butterboy, Hildebrand Demeterio and Jayson So originally fantasized about a cafe that would serve as a safe place for queer talent. Today, their dreams have been filled with support, love, and a community that never existed before.

Joy Jihyun Jeong

Yuhong Pang
Joy Jihyun Jeong

Sabrina Sinaga

Director of Photography
Jeremy Kruis

Production Assistant
Hena Remigio-Kruis

Keshia Hannam

Head of Production
Stephanie Tangkilisan

Post Production Coordinator
Skolastika Lupitawina

Nadya Shabrina

Ezound Studios

Additional Archival Material
Getty Images
Amazon Prime Drag Den Season 1
Facifica Falayfay (1969)
Special Thanks
Butterboy Bakehouse
Hildebrand Demeterio & Jayson So


