• last year
00:00 Hey everyone, it's MilesJai here and Tyler Oakley
00:03 And right now we're doing as y'all requested, we are doing the cake challenge
00:08 Yes we are
00:08 I was tagged by Shauna in Catsketch so we're doing it now, a month later
00:13 I'm sorry
00:14 We're very prompt, don't mind us
00:16 Yeah, okay so here are the rules of the game
00:18 One person has to stand in front of the other
00:20 And you have to put your hands behind your- oh
00:23 Behind you? Oh, oh hi
00:26 Hey, hey
00:28 So this is how you bake a cake
00:30 Okay
00:32 And then on top of that we have to answer questions which are on my laptop
00:35 So we'll just be baking a cake and answering questions
00:37 Of course
00:38 Alright so let's get started
00:40 What do we do first? What does the box say?
00:41 You tell me
00:42 Okay
00:42 You can't even pick it up, you have to do it for me
00:45 Oh, okay
00:46 You need to follow the rules
00:48 Oh shoot, okay so what does the box say?
00:50 The box says, where are we?
00:52 Let's bake a moment together
00:53 Do not eat raw cake batter, step one
00:56 That's very important, you will die
00:58 Number one is heat
00:59 Heat the oven to 350
01:01 So, okay
01:02 Okay so
01:04 Let's preheat
01:05 Reach
01:06 What does it say, bake?
01:07 I don't know
01:08 You're done
01:08 Preheating, perfect
01:10 You don't know how to bake?
01:11 I have people to do that for me
01:12 Excuse you
01:14 We are preheating, we are good to go, let's see
01:16 It smells like delicious oil smell over my-
01:18 It smells like the house is gonna explode
01:20 Yeah
01:21 Okay so grease the bottom of the pan
01:23 Okay
01:24 So we're gonna use my favorite cooking grease
01:26 It's cooking spray, it's- let's see what it's like
01:29 Zero calories, so we're watching our figure
01:32 Why does it have zero everything?
01:34 Cause it's just- don't worry about it
01:36 We're gonna spray, spray it all in there
01:39 All around
01:40 Yes, yes, yes, yes
01:42 More?
01:43 Yes, there we go
01:44 Okay let's go
01:46 Okay, so we're done with the spray
01:48 So we're gonna just, you know, get rid of it
01:50 And then, throw it
01:53 There we go
01:54 Step number two is beat
01:56 Oh so now we have to actually make the f*cking cake
01:59 So we're gonna open up the cake box
02:01 We're gonna pull it out
02:02 This is- we got hearty rainbow chips, show 'em all
02:05 See it's rainbow, fabulous
02:07 And super moist
02:09 Super moist
02:10 Super
02:11 It's the only way
02:12 The only way
02:12 So we're gonna open this
02:13 Open it up
02:14 Shake it a little
02:16 You can shake it
02:16 And then-
02:17 Oh, got it
02:19 Now we're just gonna put it into this wonderful big ol' mixing bowl
02:23 Delicious mixing bowl
02:25 Um, oh you can kind of see the speckles of the-
02:29 Yeah
02:30 Of the rainbow
02:30 There's the delicious powder
02:32 There's the delicious powder
02:33 Um, next we got
02:35 Spraying
02:35 Water
02:36 So we have one cup of water
02:37 Dump it in
02:38 Ooh yes, oh moist
02:40 That's what really gives it the moist texture
02:43 Is the water
02:44 All around, mix it
02:45 Mix it
02:47 All around
02:48 All around
02:49 All around
02:50 All around
02:52 Relax, chill Terry
02:53 Got a little excited
02:54 Ooh it smells good
02:56 It does, oh my god
02:57 It smells good
02:58 And the number one warning was do not eat the raw cake
03:00 I know, that's kind of hard
03:01 But
03:02 I mean
03:03 But
03:04 Not yet, we gotta put like some lotion
03:06 So now we do oil
03:08 So we got Crisco
03:09 This looks like there's a drop left
03:11 There's a drop left
03:12 But you know what, the less oil you use I think the better
03:14 Studies have shown
03:16 So we need half a cup
03:17 Oh that thing, the top is a measuring cup itself
03:19 Is it?
03:20 Yeah
03:20 Half a cup
03:22 Is it on there?
03:23 Yeah
03:23 So
03:26 Not that much, there's like a drop
03:28 Oh no
03:28 You know what, just whatever
03:32 All of it
03:32 What else could we use instead of oil?
03:35 Shit
03:36 Yeah just
03:37 Get it on, get it on, get it on
03:39 Get it on
03:40 Okay that's good
03:42 Okay
03:43 That's gotta be like a half a cup
03:44 Whatever
03:45 Whatever
03:46 We're just gonna mix that now
03:47 Mix that real good
03:48 Next time we're gonna add a whole stick of butter
03:51 Oh we call this butter
03:53 Do you have butter?
03:53 Yeah sure, why not
03:55 Here open it up
03:56 I can't believe it's not
03:57 Pull that shit up
03:57 I can't believe it's not butter
04:00 There we go
04:01 Okay the thing about butter is
04:02 Even if it's not on the recipe
04:04 You can always just add a little bit of butter
04:06 Right
04:06 We're just gonna
04:08 This fish, oh my god
04:12 Okay
04:12 Sorry I just put my whole finger in the butter
04:14 No yes
04:14 But my fingers are clean
04:16 Here's the thing, it's not even butter so we don't have to care
04:18 You know a good thing to do while you're cooking is
04:20 To just always make sure that your fingers are just nice and clean
04:25 Because we're always gonna be getting in there down and dirty
04:27 It's very important
04:28 So I'm very excited for this butter
04:30 It might be the little special ingredient that we needed
04:32 Right
04:33 You're like really strong and I wasn't expecting that
04:35 Wait what do you mean?
04:36 Like your arms are really, I don't know
04:39 Like they're like
04:41 Can you not handle my muscles?
04:43 No I can't
04:44 You know a lot of people have said that
04:45 Like if I try to move like
04:46 No it's supposed to be difficult for you
04:48 It is supposed to be difficult
04:49 It's, but I will say this height difference
04:51 We look like we're ready for like savings right now
04:53 We do
04:58 Oh my god
04:58 It's beautiful
04:58 It is
04:59 Uh next step is three eggs
05:02 Crack it
05:02 You better not put a single little shell in there
05:07 Number two
05:07 And then number three
05:12 Perfect
05:15 You just put the whole shell in there
05:19 There's a shell in there, look
05:20 There
05:20 No there isn't
05:21 Yes there is in the corner
05:22 I peed
05:23 That's a shell
05:26 That looks really yellow
05:28 I know
05:29 You're like gyrating my whole body
05:36 I know
05:36 Oh oh oh
05:38 We are preheated
05:39 We are 50
05:40 Yes we are good to go
05:41 Oh my god
05:42 In one second
05:43 This takes so much muscle
05:44 Do you want me to, do you want to switch?
05:46 No
05:46 I have the muscle
05:47 You told me
05:49 Just my lower back
05:50 I threw it out
05:51 Of course I did
05:52 From our crazy weekend
05:54 Yeah
05:55 I threw out your lower back
05:56 That's not done yet
05:58 You have to keep going
05:59 I'll tell you when
06:00 A lot of the cake batter is gonna stick to the sides
06:04 So the secret behind making a good cake
06:07 Secret to scrape the sides
06:08 Scrape the sides and get it off
06:09 Have you ever thought about being a talk show host?
06:11 You're like really good at this
06:13 Are you telling me to shut up?
06:14 No
06:16 The secret to being a good talk show host is always to say
06:19 The secret behind
06:20 Do you really know this stuff?
06:21 No I don't
06:22 It's really
06:22 I'm just kidding
06:24 You're just kidding us
06:24 I hate you
06:25 You're making fun of me
06:26 No I'm not
06:26 You could totally like do like one of those Chelsea lately things
06:29 Where you just interview celebrities
06:31 I think you'd be great
06:31 I would love to
06:32 If anybody's out there
06:33 Hiram
06:34 Miles and I are a package deal
06:36 Yeah
06:37 I think this is good
06:38 Okay
06:38 Wait should we try it?
06:41 I feel like I should try it
06:42 You want some?
06:43 Yeah I want a little
06:44 You want it?
06:46 Ooh
06:46 Ooh
06:47 Ooh
06:47 Where are you?
06:49 That's delicious
06:52 Oh perfect
06:54 Perfect
06:55 Okay
06:55 Okay so do I have it on my face?
06:58 Let's see
06:58 No
06:59 Okay got it
06:59 Wait
06:59 Okay okay
07:03 Somebody is gonna ship that moment
07:04 Okay so now step three
07:06 Pour that shit into the baking pan
07:09 Ooh yeah
07:12 Yes yes baby
07:13 Ooh dang I'm hoping that shit look good
07:15 That looks really good
07:17 We're gonna put this in now and not die
07:19 Oh my god
07:20 Okay
07:22 So now we wait 30 minutes
07:26 30 minutes?
07:27 30 minutes
07:28 So what do we do in the meantime?
07:30 We baking cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake
07:34 And we gon' put some sprinkles on
07:36 Ooh I'm so hungry
07:37 Baby just give it to me
07:39 I'm sitting on my knee
07:40 Just put it on there
07:42 Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake
07:45 And we gon' put some sprinkles on
07:47 Ooh the cake is done girl
07:50 Wait okay
07:51 Oh yeah but
07:52 I'm gonna scrub
07:53 Sorry
07:55 I'm sorry
07:57 I can't show everyone the little spikes
07:59 Yup okay
08:00 Here we go
08:00 Oh my god it's hot
08:02 Oh my god it's hot
08:03 So now we're gonna open the icing and spray it
08:10 We got this beautiful
08:12 Funfetti pink vanilla icing
08:14 Pink funfetti
08:15 Yeah
08:16 Cause it's festive
08:17 Oh if you guys were here
08:18 I wish you were here
08:20 You could smell just how delicious this cake smells
08:23 It's like a fresh cake
08:26 Ooh I smell this
08:26 Oh it smells like icing
08:29 Who knew?
08:29 Dig right in
08:31 Ooh yeah yeah yeah
08:32 Oh my god that looks so good
08:34 Ooh careful careful
08:36 Oh wait don't we have to let it cool?
08:37 Do we have to let it cool?
08:38 Yeah we have to let it cool
08:39 Cause look it's like melting
08:40 We have to wait
08:41 Okay
08:43 We'll answer questions while we wait
08:44 Um our first question is
08:46 What is your favorite sweet Tyler?
08:48 Probably ice cream?
08:49 I don't know
08:50 Does that count?
08:51 Yeah
08:51 Okay yeah ice cream
08:52 I definitely love um these strawberry shortcakes
08:55 Oh my god
08:55 Like the little little strawberry shortcake
08:57 That you make at home
08:58 No like the little
08:59 They're like these little rolls
09:00 Oh like a zebra cake
09:02 But like a strawberry shortcake version
09:03 Yeah I guess
09:04 That's what zebra cakes
09:05 Ooh you've never heard of zebra cake?
09:07 Zebra cakes?
09:08 Wait
09:08 They're everything
09:09 You know that's your favorite
09:10 That might be
09:11 No
09:11 Okay ice cream or zebra cake
09:13 Okay number two
09:14 What's your favorite flavor of popsicle?
09:16 My favorite flavor is dick
09:19 Same oh my god
09:20 I actually have some in the fridge
09:22 Oh you do?
09:22 I think you should have some
09:23 Okay
09:24 Cause I'm a fan of those
09:25 Ooh actually wait
09:26 My actual favorite flavor is strawberry shortcake
09:28 Again
09:29 Oh yeah
09:29 They have little like
09:30 Yeah
09:30 Pebbles
09:31 Yeah they have crumb
09:32 Crumbs on top
09:32 Yeah that shit is good
09:34 That shit's good
09:34 My favorite
09:35 I don't know
09:36 I don't like popsicles
09:37 I like funticals
09:38 Fudge-tical or fudge-ical
09:40 But you know what I'm talking about
09:41 Yeah fudge-tical
09:42 Fudge-ical
09:42 They're good
09:43 Like testicles
09:44 Testicles
09:45 Fudge-icals
09:46 Now fudge-ical reminds me of
09:47 It just makes me think of poop
09:48 Fudge-ical?
09:50 No?
09:50 It made me think of testicles with fudge on them or something
09:53 I don't know
09:55 Okay next question
09:56 What is your favorite flavor of cake?
09:59 I like a good um cookie cake
10:02 Does that count as a flavor?
10:03 Yeah
10:03 It's like a style of cake
10:04 I like um
10:05 I don't know
10:06 I don't really do like fancy cakes anymore
10:07 I kind of got out of them
10:09 I used to love like chocolate layer cakes
10:11 Like this huge mountain cake or whatever chocolate
10:14 So
10:14 Do you like cheesecake?
10:14 Um yeah
10:16 Okay so like white, yellow
10:18 My favorite flavor is yellow
10:19 That's not a flavor
10:20 We were having this conversation in the grocery store
10:23 Yellow is not a flavor
10:24 So if you're writing that on a box
10:26 If red is a Kool-Aid flavor
10:28 Yellow is a flavor
10:29 You know what flavor is yellow?
10:31 I bet you can guess
10:32 What?
10:33 Vanilla
10:34 So number four is
10:35 What's your favorite flavor candy bar?
10:37 My favorite flavor
10:38 Almond Joy
10:39 Almond Joy
10:40 With the coconut and the almond and the chocolate
10:42 It's so good
10:43 Okay
10:43 What's yours?
10:44 Mine is
10:45 I like Three Musketeers and Reese's
10:47 Reese's
10:48 Pieces
10:50 Reese's Pieces
10:51 Reese's Pieces
10:52 I like Whatchamacallits
10:53 Have you had a Whatchamacallit?
10:54 Or Mr. Goodbar
10:55 I like Jolly Ranchers a lot
10:57 That's not a candy bar
10:57 Whatever
10:58 Next
10:59 Anyway
10:59 Whore
11:00 Whore
11:00 Whore
11:01 Okay and what's your favorite place to get dessert?
11:04 My favorite place to get dessert
11:05 Here in San Francisco
11:07 If you're in San Francisco
11:08 I was just talking about it
11:09 It's called Hot Cookie
11:10 And what did I tell you they have?
11:11 Oh I found out
11:12 One of my friends told me that they have penis cookies there
11:15 They're like big macaroon
11:16 Like with coconut inside
11:18 Like dark chocolate dipped
11:20 And they're just penis shaped
11:22 On a stick
11:23 So
11:23 We get it
11:24 Yeah we get it
11:25 And we like
11:26 Sashay down the street
11:27 What's your favorite place to get dessert?
11:28 I don't really get dessert when I go out but
11:30 Who are you?
11:31 Um Red Lobster
11:32 That's not dessert
11:34 We didn't have dessert today
11:35 They do
11:35 They have like a seven layer cake
11:36 There I think
11:37 I don't know
11:38 I'm not a really big dessert person when I go out
11:40 I just like candy and shit
11:41 What?
11:42 You're the worst
11:44 Bye
11:44 Excuse me I'm not exotic as you are
11:46 I am not exotic
11:48 Please
11:49 I just like a little bit of flavor
11:51 Vanilla has enough flavor for me so
11:52 I'm sure it does
11:54 That's why
11:54 Oh huh
11:55 Was that in the window?
11:57 In whose endo?
11:58 You
12:00 Look at you
12:00 You nasty
12:03 Nasty
12:03 Alright so now we're gonna spread the cake
12:05 He's gonna be behind me
12:06 I'm so small
12:08 Oh you'll be fine
12:10 Okay
12:10 I'll lick it
12:12 Where am I?
12:13 Okay
12:15 Where are you?
12:16 A little higher
12:16 Okay
12:17 Here we go
12:21 Yes girl
12:22 Okay wait do I have some?
12:26 Yeah you have a lot
12:26 Okay
12:27 Just rub them yes
12:28 Make sure you rub it around
12:30 I can't
12:30 Am I getting it?
12:34 Yeah you're getting it
12:35 Are we doing good?
12:39 Yeah
12:40 Did you want some?
12:41 No
12:41 Oh my god
12:42 Put your hands up
12:43 No
12:44 I just have a lot to play
12:45 No
12:45 Okay wait just a little bit
12:46 Just like a little taste
12:48 Here just a little
12:52 I already had some
12:53 Put your hand on
12:53 I already had some
12:57 Just a little
12:57 It's all over my mouth
12:59 Just a little
12:59 Okay
13:00 Stop
13:06 Okay okay
13:09 Truth
13:10 Okay
13:11 Okay
13:12 Oh no what am I doing to the cake?
13:15 We're really good at this
13:17 Actually that's not bad
13:18 No it's not
13:19 You look great girl
13:22 So do you
13:22 You have a little bit of trouble
13:23 So now he's getting the sprinkles
13:26 Alright can you see the cake?
13:28 Now sprinkle it on there
13:30 So beautiful
13:31 All colors of baby blue
13:33 You got it all
13:35 Got it
13:35 Cake made
13:36 Perfect
13:37 Wonderful
13:37 Okay so now we're gonna draw on our cake
13:40 With this cupcake icing
13:42 So we're gonna draw a beautiful thing
13:44 That I think represents the both of us
13:46 And love
13:47 And love and life
13:48 Is it coming?
13:49 It's coming
13:50 You gotta really work it
13:52 Your hand is like shaking
13:54 I know
13:55 Is it working so hard?
13:56 Oh my goodness
13:57 What are you doing?
14:00 It's really hard to do
14:01 You're like placing it very suggestively right now
14:05 Am I?
14:06 Uh huh
14:06 Oh my goodness
14:09 Wait what are you
14:11 It's gonna have a thick
14:12 Oh is it?
14:13 Okay
14:13 Oh my god
14:15 Oh my god
14:16 Well this is beautiful
14:19 You're about to see
14:20 Oh my god
14:25 Okay
14:26 Okay
14:26 For everyone at home
14:28 I don't know if you can see
14:29 But we have a lovely beautiful drawing
14:32 That Miles
14:33 *screams*
14:35 *laughs*
14:37 *screams*
14:39 *laughs*
14:41 *screams*
14:43 *laughs*
14:44 Oh my god
14:45 Oh my god
14:47 Well there we go
14:48 Yummy
14:49 Wait can you just
14:51 Look what Miles just did
14:54 He dropped the entire fucking cake
14:58 My bad
14:59 You are a mess
15:00 There's some right there
15:02 You can have a little bit off the table if you want
15:04 This is
15:06 Wait oh my god
15:07 Oh that's not a good one
15:10 It is
15:11 Mm hmm
15:12 Mm hmm
15:13 Mm hmm
15:14 Mm hmm
15:15 Excuse you
15:16 Please don't
15:18 Yes
15:19 Yes
15:20 I'm just gonna
15:21 Here have some
15:23 Have like a
15:24 *laughs*
15:29 Come here
15:29 No
15:31 Say ah
15:34 Ah
15:34 *laughs*
15:36 No come back over here
15:38 Come over here
15:38 Okay
15:40 No this
15:40 That
15:42 Yummy
15:44 Wait I'm gonna get a chunk
15:45 Mm hmm
15:46 Mm hmm
15:47 *laughs*
15:50 I'm gonna kill you
15:51 You're so cute
15:52 Look at that you got a little pink massage there
15:54 Oh okay
15:55 It's looking nice
15:56 I'm gonna get a little piece
15:57 Just for me
15:58 Okay
16:00 I'm pretty good
16:01 This cake is pretty good
16:02 It's a fucking mess
16:04 Uh
16:05 This is
16:05 Well this was a success I think
16:07 I think so too
16:08 All right so if you love this
16:10 You're also going to love the other video that we did on Tyler Oakley's channel
16:14 I gave him the whole makeover deal
16:18 We did the boyfriend makeup challenge
16:22 Yes
16:22 We did this one
16:23 Because Miles is the closest that I'll ever have to a boyfriend
16:26 So we figured it was only appropriate
16:29 So if you want to check that out feel free to do that
16:32 You want to have the leftovers on my face?
16:35 Bye
16:36 No
16:36 Subscribe
16:38 It's just
16:44 It's no longer there
