Google Cash Detective

  • 15 years ago
Pay per click is a marketing tool often overlooked by new internet marketers. Many beginners don't fully understand how these programs work and some think it costs too much to get started. The truth is that pay per click is not difficult to learn and you can create a PPC campaign for less than the cost of dinner and a movie.

What is pay per click?

Pay per click (PPC) programs are widely used by internet marketers to drive traffic to a web site. The goal is to gain exposure and rank higher in the search engines.

PPC is simply paying for web site traffic through advertising. Advertisers pay a fee each time a visitor clicks on their ad and visits their web site. The main objective of PPC is to drive targeted traffic to a landing page where the visitor will view a pre-sell or a direct sale is made. The amount of traffic that visits your ads depends on the keywords you choose.

5 Key Factors of Pay Per Click Success

Keyword selection - The more relevant your keywords to your niche, the better.
