• last year
00:00 Hello dear citizen, today we will be making banana cake.
00:05 And by we I obviously mean me, because you are not physically present in my house.
00:12 That would be creepy.
00:13 In order to make delicious banana cake, we will need flour.
00:22 I have prepared it for you.
00:26 We will also be needing sugar and oil.
00:29 I have prepared that as well.
00:32 We need some other ingredients that I won't even name.
00:35 We will mix them together in a big pot.
00:38 I have prepared that for you.
00:39 In order to produce the original banana taste, we obviously need to mash up some bananas.
00:46 I have prepared that for you.
00:49 Then you mix it all up together with water and other things.
00:53 And it looks like this.
00:54 I have already prepared that for you.
00:57 You pour all the dough into a slow cooker and I have already prepared that for you.
01:00 Then you let it heat for three hours and get it out of a form.
01:05 And I have prepared that for you.
01:10 Now all you need to do is cut it with a knife and eat it all up.
01:14 And yes, I have prepared that as well.
01:17 With that, bon appetit.
01:26 All that remains really are delicious memories and lots of dishes.
01:31 I have prepared that for you.
01:34 Now we need someone to do it.
01:36 I think this is where you come in.
01:39 Good day.
01:40 - Thank you.
01:41 (door opening)
