• 2 years ago
PewTactical gear: http://tiny.cc/as68vz

New episode of Gunfire TV and in it... some news! To a rich group of brands available in Gunfire store just joined another one - PewTactical. PewTactical specializes in production of tactical equipment which will be useful on airsoft battlefield. Leszek will present you today various products of this company. If you haven't had to deal with them yet, you definitely need to see our newest video!

PewTactical is a brand which offers you vests, backpacks, pouches or tactical waistpacks. They are modular, compact and durable. You can wear them together or separately, and you can accommodate all kinds of accessories for your airsoft replica.

Flat Pack 2.0 backpack - http://tiny.cc/9s68vz

Chest Rig MK4 type - http://tiny.cc/6s68vz

Chest Rig type D3CRX -http://tiny.cc/7s68vz

Plate Carrier vest type LV/119 - http://tiny.cc/5s68vz

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