Divante Jones vs Clay Burns (16-06-2023) Full Fight

  • last year
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00:00 [cheers and applause]
00:03 - Okay.
00:04 Okay, fellas, you both have been given the rules.
00:06 I'm expecting good, clean boxing.
00:07 When I say break, stop punching.
00:09 Take a full step back.
00:11 Remember, protect yourselves at all times.
00:13 I'm gonna allow a little room right here with the punches
00:16 'cause there's a little high with his trunks.
00:19 Touch gloves.
00:21 Good luck to you both.
00:23 - All right, so it is Devontae Jones and Clay Burns
00:27 once again here in Augusta, Georgia.
00:30 Ray Flores, Paulie Malinagi, thank you so much
00:33 for joining us on this Father's Day weekend.
00:35 Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there,
00:38 including my dad, Ray,
00:39 who I know is watching back home in Chicago.
00:42 We appreciate all of you,
00:44 and we appreciate you starting off your weekend with us
00:48 as Devontae Jones and Clay Burns.
00:51 Go at it right away.
00:52 Burns forming Devontae Jones.
00:54 - Yeah, Burns trying to set the tone early, right away.
00:56 You know, he doesn't want Jones to get comfortable
00:58 in front of his hometown.
00:59 He's probably trying to take the crowd out of it as well
01:01 as he knows Jones is in front of his family and friends.
01:04 - There's a couple of choppy right hands by Clay Burns.
01:07 Paulie, what do you like doing the most?
01:08 I mean, is it better?
01:10 You fought at home at Barclays Center in Brooklyn.
01:12 You've also fought on the road,
01:14 obviously winning a world title in Ukraine
01:16 when you had to do so overseas,
01:19 but what do you like better?
01:21 - I prefer, I like that.
01:23 You know, just dealing with a lot of ticket requests
01:25 and other things, you do need some preparation
01:27 when you fight at home, but nonetheless,
01:28 it's always nice fighting at home.
01:31 I didn't like the New York taxes.
01:32 - Ha, yeah, I can imagine.
01:35 Good left hook connecting in the early going.
01:41 - Yeah, Jones trying to now start to set the tone,
01:44 start to set the distance as Burns is the one
01:47 trying to press more and more early,
01:49 but now it seems like Jones has gotten some respect
01:52 and is keeping him at bay with that sharp left hand.
01:55 - Curious to see, Devontae Jones has been away
01:58 from the ring for 13 months.
02:00 If there is any ring rust whatsoever,
02:02 there's a right hand, a counter right hand.
02:05 He seems to be very much willing to allow Burns
02:08 to be aggressive and be more the counterpuncher.
02:10 - Yeah, he's trying to use that speed,
02:12 trying to intimidate Burns with that speed,
02:13 and Burns has slowed down.
02:14 He came out pressing, but at this point now,
02:16 Burns is sort of hesitant to close that gap
02:18 because he's seen the speed of Jones.
02:20 Let's see if Burns can get back on the inside
02:22 where he was having some success earlier.
02:25 - Clay, Burns has slowed up a little bit
02:28 since the outset of this first round,
02:32 and Devontae Jones has settled in nicely.
02:36 Any time Jones throws a combination,
02:39 this crowd comes out of their seats.
02:42 - Of course, that's one of the advantages
02:44 of being in front of the hometown.
02:47 Burns now turning southpaw.
02:50 - There's a right hand that momentarily buckled
02:52 the knees of Clay Burns.
02:54 - Yeah, that's what happened, man.
02:57 You reach in like that, now Burns turns right-handed
03:00 after taking that counter shot.
03:02 And he takes a counter shot there, too.
03:03 - Well, he's taking shots no matter what stance he's in,
03:06 whether it be orthodox or southpaw.
03:08 We are in the final minute of this first round
03:13 as Burns looks to press the issue.
03:17 Again, you're watching Triller Fight Club here on "Fight."
03:22 - They like to see Burns start to try to use his jab
03:24 a little more on the way in.
03:25 He uses it at times,
03:26 but now he sort of pushes it out there,
03:28 and Jones able to counter with a check left hook.
03:34 - Burns unloading a couple right hands
03:36 but raising shots at most on Devontae Jones.
03:41 Final moments of this first round.
03:43 [crowd shouting]
03:46 There's a right hand, and that'll conclude the first round.
03:49 [upbeat music]
03:52 ♪
03:59 ♪
04:09 ♪
04:18 - Go back and revisit some of the work from the first round.
04:21 - Yeah, after a quick start by Burns,
04:24 you saw Jones started putting his hands together
04:26 late in the round.
04:27 So she shot some sharp counter shots.
04:29 Something landed too cleanly there,
04:31 but nonetheless, you started to see the speed of Jones
04:33 start to work for him as the round progressed.
04:36 [crowd shouting]
04:39 ♪
04:44 - And make sure to check out Fight Plus,
04:45 the best value in combat sports.
04:47 They carry live Triller Fight Club events
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04:56 Just $7.99 a month with a free seven-day trial.
05:00 Go to fight.tv to be a part of Fight Plus.
05:05 Great value, and you know what?
05:07 Not a bad Father's Day present for all the dads out there
05:10 who love watching all kinds of combat sports.
05:13 - Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
05:15 Get your fight fix here.
05:17 [crowd shouting]
05:21 - Back to round two.
05:22 We go Devontae Jones and Clay Burns.
05:26 As Burns looking to press the issue as he did,
05:29 but again, it's almost like he doesn't have enough
05:32 of the skill set to frustrate Devontae Jones,
05:35 who's clearly the better technician of the two.
05:38 - Yeah, and you know what?
05:39 Some of the jabs he's trying to use--
05:40 I commend him for using the jabs.
05:42 Some of the jabs he's trying to use, though,
05:43 are starting to be countered by Jones.
05:45 So what you want to do there,
05:46 you want to start mixing it up a little bit.
05:47 Either double it or feint with it first, you know,
05:50 until you get Jones' quick reactions to react too early,
05:53 and then you can come over the top of that.
05:55 You know, Jones has quick reflexes, quick reactions,
05:57 so you want to maybe get him to fight on some stuff.
05:59 Although Burns, when he gets in close,
06:00 he can get his hand to him as he does there again.
06:03 - And there's Clay Burns.
06:04 He's alone in a barrage,
06:05 but nothing really landing flush.
06:08 There goes a chopping right hand.
06:10 He goes to southpaw.
06:13 - Body shot there as well.
06:14 - Clay Burns also an MMA fighter as well,
06:16 a 30-fight veteran.
06:19 One thing about Clay Burns, he always comes in shape.
06:22 He always comes in prepared and ready to go.
06:25 - There's a left uppercut that momentarily backs up Burns.
06:28 Levante Jones trying to land that clean right hand,
06:37 but glancing shots so far for the Augusta native.
06:40 - Now they're threatening,
06:46 and they're threatening a little more.
06:48 I think Jones is probably better off on the outside
06:50 where he can control Burns' aggression.
06:52 On the inside, he's giving Burns his only chance,
06:54 but it's giving the crowd good action.
06:56 - I think Jones also gets, as you mentioned, Paulie,
06:59 he hears the cheers from the crowd.
07:00 There's a right hand that backed up Burns.
07:02 I think he wants to show his bravado
07:04 and sort of prove to the crowd,
07:07 "Hey, look, I can go toe-to-toe with this guy as well."
07:09 - Yeah, and Burns, of course, is enjoying it too.
07:11 Burns' only chance really is to get in close.
07:14 On the outside, he's having trouble closing the gap,
07:16 but once he's inside, he gets his hands moving.
07:19 Now a little clash of heads,
07:20 and Jones tries to keep it back on the outside,
07:22 realizing, "You know what?
07:23 I don't need to get caught with a headbutt like that."
07:25 - Well, I like seeing guys like--
07:27 I think there is certainly a place for guys like Clay Burns
07:30 because they are litmus tests,
07:32 they're barometers to see where a fighter is
07:35 in their development.
07:36 I think that, you know,
07:38 these top-level superstars wouldn't have happened
07:41 if they didn't-- if we didn't have opponents like Clay Burns.
07:43 - Oh, absolutely. Burns is a terrible guy.
07:45 You know, like you said, he's done MMA as well,
07:47 so, you know, he fight any way--
07:49 any which way he can fight, he's gonna fight.
07:51 So guys like that usually enjoy fighting,
07:53 and they're tough, and you don't get rid of them that easily.
07:55 - Not at all. Devontae Jones
07:58 aiming to unload a combination
08:00 as round two draws to a close.
08:02 [bell dings]
08:04 [crowd chanting]
08:06 [upbeat music]
08:09 ♪
08:14 [crowd chanting]
08:17 ♪
08:23 - As we examine what happened in the second round
08:26 with Devontae Jones handling business against Clay Burns.
08:31 - So I actually saw Burns sort of close the gap a little bit
08:33 on--and getting Jones on the ropes,
08:35 and Burns, any time he does get close,
08:36 he's gonna put his hands together.
08:37 He's gonna try to throw those shots.
08:39 A lot of that is blocked,
08:40 but nonetheless, wasn't--
08:41 there was no return there from Jones.
08:42 It was a good moment for Burns.
08:45 Of course, there's some speed there on the part of Jones,
08:47 which also was mostly blocked by Clay Burns there,
08:51 as then he tried to stalk his man against the ropes.
08:54 [whistle blows]
08:55 [crowd chanting]
08:58 ♪
09:02 - On to round three.
09:03 This one is scheduled for six.
09:07 Devontae Jones, his first fight in over 13 months.
09:10 Clay Burns, a 35 veteran,
09:14 who is looking to spoil the homecoming
09:17 for Devontae Jones.
09:18 Round three has begun.
09:20 [crowd chanting]
09:24 You see Burns right away
09:26 trying to get into the chest of Devontae Jones.
09:31 The nose of Clay Burns is reddening
09:33 from those left hooks that have found their mark
09:35 for Devontae Jones.
09:38 - You know, so that quick left hand,
09:39 that quick left jab from the part of Jones,
09:42 it's worked for him when he's used it.
09:44 [crowd chanting]
09:47 ♪
09:50 - Burns again there.
09:51 He's tough, trying to get inside,
09:52 but he doesn't have quite enough patience
09:54 to set it up the right way.
09:55 He tries to force his way inside there.
09:57 Again, a couple of jabs there, backs up Jones.
09:59 He gets Jones out of position,
10:00 but doesn't know how to really follow it up there
10:02 to catch up to him.
10:03 Needs to feint right there.
10:04 See, like, you back up Jones with a couple of jabs.
10:07 You don't need him there, but a feint right there
10:08 instead of hold your position, feint,
10:09 and then shoot back.
10:10 You don't really see that.
10:11 And, of course, Jones sees him,
10:13 and now he's acting like a matador,
10:15 setting him--setting him the other way.
10:17 - Well, I see that Jones is listening
10:19 to your instructions, Paulie,
10:20 in the sense that he is now very much
10:23 allowing Burns to come to him and set traps
10:26 and trying to counter him in--
10:30 in the first couple of rounds.
10:32 You know, curious, do you think that--
10:33 you know, can you hear the commentators
10:35 when you're competing in the ring, Paulie?
10:36 - Oh, I'm not sure.
10:37 Sometimes you can.
10:38 I mean, I know how you can hear them sometimes,
10:40 but I like to see Burns using feints.
10:42 You know, we--Jones is using the feints.
10:43 You know, I like to see Burns use the feints
10:45 because he--a lot of times he just tries
10:46 to force his way inside,
10:48 and Jones is either countering him
10:49 or getting out of range.
10:51 - There's a left hook that found its mark
10:53 for Devontae Jones.
10:56 - Jones uses his legs, slides away from the ropes.
10:59 I mean, Burns obviously doesn't know how to cut off the ring,
11:00 but, of course, you can trap your man in different ways.
11:05 Like, right here, you see how he's looking
11:06 to force that right hand,
11:07 looking to force that right hand
11:08 instead of impatiently using that jab,
11:10 and then trying to force his way inside
11:12 when, really, Jones sees everything coming.
11:16 - Devontae Jones has won two of three,
11:18 but looking to get back in the win column here
11:20 after suffering his third loss last April
11:23 against De Niro Polo.
11:26 There's a right to the body, but Burns is fishing
11:29 and not really finding anything against Devontae Jones.
11:33 [crowd shouting]
11:36 - [speaking indistinctly]
11:38 - I'd like to see Devontae Jones pop his jab more, though,
11:41 to try to frustrate Clay Burns.
11:43 I think he could be a bit more active, from my estimation.
11:46 - Yeah, he could be more consistent in general,
11:48 both with the jab and anything else,
11:51 his overall boxing in general.
11:52 I think he's got a good speed, good talent,
11:55 but not very active, not very consistent with his work.
11:58 Now, Burns obviously can't get to him either way
12:01 as he's slipping and sliding away
12:02 and making a penny of time for it.
12:04 Of course, there's not--
12:06 you could control the ring more against a guy like Burns.
12:10 - Clay Burns almost goes through the second rope.
12:15 And we head towards the fourth.
12:17 [crowd cheering]
12:20 - Triller is the only digital content engine
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12:37 Be a part of the largest creator-driven public offering
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12:41 Triller, where creators shape culture, content, and commerce.
12:46 - As we are back here in Augusta, Georgia,
12:54 Clay Burns being given some instructions.
12:57 Let's go back and examine some of the work
13:00 of the third round with Devontae "Jones" Clay Burns.
13:05 - You see, that was right at the end of the round.
13:06 You saw Jones trying to get that flurry at the belt.
13:11 I think Jones could also sit in there a little bit
13:14 as far as with the speed.
13:16 He moves his hands in a shoeshine fashion,
13:18 but I think Burns is there where you could sit down
13:21 a little bit on that speed as well.
13:23 Jones lets his hands go quickly, but it's almost like he's--
13:27 he can put more weight behind those shoeshines at times.
13:29 - Yeah, you'd like to see him put more leverage
13:32 behind his shots.
13:33 - Yeah, yeah.
13:34 Looks good with the speed.
13:35 Looks good with the judges, but, you know,
13:37 he's got enough speed to where he could actually sit
13:39 on some of those shots.
13:40 He wouldn't want to sit on all the shots,
13:41 but he could sit on some of the shots.
13:43 - So what you're saying is you would want to see Jones
13:45 sit down in his punches to try to hurt Burns
13:48 because right now, in the way, in the fashion
13:50 that he's fighting, it's more a point system
13:52 kind of philosophy.
13:54 - Well, yeah, 'cause Jones--
13:54 'cause Burns, what he does is he--
13:56 Burns is pretty much his most full defense.
13:58 When he covers up, and he goes full defense.
14:00 So he gives you a chance to kind of sit--
14:02 dig in there a little bit more instead of just, you know,
14:05 trying to put that speed off and get off.
14:06 Listen, if you can put that speed on,
14:08 he's not gonna-- probably not gonna get to you,
14:09 but you have the opportunity to sit on a couple of shots
14:12 to get through-- get power through that high guard
14:15 or even dig some body shots underneath that high guard.
14:18 And what I mean, dig, is you can sit on it with some weight.
14:21 - Gets the leverage, and that'll allow full impact
14:24 behind your punch.
14:26 - See the face of Clay Burns is reddening
14:28 from those left hooks and right hands
14:31 being delivered by Devontae Jones.
14:34 As a minute plus has elapsed off of the fourth round.
14:38 - Burns is the kind of guy, you know,
14:39 he's gonna give you the effort, he's gonna give you the work.
14:41 It's probably not good enough to beat you.
14:43 But at the same time, you want to take advantage
14:45 of a durable guy like this
14:47 and get the most learning experience out of him
14:49 by working on the things you need to work on.
14:52 - Also, I think it's a statement kind of a thing
14:55 where you know that Clay Burns has been in there
14:57 against the likes of Devin Haney
14:59 and some top-level prospects.
15:01 A couple of those shots--
15:02 - And that's exactly what I'm talking about.
15:04 You see how Burns-- Burns is there to be hit by those.
15:06 Burns is not quick enough.
15:08 You can sit at times-- I'm not saying sit all the time,
15:10 but you can sit in there at times
15:11 and then go back on the outside and box with the speed.
15:14 Jones showed example of just what I was talking about
15:17 right there.
15:18 - Is it a case that Jones,
15:20 as we near the one-minute mark of the fourth,
15:22 that he's getting more comfortable in realizing,
15:24 "Hey, this guy can't hurt me"?
15:26 - Yeah, I mean, I think he's known from the start
15:28 that Burns couldn't hurt him.
15:29 I think when Burns came out flying right away
15:31 with a bat out of the house,
15:33 I think, you know, Jones took some punches
15:35 and realized he wasn't gonna be hurt.
15:37 But at the same time, you know, there's moments
15:39 where you realize that, yeah,
15:41 you can beat him with just his speed,
15:42 but there's also moments where you sit down
15:43 and try to make a statement here and there
15:45 with some digging shots.
15:47 - You saw Burns was pointing to his chin as to say,
15:49 "Come on. Let's do this. Let's fight.
15:52 Let's go toe-to-toe," but Jones is not obliging
15:54 and is fighting his fight from the outside,
15:57 using his jab to keep Burns at bay.
15:59 [crowd shouting]
16:02 This is a very good sort of knock-off the ring rust,
16:06 if there is any, and really get your confidence back,
16:09 because when you lose, it does shake your confidence,
16:11 no matter what kind of fight you do.
16:13 - Yeah, exactly, and also, you know,
16:15 long way off in general, so, you know,
16:17 get the time in the ring, get the rounds,
16:19 and that's what Jones is doing right now.
16:21 - He's getting that "good work" is Devontae Jones.
16:24 [bell dings]
16:26 - Slip movement there at the end of the round.
16:28 [dramatic music]
16:31 ♪
16:41 - Go back and look at the fourth round
16:44 as Devontae Jones once again taking over.
16:48 - Yeah, and there's a sitting body shot there
16:50 over the top with the right hand.
16:52 That was the moment where he tried to sit on the shots.
16:54 Didn't land all those shots.
16:55 Some of those were blocked,
16:56 but again, you set a precedence,
16:58 and you set a statement for Burns in that,
17:00 "Okay, you can't just come forward whenever you want to,
17:02 'cause I will sit on the shots."
17:04 - And, of course, the hometown fans, they love it.
17:06 - Yeah, of course, local product.
17:09 - Speaking of local products,
17:11 you have some--Paul Williams,
17:14 who's in attendance here,
17:15 the former welterweight champion of the world
17:17 and super welterweight champion of the world.
17:19 Great to see Paul Williams in the house.
17:22 He's around. I saw him earlier tonight.
17:24 He's enjoying the action.
17:26 Also, Augusta, Georgia,
17:28 the home of the late, great Vernon Forrest,
17:31 who was a two-division world champion as well,
17:33 beat Ricardo Mayorga--or lost to Ricardo Mayorga,
17:36 but beat Shane Mosley,
17:38 two-division world champion as Vernon Forrest.
17:41 And also, it was the childhood home of James Brown,
17:44 the rock and roll hall of fame.
17:48 So Augusta, Georgia, certainly known
17:50 for providing entertainment
17:52 both in the ring and outside the ring.
17:54 But back to action we go.
17:55 Devontae Jones here in the fifth round,
17:58 controlling the action against Clay Burns.
18:01 - And Jones has been better than Burns in every which way,
18:04 and that's why I also say,
18:05 when there comes a time where you want
18:06 to start sitting on your shots a little bit more,
18:08 you're outflashing the opponent.
18:09 He's trying, but he can't really get to--
18:11 let's see if you can make a little bit more of a statement.
18:15 - It's a right to the body by Clay Burns.
18:20 That smacked off the left side of the ribcage of Jones,
18:24 but Jones very much relaxed on the outside,
18:28 allowing Burns to chase him.
18:30 - Kiss those right hands before you throw it.
18:33 - Some showmanship,
18:35 as a minute has come off the clock.
18:39 - See, what happens when you overmove too much, too,
18:41 you take away your opportunities
18:42 to be able to land good, sharp counters.
18:45 We saw in the first fight, Griggy,
18:47 how he was defensively responsible,
18:49 but didn't go too far out of range
18:50 when the fire-- when Lindenfelder threw his shots back,
18:54 and he was able to sit down on those sharp counters,
18:55 and that's where Jones takes away from himself
18:59 by moving too much.
19:00 Yes, he's quick.
19:01 He's laying the sharp, little safe shots,
19:03 which are good.
19:04 You're gonna win the round.
19:05 You're gonna cruise, but at the same time,
19:06 it takes away the opportunity
19:07 for him to land some good, sharp,
19:09 hard counterpunches because Burns can walk into them.
19:11 Burns walks straight in the front door,
19:13 not very creative.
19:14 He gives you the effort,
19:15 but you can walk him into some real good power counters,
19:17 and those are the ones that can get Burns' attention
19:19 because when you initiate offense,
19:20 he kind of sees it. He's blocking.
19:22 - Well, Austin, we're not--
19:23 I'd like to see what we saw out of Griggy
19:25 is some uppercuts.
19:26 We really haven't seen that being displayed by Jones.
19:31 - Again, it's safe offense.
19:32 Jones prefers a safe offense,
19:34 and, of course, uppercuts are a bit more
19:35 of a riskier punch to throw.
19:36 You also, though, have to be sitting
19:38 on a shot to throw the uppercut.
19:39 You can't be moving like this
19:40 and throwing an uppercut,
19:41 so you got to pick your moments,
19:42 pick your spots to sit
19:44 and fire that counterupper, which is there, actually.
19:46 Burns kind of falls in with his head as well
19:48 when he's trying to get in there.
19:49 - Well, it's almost like he's serving up his chin
19:51 on a silver platter,
19:52 and Jones is just not taking advantage of that.
19:55 - He is at times, but he's just taking advantage
19:56 of little check hooks and little safe--
19:59 little safe, uh, what do you call that?
20:02 - Pot shots. - Pot shots, yes.
20:04 - Yes, and, of course, those will win you the round,
20:06 but, you know, you can mix those in.
20:08 There's nothing wrong with that,
20:09 but you can also start to make a statement
20:12 where you mix and match your moments when you sit down,
20:15 because also, you're gonna get the respect
20:16 of a guy like Burns.
20:17 Right now, a guy like Burns,
20:18 not really respecting anything
20:19 you're doing or throwing.
20:20 He just can't beat you.
20:21 He's not good at it.
20:22 But if you start to sit down
20:23 on those-- some of those counter shots
20:25 and some of those shots,
20:26 you start to gain the respect of a guy like Burns.
20:29 - We are headed towards the final round
20:31 of Ante Jones handling business against Clay Burns.
20:36 [upbeat music]
20:39 ♪
20:43 [cheers and applause]
20:46 - Big shot in!
20:48 Down goes Dermot Rickles for the second time!
20:50 That's gonna rule the knockdown,
20:52 and that is and that's the fight!
20:54 Game, third match, go, Youngslam!
20:57 [upbeat music]
21:00 ♪
21:06 ♪
21:12 ♪
21:14 [indistinct chatter]
21:18 - Back here, one more round to go
21:20 with Devontae Jones out of here
21:22 and Augustum and Clay Burns.
21:26 ♪
21:28 - Paul Devontae Jones in the first five rounds, Paulie.
21:31 - Again, that action from that round,
21:32 you see Burns trying to throw as much as he can.
21:35 Has a lot of trouble landing anything cleanly
21:37 as Jones is very, very slick.
21:39 You see Jones, you know, makes--
21:41 doesn't make himself-- makes himself a very moving target,
21:44 not a stationary target at all.
21:46 But again, the drawback to that is
21:48 you miss the opportunity to sit on--
21:50 opportunities to sit on quick, sharp, harder counters
21:52 in your spots.
21:53 It's up to you to pick those spots,
21:55 but you need them here and there
21:56 in order to get the respect of-- of guys
21:58 not only like Burns, but also future opponents,
22:00 which will be better than Burns.
22:03 This can be tiring if you fight like this
22:04 against a good fighter who knows how to call off the rims.
22:07 - There's a good shot there by Burns
22:08 as Jones unloaded a counter shot.
22:11 But Burns did deliver probably his best punch
22:14 in a few rounds.
22:16 You mentioned that, Paulie.
22:17 Yes, as Jones moves up in competition,
22:21 you have guys who can have that swarming style
22:23 and who can keep up the intensity
22:26 that Clay Burns had in the first two minutes
22:28 of the first round throughout the entirety of the fight.
22:30 - Yeah, yeah, of course.
22:31 And so that's why you want to keep
22:32 your defensive moves short,
22:33 and also you want to be able to punch off
22:35 of the defensive moves.
22:36 It doesn't mean you have to do it every time.
22:37 You want to be able to punch off them.
22:38 You see, he punched off that move right there,
22:40 but again, not sitting on any of the counters.
22:42 So you're scoring pot shots.
22:43 It looks good for the judges.
22:44 You're gonna win this fight.
22:45 But you also want to always make sure
22:47 you're developing for future better opponents
22:49 because you want to keep on the ladder.
22:51 - Well, and when you're moving as you're throwing
22:53 in the way that Devontae Jones is,
22:56 what he is doing is,
22:57 it's lessening the impact of his power shots.
23:00 And now he's got a bit of a wardrobe malfunction.
23:03 There is some string attached.
23:06 - One of his tassels.
23:07 - One of his tassels is attached to the rope.
23:11 And he was almost caught and trapped on his own accord.
23:15 - Yeah, the fringes got caught on the rope there.
23:18 - You may need someone to get some scissors.
23:21 I'm sure we have scissors.
23:23 The referee's doing it himself.
23:25 He says, "I don't need scissors."
23:27 Oh, he's biting it.
23:28 Wow, okay.
23:30 Okay, the referee can do it all.
23:32 He doesn't need a cut, man.
23:34 He has a minute left in our second matchup
23:37 here on Triller Fight Club, The Awakening,
23:40 on this Father's Day weekend here in Augusta, Georgia.
23:43 Right floor is the champ, Paulie Malinowski.
23:45 Honored to be with all of you ringside.
23:47 [crowd shouting]
23:50 Clay Burns once again moving forward
23:53 but really not landing anything of significance.
23:57 Left hook for Devontae Jones, keeping Burns at bay.
24:01 [crowd shouting]
24:04 There's a counter right hand by Devontae Jones.
24:08 - Burns trying to give it one last effort here.
24:10 But again, he's following Jones.
24:11 He doesn't know how to cut off the ring,
24:13 but still forcing Jones to work.
24:15 - The ball ran right for the Augusta, Georgia product.
24:18 The left uppercut that missed.
24:20 The defense certainly urging on their man in Devontae Jones.
24:25 - Jones wants to keep those shots shorter on the inside.
24:27 A little bit--gets a little bit wide there
24:29 and got pulled in a couple shots from Burns
24:30 because he made his offense a little wider on the inside.
24:33 [crowd shouting]
24:36 [crowd shouting]
24:39 [crowd shouting]
24:42 [crowd shouting]
24:45 - For Devontae Jones, great way to shake off the ring rust
24:49 as he went ahead and took care of business here
24:51 against Clay Burns.
24:53 [crowd shouting]
24:56 [crowd shouting]
24:57 - A little long, man.
24:58 - I was gonna say, I wonder what happened.
25:00 I mean, I thought that we were--well, there we go.
25:02 Might have been 10 or 20 more seconds.
25:05 - Maybe they stopped the clock
25:06 and the wardrobe malfunctioned.
25:08 - Potentially that would be my guess.
25:10 [bell dings]
25:11 And again, Davante Jones gets some work against Clay Burns in a workmanlike effort from Davante Jones.
25:38 We're gonna be taking our great product around the world.
25:41 We are on a roll and tonight, boxing is back, baby.
25:46 The Vargas-Findlay family dynasty.
25:48 Get to see the evolution of their careers.
25:51 Big body shots by Amado Vargas.
25:53 Hard punches being thrown all night long from Amado Vargas.
25:57 What a moment for him.
25:59 And there is Fernando Vargas Jr., the oldest of the three.
26:02 Oh!
26:03 Big body!
26:04 That is dropped!
26:05 Finally, and thank you to the fans for waiting, tonight in his professional debut, he looks
26:12 to make a statement.
26:14 Go, go!
26:17 Oh, there goes Santiago!
26:19 Oh, what a kneecap!
26:21 Beautiful!
26:22 And Jose Gaviria stops it!
26:23 That's it, it's over!
26:25 He's looking for the comfort behind wins!
26:29 We are done!
26:30 Jose Luis Castillo Jr., no count!
26:34 Welcome to Triller Fight Club and professional boxing!
26:37 Here's the return of Matty Pacquiao as he takes on DKU.
26:42 Buckle up, get ready, because the Pac-Man is back.
26:46 And down goes Han!
26:49 Oh, down he goes!
26:51 How the tide changes!
26:54 Oh, that's a great punch!
26:56 Down goes Han!
26:57 Marcel Davidson gets the victory and remains undefeated!
27:02 Oh, down goes Kim!
27:08 Sean Garcia is looking to punch his ticket to a victory here.
27:15 Talk about entertainment!
27:17 This has been Abel Mendoza, who has been dictating the pace and being more aggressive.
27:23 Here we go with our co-main event.
27:26 A complete one-sided clinic for Nikko.
27:29 And as he ends it, let's get it on.
27:32 It's Pacquiao, it's you, DKU.
27:35 What a learning experience this is for him.
27:37 Oh my God!
27:39 DKU!
27:40 And he's picking up the intensity.
27:42 And now he's shuffled.
27:44 And the left there by you.
27:47 Well, in the words of Gloria Gaynor,
27:49 DKU's the mindset of "I will survive."
27:51 And he does so.
27:54 [music fades]
27:56 So our second fight is in the books.
28:08 Devontae Jones and Clay Burns, they go the distance.
28:12 As Paul, let's go back and examine some of the work from the sixth round.
28:17 Yeah, and again, it was, uh, you saw Burns trying to make a little bit of one last hurrah,
28:22 one last effort trying to get to Jones.
28:25 Landed a couple of shots initially, but again,
28:28 Jones' feet were too quick all night, and Burns just wasn't cutting off the ring,
28:31 couldn't get in there close enough.
28:33 Made Jones work in the last seconds of the fight,
28:35 but ultimately, a little bit too little, too late.
28:38 And, uh, just, again, we just wasn't able to catch up to Jones overall.
28:42 Well, who will the judges give the verdict to?
28:45 We have a very good idea, but again, nothing is really concrete.
28:49 In boxing, we send it up to ring announcer for the decision.
28:53 Ladies and gentlemen, we have a decision in the ring.
28:58 First, uh, score of the fight, 59 to 55.
29:03 The second judge, 59 to 55.
29:07 The third judge with a score, 60 to 44.
29:13 Your winner, by unanimous decision,
29:19 Devontae Jones!
29:27 So I will have to say that's probably a clerical error,
29:30 not 60 to 44, that was 60 to 54.
29:33 Yeah, that's six rounds to zero, yeah.
29:34 But, so, six rounds to nothing on one score card,
29:37 five to one on the other two, so,
29:40 again, Devontae Jones came out and he looked impressive,
29:43 away from the ring for 13 plus minutes.
