• 2 years ago
00:00 - Let's go mom!
00:01 - Amanda, right?
00:04 Amanda, I got a bright piece of candy.
00:05 - Let's go mom!
00:06 - I'm scared.
00:07 - Yeah, you're a little nervous,
00:08 but I think that's pretty much a natural reaction.
00:10 What made you decide to step up for the cause?
00:13 - I was thinking about drinking last year,
00:14 and then my grandfather died of cancer,
00:16 and I promised him that I would, so.
00:18 - Awesome, okay, you know what, who's watching?
00:20 All right, so this one's for grandpa, right?
00:23 All right, and who's gonna take the first drink?
00:25 - Ashley.
00:26 - Ashley, come on out.
00:27 - What?
00:28 - Who is?
00:29 - Ashley, she's right there.
00:30 Oh, Ashley's over here.
00:31 Sorry, we had a mix-up in Ashley, but that's okay.
00:34 Not actually gonna wait.
00:35 Ashley, come on over here.
00:36 - Ashley.
00:37 - Ashley.
00:38 - Smile.
00:39 - How long have you guys been friends?
00:42 - I don't know, a year.
00:45 - A year and a half?
00:46 Okay, you don't think that she's gonna end anything?
00:47 (laughing)
00:50 I'm just kidding.
00:51 Okay, you ready Ashley?
00:52 All right, here we go, Amanda's first glass of beer
00:56 coming off.
00:56 (cheering)
01:00 Ashley, you're shaking, you're more nervous than her.
01:04 How did that feel?
01:05 - I don't know.
01:06 (laughing)
01:07 I'm getting back in there.
01:09 (laughing)
01:10 - All right, we're gonna let the professionals carry on
01:14 with Amanda, and we're gonna come over
01:16 and talk to Liliane.
01:18 Hillary!
01:20 - Yeah.
01:20 - Oh, there you are, my love.
01:22 There's so many, I can't keep track.
01:24 I'm gonna make you guys ready.
01:25 Okay, Hillary, you are ready, how are you?
01:27 - I'm good.
01:28 - Good, and how are you feeling right now?
01:30 - I'm good. - Oh wow.
01:31 - Are you? - Oh wow.
01:32 - When did you decide to do this?
01:34 - I don't know.
01:36 - I wouldn't do it. - Stupid man.
01:37 - I don't know why, I don't really have
01:39 the experience with it.
01:40 - It does.
01:41 - All right, well we'll certainly have you, Jim,
01:44 and another beautiful aunt here.
01:45 - Now we have Amanda.
01:46 - That will go towards--
01:47 - Go Amanda!
01:48 - Lots of love. - Yeah, Amanda!
01:49 - All of the other many organizations
01:51 to make ways for cancer survivors.
01:54 Okay, who is going to take the first swig of your glass?
01:58 - I'm gonna have my mom do the first swig.
02:00 - There you go, she'll smell my mouth.
02:02 - And then we'll have more Lindsey to do that.
02:04 - Okay, who's gonna do the wings?
02:05 Oh, there you go, okay, there you go.
02:07 Okay, what's your name, mom?
02:08 - I'm Lindsey. - Lindsey, okay.
02:10 Are you excited to see her with short hair?
02:11 Very, very, well, listen.
02:13 Oh, okay, it clogs up the drain, right?
02:17 Well, mom looks great in short hair, so.
02:19 All right, here we go, there's the first cut.
02:21 These moms are chilling in their own hair.
02:24 (laughing)
02:26 Next year, we're gonna try and get you
02:27 a short hair of scissors.
02:29 They're like the ones I have at home.
02:33 There you go, mom said she needs to stop.
02:36 - Let's go, Amanda!
02:37 - Awesome, and what's your name?
02:39 (cheering)
02:41 What's your name?
02:42 - Kim. - Kim, rolling.
02:44 Oh, there you go.
02:46 Taking the other cut off.
02:47 How's Amanda doing down there?
02:51 How's she looking, everybody's looking good?
02:53 (cheering)
02:55 Awesome.
02:56 This is, I think, the first time ever
02:59 that we've had a screen where the shavies
03:01 can look at themselves while they're happening.
03:03 And nobody's running out.
03:05 - Yeah. - Awesome, okay.
03:08 - I think it's pretty good.
03:11 - Okay, they're doing the first shave
03:13 to get through here, beautiful.
03:15 - Go, Amanda!
03:19 - I'm just so tired right now.
03:22 - Three, two, one, shave.
03:25 Okay, there's Hillary.
03:27 - Amanda Bones.
03:28 - Just before we do a live cut in back to the station,
03:32 I'm gonna come and talk to, who is now, it will be Leanne.
03:35 (cheering)
03:37 Leanne?
03:38 Leanne.
03:39 (cheering)
03:41 It's because of the organization,
03:45 you spell names differently.
03:47 Not to spell it all modern and everything.
03:49 How you feeling?
03:50 You probably have almost the longest,
03:53 if not the longest hair, everybody.
03:54 How are you feeling?
03:55 - I'm really nervous.
03:57 - Okay, have you always had long hair?
03:59 - Yes.
04:00 - Yeah, pretty much always.
04:01 - No, no, no, no.
04:02 - Maybe when you were two months old.
04:04 Are you saying, no, don't let her do it?
04:06 - She has short hair.
04:08 - You had short hair before.
04:09 You know, honestly, I thought you had extensions
04:12 when I first saw them.
04:13 So beautiful.
04:14 Jessica Simpson, eat your heart out.
04:16 Okay, all right, so we're gonna get to you
04:19 in just one second.
04:20 Who will be doing the first cut, no, first shave?
04:23 - Well, my best friends, Ashley and Courtney
04:25 are gonna cut the front of my mom's head.
04:28 - Awesome.
04:29 Okay, you can get the friends up here ready to go
04:31 and mom, and a special thanks to all the moms
04:33 who came out today and supporting their children.
04:36 That's wonderful.
04:37 Okay, so we're gonna get ready and order the bags.
04:40 (cheering)
04:43 - Good job, mom.
04:52 - Oh, yes.
04:52 - Okay, you guys, we're going to finish up these cuts.
04:57 What I'm gonna do is we're calling back to the station.
04:59 - Can I make a line?
05:00 - To Virgin that goes on as right now doing her show.
05:03 And we're gonna do what we call a cut-in.
05:05 So we're gonna do a little report back to the station
05:08 from Beaconsfield High School
05:10 so everybody knows exactly what's happening here.
05:13 And I think Nancy is about to maybe make a reveal.
05:18 So I'm just gonna dial things up here.
05:21 I should have a program, but I don't.
05:30 - Come on, we can see your eyes.
