A City Anthropomorphic Animals And It's Conspiracy
In a world populated by anthropomorphic mammals, Judy Hopps, a rabbit from rural Bunnyburrow, fulfils her childhood dream of becoming the first rabbit police officer in the urban city of Zootopia. Despite being the academy valedictorian, Judy is assigned to parking duty by ZPD Chief Bogo.
On her first day on the job, Judy is hustled by a con artist fox duo, Nick Wilde and Finnick. The next day, small-time crook Duke Weaselton steals a bag of Midnicampum holicithias crocus bulbs. Judy abandons her post to arrest Weaselton, and is reprimanded by Bogo. Mrs. Otterton unexpectedly barges into Bogo's office, pleading for someone to find her husband Emmitt, one of fourteen missing predators. Judy volunteers, and the city's assistant mayor, a sheep named Dawn Bellwether, praises the assignment. Bogo has no choice but to agree, but secretly orders Judy to resign if she fails after forty-eight hours.
Having ascertained that Nick was the last to see Emmitt, Judy forces him to help her by covertly recording his confession to tax evasion on her carrot pen. They track Emmitt's belongings to a limousine owned by crime boss Mr. Big, an arctic shrew whom Nick has a history with. Mr. Big reveals that Emmitt suddenly went "savage" and attacked Mr. Big's chauffeur Manchas, a black jaguar.
In a world populated by anthropomorphic mammals, Judy Hopps, a rabbit from rural Bunnyburrow, fulfils her childhood dream of becoming the first rabbit police officer in the urban city of Zootopia. Despite being the academy valedictorian, Judy is assigned to parking duty by ZPD Chief Bogo.
On her first day on the job, Judy is hustled by a con artist fox duo, Nick Wilde and Finnick. The next day, small-time crook Duke Weaselton steals a bag of Midnicampum holicithias crocus bulbs. Judy abandons her post to arrest Weaselton, and is reprimanded by Bogo. Mrs. Otterton unexpectedly barges into Bogo's office, pleading for someone to find her husband Emmitt, one of fourteen missing predators. Judy volunteers, and the city's assistant mayor, a sheep named Dawn Bellwether, praises the assignment. Bogo has no choice but to agree, but secretly orders Judy to resign if she fails after forty-eight hours.
Having ascertained that Nick was the last to see Emmitt, Judy forces him to help her by covertly recording his confession to tax evasion on her carrot pen. They track Emmitt's belongings to a limousine owned by crime boss Mr. Big, an arctic shrew whom Nick has a history with. Mr. Big reveals that Emmitt suddenly went "savage" and attacked Mr. Big's chauffeur Manchas, a black jaguar.
Short film