Lion Blocking Road to Attack the Vehicle ATP Earth

  • last year
00:00 (car engine starts)
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00:40 As the cases of a wild animal's attack on the humans do not happen often,
00:44 and especially for the carnivores, because they live not close to the residential areas,
00:49 but when they do, the consequences can be unpredictable.
00:53 As the lions attacking other animals in the natural world is probably too common,
01:00 as conflicts between animals on the savannah still take place every day and every hour without end,
01:07 and only when the ruler of the jungle strikes the finishing blows will the battle really end.
01:13 But if the lions attack the humans, then surely they must have a reason.
01:21 So what do you think are their reasons?
01:34 And although lions generally do not like to hunt humans,
01:37 some individuals, usually the male lions, actively seek out humans,
01:42 as lions usually only attack people when the food are scarce or they are older lions that are no longer able to hunt,
01:50 as it is also possible that humans have inadvertently violated their territory,
01:56 and because lions have a very high territorial behavior, similar to tigers.
02:02 In some cases where people live near nature reserves or the wild forests,
02:07 as it is also an indirect cause for animals, and in this case the lions, to attack the people.
02:13 As an animal sanctuary in Asia, due to the insufficient space, the lions can escape and attack the people,
02:21 and similar to the case of the leopards attacking people in India in the early 19th century,
02:29 when these leopards had sneaked into the residential areas.
02:36 As traffic jams are an annoying situation that many of us don't want to get into,
02:45 as no one wants to be stuck for a very long time on a busy road with the risk of being late for school or work.
02:53 But what if the culprit causing the traffic jam are the lions?
02:58 Would you dare to complain or take any action against these lions?
03:02 As a herd of lions, mostly the female lions, crosses a road in the Kruger Nature Park in North Africa,
03:16 as they don't even leave a gap for the cars to pass through.
03:21 As the cars entering this road either turned around or had stood there with a look of helplessness, not knowing what to do.
03:29 As the lions were calmly uncensored, as if they considered this to be their territory,
03:35 as they look very relaxed and sometimes even lick and groom each other.
03:40 Even as a challenge, these lions also move close to the parked cars and lie down there,
03:47 as the people in the car couldn't do anything but take out the camera and to take a picture,
03:53 and the car had stopped more and more in a longer line.
03:58 As the glass of the car door is to protect the safety of the driver and the passengers,
04:09 as well as soundproof, windproof and dustproof.
04:14 However, safety protection here refers to the dangers that are present,
04:19 as it can happen when travelling on the road, but no matter how talented the car manufacturers are,
04:25 they can't know that one day the car window will help the people in the car avoid being injured by a lion's claw.
04:42 As this lion not only blocked the front of the car, but also raised his hand to hit the car's window,
04:48 as the guy in the car should be lucky that the window glass was pulled up,
04:52 so the lion's attack did not cause any injuries.
04:55 And more frightening is that these lions also run after the car and jump on the rear end of the car.
05:11 Unfortunately, the car was able to roll and run in time.
05:15 As the lions also use their teeth to bite the walls of the car,
05:26 as sometimes animals prove to us that they are more unpredictable than we think,
05:32 as the unbelievable situations that the girls encountered below is an example.
05:37 While visiting a nature reserve, the girls had stopped to look at the lions,
05:41 and one of them had came close to observing the car.
05:45 However, it seems that the car door was not closed tightly, so the lion was able to easily open it.
05:54 Panicked, the girls closed the door tightly, and it looked like they had an uncomfortable memory.
06:02 I know!
06:03 There's a locked door!
06:06 Oh my gosh, I didn't know they could do that!
06:08 As it is extremely important to ensure the safety when visiting the national parks,
06:14 where wildlife conservation is important,
06:17 which is why we are often taught mandatory rules to protect our own safety.
06:21 And some people may disregard these rules,
06:26 but the following lions have shown us that it is always necessary to be careful.
06:32 The visitors are surrounded by lions to be able to take some pictures of them,
06:38 and suddenly the male lion had stood up and let out a roar.
06:43 And although they didn't attack the car, that was enough to make the guests' hearts flutter.
06:54 And although the lions' attacks are quite rare in practice,
06:58 the above situation are enough to make us more vigilant when approaching the places where they appear.
07:04 As whether in a reserve or a nature park, lions are still lions,
07:12 as they still have the instincts of the wild animals.
07:15 And to be more careful, some zoologists have given advice
07:19 on how to react and to protect yourself when encountering a lion in the wild.
07:24 As always look it straight in the eye and don't interrupt it.
07:28 Step back very slowly and do not turn your back to the lion and do not run away.
07:34 As lions will often move to observe their prey before jumping in to attack.
07:40 And in that case, swinging the arms to make it appear larger,
07:45 while making a lot of noise to distract the predator's attention,
07:48 is the right thing to do.
07:50 As lions have always been considered strong and aggressive.
07:58 As they do not hesitate to attack all of the other animals, including the humans,
08:04 but when they feel hungry or feel uncomfortable.
08:07 As today's video comes to an end, thank you all so much for watching this video
08:13 and don't forget to like, share and subscribe and follow us to see more interesting videos about the animal world.
08:20 Goodbye and see you in the next video.
