Joe Wicks’ Follow Along 15-Minute 4-Move Bodyweight Burner Workout

  • last year
This session feels good while you’re doing it and gives you the buzz you want afterwards, too. We’re going to be taking some basic bodyweight moves and adding some explosive elements to each one to keep your mind engaged for the full 15 minutes.

You’ll take on four movements, doing 60 seconds’ work on each, moving from one to
the other without rest. When you finish the fourth move, rest for the next 60 seconds, then start again from the top. Do three rounds in total.

The Moves
1. Squat Front Kick
Stand tall, keeping your chest up. Sink your hips back, then bend your knees to drop your thighs until they are parallel to the floor (A). Now, this is what gets those endorphins going. As you stand back
up, lift one foot off the floor and kick forward explosively (B). Switch your kicking leg with every rep.

2. Press-Up Kick-Through
Assume a long-arm plank position, with your core braced and your hands stacked below
your shoulders (A). Bend your elbows, lowering your chest to the floor. Whe
