The Gyms That Refused To Be Locked Down

  • last year
On the day gyms reopen across England, Men’s Health UK staff writer, Daniel Davies speaks to gym owners who refused to close during the second national lockdown back in November 2020.

Men’s Health UK finds out why the owners – Andreas Michli of Zone Gym, London and Alex Lowndes of Gainz Fitness and Strength, Bedford – kept their gyms open and asks whether the risk was worth it.

For Lowndes, who shares how some of his members contemplated suicide in the past year without the safety net of the gym in their lives, locking down was never the solution, but by staying open were he and Michli’s putting more lives at risk?

Daniel also speaks to GP and amateur bodybuilder Dr Francis Dasilva about the strain the NHS has been under in the past year. In his eyes, gyms were wrong to open when the government ordered them to close.

As we found out, it’s a debate that isn’t as black and white as you may think.
