• 2 years ago


00:00 What happens when two of Africa's most notorious predators go head to head?
00:07 How do the fierce battles between these two animals take place?
00:14 Will the king of things, with his ferocity and superior strength, let his agility and cunning defeat him?
00:27 Let's watch this video to the end to see how Leopard confronts the Lion.
00:33 What if the lone Leopard was surrounded by Lions?
00:42 With an agile physique and outstanding climbing ability, but when facing a herd of Lions, what will be the end for the Leopard?
00:53 If it doesn't escape, it will die.
01:13 This is the answer for this lone Leopard after it is surrounded by Lions, and then the notorious predator could not escape the fate of death.
01:33 The painful slaps from the two animals, and the constant bites at the weak point, they cause the Leopard to suffer.
01:43 Finally, the Lion finished off with a fatal bite to the nose.
01:50 However, after killing the Leopard, the Lion did not eat it, but left.
02:01 It can be seen that facing a herd of Lions, the Leopard cannot win, and even if it does not escape, it will be tragically killed by the Lion.
02:13 The Leopard is a very powerful animal, and the lion is a very powerful predator.
02:20 The Leopard is a very powerful animal, and the lion is a very powerful predator.
02:27 The Leopard is a very powerful animal, and the lion is a very powerful predator.
02:34 The Leopard is a very powerful animal, and the lion is a very powerful predator.
02:40 However, there are times when the Leopard's intelligence and cunning have saved it from death.
02:49 Before our eyes, we are not witnessing the scene of a Leopard being surrounded by Lions.
03:08 A Cleverie lies down and crouch, sometimes even lying on its back, showing its weakness to show its harmlessness.
03:17 I thought the Leopard would die under the Lion's claws, but no, when the Lions were not alert, it ran like lightning and narrowly escaped death.
03:30 Once again, the lone Leopard was surrounded by Lions, perhaps badly wounded by the Lions, bites and unable to escape.
03:51 The lionesses prevented the male Lion from attacking the Leopard, which saved the Leopard from dying.
04:12 Perhaps the Leopard also cannot survive this attack, because when injured, the Leopard will face more dangers.
04:31 This lone Leopard is surrounded by Lions, it is nestled in the trees and can't even fight the Lion's claws.
04:40 But it seems luck was on it, the Lions left its chance of surviving.
04:55 In fact, the Leopard has never been considered a rival by Lions except for direct competition for food.
05:04 Therefore, when faced with a dispute, the Leopard often chooses to flee to preserve its life.
05:12 Because a Lion has a confrontation with a Leopard, surely the Leopard will not have a chance to win.
05:20 A powerful bite to the throat, slaps from the sky, all the top attacks of the Lion will also make the Leopard dizzy and seriously injured.
05:30 That is the power of the Meadow Kings.
05:47 If a Lion is known as the Lord of all species, because of its large body, outstanding strength and the charisma of a King,
05:56 the advantage of a Leopard is agility and superior climbing ability.
06:03 [Music]
06:27 Each time they hunt, Leopards take advantage of their body's toughness and hide in the dry grass.
06:34 They hunt gently and make their prey undetectable.
06:40 When the opportunity comes, it accelerates to jump up and pounce for the precision.
06:46 The bite to the neck causes the prey to stop breathing.
06:52 [Music]
06:55 Even Leopards sometimes attack giant Pythons.
07:10 These images show just how powerful the Leopard is.
07:15 Yet, they are still inferior to Lions. This further confirms their position as the Grassland Kings.
07:24 In the natural world, the Lion is a majestic king in this African grassland.
07:37 Leopards, no matter how agile and smart, if they do not know how to take advantage of this strength,
07:45 they will surely receive catastrophic failures like other Herding Dogs.
07:52 Our video comes to an end. How do you like this video? Please comment down below.
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08:09 Goodbye and see you in the next videos.
