Argentina: 'Death Flight' aircraft returns to the country, to be put up in a museum | Oneindia News

  • last year
A cargo plane used by military henchmen during Argentina's "dirty war" to fly leftists over the ocean and push them to their deaths has been brought back to the country, where it may go on display in a museum on the theme horrors of dictatorship. The Belfast-built Skyvan PA-51 cargo plane landed in Buenos Aires yesterday after sleuths traced it to the United States, where for much of the last decade it had been ferrying skydivers with very few being aware of its gruesome history. The plane, which was discovered in the U.S., is the first ever to be proven in a court that it was indeed used by Argentina’s junta to hurl political detainees to their deaths from the sky one of the Bloody period’s most cold-blooded atrocities. Argentina’s government will add the plane to the Museum of Memory, which is in what was the junta's most infamous secret detention center. Known as the ESMA, it housed many of the detainees who were later tossed alive from the "death flights" into the ocean or river an official ceremony on Monday will mark the plane's return, amid a push to exhibit it at the Museum of Memory dedicated to victims of the rightist military regime that convulsed the country from 1976 until 1983.

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