• 2 years ago
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - Hi there, welcome to the No Fail Protocol DVD set.
00:24 My name is James Tripp, and I am going to be the person
00:26 who's guiding you through this material
00:28 and sharing these ideas with you.
00:30 But before we get into it, I'd just like to
00:33 kind of set the frame, set the scene,
00:34 and give you an idea that will really help you
00:36 get the most out of this.
00:38 First things first, what is the No Fail Protocol?
00:43 Well, it's essentially a safety net
00:46 for hypnotists and hypnotherapists.
00:49 Now, one thing that has become apparent
00:52 since I've been teaching hypnosis,
00:53 it was apparent to me before I was teaching,
00:55 'cause it was an issue for me myself,
00:57 is there's a massive need for a system
01:02 for hypnotists and hypnotherapists
01:04 to ensure that they can go for the kinds of things
01:07 they wanna go for with their clients or with their subjects
01:10 without having to worry about failing
01:13 and ending up with egg on your face
01:15 and losing credibility in front of your client
01:17 or your subject.
01:18 Now, that's a bad thing.
01:19 It doesn't help you do good hypnosis.
01:20 It doesn't help you do good hypnotherapy.
01:22 So what we need is this safety net,
01:24 and this is what the No Fail Protocol is.
01:27 Now, that one idea I wanna share with you
01:28 before we start proper is the idea that
01:32 when you look at a hypnosis process,
01:36 let's imagine somebody's going for a hypnotic phenomena
01:38 like amnesia or something like that,
01:41 you see a linear process.
01:44 You see A followed by B followed by C followed by D,
01:48 all the way like a straight road going to the phenomena.
01:51 That's what you see when things are successful.
01:54 So it's easy to jump to the assumption
01:57 that hypnosis is a linear process,
01:59 that you do one thing, then another,
02:00 then another, then another,
02:02 and you end up at the result that you're going for.
02:05 But the truth is this is a very limiting way
02:08 to think about hypnosis.
02:10 It's far better to realise
02:12 that as you go through a hypnosis process,
02:14 there are multiple points where the road can split.
02:18 It's almost like a decision tree,
02:20 and that at any one of these points,
02:22 I call them critical points,
02:23 things could go one way or the other.
02:26 Now, your job as a hypnotist is to influence them
02:29 in a certain direction,
02:30 but that's the most that you can do.
02:32 You cannot make somebody go down the line,
02:35 go down the road that you want them to go down.
02:36 You can only influence them.
02:38 And oftentimes, they will go the other way.
02:41 They will take the other fork in the path.
02:44 What you need to be able to do is develop the skills,
02:46 develop the flexibility to be able to roll
02:48 with whichever way things go
02:50 and still maintain control of the process.
02:53 When you can do that,
02:55 when you can maintain control of the process
02:57 from end to end, wherever it comes out,
02:59 'cause it could come out here,
03:00 could come out here, could come out here,
03:02 could come out here,
03:03 it's not always gonna be that neat straight road.
03:05 When you can do that, you can roll with every choice,
03:08 you can roll with every direction,
03:10 and you can roll with any outcome
03:12 so as you can claim that outcome.
03:14 You can own that outcome.
03:16 You can make it part of everything
03:18 that was gonna happen the whole time.
03:21 When you can do that, you can never fail.
03:24 Now, the advantage of doing this and having this mindset
03:28 is that when you know that you can be in control,
03:31 whatever happens, you can be in control of the process
03:33 and bring it to an outcome
03:34 that's gonna be satisfactory for you,
03:37 when you can do this,
03:39 (sighs)
03:40 the pressure's off.
03:41 And suddenly, your success rates
03:44 for getting those top-quality phenomena happening
03:46 just go through the roof.
03:48 So that is what the no-fail protocol is about in a capsule.
03:54 We're gonna go into full detail now,
03:56 so buckle up, get your learning head on,
03:59 and enjoy the journey.
04:02 Who in this room
04:03 would put their hand up and say, "Yes, I am a hypnotist"?
04:08 Who would say, "I am a hypnotist"?
04:10 Okay, maybe about half.
04:12 Who wouldn't yet say that they were a hypnotist?
04:17 Okay.
04:18 So maybe more than half.
04:20 Was there anyone who didn't put their hand up
04:22 for either of those two choices?
04:24 Okay.
04:26 Right.
04:28 Is there anyone here who has no intention
04:31 of becoming a hypnotist or doing any hypnotising
04:34 or hypnosis, whatever?
04:35 Okay, so everybody at least is doing stuff
04:40 or will be doing stuff.
04:42 Today is going to be about doing stuff.
04:46 While I'm gonna be sharing a lot of ideas and concepts,
04:49 and not abstract ideas, not wild philosophical concepts,
04:53 but real models for doing things
04:56 and doing things in an effective way,
04:58 while I will be sharing those with you today,
05:00 what today's really gonna be about
05:01 is doing stuff and learning stuff.
05:04 You've been talking about what you'd like
05:06 to get out of today.
05:07 I have a secret for you.
05:09 It's a secret that only myself
05:12 and Seymour, my pet mouse here,
05:16 know.
05:18 I have an agenda for today.
05:20 I have something that I want for everybody in this room,
05:22 and I'm not gonna tell you what that is yet.
05:24 I'm not gonna tell you what that is yet.
05:28 Now the stuff we're gonna be doing here today,
05:30 this is the No Fail Protocol, which I like that name.
05:33 I thought it was a good name.
05:35 This is what we're going to be doing today,
05:37 and I want you to know that this is not something
05:40 that I've been doing for years
05:45 and have been keeping locked up,
05:46 ready to unleash on the world.
05:47 This is something that is in a process of evolution.
05:50 The stuff I'm gonna share with you is about what I do
05:54 when I do hypnosis to make sure that I cannot fail.
05:58 So I'm continually developing strategies along those lines.
06:03 And...