• last year
00:00 Hi, first of all I would like to welcome you to this DVD featuring the Ultimate Backlit.
00:06 My name is Jeremy Pei from Redefine Magic Singapore and I would like to thank you for purchasing this trick of mine.
00:14 So basically it's a card trick that I've been using all these years for over the past 10 years in my live performances.
00:19 It's a great packet trick to carry with you because I think it resets instantly so it's very good for walkaround performances.
00:26 It packs a lot of playback. It's a variation of many many different routines of such kind.
00:33 It's a variation of Roy Walters' Cascade. Basically I've improvised the opening sequence of the routine to make it more visual
00:40 as well as a nice build up for the finale sequence as well as some other nice touches to this routine
00:46 which could be suitable for presentation on TV or for a drawing room form of close-up presentation.
00:53 So I hope you will enjoy this trick and enjoy this DVD. So if you're ready, here we go.
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01:59 Okay, first of all I'd like to thank you for purchasing the Ultimate Bag Clip. This is what you get.
02:11 Inside the set you will receive a set of cards needed to perform the trick, an instructional booklet
02:20 and of course the video CD-ROM which you are playing right now. This is the set that you receive.
02:27 We're going to go through the cards right now that you get. Each and every single set of Ultimate Bag Clip may contain different cards.
02:36 However, the set is still the same. Later on I'm going to teach you how you can customize this trick to perform for different presentations.
02:44 You will receive in your set three cards with identical faces. For my set I have with me the three tens.
02:53 They have identical faces, however their backs are all different.
02:58 Then you will also receive two cards with identical backs and different faces from the rest.
03:06 These two, we're going to place them just behind the backs that are similar. For this case, this set will be the red bicycle bag.
03:15 Now we're going to do the setup of the trick. To set up for this trick, what you need to do is take both identical faces in the different bag design.
03:24 You can turn them face up and take the two different faces and you can sandwich the two tens in between.
03:31 From the front it looks like this. From the back it's going to look like this.
03:36 The card with the identical back and identical face is going to go second from the top right over here.
03:45 Just like this. This will be the setup of the Ultimate Bag Clip in performance mode.
03:50 At the end of the trick, it actually resets by itself back to this position whereby you can perform again for the next crowd.
03:57 I'm going to explain to you one more time.
03:59 This will be the two same faces, the two same backs, different faces.
04:07 The card with the same back and the same face will go second from the top.
04:12 This is the setup of the trick. We'll move on to the performance.
04:21 Before we actually perform the Ultimate Bag Clip routine, we first have to learn a couple of moves that are needed in this routine.
04:28 They're all explained inside the instructional booklet that you can read and study the trick with illustration.
04:35 For now, we're going to just explain to you a couple of moves needed.
04:39 Firstly, you need to learn an Elmsley Count to perform this trick.
04:43 An Elmsley Count is created by Mr. Alex Elmsley and you can study more in-depth in his books or videos.
04:50 I'm just going to explain to you briefly.
04:52 With the set already set up, we're going to do the Elmsley Count.
04:55 Elmsley Count looks something like this. We're going to show you from side view.
04:59 Holding the pack in the grip over here in the left hand, we're going to thumb off one card from the top.
05:05 Then pull the entire stack away. That's one.
05:09 With the right hand, I'm going to use my thumb and do a block push-off of three cards.
05:15 Then I'm going to put this hand back.
05:17 We're going to steal this card back into the right hand and thumb off the entire stack of three from the right.
05:24 We're just going to count off these two cards down on top.
05:29 Now, over here, we're going to do it one more time. Just like this, I'll show you the Elmsley Count.
05:35 All set up. Thumb off one card like this. That's one.
05:38 Do a block push-off. This card will go underneath. That's two.
05:42 This is three. This is four.
05:45 This is the Elmsley Count.
05:47 Right now, we're going to do another different move to cause all the cards to turn from face down to face up.
05:55 To move on to that move, what we need to do is, we'll explain the sequence later.
05:59 Take the third card from the top to turn it face up.
06:02 Now, we're going to do a modified version of the Elmsley Count to instantly show all the cards turn face up.
06:08 Instead of counting off the first card from the top, we're going to count the first card from the bottom.
06:12 Sort of like a bottom deal.
06:14 The way we do this is, we do a pinky pull-down of the bottom card.
06:19 We take the entire stack from the top and we pull off the bottom card. Sort of like doing a bottom deal.
06:25 A deal from the top, but actually dealing from the bottom.
06:29 Then from there on, you're going to carry on the Elmsley Count by doing the block push-off,
06:32 steal back this card, thumb off the top, and thumb off these two cards.
06:37 This will show all the cards turning from face down to face up.
06:42 The rest of the moves are pretty self-automatic, which we'll explain later in the performance of this actual routine.
06:51 Let's move on.
06:54 Now we're ready to explain the entire sequence of the Ultimate Backflip Routine.
06:59 Your cards are all set in this manner.
07:02 Front and back, it looks like this.
07:06 To start off, you're going to perform the Elmsley Count to show that all the cards are face down.
07:10 It looks like this. 1, 2, 3, and 4.
07:14 Then, you're going to take the third card from the top.
07:17 Usually what I'll do is lift up card by card.
07:21 Then I'll just use my finger and pull out one of the cards.
07:24 I'm going to show you another shortcut method to get into this later.
07:27 Take the third card from the top, turn it face up.
07:30 Do the same move we just learned. Do the pinky pull-down first, do a bottom deal.
07:34 Sort of like the Elmsley Count, but dealing the first one from the bottom.
07:37 Then carry on to show all the cards turn face up.
07:40 The shortcut move to take the third card would be as you count off the last two cards,
07:44 you're going to hold a pinky break.
07:49 Immediately, just use your finger and pull it out so you can drop the cards on top.
07:53 Just like this.
07:54 All the cards right now, do the pinky pull-down.
07:57 Do the Elmsley Count from the bottom again to show all the cards have turned face down.
08:01 At this point, you can actually do this trick again and again, but usually I just recommend doing it two times.
08:06 Because you don't want to repeat the same trick too many times.
08:09 Now you're going to slow down.
08:12 Take the third card again, pull it out, and do a top change.
08:17 It doesn't have to be a very discreet top change.
08:20 You can just simply switch the two cards from the top and put it aside.
08:24 Then you're going to move on.
08:26 For the next one, all you have to do is hold the deck in the middle grip position.
08:29 Like this.
08:30 I'm going to show you the other side.
08:32 Just hold it like this. Use your left thumb and thumb off the cards.
08:36 One by one.
08:38 One, two, holding a double in this hand.
08:41 Now you're going to put this double on top of the deck.
08:45 Thumb off the cards again.
08:46 Go one, two, just like this.
08:50 Now this double, we're going to put it at the bottom.
08:53 Then, you're going to thumb off one.
08:56 At this point, it's a little bit tricky.
08:58 You're going to switch this one card for the entire stack in your right hand.
09:03 The way I do this, a simple method of doing it would be this.
09:06 The middle finger and thumb is holding onto this stack of cards.
09:09 I'm going to use my thumb and the fourth finger to grip this single card.
09:14 It's going to go like this.
09:15 One, thumb, and fourth finger.
09:17 It's going to grip that card.
09:18 Then I'm going to thumb off the entire stack of three.
09:22 Then put it on top.
09:23 From the audience's point of view, it looks like you have one, two, and three cards all turned face up.
09:28 But actually, your pack looks like this.
09:30 Two face up and two face down.
09:32 Now you're going to move on.
09:33 You're going to take one of the cards, the top card actually, which has a different back.
09:37 You're going to put it down on the table.
09:40 Then you're going to do the same thing.
09:41 Middle finger and thumb off the first card.
09:42 You're going to show one card turned face down.
09:45 Put this card on top.
09:46 You're going to thumb off again to show that two cards have turned face down.
09:50 Now the card that is left in my left hand, the single card, will then be placed on the table.
09:54 Over here, you actually have a double back.
09:57 One of the backs here, for this instance, shows the red casino back, the red B back.
10:02 Sometimes it may show the blue bicycle back.
10:07 It's just a different back.
10:09 You're just going to hold this as a double in your hand.
10:11 Then you just say that we're just going to use one card this time.
10:14 That will be this one on the table.
10:16 You can ask questions like, "What color is this?"
10:19 They usually say red.
10:20 You say, "No, actually this is blue."
10:22 This card can be examined because it's in single card.
10:25 Then you move on to either card on the left or the right.
10:28 You say, "What card is this?"
10:30 They will of course say it's a 10.
10:31 "No, actually it's an 8."
10:33 It's a different card.
10:34 Then they can also examine this card as well.
10:37 Then after that, I'll usually move on to this card over here and say that because they have been amazed by these two cards,
10:42 then instantly I do a shape shifter change to change this card from the red to the B back or the blue card.
10:49 You can do a shape shifter or you can do just a direct turnover.
10:53 Push the card right through your hand to change the card.
10:55 It's up to you.
10:56 We can just briefly explain the shape shifter change of course by Mark D'Souza.
11:02 We grip the card with the thumb and the middle finger just like this.
11:07 Sort of like beveling the card upwards.
11:10 Then with my thumb and middle finger of the left hand, we're just going to grip the other edge, the other 2 edges over here.
11:15 We're going to pull down on the card.
11:17 Pull down on the card like this.
11:19 Then in one motion, what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to release pressure on the thumb.
11:24 Do a little short flick action with the middle finger of this hand just like this.
11:28 Release the thumb and flip it over.
11:31 It looks like this.
11:33 It will just change.
11:35 Of course in performance mode, if you do it fast enough, it should look like a very visual change of the card changing into a different back design.
11:42 Thereafter, I quickly turn over this one to show that it's a different face.
11:46 Now, to clean up, to go back to reset the trick, I take this card here, put it on top and pick up these 2 cards to show 2 different backs and 2 different faces.
11:57 You basically end at this point.
11:58 To reset, just put 1 card at the bottom and 1 card on top and you can perform this trick again.
12:02 You can put it away in your pocket.
12:04 Sometimes, I like to explain that magic is just an illusion.
12:07 I turn the entire stack over and I do the same trick again in the first face by showing all 4 red back cards and 4 ten of spades.
12:17 Same thing doing the buckle and then counting off the cards one by one.
12:20 Thereafter, I take the third card, I turn it over, take the bottom card, put it on top and I'm still reset to perform the ultimate backflip again for the next table or for the next crowd.
12:31 It's a very strong trick, a really strong packet trick that you can perform and entertain your crowds and leave them with sheer amazement.
12:40 I hope you enjoy this ultimate backflip.
12:42 I'm going to show you a variation to end ultimate backflip.
12:49 One of my favorite ways to end it.
12:51 I'm just going to show you right now.
12:52 In this face, you would like to do the top change for the card.
12:58 Same thing, we're going to do the top change. We're going to put the card on the table.
13:01 Then, you go through the sequence of doing the below grip and the tumbling of the cards.
13:05 You show one face up, two face up and all three cards face up.
13:09 Put down one card, one face down, two face down.
13:13 Put down this card and it's just saying that this time around, we're going to do it with one card, this card here in my hand.
13:19 Watch your card, it's right now face down and instantly, it turns face up.
13:24 At this point, what we could do is then we could end perfectly clean.
13:29 We can examine each and every single card to show that they have different faces and different back.
13:35 This ending is what I call the oscillator snap change.
13:39 We're going to explain to you right now.
13:41 The last card is actually being copped away from the deck.
13:45 We're actually in this position with these cards already removed from the stack like this.
13:51 You're left with this double face card which we could do the shape shifter.
13:58 For this case, we're going to do a snap change.
14:00 It's not a normal snap change.
14:02 It's actually an idea that I have of an oscillator snap change to show people that the card is face down and turn face up in the same position.
14:10 However, we're just going to explain to you how a snap change works because you will need that as well.
14:14 What I do is this.
14:16 The two fingers, the first and second finger of the right hand is on the front of this card.
14:22 The thumb is on the back like this.
14:25 The card is being gripped in this position.
14:27 All you have to do for the snap change is simply just pull back on the middle finger.
14:32 We're just going to pull back like this.
14:38 It will be hidden at the back of the card like this.
14:42 You have to watch your angles a bit when you perform this.
14:46 If the audiences are directly in front, this is okay.
14:49 Don't tilt it down too much, neither do you want to tilt it forward too much.
14:53 This is actually how a snap change is done.
14:55 Just two fingers in front, thumb at the back.
15:00 We're just going to pull in the middle finger like this.
15:05 The only idea that I added to this snap change is just to have my thumb and fingers gripping on the diagonal end of the card.
15:13 When I do a snap change like this, it serves two purposes.
15:16 Number one, it gives better cover.
15:19 The moment when you do this, the card provides more cover in a diagonal position for the card that is hidden at the back.
15:28 Also, it gives a more stunning change for the card because it's isolated at one position, just like this.
15:36 I'm going to do it from the side to show you how this works from the back.
15:41 Just like this.
15:42 Over here, one, two, three.
15:47 Just like this, the card is now at the back of the card.
15:50 To clean up, very simple, all we have to do is this.
15:52 I just come over here and I'm just going to cop, gambler's cop, the card that is snapped at the back like this.
16:00 I'm just going to relax.
16:03 You can actually lap the card if you're sitting by the side of the table or you can just put it into your pocket.
16:08 Or maybe if you have double-stick tape on your pants, you can just stick it to your pants.
16:13 We're just going to snap change, cop the card off.
16:16 At the same time, you reach forward to put down the card, you can just let the big action cover the small action of the hand dropping, like this.
16:24 For this, you end perfectly clean.
16:27 Examine all the cards to see that they are all different and you're only using four cards in the entire trick.
16:33 The only thing about this is that you can't end perfectly clean.
16:37 I hope you enjoy this.
16:39 This is the variation for the ultimate backflip I call the isolated snap change.
16:43 Thank you.
16:46 We're going to explain to you how you can actually customize your own set of ultimate backflip.
16:51 Let's say you're performing for a corporate show or a trade show.
16:54 What you could actually do is get stickers of the company's logo or any message that you would like to deliver and you can stick it on the cards that you have.
17:04 Actually, you don't stick it on this side, you stick it on the back.
17:08 For this case, you stick it on the different backs and on the different faces.
17:11 From the front, you can actually still perform the normal ultimate backflip routine by showing cards face down, turning face down and turning face up.
17:20 At the end of the trick, what's going to happen is then, let me just do it one more time to show you that the cards turn face down and then the cards will turn face up.
17:35 At the end of the trick, whereby you are left with these four cards on the table and of course, this card is either double or not,
17:42 you can actually turn over the cards to show that they have transformed into the company's logo or let's say a picture or a message you would like to deliver like this.
17:50 These are actually customized cards with stickers on them.
17:54 These are just some ideas that you can actually combine the ultimate backflip to perform.
17:59 And of course, you can actually also have the company's logo on the faces of the cards and show that the company's logo turning face up and face down in your hands.
18:08 These are just some ideas that you can have to customize your magic.
18:12 So, I hope you like it. Thank you.
18:14 Give a round of applause.
18:17 Come over here.
18:20 Take a seat on the step with me.
18:24 Come on. What's your name?
18:26 Tiffany.
18:27 Tiffany. Today, we are going to try something very special with some playing cards.
18:31 Everybody can see. You can zoom in a little bit.
18:33 Okay. We have right here four playing cards. Okay?
18:37 Now, Tiffany, I am going to just take one of the cards and turn it face up.
18:40 What card is this?
18:42 It's a three, right?
18:43 Watch this. Take a three. We turn it face up just like that.
18:45 And now, instantly, they all turn face up.
18:49 We will do it one more time.
18:50 Tiffany, one more time. Watch this.
18:51 We are going to take this three.
18:52 We turn it face down.
18:53 Instantly, they all turn face down.
18:57 Thank you.
18:59 Tiffany, you need to put out your hand for me.
19:01 Okay.
19:02 We are going to put one of the three in your hand.
19:03 Now, open up your hand.
19:04 Fantastic.
19:05 Now, put your hand on top of it.
19:07 On top of it. Great.
19:08 You are holding on to a three.
19:09 Watch. We are going to do it one by one.
19:10 The first three, turn face up.
19:13 Just like that.
19:15 The second three, turn face up.
19:19 One more time.
19:20 Now, the third three, all turn face up.
19:23 We are going to do it one more time.
19:24 We are going to put one more three inside your hand.
19:25 So, you are going to hold on to two.
19:26 And now, watch this.
19:27 One of the three turns face down.
19:29 And the other three turns face down.
19:32 Now, Tiffany, you are holding on to the threes.
19:34 I would like to ask you a question.
19:36 Open up your hand again.
19:37 This three over here, what is the color of the back of the card?
19:41 Blue.
19:42 Are you sure?
19:43 You are watching this close.
19:44 No, actually, it's blue, but it's a blue B bag.
19:46 Examine the card. Okay.
19:48 Now, this card here, you saw it was a three.
19:50 What color was it? Was it a three?
19:52 Actually, it's all an illusion.
19:53 This is a four of diamonds.
19:54 This card here that looks like a blue bag, watch,
19:56 it's actually a red bag card.
19:58 And this card here is actually a queen of hearts.
20:00 So, there are actually no three of clubs in this trick at all.
20:03 Please give Tiffany a round of applause.
20:05 But, Tiffany, would you blow out all the cards?
20:09 Watch this.
20:10 Instantly, now we have four blue bag cards.
20:15 And, one, two, three.
20:19 (audience applauding)
