• 2 years ago
Confidential Informant Movie Clip

Plot synopsis: This gritty crime thriller starring Mel Gibson tells the tale of two narcotics agents hunting for a cop killer during a crack epidemic. Hoping for leads, Moran (Dominic Purcell, “Prison Break”) and Thorton (Nick Stahl, Sin City) pay off a junkie informant. To provide for his wife (Kate Bosworth, Superman Returns) and son, Moran involves the stool pigeon in a deadly scheme. This causes the partners to come under the scrutiny of a suspicious internal affairs agent, leading to an explosive finale…

Director Michael Oblowitz
Writers Michael Kaycheck, Michael Oblowitz, Brooke Nasser
Actors Dominic Purcell, Mel Gibson, Nick Stahl, Kate Bosworth, Erik Valdez
Genre Action and Adventure, Thriller
Run Time 1 hour 28 minutes