Russia To Emerge Stronger Says Lavrov, Ukraine “Wins 18-Hour Luhansk Fight”, Poland Wants US Nukes

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Multiple explosions are being reported from an area near an airport in the Russia-occupied port city of Berdyansk in Zaporizhzhia. The reports come as Ukraine claims it has repelled an "enemy attack" and established new positions in the eastern region of Luhansk after an 18-hour battle. Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia has always emerged stronger from any difficulties while answering a question on Wagner’s mutiny. He also accused the West of trying to freeze the conflict to buy time to pump more weapons into Ukraine. Watch the video to find out more.
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“Russia To Emerge Stronger” Says Lavrov, Ukraine “Wins 18-Hour Luhansk Fight”, Poland Wants US Nukes

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