Killing Me Softly - Dr. Dharius Daniels

  • l’année dernière


00:00 You know what amen means? It means let it be so.
00:03 So every time you say amen, you're saying let it be so.
00:08 When you say amen, that's your faith talking.
00:11 Faith is saying I receive that.
00:13 Faith is saying I've discerned that if no one else on my row wants that, I want that for my life.
00:21 How many believe this is your season for freedom?
00:28 Free!
00:30 Listen to this.
00:34 Then she said to him, "How can you say I love you when you won't confide in me?"
00:41 Stop, stop. Look at me please. Look at me.
00:44 Never confuse love with manipulation.
00:51 She says, Delilah says to Samson, "If you love me, why won't you confide in me?"
00:58 Right?
00:59 So she has confused love with trust.
01:06 I confide in you when I trust you, not when I love you.
01:10 Because you can love people that aren't trustworthy.
01:14 Okay, next.
01:18 This is the third time you've made a fool of me and haven't told me the secret to your strength.
01:24 With such nagging, she prodded him day after day until he was sick to death of it.
01:30 So he told her everything.
01:32 No razor has ever been used on my head because I've been a Nazarite dedicated to God from my mother's womb.
01:39 If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me and I would become as weak as any other man.
01:47 When Delilah saw that he had told her everything, she sent word to the rulers of the Philistines,
01:52 "Come back once more. He's told me everything."
01:55 So the rulers of the Philistines returned with the silver in their hands.
01:58 And after putting him to sleep on her lap, she called for someone to shave off the seven braids of his hair.
02:05 And so began to subdue him.
02:08 And his strength left him.
02:12 I want to talk from this subject. I really believe it describes a reality we see here with Samson and Delilah.
02:18 And it's quite simple. The subject of today's sermon is this.
02:22 Killing me softly.
02:25 Killing me softly.
02:30 All my millennials are like, "What? Huh? What is that right?"
02:34 35 and older. 35.
02:40 Family, I want to begin today's teaching with four statements that I believe are salient and relevant and significant for this time of teaching.
02:50 The first of which is this. For my note-takers, these will be on the screens.
02:55 Your presence on this planet has purpose.
02:59 Your presence on this planet has purpose.
03:03 I'm simply suggesting that you are not the consequence of some cosmic coincidence.
03:08 You're not the result of some relational accident.
03:11 Your parents may not have planned you. They may have been surprised by your arrival.
03:15 The circumstances of your birth may not have been preferable.
03:19 But I want you to know just because people didn't plan your arrival doesn't mean God wasn't involved in your arrival.
03:27 And even if your birth was the consequence of messy circumstances, God is not intimidated by mess.
03:36 He takes mess and he turns it into miracles.
03:41 Your presence on this planet has purpose.
03:46 In John 18, 37, there's a king named Pilate, governor named Pilate, who has a conversation with Jesus.
03:55 And he says, "Are you a king?"
03:57 And Jesus says, "You say that I am a king, but for this cause."
04:03 "I was born and came into the world and that is to testify of the truth."
04:11 Notice what he says. There was a cause before there was a Christ.
04:15 That my birth is a response to a cause.
04:19 And I'm here for a reason.
04:23 The reason existed before I did.
04:26 And part of my spiritual journey in life is to discover the reason on earth that existed from heaven.
04:36 Your presence on this planet has purpose.
04:40 That's number one. Number two, your purpose is an answer to a problem.
04:45 Your purpose is an answer to a problem.
04:50 I need to hear an amen.
04:52 Let it be so, right?
04:54 Your purpose is an answer to a problem.
04:57 Wherever there is creation, for the most part, something is created with the intent of addressing an issue that exists in the earth.
05:08 The creation of the light bulb solves a darkness problem.
05:13 The creation of vehicles addresses transportation problems.
05:17 The creation of medicine addresses health problems.
05:21 Because when something is created, for the most part, it is created with the intent of addressing a problem that exists.
05:30 Jesus came to the earth to address a problem that was created by the adversary.
05:39 Adam broke something in one garden.
05:44 Jesus, the last Adam, fixed it on the cross.
05:52 You are here because some problems shouldn't be when you leave.
06:02 You didn't hear me.
06:04 Let me sit down.
06:07 Listen to this. I said you are here because some problems shouldn't be when you leave.
06:14 When Jesus was hanging on the cross, before he experienced death, he uttered these words in his agony.
06:24 It is finished.
06:29 I fixed what I came to fix.
06:32 I solved what I came to solve.
06:35 I addressed what I came to address.
06:38 And the earth is better because I was here.
06:43 Did you hear what I said? And when purpose is recognized and fulfilled, then we too can live life with that degree of confidence.
06:52 OK. Number three. If number two is true, number three makes sense.
06:58 And that's this. Your purpose is an object of attention for the adversary.
07:05 Your purpose is an object of attention for the adversary.
07:10 If number two is true, number three makes sense because you, sir, you, ma'am, are a problem solver.
07:20 The adversary is a problem instigator.
07:26 And therefore, if you exist to solve problems that he created.
07:33 Then your life's agenda is going to conflict with his life's agenda.
07:38 Therefore, your life becomes an object of his attention.
07:43 Because he knows the threat that you are before you discover who you are.
07:51 We see this also in the life of Jesus.
07:55 Who was since his birth the object of the attention of the adversary.
08:03 When he was born, Herod, a king, sent out a decree to have all male children who were born during that era annihilated.
08:13 Before Jesus was born, he was under attack.
08:17 And some of you were under attack before you knew what attacks were.
08:21 And some of you were under attack before you knew who you were.
08:25 And that was the reason you were under attack because it was the enemy's attempt to inhibit you from walking in and understanding of who you are.
08:35 Because when you get that, you become a problem solver.
08:41 And you address problems that he wants to exist.
08:45 Am I making sense?
08:49 Number four, number four, number four.
08:53 Your purpose does not require perfection.
08:57 But it does require freedom.
09:06 You know, in Matthew chapter 5 verses 13 through 16, Jesus uses, Jesus uses a couple of key words.
09:14 To help his audience understand their identity in light of who they are in their relationship with God.
09:20 Two words he uses are salt and light.
09:22 He says you're the salt of the earth.
09:24 And then he says you're the light of the world, right?
09:26 Okay, light of the world.
09:28 Now, how many of you have ever seen a light shine while it's still in the box?
09:36 You haven't.
09:38 Because in order for it to accomplish its assignment, it has to be free from the container that's holding it.
09:46 Because purpose requires freedom.
09:49 Not perfection.
09:51 Because we will all have periodic, we have had periodic, episodic stints and struggles with certain individuals and issues.
10:02 But it is one thing, right, to have imperfection.
10:07 It's another thing to be subject to, ensnared by, entangled by, something that you have to ask permission to it, from it, to do what God's calling you to do.
10:23 Purpose requires freedom.
10:25 Because when God asks me to do something, he doesn't have time for me to consult my Pharaoh.
10:33 Yeah, when he tells me to give, he wants me to give.
10:36 When he tells me to go, he wants me to go.
10:38 When he tells me to help, he wants me to help.
10:40 And he doesn't have time.
10:42 His agenda cannot be subject to me having to ask what is holding me hostage.
10:47 Can I do what God's calling me to do?
10:50 This is why God sent Moses to set Israel free from Egyptian captivity.
10:56 Because he said you can't worship the way I want you to worship in Egypt.
11:00 And you can't be used the way I want to use you in Egypt.
11:03 I need you to get out so that you can go up.
11:07 Somebody say amen.
11:09 All right. All right. All right.
11:12 So one of the ways the enemy attempts to inhibit you and I from solving the problems we were born to solve is by tying our hands, entangling us, ensnaring us with something that has an agenda that is in direct opposition
11:32 and has great contention with the agenda of God for our life.
11:43 He wants my hands tied so I can't fix what I've been created to fix.
11:51 He wants my hands tied so I can't solve what I've been created to solve.
11:58 He wants my hands tied so even when I have the faith, I don't have the freedom.
12:06 So that even when I want to do something, I can't do something because I don't have the ability to do something.
12:11 And life is about execution, not intention.
12:15 During a series in December called Just Do It.
12:21 Because life is not about good intentions. It's about good execution.
12:27 Am I making sense, family?
12:29 I said, am I making sense?
12:31 Yeah. And so the enemy so that it's important to know that the enemy wants to do this, but it's also important to know how he chooses to do this, because the Bible says if we are unaware of his devices, his strategies, his methods, his methods, then the enemy has an advantage over us.
12:51 So it's one thing to know what he does. It's another thing to know how he does it, because if I know how he does it, I can discern when he's working.
13:00 And I want to tell you that bondage shows up in our life in in a dress or dress in something that looks beautiful.
13:11 Bondage never comes to us looking like bondage.
13:16 Bondage comes to us like Delilah.
13:22 When you first meet it, it is attractive. It is seductive. It is alluring. It is enticing. It is fun. It is fulfilling until you lay with it long enough.
13:35 And then what was fun in one season becomes fatal in another season because bondage always shows up looking beautiful.
13:50 Shows up, you know, we just having a good time. So just having a good time, taking my mind off things, taking the edge off, just just beautiful.
14:05 It shows up like Delilah. Who's attractive because it meets a deficit that's real in a way that's not right.
14:20 But when the deficit gets met, it feels right even when it's wrong.
14:28 So it's hard to get out because getting out means I got to go back to live in the way I lived before this deficit was met.
14:37 And even though the deficit is being met by something that's wrong, because what was empty is now full, it feels real and right.
14:50 So how can something feel so right and be so wrong at the same time?
15:09 I'm about to get in this because the issue with Delilah isn't the way you feel about Delilah is the way Delilah makes you feel about you.
15:20 Because it's hard to be in love with something that you know is killing you.
15:25 But you can be if what's killing you is feeding you in an area you've been empty in all your life.
15:34 So you'll deal with 80 percent death because you get 20 percent life.
15:45 Not realizing holding hands with frolicking, with flirting, with purchasing, living with taking advantage of something that's killing me softly is killing me.
16:01 And I like it. And this story with Samson and Delilah, we read part of this narrative in our foundational text is a narrative that paints a powerful picture of this principle.
16:15 I believe the Holy Spirit wants to share with us throughout this series. OK, it's important.
16:19 Now, their story is couched within the context of a book of the Bible called Judges.
16:23 Everybody say Judges. This book of the Bible is called Judges because it describes a period in the history of God's people where they were not ruled by a king.
16:33 They were not led by a king and they were not led by a central religious figure like a Moses or a central military figure like Joshua.
16:42 They were led by the civic and religious prophetic leaders called Judges.
16:49 And so this period in the history of Israel is described in Judges this way frequently throughout the book of Judges.
16:55 You'll see this because there was no king in Israel. Israel did what was right in their own eyes.
17:04 This period of their history represents the practicing of a religion that has no rules.
17:13 It's what I call a rescue religion. It's a religion with no authority. It's Jesus as savior, not Lord.
17:24 It's Jesus as lifeguard, not leader. It's what Dallas Willard calls vampire Christianity.
17:32 Christians who want Jesus's blood, but nothing else.
17:38 Don't tell me what to do. Don't tell me how to live my life. Don't tell me how to manage my relationships.
17:44 Let me pick who I want. And when they break my heart, I'll call you.
17:52 Let me live life on my own terms. Let me obey the parts of the Bible that line up with what I like.
18:01 Let me disregard these other parts. And when I deal with the consequences of that decision, I'll call you to get me out when I need you.
18:09 The problem with that religion is it doesn't work because it's not real.
18:14 It's idolatry because you remove God from the throne and we become God to ourselves.
18:21 The problem with that is God gives us the freedom to make that choice.
18:24 It's just when you get in a jam that you were human enough to get in, you see you not God enough to get out.
18:33 You are talking to me, right? I know what I'm doing until we get in a jam.
18:38 Jesus, take the wheel. I need you to take the wheel. Fix this.
18:43 But no, you know what you're doing. You know who you want.
18:47 You've been through enough. You've been through so many wrong ones. You know the right one when you see it.
18:52 Now we can't tell you anything.
19:05 So Israel, Israel dealt with the consequences of that decision.
19:08 So what God would do, God would do is he would allow consequences and the consequences showed up in Israel in the form of oppression.
19:14 So other nations would oppress them. And this is what was scary.
19:18 They would be in a season of correction and chastisement and they wouldn't even know it.
19:23 They would be like rebuking the devil. And God's like, this me.
19:28 That devil, God's like, no, this me trying to get your attention.
19:33 The Bible says resist the devil and he'll flee. He says you're resisting this and it's not fleeing because it's not the enemy.
19:41 Whom the Lord loves, he corrects.
19:46 And so what he does is he allows he allows opposition that was always there.
19:51 Israel always had enemies around them. They just didn't know because God blocked.
19:58 And God protected and God guarded and they had no idea how they were being protected from dangers unseen.
20:06 See, we see the dangers that are seen, but we don't know the accident that could have happened.
20:14 You don't know when something told you leave now and you walk out of the building now that if you would have stayed, you would have met somebody that would have detoured your day.
20:24 See, it's some stuff you don't even see. This is why I love spontaneous praisers.
20:30 I love people who come into the house of God and say, you know what?
20:35 I got to praise him this week for what didn't happen. I got to praise him this week for what could have happened.
20:41 And I don't even know could have happened, but I'm a thank him for it anyway.
20:46 Look at somebody say, excuse me while I praise him. What you're praising him for? I don't know, but that's why I'm praising.
21:00 I don't know why I'm praising him, but I just feel like I need to praise him.
21:05 I just feel like last week could have destroyed my life, but I'm here today because God protected me from dangers seen and unseen.
21:18 So Israel's been protected. And so what God would do is he would remove protection to help them value the relationship.
21:31 He says, I'm a move protection because you get more out of this relationship than you know.
21:37 You just don't know what you're getting to. Let's go. Did you hear what I just said?
21:45 You get more of this relationship that, you know, you just don't you just don't know where you get until it's gone.
21:50 So they would get oppressed by these nations. And so in Judges 13, Israel is oppressed by this Philistine nation.
21:55 Right. And so they're oppressed with them by them for 40 years.
21:58 Now, we don't know how long they made those decisions that caused this consequence, but we know they had to deal with it for 40 years.
22:04 Not 39, not 38, 40, because some things God lets us sit in long enough so you won't forget what it felt like to sit there.
22:18 Did you hear what I said? Is I'm going to let you sit in that long enough so that when you come out,
22:23 even if you don't understand my rationale for instructing you to live your life this way,
22:29 your mind is going to be so seared with the memory of sitting in that season for so long.
22:37 You will never go back that way again because you will remember what it felt like to be.
22:44 Is there anybody here that I'm preaching to already that can say I can look back over my life when I say, Lord,
22:51 I promise you this time I said it a lot of times and I didn't mean it, but I know what it is.
22:56 The promise. God say, if you really get me out of this, I can't say about it.
23:02 I can't say nothing about anything else. But that right there. Let me wrap this up.
23:07 Y'all ready to go. So Israel experiences they experience Philippian oppression.
23:16 So what does God do? Remember, purpose is an answer to a problem. Philistines were a problem.
23:21 God needed an answer. So he finds a woman who couldn't have children.
23:26 She's the wife of a man named Manoa and says to her, you're going to have a baby.
23:32 But that baby isn't just your child. That baby is Israel's answer.
23:39 Talk about talk about a different hermeneutic for parenting. That's not just your child.
23:47 That's Israel's answer. Now, raise them like it. Don't cut his hair.
23:54 Don't let him touch dead things. Don't let him drink wine. Raise them like it.
24:00 Raise them as a Nazarite because you carry in something special so you can raise it like it's regular.
24:10 And I'm a gift. Samson's supernatural strength and the strength is to protect Israel from the Philistines.
24:17 The strength isn't for show. The strength is to protect Israel from the Philistines.
24:23 The strength isn't for show. The strength is to protect Israel from the Philistines.
24:28 The strength isn't for show. The strength is to protect Israel from the Philistines.
24:33 The strength isn't for you. You become the beneficiary and the benefactor of a strength that I really gave him to protect Israel.
24:43 He is Israel's answer for the Philistines because purpose is always an answer to a problem.
24:56 Are y'all following me? So notice notice what happens.
25:02 So Samson is born and he has supernatural strength. And as long as Samson is around, the Philistines can't get to Israel.
25:11 Who would I preach? A whole nation is protected because one man is in the way.
25:21 Could it be that the enemy is extremely agitated with you because you in his way?
25:28 That there are people he can't get to because your prayers are in the way.
25:36 Ah, that with all of the decisions that are detrimental decisions that our family members and our children and so many others have made that they may have no clue that their life is not destroyed because your prayers have been in the way.
25:53 Some of you are praying for people that don't even like and appreciate you, and they have no idea that your prayers are in the way, blocking the Philistines.
26:05 Some people complaining about the way that you are not realizing that if you weren't that way, they life wouldn't be in the position that is in.
26:13 Why are you praying all the time? This prayer is what's got you in your right mind. Let me.
26:21 All right. No. Watch this. So the Philistines have to figure out a way to move Samson so they can get to Israel.
26:30 They can't win a battle against him. He's too strong. He was able to take the jawbone of a dead donkey and defeat Philistines.
26:40 See, because when you in your strength, God will show you how to use stuff. Other people just walk past.
26:49 Did you hear what I said? Yeah. He'll show you. He'll show you how to he'll show you how to weaponize things that other people don't see value in.
26:58 They'll walk past it. You'll look at that, say, oh, I can use that. You're not hearing me.
27:03 Some people walk in and say this is a dump. You walk and you say this is a shop. This is a salon. This is a store.
27:09 This is a bakery. Notice this now. So they can't win the fight.
27:19 So what they have to do, they have to try to find his weakness. And let his weakness destroy his own strength.
27:30 We can't overcome this. So we're going to do the Philistines did what the enemy has always done.
27:36 Law first mentioned the first time we see him mentioned in scripture, we see a certain method.
27:41 And that is he entices Adam and Eve into self-destruction. And that is the way he has operated all throughout scripture.
27:51 And that's what he did with Samson and I says, OK, he too strong for us to destroy him.
27:57 So let's see if we can find his weakness to get him to destroy himself. And when he destroys himself, he becomes vulnerable to us.
28:08 So I can win when he's vulnerable, I can't win when he's strong. So what do they do?
28:14 They find his weakness and they see he had a weakness of Philistine women.
28:21 And so there's this one woman, Delilah, he falls in love with. They approach her and say, listen, you dating Samson?
28:28 She say yes. She say yes. Why? Now, we just need to know the secret to his strength.
28:50 I give you six get boy boy by by I give you eleven hundred pieces of silver. Say what?
29:01 So initially, the relationship was genuine. Read the text until there was an offer with money.
29:13 I'm not going to bother this, but money changed the relationship.
29:20 It wasn't that she didn't love him, but love has levels and the highest level of love is not affection is loyalty.
29:29 The Bible describes God's love as loyal love. When I met my worst, he's riding with me.
29:35 When I met my best, he's riding with me. When it is not in his best interest to be identified with me, he still calls me his own.
29:43 See, funny love will associate and affiliate be affiliated with us as long as it's in their best interest.
29:51 But a loyal love says come hell or high water, I'm rocking with you.
29:56 And that's the loyal love that God had for us. But the thing is, loyalty is only tested in the face of other opportunities.
30:07 You don't know you loyal until you have an opportunity to not be.
30:21 So in that moment, she starts manipulating the relationship.
30:26 Now, don't judge her. Don't judge her, because in this text.
30:31 I'm going to deal with this later. We both Samson and Delilah.
30:36 We both don't don't judge her. Maybe maybe she wasn't greedy for money.
30:41 Maybe. She had to take care of her mother.
30:47 Maybe her parents died and she's raising her siblings.
30:54 Maybe her family is sick and they need medicine.
31:00 Maybe she had to drop out of school because her parents couldn't continue to foot the bill and she could not be gainfully employed.
31:08 So she's working and she has a minimum wage that's not a living wage.
31:14 It doesn't excuse her activity, but it makes you understand why she could have did it.
31:21 This is why I don't know if this is for the 12 o'clock, but I'm just going to throw it out here just in case.
31:27 This is why I want to encourage single sisters.
31:32 Get your silver before your Samson.
31:38 Let me go to this side because I feel realness over here. Get the silver.
31:44 This is your season to get the silver. Don't put it above God, but get it.
31:49 Don't put it above your family, but get it. That way, when you meet Samson, you can look at him and say, the only thing I need you to do is love me.
31:57 Right. Just just love me. Right. Just just love me. Right.
32:03 No, I don't need to move with you. I got a place. No, I don't need to split split the rent. I got this by myself.
32:09 I had a place before I met you. All I need you to do is love me. Right.
32:14 You can't use your money to manipulate me when I don't need it.
32:20 I need a sister to find another sister and tell a girl, get the bag, get the bag, go back to school, get the bag steady, get the bag.
32:31 Get your silver before.
32:54 Position yourself. So that you don't have to make relationship decisions considering anything else but the quality of the relationship.
33:10 Right. So so so that you're not saying I do to just somebody you can live with.
33:15 Well, you know, he ain't cute, but. Now, you don't want to do a deaf deaf do you part to he not cute, but.
33:36 All right, let me wrap this up. Y'all.
33:43 So this was she does she tries to extract this information.
33:47 So the Bible says he keeps laying her head his head in her lap.
33:54 I want to see good preaching. Makes words become pictures.
34:00 And the tongue of the preacher takes the paint of the word and begins to paint on the canvas of the minds of the people.
34:06 And you begin to see what I'm saying. Can you see her?
34:10 Stroking his hair, saying, come here, zaddy zaddy.
34:16 Come here. Yeah.
34:24 Come here. I know some of you saying this is not my kind of preacher.
34:31 I'm good with that. I'm good. I'm good with me. I'm good.
34:36 I'm good with me. We keep it real.
34:43 We paint in the picture. Come here. What's what's the secret to your strength?
34:47 He tells us something that's not true. She tries it.
34:51 And it doesn't work. Then she gets mad and say, you're not telling me the truth.
34:55 So he tells us something else that isn't true. She tried it and it didn't work.
34:59 I got a question for Samson. If you see. She keeps trying this.
35:11 Why do you keep laying your head in her lap?
35:25 But wherever we weak, we dumb.
35:30 Wherever we're weak, we're dumb.
35:35 Have you have you ever stepped back and looked at some of your decisions and said, why?
35:45 I'm confused. Who confused you? I confuse myself.
35:53 Does that make sense? So I may not ever be strong where I'm weak, but I can be smart when we.
36:01 So wherever you know you're weak, you've got to be smart. So you've got to make decisions about your weakness before you have to make decisions about your weakness.
36:10 See, when your head is in Delilah's lap, it's too late for no.
36:15 You've got to say no in the text. Are you all hearing me?
36:26 See, I don't want you to have a reductionist view and look at this as relationships.
36:32 That's the analogy I'm using. That's not the point I'm making. I'm not talking about relationships.
36:39 All types of bondage shows up pretty.
36:48 Seductive. Meeting a real need.
36:59 The wrong way. Not realizing.
37:04 That what is going to lead to.
37:08 Is I'm a step out of a season that was fun.
37:11 And into something that's fatal.
37:15 And put in jeopardy.
37:18 The thing I was born to do.
37:22 Because the enemy doesn't mind us living as long as we have a purposeless existence.
37:30 He says, so I can't get that gifts. Let me get their name.
37:35 Once I kill that name, the gifts don't matter.
37:39 But I can't take the name, but I can entice them into destroying it themselves.
37:46 I can't take their strength.
37:49 Let me take their integrity.
37:53 Because if I take people's ability to trust in them, then they won't be able to deliver the goods and the gifts that I put on the inside of them.
38:07 A lot of the stuff that's killing us.
38:10 Is killing us softly.
38:17 Because bondage shows up in beautiful packages.
38:22 Opportunities.
38:25 Some opportunities are traps. Some doors are trap doors.
38:30 There aren't God doors, they're trap doors.
38:37 But it ends up in bondage. It is a purpose assassinator.
38:48 When Samson got his hair taken, he tried to get up and defend himself against the Philistines, but he couldn't because his strength was gone.
38:57 So the Philistines captured him. They gouged out his eyes.
39:01 Because whenever you're bound, you can't see.
39:06 Can't see.
39:09 And he began to grind grain for them.
39:16 So he spends a life working, but he's working outside of purpose.
39:20 That's a miserable existence, isn't it?
39:23 Grinding, but grinding for the Philistines and not for God.
39:26 Grinding, but not in purpose.
39:31 Tired, but not from purposeful work.
39:35 Exhausted, but exhausted from something that's not your assignment.
39:39 I don't want to live like that.
39:42 I mean, he was alive, but he wasn't living.
39:47 Do you know we can be alive and not living?
39:56 That's when we don't take bondage seriously.
40:00 Ah, PD, don't overreact, man. It's just every now and then.
40:04 Just a little job, just a little opportunity.
40:08 It's just a little house. I'm going to get this because, you know, I deserve more room.
40:13 Just a little house. I just need a little more room.
40:15 Yeah, I know it's going to take away my margin.
40:18 But, you know, just a little house.
40:22 Beautiful, pretty Delilah.
40:29 Because if God says go, can I go? If God says give, can I give?
40:32 If God says serve, can I serve? If God says leave, can I leave free?
40:37 And the enemy wants to tie your hands before you get the word that requires you to use them.
40:50 Did you hear what I said?
40:53 So I believe I'm going to see if I can get an amen here.
40:56 I believe that in this season in September, God is about to do some liberating work and set us free.
41:08 Somebody shout, get out.
41:10 Whatever you've got to do, get out.
41:14 Your purpose is too great. Your calling is too significant.
41:18 Your assignment is too drastic.
41:20 Get out. Get out. Hear the word of the Lord.
41:26 Get out.
41:34 What does it profit I'm done to gain the whole world?
41:39 Lose your soul.
41:42 I don't want that house if I can't sleep.
41:46 Let me go over here.
41:48 Did you see this? This is so beautiful. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
41:51 It looked beautiful, but I don't want it.
41:53 If when I get in it, I'm so stressed and so stretched thin, so agitated that I can't sleep.
42:01 I'd rather have less room and more peace.
42:07 Don't fall for it.
42:11 Don't fall for it.
42:13 Don't fall for it.
42:15 Stay free.
42:18 Stay free.
42:20 Sometimes more comes with a price. Know the price before you say yes.
42:29 Let me pray for us. Father, I pray today for.
42:36 I pray for a release of wisdom.
42:40 Your word says wisdom is the principal thing.
42:44 And I pray that we would learn and take heed from the life of Samson.
42:50 That you would give us the wisdom of Solomon.
42:54 Give us discernment.
42:58 Give us heightened intuition.
43:01 Help us to see the difference between a door and a trap.
43:05 Help us to see the difference between a blessing and a burden.
43:11 Help us to see when something is sent to us because it's because of destiny or is sent to us because it's Delilah.
43:22 Give us discernment.
43:25 I ask this.
43:28 And we receive by faith the wisdom of God.
43:33 Delilah, you said, you said that this is the season where we build legacies.
43:41 And the building of legacy requires a release of wisdom.
43:48 Wisdom is the principal thing.
43:53 I pray for that.
43:55 We receive it by faith in Jesus name.
43:58 Amen.
44:01 Clap your hands.
44:03 Well, listen, thank you for watching Thrive.
44:07 I want you to make sure you subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any of our teachings.
44:12 And remember, you can watch me live at Thrive every Wednesday at 7 p.m.
44:18 Eastern Standard Time. Take care.
