Angry Hippo saves Zebra from Crocodile , Wild Animals Attack (3)

  • last year
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 (dramatic music)
00:05 (dramatic music)
00:33 (wild animal sounds)
00:36 (dramatic music)
00:39 - Wildebeest, also called news,
00:43 are members of the antelope family.
00:45 They are related to oryxes and gazelles.
01:01 More than 1.5 million wildebeest migrate
01:04 in an enormous loop every year.
01:06 The annual migration northwest
01:15 at the end of the rainy season, usually in May or June.
01:18 For wildebeest, the yearly migration across the river
01:29 can mean life or death.
01:32 (dramatic music)
01:34 Its migration route crosses many rivers,
01:40 most filled with giant Nile crocodiles.
01:59 When underwater, crocodiles have the most advantage
02:02 over large prey like wildebeest due to their long,
02:05 heavy bodies and stubby legs.
02:07 Crocodiles, like other opportunistic predators,
02:25 wait patiently under the surface of the water's edge
02:28 for potential prey to come to a halt and take a drink.
02:31 They'll eat something that fits between their jaws.
02:58 With a flick of their powerful tail,
03:00 they burst out of the water, caught their victim,
03:03 and pulled them back,
03:04 dragging them down until the animal drowned.
03:07 After that, they will becomes more and more overwhelmed
03:22 by the water and the crocodile's persistent pull.
03:25 (dramatic music)
03:28 The crocodile's jaw was crucial to his prey's survival.
03:54 Their strong jaws are enormous.
03:56 They have the most powerful bite of any creature.
04:23 Large crocodiles can bite with over 5,000 pounds
04:27 per square inch of power.
04:29 That's more powerful than a rottweiler,
04:41 a hyena, or a great white shark.
04:44 (dramatic music)
04:47 Crocodiles will clamp down on their prey
04:59 with that massive jaws, crush it,
05:02 and then they will swallow the prey whole.
05:14 They do not have the capability to chew
05:16 or break off small pieces of food like other animals.
05:20 In addition, very thick skin also plays a role.
05:43 The skin on their back contains bony structures
05:46 called osteoderms that make the skin bulletproof.
05:49 The creature's carcasses feed more
06:01 than a bunch of fat crocodiles.
06:11 They nourish an entire ecosystem of river fish,
06:14 plants, microorganisms, hyenas, birds,
06:18 and even hippopotamuses.
06:20 Zebras are African equines with distinctive
06:34 black and white striped coats.
06:37 (dramatic music)
06:39 Zebras are social animals and live in small groups
06:45 called harems or large herds.
06:47 These herbivores are preyed upon by carnivores
06:53 that share their habitat and by humans.
06:56 (dramatic music)
06:59 The river is one of the most common places
07:16 for one animal to attack another
07:18 since most animals must go to a place to drink.
07:21 (dramatic music)
07:24 This is an ideal place for predators to wait
07:34 and just let the prey come to them when they are hungry.
07:37 The Nile crocodiles are found in most of central
07:48 and southern Africa's main waterways.
07:50 (dramatic music)
07:53 This ambush predator will attack almost anything
08:02 that crosses its path.
08:04 Zebras are at great risk from crocodile attack
08:13 when they swim across rivers or drink from water sources.
08:17 (dramatic music)
08:20 The crocodile not always manage to get its prey
08:24 because the zebra's legs and agile movements to escape.
08:27 (dramatic music)
08:30 Crocodiles are ambush predators with very strong
08:39 bite force and sharp plus conical teeth.
08:42 (dramatic music)
08:45 (dramatic music)
08:48 That factors making it almost impossible
08:55 for prey to escape from its grip.
08:57 (dramatic music)
09:00 Although crocodiles can catch and eat larger mammals,
09:10 zebras and other antelopes are not their main diet.
09:13 (dramatic music)
09:16 Hippos are huge animals with fearsome tusks
09:22 and aggressive natures, but they mainly eat plants.
09:25 Sometimes they attack people and can tangle with crocodiles.
09:33 (dramatic music)
09:36 But there are scattered reports by scientists
09:40 and amateur observers of hippos attacking, killing
09:43 and eating other animals, stealing kills from predators
09:47 and scavenging carcasses, including those of other hippos.
09:51 Wild hippos have fed on impalas, elephants,
09:56 cootis, wildebeest, zebras and other hippos
10:00 that they either killed themselves
10:02 or were killed by other predators.
10:06 Sometimes they also scramble with crocodiles in preying.
10:10 Zebras protect themselves and their herd by kicking,
10:17 biting and driving predators away.
10:19 When another stallion tries to take over their herd
10:25 or show superiority in mating,
10:27 they may act similarly aggressively.
10:30 When a zebra is threatened, other zebras defend it
10:35 by forming a circle around it to keep the predator at back.
10:39 Adults zebras have a lethal kick.
10:44 A zebra's kick is estimated to have a power
10:49 of up to 15,000 newtons or one and a half metric tons.
10:53 Please like this video and subscribe
10:59 to BV Animal Documentary if you want more videos like this.
11:03 (gentle music)
11:06 Thanks for watching.
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11:28 [Music]
